Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

11-11-11 Gateway & Diamond Solar Plasma Light DNA Upgrades By Anrita Melchizedek ... And ... Experiencing Peace For The Holidays

Actualization of the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence and the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Upgrades - The 11:11 Gateway By Anrita Melchizedek

One of the most powerful gateways being experienced in this sacred year of 2018 is the 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love. Through this gateway we experience the next level of Light codes pouring forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, the activation of the Diamond Heart of Purity and Innocence through our loving hearts and the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Upgrades.
As the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence spirals forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and the Great Central Sun, the Central Sun, the Sun and into the vortex of the Divine Father within Shamballa, into the vortex of the Divine Mother within Bolivia and from here, into the Sedona Vortex, and the Sedona Crystalline City of the Light, and then into all major vortices and Crystalline Cities of Light, Temples of Divine Love, the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and then into our loving hearts, new creations are birthed through the Diamond Heart as we accelerate into fifth dimensional templatings and beyond, and collectively lock into the vibration of Unity Consciousness, of Christ Consciousness, in this increased Light Quotient of purity and Innocence, accelerating the pathway of Divine Love for all awakened Souls upon this sacred earth.  
Additionally these higher dimensional consciousness creational encoded frequencies and Light codes cascade into new geometric patternings, experienced through the body and energy field as the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Upgrades. This Crystalline DNA creates both our personal and collective multidimensional experiences in form. It is a photonic light receiver-generator of both receiving and transmitting the Light codes or Source codes of creation. It traverses dimensions and densities and brings with it the experience of the Solar Cosmic Christ, or the Divine Human template, the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light assisting us to embody our multidimensional Selves and Beloved I Am Presence within our Loving Heart, our Diamond Heart.
In this beautiful 11-11-11 Gateway transmission, in order to deepen into the frequency bands from the higher dimensional unified fields and octaves of Crystalline Consciousness and to experience our upgraded Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA, we are wrapped in the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence, and travel into the 12 major Crystalline Cities of Light, starting with the Sedona Crystalline City of Light.  
The Sedona Crystalline City of Light has been embraced within the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence since May 2014, through the initial impulse of the Light Codes of the Divine Mother and Divine Father. As this beautiful Diamond Ray spiraled forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God it entered initially into the Sedona vortex and into the Sedona Crystalline City of Light. As the sacred Flames of Divinity and physical vessels of Light, we formed part of a beautiful planetary activity of Light that created a vortex of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness, linking into the Sedona vortex of Light and from here into the Sedona Crystalline City of Light, as this graceful dance further created a harmonic rebalancing of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes. Additionally, the twelve Crystalline Cities of Light associated with the primary chakras of Mother Earth anchored more deeply into the Unity Grid of Divine Love. The Crystalline Cities of Light embody the energy of pure Divine Love, Unity, Peace and Purity, and act as dimensional gateways for many of the Beings of Light from On High to connect with the awakened Souls on this Earth plane. In Golden Ages of Light, many initiates of Light would find themselves walking up a spiral of crystal stairs, into a beautiful Crystalline City of Light. Greeted by Christed extra-terrestrials and higher dimensional Light Beings they would experience various Healing Chambers of Light, celestial musical transmissions, interdimensional creations of geometry and art, and a deepening of their connection to all Life in Love.
As we travel collectively in Soul consciousness into each Crystalline City of Light associated with the primary chakras of Mother Earth, we experience the upgrades to the 12 Strand DNA through the activation of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Light codes. As we ignite the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Light codes through the Crystalline Consciousness matrix and through our bodies and energy fields as these Flames of Divinity, every man, woman and child upon this sacred earth has the opportunity to experience these fifth dimensional templatings and the knowing of their heart's dreaming in Divine Love and Unity Consciousness, as together we co-create heaven on earth.   
And so, let us move into this transmission. Let us start simply by bringing a focus to our loving hearts, to the Love of ourselves, as we place our hands upon our loving hearts and repeat to ourselves: "I Love you" (giving your full name now). "I Love you, I Love you."   
