Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Trust in the Divine Plan By Shanta Gabriel ... And ... AA Gabriel On Experiencing Balance & Creating A Daily spiritual Practice By Shanta Gabriel

Trust in the Divine Plan By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us how important it is to have faith that there is a Divine Plan within all things.

The Gabriel Message Card for this week


Trust in the Divine Plan, Bless it and
Bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation.


Shanta GabrielIt is sometimes extremely difficult to remember that there is a Divine Plan at work in our lives. In fact, I have heard it said that if we could just relax into it, there is no way that Life would not take us to our most Divine Destiny.

When there are situations that appear so dark, senseless and violent that we can't imagine that Divine Order is there, it is at those times that we must employ Radical Trust that God is working in and through all people and situations to bring forth the Highest Good for all concerned.

When we can't think of anything to do because the situations are so disturbing to us, the process of blessing is very powerful. When we bless something, we confer energy upon the subject of our focused intention.

This is a very powerful tool for a number of reasons. One, it gives us something to do so we do not feel so powerless in the situation. Two, it actually works to bring the power of Divine Light into the field that looks so dire. Divine Light contains the intelligence of God. That means that the Divine Intelligence inherent in the Light we send into any situation will know exactly what is necessary to bring about Divine Order. Light also carries Divine Love within its field. We know that Divine Love is the greatest healer of all. The Light we send carries God's Love to heal all the hearts involved in the situation we are focused upon.

These are powerful tools we can bring into our world at this time. When we remember to pray for Divine Order in every situation, it helps to settle our minds and know that there is a Greater Power at work. We can then relax control and allow the flow of this divinity to work in and through all the situations that seem so big that only a miracle of divine proportions can bring about benevolent outcomes.

We have access to those miracles with our thoughts, prayers and the blessings we send to every person and situation in the world. It is Divine Order.

Divine Presence,

Please help to lift my thoughts and intentions into the realms of transcendent awareness. May I remember that God is working to bring Divine Order into the world at all times. May I trust that as I expand my focus of attention, more love will circulate through my energy system and radiate out into the world.

Please send the blessings of Divine Love and Intelligence into all situations that are needing Light to be uplifted. Please bless with Divine Light all those who are personally involved in events that seem so difficult to understand.

With every breath I take, may I be blessed by the Light of True Understanding so that my heart can radiate Divine Love into the world at all times. May all beings live in harmony with Divine Order, now and always. And so it is.
April 16, 2017
The Gabriel Messages #9
Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order
inherent in every person and every situation.
Dear One,
When you trust in the Divine Plan, you are moving into the Universal Flow of Good. You are acknowledging that there is an underlying energy within all things. This is the energy of God, and it is part of the Divine Plan for all beings to live in Harmony, Love and Abundance. You can trust this.
When you bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation, it increases the spiritual energy flowing through whatever you are focused upon. Blessing brings more love through the energy of Light to the person or situation, which brings an immediate improvement.

Divine Order exists as the underlying truth within all beings and all situations. It is a powerful affirmation for life and can be used as a mantra to remind you of the greater truth within all circumstances. This means repeating the words "divine order" to settle your mind, and to bring you peace. When you don't know what to do, claim "divine order" and your mind will align with this powerful reality. Divine Order is being in perfect alignment with God on every level of your being. Remembering Divine Order, and proclaiming it, assists the energy around you to fall into perfect alignment.

These very simple steps of trusting, blessing and remembering can bring you peace of mind in upsetting situations. The more often you remember, the stronger you become. Your inner sense of peace will become unshakable because you have aligned yourself with the ultimate truth at all times.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Trust in the Divine Plan, bless it and bless the Divine Order inherent in every person and every situation.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
April 16, 2017

Video: "Embody Christ Consciousness" -

AA Gabriel On Experiencing Balance & Creating A Daily spiritual Practice By Shanta Gabriel

The people of the Earth are in great need of Peace and Balance right now, both in their daily lives as well as in their hearts. Emotions are intense in the world at large and a balancing place within each person is required for inner peace to occur, as well as Peace on Earth. Many people are seeking sanctuary on a very literal basis, both physically as well as emotionally.

