Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Should basic self defense, along with First Aid, be taught in our schools

This is something I am extremely passionate about. It brings all children on par with the bullies. Most bullies don't even know how to fight, they use mostly fear, humiliation and intimidation.

Learning good technique makes all the difference.

Also, why be afraid of violence, when you know how to deal with it. A tiny bit of knowledge does make all the difference


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Comment by Kal'Narred on February 24, 2012 at 9:24am

I would love to think that infinite love and mutual respect would protect me and my loved ones, and maybe one day it will. At that time I tried to resolve the situation by being nice, friendly, big friendly smile. But some people derive there sense of self, comfort and power by making someone else suffer. Look at the world now, is it getting any closer to infinite love and mutual respect than it was 20 years ago?

The experience had an extremely negative effect on my life. The only good thing to come from it is it sparked an interest in learning martial arts. I was only beaten up, I can never even imagine how a rape victim would feel

Comment by Kal'Narred on February 24, 2012 at 9:23am

I have actually been working on a self defence program for children. Please read it through, ask questions and if you still disagree with teaching this to children then by all means say so, but please be specific in what you disagree with and why.


 Personal Space Protection

  1. Mobile Phone: If someone is behaving suspicious or openly intimidating or threatening you, the first thing you do is get your phone in your hand (most kids have mobile phones now) and start recording video.(it’s good to be prepared, so if the child has a smart phone then they should put a shortcut on the home screen, if they can’t then practice how fast you can bring the video camera up and start recording). This also means that if you need to phone 999 or 911, the phone is in your hand already. (some might argue, what if the attacker takes the phone, i say in no uncertain terms that the phone is more valuable in the childs hand than in there pocket, if all the person wants is the phone, then give it, however i prefer throw it at them then run). In many cases the fact that they are being filmed is enough to deter an attacker, sadly however this is less than 50% as people are not smart these days. It is however the best chance at a non violent resolution.


  1. Spatial Awareness: Identify an escape route. Make sure you always position yourself so that you have an unobstructed escape and making sure no one goes behind you, keep everyone in view. As soon as you feel threatened or uncomfortable then leave backing away or run. This can be taught with a modified game of tigg (tagg in american)


  1. Protect the Body: If the first two steps fail or can’t be achieved for whatever reason and the child is attacked they should a) make as much noise as possible, and  b) protect their head, face and vital organs by learning a fighting stance and guard. Also the stance teaches how to protect the groin area making it practically impossible to be kicked there. Simply rolling up in a ball will not protect your back or vital organs


That is part of the outline of my basic self defence course for children of 7 – 14.


Other parts of the course includes how to get away from an adult who is attempting to snatch the child; including breaking free when gripped by the wrist, arm, clothes, backpack and neck. Making noise and to disregard comments by potential kidnappers like, “cooperate or I’ll hurt your little sister/mother . .”etc. It is important that a parent is involved in this training so each child has an adult to train with and promotes home practice and parental awareness of how to be pro-active.


This is Basic self deffence – Personal Space Protection.

It doesn’t even cover what I would feel negligent in not teaching my own kids – Personal Space Ownership (which also teaches you to respect other peoples space like you would expect them to respect yours)


I strongly believe (through personal experience) that panic and fear can be extremely dangerous, and can in most cases be bypassed by having a plan.

Some people run when they panic and that is fine, but as a child, being completely surround by older boys, I have known fear paralysis. I was beaten up very badly and came within inches of being stabbed (in front of at least 30 witnesses who were too afraid to get involved, my own friends included). Only one person in that 30 pulled me out a split second before I was stabbed.

Comment by Kal'Narred on February 24, 2012 at 9:12am

I totally agree with you Trudy, but I have tried myself as a child, to try and communicate, but when some people have decided that they are going to strip me of my right to personal space, no amount of words or understanding is going to change that. And as I have experienced, the cold hard realisation that you have no right to your personal space, that you are never safe can potentially be devastating to a child, as it was to me. It is completely untrue, but try battling truth and rationality against experience to a young mind.

Comment by Trudy on February 23, 2012 at 2:36pm

Children deserve much more than learning rise against the fist of dishonesty.
Children should learn to appreciate each other. Are children bullied at school? Then children should be taught that we are all equal. How does a bully attacks a victim? Why does  the bully dominate? Want to find the bully attention? There are so many backgrounds why children do what they do, you don't want to go into!!!
Many children are not set to an attack by another child! But every child is able to exercise special defenses to learn???
My opinion in this is this : every child should learn the equality of humankind. When a child is up against a bully, the bully must get attention and ask why??? are you bullying!!!
When children learn at first to defend them self they will never learn the scope of a dialoque, and it is the dialoque that makes them understand eachother, even though how small they are.
More wisdom has arise from children, then the adults ever become aware of.

Martial arts is a great addition to your balance, but should never be a key issue for the trust in yourself.

namasté beautiful people ~*L*~

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