I can put a check mark on every question for myself as far as the criteria on who Indigo's are! As a child I "just knew" certain things, I was experiencing spirits as a child. But with a religious mother that casted out the demons in me, it stopped there, no more experiences because I thought I would be possesed! As a child I just always knew what was wrong & what was right as far as religion, the bible etc... people would tell me its this way & I would always nod & find out for myself! As an adult and after having my child it made me more curious since I needed to have a clear path as far as what beliefs I want to pass on to her. Since I started learning about Indigo's, conciousness etc... Ive been trying to attune my vibrations, Ive stopped eating anything processed & sticking to all natural foods fruits & veggies! My physical body has gone through some changes not much in a apearance but in how I feal. Just Yesterday I woke up in extreme stomach pains that lasted most of the day, the night before I had enjoyed a feast of processed chemical foods, since I rarely eat that stuff now I thought once in a while theres no harm......... atleast till the next day :) I felt much pain & The first time I stood up to go to the next room I experienced an intense surge (well im not sure what it was) but it was strange I almost fainted, I thought to myself though it wasnt the same sensation I believed it to be because Im feeling sick & I got up to fast. So the next time I got up I made sure to take my time & get up really slow as to not feel dizzy I walked a few steps & then the same surge sensation starting in my head then to my whole body. This happend 2 more times each time & tried to pay close attention as to figure out what in the world was going on. Ive been sick like this 3 times every time I have food that I used to be able to eat but since Ive changed my habbits every time I eat bad (processed foods) I get the same intense pain the next day.... but the surge experience only happened one day (yesterday)....... I dont know whether I am Indigo an ET or what have you, How do you know what categorie you are in? Any comments or insights are greatly apreciated!
Permalink Reply by Rene on September 9, 2009 at 4:51pm
>>>>How do you know what categorie you are in?
I hear you !!!! I have noooo idea what category I fit in either.... All I know is SOMETHING BIG happened in my life a few years ago And I have NOT been the same since I was diagnosed Bipolor by a shrink, PTSD by a physcologist, and i am sure if i got tested I probably would be found as Dsylexic... or ADD
According to Kundallini research - I can identify with that
According to integrating the male and female - I identify with that too
According to Clairvoyance cleer seeing- I identify with that
According to channeling - I can identify with that as well (if poetry counts as chanelling)
According to Dark night of the soul- I identify with that....
Astral travel-- yep i think i do that
Flying dreams - yep do that too
The Christed child- yep I identify with that!!
Right now I am idenfifying with a sufi poet Rumi
lost in divinity and bliss . or is that the poet Kahil Gibran?
I have since "something" big!!! as a result
Found passion, Become a home caker , got a liscence to bake cakes, become aware of my contradictions , started studying Alchemy, Seperated from a long term marriage, changed my diet, care deeply for body and now get ANXIETY!
like crazy....... ( don't like that at all) Applied for a job but Dr won't sign my medical form " due to physciatric issues" a few years ago...which is a crock because I know my husband is behind that).. and i honestly dont give a bleep!
Can't stop listening to beautiful music...Violins... especially have no idea why..... Laugh hard and cry hard
See things that happen before they happen although i did this a little bit prior too
found a deeper love for people... but a hurting love for people
I get alot of noise in my head sometimes, like static on a radio.. to me it is an "interference", although lately it has been quiet and i like that
Get a sick feeling and feel threatened by certain people.. ( secretly i call them soul suckers) all they care about is taking and they do NOT have good energy,
I have also gotten dizzy, one day i was watching a video on you tube... it was about soul mates and all of a sudden i felt drunk lol.... ( seriously) I don't even drink!!!
can not Eat processed food...... it makes me feel horrible so i quit eating it .... i make all my own bread, pizza ( treat once in a while), soups i do not buy freezer to oven food period!!
Swimming makes me feel fantastic...... I often wonder if I was a dolphin in a passed life lol there is something healing and soothing about water for me....even when i was a little girl my father could not get me out of the water at the local Beach ...