And now, as we experience the 11-11-11 Gateway of Divine Love, the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence spirals forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and the Great Central Sun, the Central Sun, the Sun and into the vortex of the Divine Father within Shamballa, into the vortex of the Divine Mother within Bolivia and from here, into the Sedona Vortex, and the Sedona Crystalline City of the Light, into the sacred sites of Gaia, the Crystalline Cities of Light, the Unity Grid of Divine Love, the Crystal Grid and Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and now into our loving hearts.
As we breathe this Love into the body, breathing in love, and breathing out love, we hold this Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God within our loving hearts, as One Heart and One Unified Field of Light.
We are invited now at this Higher Light level, to travel in Soul consciousness into the Sedona Crystalline City of Light. We now find ourselves activating our Merkaba vehicles of Light, traveling through the grids of Divine Love, and entering now into this beautiful Sedona Crystalline City of Light, Overlighted by the Sedona Crystalline City of Light Gatekeepers.
As this Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence continues to activate within our loving hearts, it creates this diamond octahedron and it starts to spin now in a clockwise or counter clockwise direction, depending on what is needed at this Now moment. It moves initially into the aspects of ourselves that are needing to experience the Love of Self, the Love of God. We just have a sense now of merging into Source Light, merging with our Beloved I Am Presence and the I Am Avatar of Light of which we are One. As this Diamond Light moves into every sub-atomic particle of our beingness, we use this Diamond Light matrix now to embrace the aspects of ourselves that may have experienced, or still experience being unloved, unwanted, unappreciated, or unseen. We now breathe in love and hold the body, holding the breath, and then releasing all that is ready to be released. Breathing in love, breathing in through the nose, holding the breath, and breathing out through the nose or mouth. Having a sense now of merging into Source Light, merging with our Beloved I AM Presence, deepening into this, dissolving the lower timelines, the matrices of karmic timelines, and as these timelines are now integrated, they dissolve into the higher timelines of Light, knowing that there is only Love. We no longer need now to play out the victim and persecutor consciousness as we embrace the full range of our emotions and the knowing that it is our Beloved I Am Presence that guides us in this Golden Age of Light, as we trust and surrender to the Divine, as we trust and surrender to Life.
We see ourselves fulfilling our heart's passion in purity, in innocence, in Love, in abundance, in support, peace, and harmony, as our Divine Masculine Spirit now stands to the right of us and our Divine Feminine Spirit to the left of us. We merge these two aspects of ourselves in to a greater level of wholeness and balance, within our heart's temple. And as this occurs, the kundalini energy gently activates into each one of the chakras, clearing out false beliefs between men and women and linking us too, into the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta through the Sun and the Solar Core. As these Flames of Divinity, we take on both the planetary contracts between men and women as well as the ability to clear these planetary contracts, these false beliefs and judgments. And now, at the time of this powerful gateway, we assist in clearing these old planetary contracts that created this imbalance in the sexes, embracing all men and all women with compassion with our loving hearts, and as this occurs just breathing in and out quickly, releasing any perceived separation, any abuse and misuse of power stored at a cellular level within our own bodies, and particularly within the cells. And now a deep breath in, breathing in love, and breathing out love.  
And now, wrapped in the Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence as this Flame ignites into the Sedona vortex, we now experience the first of the twelve Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Template Upgrades as we now state:
We  request the activation of the 12 fire letters within the first strand DNA. As these scalar wave programs, these standing wave patterns composed of quantities of conscious energy activate, the sub-atomic particles within our bodies spin in increased Light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We request the activation of the first of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God to activate our physical bodies as Temples of Light, taking this sacred Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence into each one of our organs, body parts and now each sub-atomic particle of our Beingness.