Archangel Gabriel has said that a personal spiritual practice creates a powerful sense of Sanctuary within you, as a beautiful sacred space for you to enter on a daily basis. In this place, you retrain and rewire your energy system to hold the higher frequencies and learn to bring Spirit into matter within you.

Your spiritual practice becomes a way of spiritualizing your world so that there is no separation between your personal life, your work life and your spiritual life. This unification allows you the freedom to experience life in a new, more expansive and joyous way.

From March 15 through March 25, 2017, an international group of people joined me for 11 days to dedicate our spiritual practice to Balance - within ourselves and on the Earth. Every day Archangel Gabriel would offer us an inspiring and practical message that transmitted the vibrational frequencies of Balance into our energy systems in a powerful way. This e-book contains those transmissions within the beautiful messages that were offered.

Let yourself relax and receive each one of these messages in a way that allows you to drink the transmissions of Balance deep into your heart. You may consider reading one before you start your day to help you feel centered and inspired.

This e-book offers you a solid base of Balance and Peace to ground you as you empower your life to include a spiritual practice, even if it is only five or ten minutes per day.

May you find that sacred temple within your heart so you can thrive as you blend the spiritual world and material in every area of your life.

A Group Prayer and Affirmation to Use if Desired

Divine Presence,
Thank you for assisting me to receive the frequencies of Divine Balance in
my body, my life and in the world. May each person, every government
system, and all life on the Earth thrive in the power of new Balance at all
times. May all that I do, all that I say and all that I AM reflect Balance at all
times. And so it is.

I AM in perfect Balance as I renew every area of my life.
What Will You Do in Your Practice?
Of course, if you already have a spiritual practice you can rededicate this
practice to initiate more Balance during our time together.
If you do not already have a practice, or you would like to add to it, I will
offer you a number of options for spiritual practice that you can choose
from so you find the ones that are most appealing to your own heart and
for the amount of time you can spend. The dedication of the group
intention for Balance on the Earth is the most important part.
I am suggesting that you choose a spiritual practice that will only take 10-
30 minutes per day. You are of course able to extend that for as long as
you like. My purpose is to offer you a way to include a spiritual practice in
busy life in the world.

Bridging Heaven and Earth Alignment
Archangel Gabriel has said: "The transformational affect of one who brings
Divine Light into their being on a regular basis is both radiant and
The Alignment Exercise which Archangel Gabriel gave me has proven to be
very powerful to those who are using it. I have done this exercise every day
for 25 years and I have found it personally transformational. (See section 7)
I have also received many comments from others that agreed. You can
always change the words to make them more personal, but the basic
alignment through the chakras highlights the spiritual principles found in
each of the chakras and it is very powerful and essential to the alignment.
Your Personal Spiritual Practice
Each person will prepare personally with a new dedicated altar for the
Anusthan that contains a candle, and an intention for your spiritual
practice. I am including information about Creating Sacred Space for
Spiritual Practice at the end of this booklet in Section 9.
There is also a special caveat for those who need to travel or cannot be in
the same place at the same time every day of the Anusthan. You can still
dedicate the time, perhaps choosing a shorter practice to do, but giving
yourself a dedicated time of 10 minutes or so in the morning or evening. I
recommend you use a special scarf or a shawl that you can put around you
every day for your practice. In that way, your inner being knows that you
are in a dedicated practice. On a journey, you can also take along a candle
and a crystal that holds the energy of your Anusthan.
As you go through these pages you will find affirmations and powerful
sayings in English that will raise your vibrational frequencies and bring you
into alignment with an international group of heart-centered souls who
want to see more Balance in their own lives and who support the
awakening of all humanity on planet Earth.
In this booklet, you are also offered simple, very ancient Sanskrit Mantras
that were given to me by my guru. The pronunciation is included. If you
have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me.
Shanta Gabriel

