The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
May Moon Mother Earth & Wesak Transmission By Sonja Myriel RAouine
Dearly beloved lightgrid family and gridwork team,
As the Wesak Full Moon is drawing near and the energies of Mother Earth, Gaia Terra Shan Vej, are raising us up to as high a frequency we can safely support, we are preparing for an extraordinary experience of unison in SPIRIT. Ready to receive the Divine Will Inspiration from on high? Well then, lay out your instinct crystal grids, focus on your intention to give and receive, to be of SERVICE to the Divine Master Plan of Humanity's Resurrection to the Golden Age of LOVE - and there we go!
I would like to ask all of you who have been working with the invocation I sent out at the New Moon, to set a time to do this invocation for 3 more days in a row after the full moon - same time, same place. Here's the link for the invocation:
We shall anchor the silver platinum and golden infused Ray of Freedom through Forgiveness, Ceremony and Magic at about an hour before the actual Full Moon takes place, so we can then be transported to the Wesak Valley to receive Divine Inspiration and Enlightenment on behalf of all humanity. And the following 3 days, let us recall and confirm and thus anchor all the gifts we will have received plus the 7th Ray upgrade to the platinum silver and golden Frequency.
What to do:
Read out the invocation as you used to - be truly aware that YOU ARE PART OF MOTHER EARTH, YOU ARE PART OF THE DIVINE, YOU ARE PART OF ALL THAT IS in the light of the CREATOR. Know that what you are experiencing in your meditation is part of Humanity's Awakening and Cleansing Process, aiding all life on this planet to gain AWARENESS of the true nature of BEINGNESS, to overcome the shadows of illusion which have held most of us prisoners life time after life time.
Read slowly and speak out loud what you read. Take deep breaths in between each paragraph and when you reach the PAUSE - expand your consious awareness and reach out to your brothers and sisters in SPIRIT, your soul family, so we can WEAVE the NET OF LIGHT all around the planet, anchoring the platinum silver and golden Violet Ray in the bosom of Mother Earth, at the 7th Ray Crystalline Amethyst Palace, where the FLAME of FREEDOM is burning brightly, awaiting our conscious recognition!
Let us gather in the Crystalline Amethyst Palace around the Golden, Silver, Violet Flame of Freedom, ready to birth this light into the consciousness of humanity this Full Moon! And may the light of this precious flame HEAL the wounds of loneliness, spiritual emptiness and perceived abandonment and lack of love!
Once you are there, join the CIRCLE of LIGHT around the Flame of Freedom and allow your consciousness to merge with the purity of the Violet Golden Platinum Silver Flame which illuminates all around it. BECOME the 7th Ray glorious emanation of FREEDOM through Forgiveness, Ceremony, and Magic! Allow yourSELF to fully take in the vibration of this 7th dimensional gathering, allow yourSELF to receive the gifts awaiting you to be able to continue your journey on a new level of frequency from this full moon on!
You ARE Mother Earth
You ARE the Divine
You ARE nothing and all that IS!
You are no longer separated from God, from Source from Home.
You are returning to your Divine State of BEING!
And in allowing the Violet Flame, infused by the platinum silver and golden frequencies of LIGHT, to clanse and purify your 4 lower bodies as well as to elevate your higher consciousness, you are rendering SERVICE to the planet, Mother Eareth, Gaia Terra Shan Vej, who is awaiting humanity's arrival in the 5th dimension so she can finally move on, close the lower frequencies of existence, where fear and hatred still prevail, awaiting to be redeemed, transmuted, brought to the light.
WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR - and it is us who will birth the 7th dimensional light into the 5th - and raise the 3rd dimensional throught patterns to match the glory of forgiveness which shall set us FREE!
After this act of SERVING the highest good of humanity and ALL that IS - repeat:
to the Golden Age of LOVE!
Finish the invocation and ask to be transported to the WESAK VALLEY where we shall all celebrate together the service which Buddha rendered to humanity through his coming down to earth and subsequent ASCENSION to the higher realms again, from which he brought message to humanity to follow on his path of LIBERATION!