Good. We now have a sense of connecting to the Crystalline Cities of Light that link through the primary vortices and chakras of Mother Earth. We now find ourselves traveling in Soul Consciousness in our external Merkaba vehicles of Light into the Crystalline City of Light above Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa. Within this Crystalline City of Light, we are welcomed and greeted by these Crystalline City Gatekeepers as we now experience the second of the twelve Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Template Upgrades. We now state:
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within the second strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We request the activation of the second of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love, as we breathe in love, and breathe out love.
We now call forth the Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God to activate our astral bodies as our Divine Ka Bodies of Light, the holographic body of our physical bodies, taking this Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence into our Divine Ka Body of Light.
Good. And now we find ourselves lifted in Soul Consciousness traveling in our external Merkaba vehicles of Light into the Crystalline City of Light above Uluru in Australia. As we enter into this Crystalline City of Light, we are welcomed and greeted by the Crystalline City Gatekeepers of Uluru, Beings of Light from On High. Joined by our soul and star family and friends of the Light we are offered the opportunity to collectively experience the third of the twelve Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Template Upgrades. We now state:
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within our third strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We request the activation of the third of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the sacred Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God to activate our emotional bodies, and to purify our emotions as we experience our full range of emotions, coming into valuing every single emotion we experience, and loving every aspect of our Selves.
Video - "11-11-11 Gateway & Diamond Solar Plasma Light Upgrades"
Wonderful, sweet ones. We now find ourselves connecting into the Crystalline City of Light above Mount Kilauea in Hawaii. As we enter into this Crystalline City of Light, we are welcomed and greeted by the Mt. Kilauea Crystalline City Gatekeepers, and we come into a deeper sense of the knowing of our extra sensory perception gifts, amplifying now through the collective Crystalline Consciousness of Light ~ of our ability to see and know and Be, as we walk this Pathway of Divine Love. And as these calibrations and energetic upgrades take place, sweet ones, we link into the collective Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light, as well as the Unity Grid of Divine Love and into Mother Earth's chakras, nadis and leylines.
And now, we are offered the opportunity to experience the fourth of the twelve Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA Template Upgrades.
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within the fourth strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We request the activation of the fourth of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God to blaze through our mental bodies and to align our lower mind and negative ego with the Mind of God.
Good. As these streams of Crystalline Consciousness activate within the body, energy field and hologram in this Now, it will often bring through images, insights and understandings of our many multidimensional realities. Just honor these memories, these triggers, as they activate through the dormant DNA, as the dormant DNA activates to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow in this DNA upgrade. We are merging into the highest levels of our Beingness through our Beloved I AM Presence as well as experiencing the re-union of hearts with our soul brothers and sisters and soul-mates, star seeded ones and Lightworkers, and all the Beings of Light from On High, in this celebration, this re-union of hearts. Take a moment again now to focus on the breath ~ just breathing in love, and breathing out love, and if anything is still clearing energetically we breathe in love, hold the breath, and release what it is that is ready to be released in this Now.
We find ourselves connecting into the Crystalline City of Light above Mount Fuji in Japan. As we enter into this Crystalline City of Light, welcomed and greeted by the Crystalline City Gatekeepers, as we now experience the fifth template upgrade of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA.
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within the fifth strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We request the activation of the fifth of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God through our Atmic bodies for the full anchoring, activating and merging with our Atmic Body.
Wonderful. We now find ourselves linking into the Crystalline City of Light above the Tor in Glastonbury England. Welcomed and greeted by the Illumined Beings of Light from On High Overlighting the Tor and this Crystalline City of Light, we deepen into our loving hearts. It is through Glastonbury Tor, the heart chakra of Mother Earth that the Flame of Divine Love blazes into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, in this moment, amplified in this beautiful Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence as we now experience the sixth template upgrade of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA.
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within the sixth strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We now request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We request the activation of the sixth of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking me into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the sacred Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God through our Monadic Bodies for the full anchoring, activating and merging with our Monadic Body of Light.