Spiritual Practices

Ritual is stimulating to your inner spirit.
Our inner child responds to the beauty and mystery inherent in a spiritual
practice. A spiritual ritual that we do every day encourages gratitude and
alignment with our Higher Selves and the Divine working in our lives. This
ritual provides an immediate sensation of peace, love and heightened
awareness that you can take into your daily life.
I am focused on morning ritual because I consider it highly important that
we raise our vibrations, become aligned with Highest Source energy, and
set our intentions before we begin our days. However, you can also put
aside time in the evening for spiritual practice. I realize that some people
are more inspired to do it then. It’s your spiritual practice, so any time that
works best for you is your time.
To birth new Light onto the Earth, I am asking that we all set aside some
time to focus on our group Anusthan. This can be as little as 20 minutes or
less, or it can be longer according to your schedules. Keep the basic
practice that you do every day the same, and then you can add things if
you have time. Know that waking up 20-30 minutes earlier will not make
you any more tired during the day. In fact, research has shown that 10
minutes of meditation is equal to an hour of sleep.
When you go to the same place at the same time every day, power builds
in the space and within you. Very soon, the minute you sit down, you can
feel yourself growing more relaxed and ready to meditate. You will feel the
vibrational frequency of your energy field uplifted, and you can attune
yourself more easily with a higher state of inner wisdom. I have a light
cotton shawl and a woolen one that I have been using for years in my
Spiritual Practices
"Ritual can be as simple as lighting a candle every day with the
intention to bring more light into your life."
spiritual practice depending on the weather. As soon as I wrap one around
my shoulders, I can feel myself sinking into a connected state for
meditation. It is rather magical.

Ritual can be as simple as lighting a candle every day with the intention to
bring more light into your life. It is a gift we give ourselves that can fill our
“love cup” every day. When we take the simple steps of conscious
breathing, prayer, and attunement—even if we only have five minutes of
quiet meditation time—we become in harmony with the universal flow of

I am going to suggest a number of English and Sanskrit phrases for you to
choose from. Please choose one or two to say every day at least 7-21 times.
You can choose to do more, but make sure that you do the same ones
every day and you do not create a burden on yourself. The idea is to make
it easy on yourself to add a spiritual practice into your life.
Mantra Yoga - Mantra is a sacred sound vibration that can raise your
vibrational frequencies just by repetition.

Every Day Sample Practice

Here are some suggestions for an Anusthan.
Every Day is the recommendation for your daily practice. The optional
suggestions can be added in for the in-depth portion of your Anusthan.

Your spiritual practice begins when you wake up. You could offer a simple
Thank You to God for your new day.
~ After that, you can choose to wash or shower. It is recommended that you
at least wash face and hands before sitting for your practice.
~ You can also have a hot drink of your choice and read an inspiring book
before you begin formally. I like to be inspired every day the first thing in
the morning.
~ Alignment Exercise to bring Divine Light into all the Chakras is best done
before meditation. Usually I take 3 deep breaths and then begin to bring
Heaven to Earth through my body. There is a handout for this.
~ Japa - Say your English phrase or Sanskrit Mantra at least 7-21 times
(Japa means repetition of God’s name usually with a mala of 108 beads).
~ Breathe Balanced Breaths before meditation – This is breathing in for the
same number of counts that you breathe out. If you hold the breath in
between, it will take you into a meditative state. Now sit for 5 -20 minutes,
or more if time permits. More information is available on this activity.
~ Intention for the day for yourself and the world

Creating An Intention For The Day

Here are sample intentions
Example: With every breath I take, may there be Peace in my heart today
for myself and all of humanity.
For your intention, you could also use a triad of power words that resonate
for you.
Example: Alignment, Allowing, Accepting. Or Harmony, Humor, Heath. They
don’t have to be the same first letter, but often it seems to happen
During the day, remember to stop and take 5 Slow Deep Breaths,
especially while driving or doing some task to make it as conscious as
You could even dedicate the task to the Divine, so you know that you are
not “doing it all alone.”

