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Chakra's can be balanced in many different ways including colour, crystal's, Healing, Hypnotherapy. Our bodies are made up of energy and every living entity carries it's own unique vibration. Each Crystal, colour and chakra also carries it's own vibration and when the chakra's are not correctly balanced we will not feel as we should.

The Chakra's can become imbalanced, over stimulated, under stimulated just simple by the colour of foods which we eat, if incorrect. Also the colour which surround us each day, the colour of clothes we wear as natural light is filtered through to our bodies via the clothes which we wear.

The Chakra's becoming out of balance can effect us not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually, which will have a knock on effect on our health if they continue to remain that way.

Each thought we have carries a vibration, the food that we eat carries a vibration. We are made up of energy. Merely a spiritual being living a human life and are constantly surrounded by vibrations and energy, which can have a negative as well as a positive effect on our health and well-being at any given moment.

Chakra Balancing can have profound effects on your body. As we are composed from energy, the slightest imbalance can have harsh consequences on our over-all health and well-being. With most of us living our life’s in the fast lane, our Chakra’s become out of balance very easily and in order to maintain the balance one must lead a balanced life.

Eating healthily and the right colour’s of foods which our Chakra’s require. Making sure the colour of clothes we wear enhance our moods and don’t have a negative effect on us. Maintaining our surroundings to provide us with the right colour.

Each colour carries a vibration and each Chakra has it’s own unique vibration. Our Chakra’s are the main energy centers of the body and serve all the organs and bodily functions. When we do listen to our own body, we begin to understand it more than anyone else. We know when something is not right, but sadly sometimes we chose to ignore it and suffer the consequences later.

More on balancing chakras :

Successful Chakra Balance with Soundwaves, Food and Gemstones

To understand chakra balance, you must first grasp the general concept of chakras. Chakras are the opening within the human body that permits vital life force energy to flow in and out of the human aura, they are the bodies energy centers.

One of their many beneficial tasks is the vitalization of the physical body as well as the healthy development of the self-conscious, they relate to our emotional, mental and physical relationships and activity.

What does a chakra look like, you might wonder. Most often they are likened to the appearance of a lotus flower, since they are have the appearance of a being funnel in their shape, with smaller funnels within the larger funnel.

In all there are seven chakras in everyone's body. Each has a specific color that is associated with the individual chakras. We will learn the physical location of each chakra too, and the benefits of chakra balance and how it enhances our life and relieves so much of the stress that you feel.

There are seven chakra's starting from the base of your spine and ending at your head. They are the root chakra, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye or brow and ending at the crown chakra.
There are numerous and assorted foods that aid in achieving a chakra balance that are helpful in grounding and re-energizing for each chakra center.

Root Chakra: Beans, beets, carrots, eggs, garlic, meat, parsnips, potatoes, radishes and tofu products.

The sacral chakra benefits by eating such foods as mangos, almonds, melons, cinnamon and honey as well as many other foods.

For you solar plexus chakra, this will help with self-esteem, try eating flax seed, cereal, milk, cheeses, ginger, mints, and others.

Heart Chakra: Basil, broccoli, green tea, kale, sage, spinach and thyme. These types of foods and spices aid in healing any emotional pain.

Throat Chakra: Apples, kiwi, lemons, lemon grass, limes, plums, pears and salt, since these foods and spices aid in speaking your truth.

The brow chakra and to help awaken third eye senses try blueberries, red grapes, black berries, lavender, poppy seed.

Finally to aid in opening, cleansing and balancing the crown chakra, you will find such incense as frankincense, copal, sage, juniper and myrrh, as they are beneficial in enhancing spiritual communications.

This is only a partial list of some of the foods, drinks, and spices that will help out your chakra. For a chakra balance you just need to learn how to focus better on your chakra centers.

You can also do a chakra balance by using gemstones and placing the gemstone on each chakra point, with each point you can do an individual chakra balance and leave a gemstone on your chakra for three to five minutes depending on the amount of balance you feel you need to accomplish.

You would start at the root chakra when doing this. You may choose to use any type of gemstone, however, you should be aware that some individuals recommend particular gemstones for each chakra center, although the choice of gemstone may vary from one individual to another.

You can easily test the theory by alternating gemstones until you find your perfect match. You may notice a humming once you have your gemstones in place on your chakras, or perhaps a feel good feeling when utilizing the best gemstones. If you experience any negative feelings, or the gemstone just does not feel right, remove it and do not use it for chakra work at all.

Experiment with various gemstones until you find the one that provides you with the best feelings and then make a list of the chakra and the type of gemstones you use. For example, you may wish to use a black onyx on your root chakra, which is popular with many individuals, however, it may not
be the best choice of gemstone to use for your chakra.

Never assume that a suggested gemstone is the best choice for you to use, since what works
for some, may not work for others. Experiment until you find your perfect gemstone. You can achieve chakra balance all at once, by placing your gemstones on each chakra center at the same time, leaving them in place for anywhere between three to twenty-five minutes, depending upon how much balance you feel your chakra requires.

Lots of people have discovered that the easiest and quickest way to achieve a complete chakra balance is by using the latest binaural beat audio technology which reproduces the sound frequency of each chakra and resonates your own chakras to the frequency needed for total balance.

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