And anchor your experiences in Mother Earth's Electromagnetic Field of Existence through your conscious rememberance of your meditation in the 3 days to follow the Full Moon. Anchor the Violet Ray, enhanced by the platinum silver and golden frequencies of cleansing and illumination into humanity's consciousness through your awareness of being born a HUMAN BEING ON EARTH, a PART OF HUMANITY, a PART of GAIA TERRA SHAN VEJ - breaking FREE now!
I wish you a most blessed journey this Wesak and hope to hear from you about your experiences.
BLESSED BE, my beloved family of light. I miss our conversations,
Sonja Myriel RAouine
A Blessed Wesak to All,
Video: "Vlog 9 Downloading the Patterns of Perfection" By Patricia Cota-Robles
The Ascended Masters assist us from their retreats in the Etheric Plane to infuse the Divine Plan into our acti
Blessings on your Journey HOME
I, Zadkiel, will guide you. Just follow my Violet Light
We continue to calibrate new bodies through letting go of the old and embodying the New. Easily said than done for sure. As we integrate the tremendous energies flowing into us, we may simplify our lives by releasing anything that no longer serves or inspires us. This includes people, things and beliefs. Anything that holds the past in its energetic fingerprint needs to go, as the old simply cannot exist in the New and everything holds energy.
Many do feel complete and it takes a while for this completion to integrate throughout one's life. It can be a confusing and disoriented time and yet it all leads to a greater new level of purpose and new ways to express it. Truly all one can do is to take one step at a time as it presents itself. As we let go, we also receive more Light. With each let-go, we integrate the same amount of Light that is equal to the amount of energy we let go of. New choices come with this New and if we attempt to make decisions based on old beliefs or what we've done before, nothing happens. We are no longer separate; we are sovereign Divine beings of Light. Be aware that any calibration must move through our cells, our mental, emotional, physical, astral, etheric and the many bodies that make us who we are. Know too that each being is of a particular dimension, so the calibration also moves through your Home Dimension that is also a part of who you are. Your Soul orchestrates all of this, so relax and get out of your intellectual ego that wonders how to do this.
As Your cells absorb the New Light, the Light helps dissolve old beliefs, which are energy, held in your cells that keep you repeating the same situations over and over again, for beliefs create. Your cells are fed by your DNA and your old DNA is transforming to your New DNA and all this affects your Blueprint, which holds your new potential. I speak of your New Blueprint; not your original Blueprint, for that one is obsolete.
This transition is only easy if you let it be, even while you physically feel so much! You may have highs and lows; you may be forgetful, have headaches and cry easily. Your Awareness is acute and this leads to be being very intuitive about others and all dramas; however, you may find that you are no longer sucked in unconsciously. If you choose to play, you do so consciously. You may feel as though there are so many choices that you may feel pulled in many different directions. Observe it all. Observe the lies and manipulations unconscious folks play out without the ego-need to change them. Just be you; stay grounded and detached and be who you are in every situation.
We are moving from being linear to being multidimensional, where there is no time. You may forget what day it is and may not have the desire to take part in others' ceremonies or group gatherings. You may not even feel as though you want more information or take part in more and more education. Know too that the 5th Dimension is simply one dimension among many. You are of a higher dimension than the 5th almost assuredly. The New Earth Grid is made of many dimensions and each being brings their own dimension to be a part of the New Earth Grid. I see it as a grid of leylines with each leyline activated by one's own dimension. Stay in the Moment. Because we are no longer in linear time, there is no past or future; all is in the Moment. Being in the Now Moment is the only place where you can be aware. Awareness is not in the past or the future, for the past is complete and the future is created from choices made in the Now Moment. If you are in the present Moment and a memory becomes conscious, then you have a choice to let it go or continue to have it create your life.
Your body changes when you are transitioning to the New. You may find you are more sensitive to chemicals and certain foods. Your skin may break out as you detox. Food is important to pay attention to. Eating organic, non-GMO and pesticide-free helps tremendously. If you live on any land, you may be guided to treat the land as you treat yourself...with care and no pesticides (I love my dandelions, as do the bees and birds). You may experience changes in sleep and other phenomena. Your mind is blending with your Heart and you are more discerning with what you watch, listen to and read. Your Intuition sees through illusions and lies; whether they are of the government, advertisements or individuals. You are becoming more creative, which is actually a connection with Soul. You may choose more Silence and alone time and a desire to be outside. Time is different. Sometimes it seems as though time slows or speeds up. This again is the shift from being linear to multidimensional.