Mantras and Phrases Suggestions
Sanskrit Mantras will help raise your vibrational frequency and are proven
helpful in scientific research for a number of things. Check out this message
below from Kelly Brogan, MD – called Change Your Life in 12 Minutes.
Mind, Body & Soul Transformation
You'd probably think I was running an infomercial if I told you about a simple
intervention that:
Reverses memory loss
Increases energy levels
Improves sleep quality
Up regulates positive genes
Down regulates inflammatory genes
Reduces stress in patient and caregiver
Improves psychological and spiritual well being
Activates significant anatomical areas of the brain
Increases Telemerase, the rejuvenating enzyme that slows cell aging, by 43%,
the largest ever recorded
No side effects, no cost
...especially if I told you the intervention takes 12 minutes out of your 1440-minute
Traditionally, Sanskrit Mantras are repeated at least 108 times. In India,
there are 108 beads called Malas used to count the mantra. You can also
use beans or other materials to count your mantras.
Walking Mantra
Whenever you walk, it is extremely beneficial to add a mantra to your
steps. This will not only keep your practice going, it will raise your energy
Mantras and Phrases
frequencies so you feel much more energized when you return.
I suggest Peace on Earth for an English mantra to walk with. It is a powerful
tool to bring your dedicated practice into awareness.
I suggest Jay Sita Ram Jay Jay Sita Ram for your Sanskrit walking mantra.
That is the one that my Guru taught me and the one I do. It is easy to say
and has a powerful vibration.
English Phrases
Any higher vibration affirmation will be a good centering exercise for your
mind. There are many phrases you can use that would be valuable. Below
are some English phrases that have power and depth. See which ones
resonate with you.

Remember: Whenever you say I AM, you are connecting to the God Light
within you.
I AM at Peace. Peace I AM.
Well-Being is my only reality. I AM Well-being.
I AM that I AM.
I now allow others to Love and Support me.
I trust in the Highest Consciousness of all and receive the Highest
Consciousness that I AM.
I AM Centered, Confident and Calm.

I AM now expanding into greater levels of Love, Success and Abundance.
Especially those people who are energetically sensitive need to feel a
greater sense of safety to live in their bodies on the Earth.

The following are some good safety affirmations:
It is safe to be who I truly am.
It is safe to expand into new levels of Love, Abundance and Success.
It is safe to speak my truth.
It is safe to express my creativity.
It is safe to be in a physical body now.
It is safe to receive support from others.

Any of these high vibrational words and phrases can create a Light Field
that you can breathe through your body and into your heart at any time.
They can be repeated alone or in a triad of 3:
Love, Peace, Harmony, Grace, Balance, Alignment, Freedom, Joy,
Wellbeing, Illumination, Inspiration, Blessings, Beauty, Empowered, Calm,
Sanskrit Words
Here are some Sanskrit words that hold great power. These sacred words
have been used for thousands of years. Mantra Yoga is one of the 7 sacred
paths of Yoga.
(Note: Yoga means union with God. We are most familiar with Hatha Yoga,
physical exercises designed thousands of years ago to help you meditate.)
Sanskrit is an ancient language that was scientifically designed to raise the
spiritual vibration in the physical body. Mantra means using sacred sound
as a way to join in union with God. OM is a seed sound. It is the primordial
word, as “In the beginning, there was the word, and that word was God.”
You can simply use OM as a powerful mantra. You can chant OM 3 times to
open your meditation time, and it will raise your spiritual vibration.
Breathing in, silently say OM (Sanskrit word for the Divine Presence within
all things) Breathing out, silently say Shanti (Sanskrit word for Peace)

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti - Often used 3 times to complete prayers.
(By the way, you may notice my name is similar to Shanti, which means
Peace. Shanta means Peaceful. My guru said that if I was upset, all I
needed to do was repeat my name, OM Shanta Shanta Shanta. That
peaceful vibration has been working in my body and in my life now for 40
years. Some days it is more clear to me than others.)
Powerful Sanskrit Phrases
Here are some more powerful Sanskrit Phrases that can be used to calm
your mind and bring more peace to your heart.

