There is nothing more frightening, ecstatic and life
diving into a truly intimate encounter with another
human being. This “in-to-me-you-see” is the ultimate
vehicle for instigating true inner freedom in this lifetime.
Read a complete articles here
It’s a spontaneous exploration which can be done with
anyone, yet if you have a special person in mind with
whom is easier to open with, go for it! Take 15 minutes
of your life to look into each others eyes. These are the
windows to the eternal vast soul that you are. This soul
gazing experience will help you to cope with your life by
unlocking the experience of a hidden paradise within.
Read a complete articles here
So do whatever it takes this week to initiate this encounter and open your heart wider than its ever been
before! By sharing your true self fully you can dive fathoms
deeper into love.