Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A skilled warrior can overcome an adversary without violence. Instead of block, misdirect. Use their strength against them. Use their weight against them. Instead of killing or maiming them, cut off the blood supply to the brain and put them to sleep.


But sometimes violence is necessary. The trick is to know when, to distinguish when you have no other choice and to not hesitate.

Innocents or the defenceless should never be harmed, that is an abuse of power and carries no honour.


I have heard of “Honour killings” in the east. Where a father kills a daughter who has brought shame to there family. This is not an honour killing, it is shameful murder brought on by pride. You have no honour if you behave like a cunt. And I absolutely hate that word, but if you behave like a cunt then you are a cunt and have no honour.

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