RAMA RAMA RAMA RAMA - RA (Light of the Divine Masculine) MA (Divine
You can use this very simple and powerful word in Sanskrit as your
background in constant repetition of Godʼs name to calm your mind. You
can use RAM or RAMA. Both are the same. I like to silently allow RAM RAM
RAM RAM to be my quiet background sound to keep me in alignment.
When you meditate, you can breathe in OM, breathe out RAM or RAMA to
raise your vibrations.
In the Hindu pantheon, Rama was a spiritual warrior and king that had a
holy marriage with Sita. More about their adventures can be found in the
ancient sacred text, Ramayana.

Jai Sita Ram Jai Jai Sita Ram - My gurujiʼs favorite walking mantra, Jai,
means Victory. This mantra literally says, “Victory to Sita and Ram,” whom
we could see symbolically as Balance in the Divine Masculine and Feminine
within us. JAI or JAY can be used. Both are correct.
Note: The mantra above is also known as the Taraka mantra and can be
used at any time, even during the menstrual cycle.

OM Namah Shivaya - Shiva is the great destroyer that rids us of those
egoic tendencies that keep us bound to old patterns.
OM Shri Ganesh or OM Shri Ganeshaya Namaha is a perfect way to begin
new things. It means, “I offer what I am about to do to God.”
Ganesh is the elephant-headed god that represents Freedom and is the
remover of obstacles. He is always prayed to first before any new work is
begun in India. Shri or Shree is merely a title of respect.

Advanced Mantra Suggestions

Here are some traditional guidelines regarding
spiritual practice and the use of mantra from my
friend Swami Vandana.
1) have purity of purpose for invoking the deity
2) have bhuta shuddhi, bodily purity (this means washing before doing spiritual
3) cultivate devotion, faith and surrender
4) do all sadhana with a straight spine
5) if a woman, do not chant mantra during the first three days of one’s cycle, etc.
The guidelines above are from the Indian tradition for you to consider in your
spiritual practice.

Joining My Practice
I will be using two different mantras for this Anusthan. Several people in our
Anusthan, including me, are using an advanced mantra to call in more abundance.
My belief is that there will be more Balance in the world when people can live with
more Abundance.

Om Gam Shreem Maha Lakshmi Yay Namaha ~ This is a powerful prayer to both
Ganesh (the remover of obstacles) and Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth, love and
wisdom). It uses Bija mantras, which are seed sounds that increase the power of the
Sanskrit words.

I will also be using this wonderful mantra:
Lokah Samastah Sukinoh Bhavantu.
May All Beings in All the Worlds be Happy!
Advanced Mantra Suggestion
"May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and
actions of my own life, contribute in some way to that happiness and freedom for
Looking closely at each word:
lokah - location, realm, all universes existing now
samastah - all beings sharing that same location
sukhino - centered in happiness and joy, free from suffering
bhav - the divine mood or state of unified existence
antu - may it be so (an ending that transforms the mantra into a powerful pledge)

The happiness quotient has been found to be the basis for Well-being, and of course
will assist in bringing more Balance into all life. This will allow people can live in
greater Peace and Harmony with each other on the Earth.

Here is a link to music with the Lokah Samantha Sukinoh Bhavantu mantra. It is a
beautiful and fun piece from Germany so you can get the words and find joy in the
mantra. Any tune will do however. Usually I just speak it as I use my 108 mala beads.