Wonderful. And now we find ourselves traveling in Soul Consciousness in our Merkaba vehicles of Light into the Crystalline City of Light above Palenque in Mexico. Welcomed and greeted by the Gatekeepers here, as we tune into the energy of this Crystalline City of Light, we are taken deeper into the infinite possibilities along the pathway of Christ Consciousness; supporting each other with our wisdom and Light. And feeling and sensing the wisdom of Mother Earth in this Now too, as we just breathe in love and breathe out love. We are now ready to receive the seventh template upgrade of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA.
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within the seventh strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased Light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We request the activation of the seventh of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the sacred Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God through our Mayavarupa Bodies for the full anchoring, activating and merging with our Mayavarupa Body of Light; all the different levels of our Light bodies are anchoring, activating, coming on line, as we walk the path of Divine Love, the path of the Diamond.
Good. We now find ourselves connecting into the energy of the Crystalline City of Light above the Great Pyramid of Giza, traveling in our Merkaba vehicles of Light, and entering into this Crystalline City of Light above the Great Pyramid of Giza. We are welcomed and greeted by the Gatekeepers here, as we have a sense of deepening into the Christed timelines, the higher dimensional timelines, into deeper levels of spiritual awareness and insight to reveal the hidden knowledge of self-mastery. To Golden Ages, to the timelines of Ascension, of ascending and choosing to come back as volunteer Souls, to be of service to Mother Earth and all her Life. We awaken to the next level of knowing, beyond illusion, beyond separation.
Wonderful. We are now ready to receive the eighth template upgrade of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA.
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within the eighth strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We now request the activation of the eighth of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the sacred Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God through our Epikentic and Eka Bodies of Light for the full anchoring, activating and merging with our Epikenetic and Eka Bodies of Light.
Good. We now find ourselves traveling in Soul consciousness in our external Merkaba Vehicle of Light into the Crystalline City of Light above Mount Denali in Alaska. Welcomed and greeted by the Gatekeepers Overlighting this sacred Crystalline City of Light and wrapped in this Diamond Flame of Purity and Innocence, we have a sense of the purity and innocence that connects us to the magical, innocent child within us. Experiencing now our own magical, innocent child. This part of us that is both enchanted and enchanting to others; that sees all things around us in innocence as we look through our Master eyes, through the eyes of our innocence.
And now, we are ready to receive the ninth template upgrade of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA.
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within the ninth strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We now request the activation of the ninth of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the sacred Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God through our Gematrian Bodies of Light for the full anchoring, activating and merging with my Gematrian Body of Light.
Wonderful. We now have a sense of linking into the Crystalline City of Light above Mount Shasta in Northern California. This vortex is also a Stargate of Light, bringing in many multidimensional frequencies of Light and also linking directly into Shamballa, so with this we experience a deepening connection to the Light codes of the Divine Father. As we enter now into this Crystalline City of Light, welcomed and greeted by the Gatekeepers, we have a sense of this Stargate igniting deeper into our DNA, this Stargate Portal of Light, receiver and transmitter of the Crystalline Codes, Light codes, igniting, activating, actualizing and grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and the Unity Grid of Divine Love; and a sense of ourselves now as these vibrating portals of Divine Love. Continuing to breathe deeply into the body, breathing in, breathing out, as we now experience the tenth DNA template upgrade of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA.
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within our tenth strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We request the activating of the tenth of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the sacred Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God through our Overself Bodies of Light, our Higher Selves of the Light, and the full anchoring, activating and merging with our Overself Body of Light.
Good. We just allow this stargate and the infinite timelines of our Highest Potential to merge into this Now and to bring into this timeline the merging of the parallel realities of ourselves in self-mastery as we purify and let go of the old to bring in the new. We just feel this more and more within ourselves, this transformational process. This change that is already unfolding and accelerating in this Now, allowing us a deepening sense of the synchronicities that are being actualized within our everyday Life. Deeper into Service, deeper into Love.