Meditation is essential; for it not only expands your Heart; it connects you with Soul/Source and empowers your Awareness so you do not mindlessly repeat old nonsensical patterns. It balances you and aligns your chakras. It does much to help you be in the New, rather than staying in the old, which perpetuates being an unconscious puppet of the 3D matrix.
Video: "The Moment Of Beauty" -
We are becoming New; we are embodying it. When we intellectualize the New by looking for more and more information, it merely keeps us in our heads and the New cannot be embodied when we intellectualize it. The New must be integrated/embodied. Walk your talk. Pay attention to all synchronicities, for they guide you. Be aware of how you limit yourself and how when meeting a challenge, you retreat...if you do. Rather, see what the challenge teaches you. Perceive the challenge as an Opportunity to grow.
There are many kinds of food, to others, to T.V; to purchasing things...the list goes on; it is a way that separate ego fills an empty space within. Separate ego always thinks it's best to go outside of oneself to be happy. Really? Addictions are created any time one unconsciously does something and repeats it over and over again with no Awareness.
Addictions are attachments. Addictions are a way to avoid something. Is there something you are avoiding? In each Moment, ask what would serve you and what holds you back. Speak honestly and express yourself in loving ways. Listen to your body and ask what it needs. Pay attention and follow your Intuition (Guidance) always.
The Divine Trinity of Faith, Surrender and Flow helps you awaken (more) and empower your Awareness (more). When you trust and have Faith that you are much more than what you've believed, you grow. When you surrender the old and flow through life, following your Intuition and Guidance, you grow.
Be in Acceptance and be patient, for there are eons of unconscious lifetimes that wait to be transformed. There is no rush; we are not in some kind of race or “deadline.” Rather, we simply take one step at a time so that the changes we make create a foundation. Otherwise, it's all fluff.
The world and you actually are transforming rapidly, although it may seem so slow. We are not in linear time, where there is a continuation of Step A to Step B to further steps. There very well may be growth, integration, a sense of going backward, repetition of old patterns, then movement and so forth, with no particular pattern.
All growth ebbs and flows. Do not be discouraged when and if you find yourself repeating old patterns or engaging in old dramas, for these are times to simply strengthen what you started. Trust it is all a part of your unfolding into being more. If you feel the stress and fear of others, transmute it in Nature. Trees especially are wonderful transforming beings.
Pay attention to all of life; human, fauna and flora; for each has a message for you. I especially like Aodaoin Hathaway's (Dances with Dragons) Nature Essences (my name for them). They include messages from the Elementals, Sacred Sites and the Green World. Montserrat (The Sacred Feminine) has created messages from Light Codes, which I also love. The two oracles together balance Earth with the higher dimensions.
Simplify your life; uncomplicate things. The New is simple. There are no rules and no exhaustive list of “how.” I like that! It is then easy to stay in the Moment. Sleeping with the window open blesses me with the birds' early-morning song and perhaps the singing of coyotes and owls at night. Looking up at the Moon and stars is another favorite blessing of mine. Keeping life simple is a way to stay present without the overwhelm of worldly drama.
Breathe deeply into your Heart, the gateway bridge between the lower, personal chakras and the higher spiritual chakras. There is no need to visit sacred sites around the world when it is sacred right where you are. Whatever you choose to do always blesses the Earth with your Presence.
Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.
WE Are Embodying The White Light of Heaven & Changing Forever
We are Now embodying the white light of Heaven and we are changing forever.
“The light that is absorbed by receptive souls is changing their cells into a crystalline structure for physical survival in the higher vibrational levels as well as increasing spiritual clarity and thus soul evolution.”
Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003.
“As the diamond is the crystalline Revelator of the achromatic white light of Heaven, so is a perfect poem the crystalline revelation of the Divine Idea.”
Thomas Holley Chivers
“Hear the sledges with the bells, Silver bells! What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, In the icy air of night,
While the stars that oversprinkle All the Heavens seem to twinkle With a crystalline delight:
Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Runic rhyme
To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells From the bells, bells, bells, bells, Bells, bells, bells From the jingling and the tingling of the bells.”
Edgar Allen Poe, The Bells, Stanza 1.
Video: " Full Circle" -
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