Under a Golden Pentagram in the Cosmic sky (an ancient symbol of Venus) generated by the Lunar Eclipse at 22° Leo on the 11th day of the 2nd month, there is a clear message of mastering our new beginnings with the support of what has come through in these opening weeks of this new One year.
Deep within there is a River of Light. A river of Pure Source divinity that emanates the truth of what is. This river is flowing constantly. Constantly swirling and moving and regenerating and flushing out what is no longer sacred to this journey. This river has reached the mouth of the ocean, the opening into which it will reunite with the infinite knowing that resides within the All That Is.
In this Ocean of Light lies an Ocean of Truth and in the Ocean of Truth lies an Ocean of Peace. Here in this place rests the principles of life and the sacred ways of the ancients. Here in this place lies the secrets to the essence that created you, the essence that makes you the true human being that you are.
What is unfolding in these changing times is the flooding of this Ocean into the Light of your own Being. It is washing out and renewing. It is the sacred way for reinstating within you, at the forefront of your world, the truth of who you are and what makes you. It is the truth of why you are created in the way that you are and what you came here to do in the place that you are. It is the unveiling of the purpose, the mission, you came here to achieve and it is the re-patterning of templates to enable that mission to succeed.
In reformatting the sequences of energy inside you, we are helping to alleviate the Unknowing and actualize the Knowing. We are helping you see within your own conscious mind what has been set out for you, illuminating within you the Golden Rays of conscious belief that reflect and portray the truth of your illumined inner being. We are setting up within you the templates of truth, the patterns of prosperity and the recognition of light encoded frequencies that enhance your physical presence with the abilities of the master within.
Once this phase of light encoded work is complete you will be activated to a higher level of conscious living. This upshift will penetrate the deepest aspects of your Sacred Self and open up the wonders of the sacred work you have been yearning for.
In opening up to this work you are committing to the Divine tasks ahead and will be encouraged to embrace and embody all that is directed to you. You will be encouraged to instill within your daily knowing that there is a sacred level to life that is to be acknowledged and respected, that there is a deeper reason to all events and circumstances and that these sacred elements form the basis of what is the real Truth of Life.
In this phase of the transformation we wish to share with you the secrets of your inner truth. In doing so we are illuminating within you right here and now the truth that is flowing though your Ocean of Life.
This truth is your Sacred Heart connection. It is the river of Light, the river of Hope, the river of Strength. It is the river of Power for the true Golden Rays are those that empower and strengthen. The true Golden Rays are those that anchor into form resilience and solidity.
The Golden Ray of Life is one that cuts through to the Heart of things establishing direct connection with the structure of support and stability. This is what we are offering to you. This is what is available to you. This is what is flowing to you.
The Golden Ray of Life is flowing within your field and is instilling within you the sequences of Light to elevate the physical into the spiritual, to bring into the normality of your world the magic and mystery of what is the sacredness of life.
The Golden Ray emanates from the Sacred Heart of the womb of the mother. The Great Goddess of all life and will complete this Wave of Elevated Magic, this sequence of illuminated energy that has emerged and infiltrated the framework of your physical system through the crossing over and emergence of energies of this new One year.
In this space of completion and integration we say to Be All You Can Be. As a soul incarnated here in this body and as a body carrying the templates of this incarnated soul, unite in the fullness of Heart and together as one, we too shall unite.
Planetary Beings of Venus through The 12th Road, February 2017
Video: "Let's Embrace Our Magic & Full Potential And Propel Ourselves Forward With Emmanuel Dagher " - https://youtu.be/wbk6BxpLIyo
Being Grateful for Where You Are
We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.
This message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us about the power within the attitude of Gratitude to expand and enrich our next steps in life.
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week
All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful.
Sometimes it is just simply enough for us to be grateful for where we are at this moment in time. We seem so driven to be looking ahead, striving for the next door to open that will allow us to accomplish our future goals.
There is a part of us that really wants to know what our next step is, especially when we are in the spacious time in between what we have accomplished and our forward movement into the future.
It is often difficult to appreciate this spacious time when we don’t feel productive. However it is exactly this space that allows us to nourish ourselves and fill our inner cups with more fun, more time in Nature, and more celebration with friends and family. We need to have this space so we can reconnect to our inner source to rejuvenate and open to inner guidance. It is a true blessing, no matter how much we wish it were different.
Archangel Gabriel has suggested that our worrying, wanting and wishing slows down our ability to open to the inspiration available from the Divine flow of Wellbeing, Wonder and Wholeness that we have access to when we allow ourselves to receive. In this time of spaciousness there is a creative flow that can connect us to the deep wellspring of Abundant Life within us at all times.