And now, we find ourselves linking into the Crystalline City of Light above Machu Picchu, in Peru. As we enter into this Crystalline City of Light, welcomed and greeted by the Gatekeepers here, we just have a sense of birthing now of creative ideas. Birthing them into creation, bringing in the support that is needed, lovingly, manifesting all that is required. Deepening into our mission through service in Love as the wayshowers and teachers, as mothers and queens, fathers and kings, knowing there is only Love. We are the stewards and stewardesses to this sacred earth, leading the way in this Golden Age of Light.
And now, we now experience the eleventh template upgrade of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA.
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within the eleventh strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We request the activation of the eleventh of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the sacred Diamond Light of Mother/Father God through our anointed Christed Bodies of Light and the full anchoring, activating and merging with our anointed Christed Bodies of Light, our Beloved I Am Presence.
Good. And now precious hearts, we are invited into the Crystalline City of Light above Lake Titicaca in both Peru and Bolivia. Lake Titicaca is a Stargate of Light and serves as a Stargate for many of the higher dimensional Beings of Light to enter onto this earth plane. It is a feminine portal of Divine Love and the initial impulsing of the Flame of Divine Love and the Light codes of the Divine Mother ignite through this portal. We now enter into this Crystalline City of Light, in surrender, in Love, in trust, in unity; and we are welcomed and greeted by the Gatekeepers to the Crystalline City of Light as we now experience the twelfth DNA template upgrade of the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA.
We request the activation of the 12 fire letters within the twelfth strand DNA as the sub-atomic particles now spin in increased light frequencies through the Diamond Solar-Plasma Light DNA and crystalline matrix of Solar Christ Consciousness.
We request the anchoring and activating of the appropriate chakras, geometries, key codes and numerologies.
We now request the activating of the twelfth of the 12 major axiatonal lines through the appropriate meridians and spin points, linking us into the New Earth Templates and the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
We now call forth the sacred Diamond Flame of Mother/Father God through our Adam Kadmon Bodies of Light, our I Am Avatar Bodies of Light, for the full anchoring, activating and merging with our Adam Kadmon Bodies of Light.
We now request the merging with our multidimensional Selves, our Soul and Star family and friends of Light, and now, the I AM Avatar consciousness of Light, this collective Higher Light of all awakened souls upon this sacred earth, co-creating Heaven on Earth in this Golden Age of Light. And as we experience this now, we experience the Diamond Heart igniting and activating within our loving hearts, as we merge with all life in One Unity Consciousness. In the knowing of ourselves as these flames of Divinity, walking this path of Love, we take this beautiful Diamond Heart and anchor it now within the hearts of all humanity.
Video - "11-11 Gateway Of Divine Love" By Anrita Melchizedek

Experiencing Peace For The Holidays
So, if at any point you are feeling an overwhelming sense of stress or pressure in the coming weeks, I would like to offer the following process to help you simply and quickly shift out of any lower-vibrating energies and into the flow of divine grace, ease, lightness.
  1. Step outside for a moment and find a comfortable place where you can connect with the sun or the moon. If the weather prevents visibility, then locate a large tree to focus your attention on.
  2. Open your arms wide and face the sun, moon or tree with your eyes closed.
  3. Inhale and exhale deeply and take a moment to feel the life-force energy of that natural source pulsating to and from your physical being.
  4. Affirm three times "I am open and receptive to divine miracles of peace and love in all areas of my life." After the third time, claim, "And so it is."
  5. Place your right hand over your heart and your left hand over your right as you thank the sun/moon/tree for providing such healing, comfort, and rejuvenation in your life. 
This process is based on the proven power of nature to instantly raise our physical, emotional, and mental vibrations to their most optimum state. For thousands of years, cultures around the world turned to nature as "medication" to bring about healing and it is still used in many cultures today.
Infinite Blessings of Divine Love, Light, Joy, Peace, & Abundance to All of You,
Video - "Receive Divine Blessings As You Journey Through The Elements With Melanie Beckler" -

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