More information about mantras is provided in Section 5.
We will be joining thousands of people around the world who are celebrating the
Equinox. This 11-day period will allow us to be present for the shadow portions of the
Equinox energy that occur on either side of March 20, the official Vernal Equinox in
the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumnal Equinox in the Southern.
May this Spiritual Practice support your awakening in every way and bring more
Balance into your life and on to the Earth.
Thank you for being a radiant Light to the world.
May you remember you are blessed,
Shanta Gabriel

Creating Alignment with the Divine to Begin
Your Day
When you offer a prayer of power and intention before beginning your
day, you can trust that all that follows will be in your highest good because
you have created this intention, along with the connection to your Higher
Power and your most Divine Guidance.
You can personalize this alignment as it most inspires you so it will feel as
though it is yours. I give you these words as a guideline for you to try. Even
though you may not feel comfortable with the hand gestures, try them for a
while. Sacred gestures or Mudras have been used to amplify energy for
thousands of years.
This is the alignment that Archangel Gabriel gave me in 1990. Each chakra
will come into balance and alignment through your prayer. You will also
invoke the presence of the spiritual principle that resonates in that chakra
and breathe it into your being. With this Alignment exercise, you are
grounding Divine Light into the Earth through your body, and thus
becoming a Bridge from Heaven to Earth.

The Practice
To begin: Raising the arms above your head, you are inviting the Presence
of Divine Light into your being.
I call on the Light from the Highest Source there is. I ask that Divine Light
(the Light of God) flow through me now in a Pillar of Golden Light. I invite
my Higher Self, the Archangels, Masters and those beings of Light and
Wisdom who work with me to guide me to my Highest Good.

Alignment Exercise
Bridging Heaven and Earth
I ask that every cell of my being be filled with Divine Light. I ask to bring
alignment with this Light through my being, and anchor it on to the earth
so I might be a bridge from Heaven to Earth, and bring more Light into the
Bring palms to the forehead in a prayer position.
You can say:
May my mind be illuminated by the Divine Light of Clarity and Wisdom.
Take a moment to fill and surround yourself with the Light Field of Clarity
or Wisdom. Breathe these frequencies into your being.
With palms together, bring them to your throat:
May my words be blessed with the Light of Compassion and Truth.
Take a moment to fill and surround yourself with the Light of Compassion
or Truth. Breathe it into your being.
Place your hands on your chest where the thymus is. This stimulates the
energy in your high heart which is just above your heart chakra. Tap your
fingers on your thymus gently 21 times to strengthen your immune system.
May I be radiantly healthy and strong.
Take a moment to fill your High Heart with the golden Light of the Christ
energy. Breathe it into your being.
Place the palms of your hands on your heart, breathe in the warmth:
May my heart be illuminated by Divine Love, and radiate out to bless the
Take a moment to receive Divine Love into your heart. Breathe it into your
being. Allow it to radiate into and through your energy field.
Place your hands on your solar plexus, imagine golden light filling you like a
May I be strong and courageous, one with God’s will for my life.
Take a moment to fill your solar plexus with the light of Courage and let
your energy field fill with the light of the golden sun. Breathe it into your
Place your hands below your navel on your second chakra:
May I be in Union with the masculine and feminine aspects of my being
and filled with Creative Solutions in all areas of my life.
Create a powerful field within this energy center that unites the masculine &
feminine aspects of you. You can also imagine yourself filled with the Light
of Creativity. Let this energy fill and surround you. Breathe it into your
Placing your hands on your thighs, imagine a beam of golden light dropping
like a stone from the base of your spine to the center of the earth.
May I be grounded in Harmony and Wellbeing through this sacred
connection to the Earth.
Imagine being filled and surrounded with the Light Field of Well-being.
Breathe it into the base of your spine. Then allow the empowered presence
of nurturing vitality from the Earth to flow into you through your feet or the
base of your spine. Let it move up your spine to your heart.
Sit for a moment and feel the Light of Divine Presence course through your
You have now created a powerful alignment with very high frequencies of
energy through the core of your being. It is a good time to sit and do your
breathing exercises, meditate and set your intentions for the day.
May all of humanity be blessed by your practice of Alignment with the