This level of Abundant flow is so expansive and inspiring that it can help me to remember that anything is possible. Inspiration opens my mind and heart. It also raises my vibrational frequencies so I have an expanded perspective on my life and feel much lighter. I can listen more deeply to my Higher Self, and allow the spark of creativity to open my consciousness. When I take this sacred time regularly, honoring the spaciousness, there is clarity about when to take action in all areas of my life.
Being grateful for where I am now and opening to receive is such a powerful teaching for living in 5D life. This process brings in a beautiful element of the Sacred Feminine when I wait for guidance to be received before I bring action to life. My Soul's voice within my Higher Self communicates through my heart. When I pay attention to this voice, my heart's intelligence speaks with greater authority, and I am able to hear its wisdom with more clarity. I allow myself the space to receive in order to experience the Divine Timing inherent in this process of letting my heart inspire me into action.
Divine Presence,
Thank you for opening my heart to the support and love that is available to me at all times. Please help me to integrate all that I have learned within my being so I can use these lessons to empower my life. I know that even when I am not actively paying attention, you are working with me, and guiding my way, and I AM Grateful.
I willingly commit to listening to my Soul's voice with greater dedication. I ask my Higher Self to inspire me to pay attention to the guidance that is being offered from Source. Help me to remember that I need to slow down and breathe to receive the wisdom within me.
I AM now creating space within me to receive in a greater way ~ receiving inner guidance, receiving more love, and receiving all the support that is available to me in all areas of my life. I recognize clearly that I AM never alone. I ask to be more aware and accept the presence of my support system on Earth as it is in Heaven.
For my life, for all I have received and all that I have learned, I AM grateful. And so it is.
All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful.
Dear One,
You have come to a time when acknowledgment of yourself is necessary. There needs to be a truce between the warring factions of your mind. One part of you is diligently watching to make sure that you never make a mistake. When you inevitably do, it leaps to chastise and remind you about all the ways you are wrong. This judgmental mind is never happy with your progress. Nothing you do could ever be good enough. It is relentless in its pursuit of your wrongness. It is time to tell this part of your mind to take a vacation. It needs to lose itself in the beauty of nature, and leave the rest of you alone.
You are on this earth plane to learn. Making mistakes is one way that people learn lessons. It is impossible to do things right and perfectly every time. The Divine Presence does not expect this of you. What is necessary is that you follow your heart and your inner guidance. There is much wisdom within you. But it is often like a small voice calling in the wilderness, drowned out by critical and judgmental thoughts. Yet it is listening to this quieter voice that would most serve you in your life. This voice is telling you that you are a child of a loving God, and that there is nothing you can do which could stop the flow of Infinite Love.
There is also society's voice that demands you live up to certain expectations. When you are in alignment with your Higher Self, there is a flow of love-filled energy that allows you to step into a way of being which is totally connected to the Divine Power within and around you. This energy is inviting you to BE rather than do. You are being asked to let go of the confining armor of society's expectations and of your judgmental mind that has been conditioned by it. You are being asked to look with compassion upon yourself, and to notice the many things you are learning at this time. It is a powerful time on Earth when, although there is great suffering and fear, there are also incredible opportunities to break through into great love and peace.
What you see in the world is colored by how you perceive yourself. Can you see that, in the past, you took the steps that seemed appropriate for you at the time? Do you notice that there were times when your heart told you to make a certain choice, but for various reasons, you did not follow your intuition?
All these experiences have assisted you in learning lessons necessary for your growth. It is time to totally forgive yourself for behaving in ways you judge as wrong or bad. You would have made different choices had you known better, but you acted from your awareness at that time. Forgive yourself and get on with your life. Do not waste any more precious time in self-criticism. You are making choices in this moment to create your future. All that you have is the power of this moment. Let the past go, and do not fear the future. Know that you are exactly where you need to be for your perfect lessons in life. It is up to you to lift the mantle of judgment and allow yourself to grow into who you would most like to be.
Imagine acting in ways that bring you joy. Imagine your world surrounded in love. Know that you are a good, honest and caring person and give yourself the loving kindness and respect you deserve. Your imagination can set a powerful intention for your life when you use it to visualize a new and more harmonious way to be. When you set an intention, all the forces of the universe align themselves to manifest that which you visualize. It is wise to be careful how you use this powerful tool. You do receive whatever you focus on, if your focus and desire are strong enough. It is a Universal Law.
Remember to be grateful for your life. It is an incredible gift to be in a physical body. With this body you can do so many things to enjoy this world of beauty. Be grateful for all that you are learning now, even if, at times, it feels uncomfortable. Be grateful for all that you have, even if it does not seem to be enough. Gratitude awakens your mind to the greater truth within all things, and lifts your spirit into Alignment and Joy.
So remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
All that you have learned and all that has happened to you brought you to where you are now. Be grateful.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel February 12, 2017 ShantaGabriel.com