Creating Sacred Space

For nearly 40 years, I have had a daily
spiritual practice.
Sometimes it has taken hours, and sometimes only five minutes. The
important thing seems to be that I dedicated a portion of my day to my
spirit, and evoked the power of God in my life. I continuously call in the
Divine Light in the fields of energy frequency that I most need. I do my best
to continue my prayers throughout the day, so there will be a minimum of
separation between my daily world and my spiritual life.
With that in mind, I want to make some suggestions for creating a spiritual
practice, and inviting Divine Light into your life.
When you invite the Divine Presence, you are uniting Heaven and Earth
within you. To really experience the power of this transformative evolution,
it requires you to make some changes in your physical world to raise your
vibrational frequency.
Although my focus is primarily on the Angels, all of the higher dimensional
beings such as Ascended Masters and the Beings of Light who want to
work on Earth with us, as well as the Archangels, live in a world of higher
frequencies. This is a more subtle energy than where we humans normally
dwell in our physical world of the five senses. I am suggesting we each
make a clear relationship to our Higher Selves in order to connect to our
Soul’s guidance system. To do this, we need to create a space within and
around us that will allow us more access to the Angelic Dimensions and the
higher frequencies, to be able to perceive and receive from this Divine
Fortunately, we are in a time when the veils between the dimensions are
very thin, making it more accessible to our physical world. The Angels and
many Beings of Light are very interested in interacting with the humans at
Creating Sacred Space
this time of rapid change on earth. I really do believe they do not want us to
blow ourselves, or more precisely, the earth, up. The earth has been a very
important experiment in the heavenly realms offering multi-focused
incarnations for our soul’s learning. We carry the possibility of a very
evolved species who has been offered Free Will to learn lessons on a planet
that is also evolving. I have a sense that Heaven awaits to see if we choose
Divine Light over more earthly possibilities in our evolution.
As the core vibration of the planet is increasing, and time appears to be
speeding up, there is more urgency. We are balanced on a fine line of
change, and polarities between the Light and the dark are ever more
apparent. Because our thoughts and actions have an impact on the
frequency of the planet, as well as our own lives, it becomes of paramount
importance to hold your thoughts in alignment with Divine Love as much as
you can. In order to do this, here are some suggestions to be used as tools
to assist this unfolding awareness in your life. Simple actions offer huge
rewards in your happiness quotient.
Suggestions for Spiritual Practice
1. Create a journal. This is a good place to note down your intentions for
the day, for the New Moon, for relationships, projects, or your most
Empowered Future. The process of writing down your intentions allows
them to ground and be energized. You might write down synchronous
events to remind you of the miracles occurring in your life. Also, your
spiritual experiences may be so vivid that you think you will always
remember them, however, it will fade. Write it down when your emotions
are involved. You will be glad you did.
You could also consider writing down every day 3-5 things that you are
grateful for, or you noticed as a blessing that day. These can be as simple
as a beautiful sunset, or a kind word from a stranger. Gratitude opens your
heart, and will raise your vibration. Try it when you are feeling “down.”
Begin to praise your life and you will find yourself “uplifted.” That is your
vibrational frequency in action.
2. Clear your home (or at least the space where you meditate) of clutter.
Clutter drags down your mind. If you have no room to put things away,
recycle or give old things to a place where they will be used. Give away old
clothing that looks frumpy or you have not worn in two years. You will feel a
sense of freedom indicating a raised vibration. Even though it may be cold,
open a window at least once per day to bring in fresh air. It will really make
a difference in the energy of your space.
3. Create a Matrix in the center of your home. The creation of a Matrix will
make a container in which to hold your thriving, abundant and love-filled
life. The intentions you set there will affect every corner of your home space
and bring it all together. If you like, into this container you can add all the
colors of the rainbow, which include the chakra system. That way you are
setting energy within and around you. I have a set of lotus candle-holders in
all the rainbow colors. I can choose which of the energies I want to
resonate with in that moment. For my classes, I light them all and create a
very colorful temple space.
4. Create an altar for your meditation space. In a space (corner, closet,
room, shelf) that has been cleared of clutter, create a sacred space on a flat
surface. You can use a dresser, a table, or even cover a box with a beautiful
cloth. Make a space out of something you do not use for anything else. (In
other words, do not use your bedside table with the lamp you turn on, or
where you place things next to your bed.)
On this flat surface, place a beautiful cloth if necessary to cover it. Add a
candle and at least one flower. This is really all you need to do. The light of
the candle and the beauty of the flower will attract higher-frequency energy
and lifts your vibration. As you light that candle every day, it will engage
your spirit in a way that prepares you for meditation. You can also add a
crystal, a statue, an inspiring painting or photograph.
I have pictures that are sacred to me around my space. I have pictures of
my Guru, and special teachers. I resonate with the Hindu God, Ganesh, the
remover of all obstacles. He shows up on my altars around my house. I
have inspiring Nature pictures and pictures and statues of Angels as well as
many aspects of the Divine Feminine. I also add crystals and stones I really
love. The idea is that you create a space that will cause you to feel calm and
uplifted when you sit there. Do not clutter up your altar or add anything
that does not feel beautiful or meaningful to you. Clean it at least monthly.
The New Moon is a good time for this.
Ways to Increase Energy Frequencies
5. Clear the energy in the rooms with incense (sandalwood is especially
cleansing), sage smoke, or if you prefer not to use smoke, you can use
aromatherapy. A few drops of sage in a spray bottle of water can make a
marvelous cleansing spray for any area that feels stagnant. It can be
especially useful after a disharmonious encounter with another person,
after using a computer or TV for a period of time, or before a healing
Soft, uplifting music, the Indian Tambura, Tibetan bells, crystal bowls, rain
sticks, or even clapping your hands in the corners of the room will break up
stagnant energy. Consider chants in languages such as Sanskrit, Arabic or
Aramaic. The ancient languages have great power and the chants are
usually repeating the name of God, which fills your space with this
vibrational frequency. When I cook or clean house, I put Sanskrit chanting
on very loud and sing along!
You can come to your altar every day to set your intentions for the day,
practice your meditation, breathing exercises, or writing in your journal. If
you need to clear your mind to prepare for meditation it is helpful to take
some time to write out your thoughts in a stream of consciousness. Use a
different pad of paper than your journals, because this will not be
something you will want to read or keep. You can even burn the paper if it
feels like that will help you release the old thoughts and begin anew. When
you do these acts in a beautiful ritual way, your spirit becomes engaged,
and your consciousness is uplifted. This will make your being much more
attractive to the higher Dimensions, and you will be receptive to guidance
from your Higher Self.
6. Notice any synchronous experiences. This is one way the angels let us
know that we are being cared for. There is a creative solution for every
situation, so know that your awareness of seeming coincidences indicates
heavenly assistance in your world. Your prayers for help are always
answered. You can write these experiences down in your journal to assist
your faith in the unseen world.
7. Continue your prayers for more Light in your life. We are definitely here
to be an anchor for Divine Light on the planet at this time. The Divine Light
carries refined qualities of Love and Intelligence. This Light can be used for
healing in any situation, near or far. The more you receive Divine Light into
your being, the more enlightened you will feel. The Angelic Alignment
Exercise is specifically designed to do this. Your life will improve on every
level as the presence of Light produces an alchemical change. You become
a Beacon of Light in the world, and this is the blessed energy we need on
earth right now.
Thank you!
May you find peace and many blessings as you dedicate your life to greater
service and awakening your creative potential so you can fulfill your Soul’s
Thank you for the many ways you serve the planet by your evolution in
consciousness. I am grateful to be working with you in this process

Video: "Let's Experience Divine Happiness & Freedom" -


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