Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Creating Light Fields of Blessing and Gratitude By Shanta Gabriel...And...How to Raise Your Vibration with Light! By Melanie Beckler... And ...Implementing the Galactic Schematics for Higher Evolution

Creating Light Fields of Blessing and Gratitude By AA Gabriel Through Shanta Gabriel

Dear Ones,

As Divine Light works through the old earth structures, it is being met by a powerful resistance from the Earth that represents the old paradigm at work in the dimensional shifts of this powerful time.

There is an overlay that is in the process of being transmuted into Divine Light. You empower this transformation by turning your attention away from discord and by strengthening your devotion to the power of Divine Love active within you. You may notice the ways these forces of resistance are also affecting your ability to stay in alignment with true Source energy working through your spiritual practice.

Just before the new energy can break through the multidimensional levels of Divinity, there often is a groundswell of old patterns that surface becoming more apparent. These are being met by the power of Light that can shift mass consciousness. Do not focus on the patterns but instead turn your attention to the attitude of Gratitude and the power that Blessing energy can have in your life.

Remember to be grateful for how beautiful is this sweet Earth and bless it with your love that the planet can be respected and cared for. Remember how powerful is your dedication to anchoring the Sacred Feminine on the Earth and bless the Balance and new Creativity this energy will bring.

Remember to be grateful for that part of you that wants so much to follow your Soul’s purpose. Bless the power of this directing energy and allow it to work in new ways within you. Be grateful for all you have received in this life and bless the new ways you are bringing your Soul lessons into the world.

Be grateful for the Soul impulses that create the deep longings in your heart to live in a more awakened state, and bless these desires so that all humanity can be awakened. Be grateful for the purity of your heart and bless your heart that it can be a Beacon of Pure Love radiating into the world.

Be grateful that you have pure water to drink and healthy food to choose from and bless these gifts that all beings on Earth may have enough food and water to sustain and bless their lives. Be grateful that there are Creative Solutions for all that appears to be challenging in your world and bless the Benevolent Outcomes that are unfolding for you now.

Be grateful for the profound ways you are loved and supported by the Angelic Dimensions and especially your Guardian Angel. Bless all your support system, both physical and nonphysical, so that you never need feel that you are alone and without guidance.

Be grateful for the path you have chosen and bless the Divine Light that guides your way. Be grateful that there is a divine flow of Infinite Abundance working in you and bless it that you might anchor the Light of God’s Infinite Abundance on the Earth through your being. Be grateful for the new structures of Divine Light that you are building within you and on the Earth. Bless these structures that they may be flexible and stabilized for new life to thrive on the Earth within all beings.

Be grateful that the Peace of God is working within your heart and bless the Eternal Peace that is awakening within the heart of all humanity, anchoring on the Earth in this most auspicious time.

When you bless yourself or any area of life, you are conferring Divine energy into that situation. You are strengthening the power of Light working through the challenges as well as your physical being. In the process you are anchoring Divine Light on the Earth and you become a clear channel of Divine Love awakening within you and within the heart of all beings. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
January 24, 2017

Thank you for being a Powerful and Radiant Light to the World.
Many blessings, Shanta


How to Raise Your Vibration with Light! By Melanie Beckler

Raise Your Vibration

Throughout your daily life, every interaction, reaction, and moment has an impact on your overall energy level and state of being. Your every choice influences whether you are moving in the direction of raising or lowering your vibration.

As a vibrational being, in every moment you’re either increasing your frequency, or your energy and vibration are declining… Change is constant and so there’s no staying the same!

When your energy has been drained, or you’re in a low vibrational state, you’re likely to be blocked mentally, spiritually, and physically. Lower vibrational frequencies are associated with stagnation, negative emotions, lethargy, health challenges, and even depression.

I don’t know about you, but the past few months have been a bit of a whirlwind!
Between crazy world events, controversial elections and some seriously intense weather patterns...  
Not to mention all the shifts and changes that are surely unfolding in your personal life too! 
I understand, that it can all be a bit overwhelming at times... 
Luckily there is so much support available to help you shift your vibration back into a positive state when you get thrown off center! 
So you can become the calm amidst the storm... 
Or a lighthouse shining through the fog... 
Okay... So I'm not just going to tell you about all the support you have available to you, and then leave it at that. 
Rather, I'm going to share with you one of my favorite practices to vibrationally shift. 
So you can right here and now... 
Raise your vibration with light!   

Do you want to experience increased health, happiness, and well being?

The answer is simple… Raise your vibration!


A high vibrational state of being is essential for connecting with your guides and angels, and opening to your spiritual gifts and abilities.

By increasing your vibration you can experience increased states of creativity, intuition, joy, confidence, certainty, connection, and love. A high vibrational frequency is one which is in alignment with health and wellbeing, positive thoughts and emotions, and increased spiritual awareness.

Plus, your vibration has a significant impact on what you attract into your life experience. When in a low vibration you’re in alignment with attracting more of the same… Annoying people, irritating and challenging experiences, and toxic circumstances.

Raise your vibration to attract positive situations, happy people, magical life experiences, and blessings.

How else can you raise your vibration?

Here are 9 simple things you can start doing now (and return to on a consistent basis) to increase your frequency, and raise your vibration.

9 Ways to Raise Your Vibration Now!

1. Get MovingRaise Your Vibration Now

Exercise gets your energy flowing, keeps you fit, and helps to calm your mind. You don’t need to join a gym, sell your car, or run a marathon (unless you want to)… Just find ways to get moving every day.

Build in daily walks as a part of your routine, or start skipping the elevator, and take the stairs instead. Stretching, walking, dancing, gardening, swimming, running, bicycling (and more) are all great ways to get your blood pumping and your chi flowing.

If you’re drained or tired, you may be tempted to sit on the couch and watch TV, but this only drains you further. When it comes to energy if you don’t use it you lose it!

Get moving, and your energy and vibration will rise. Find an active activity you enjoy and return to it on a consistent basis and your vibration will steadily lift and increase.

2. Meditate

Quiet your mind, breathe, and just be. Even if it’s for just 10 minutes, meditation is a wonderful way to bring greater light into your life.

Meditation serves to increase your awareness, and helps you to gain control over your mind so you can consciously choose positive thoughts which serve you. Meditation opens the doors for inspiration, creativity, and spiritual awareness to flow through, and will help you to connect with your angels.

Many people think meditation is hard, or something they’ll never be able to do, when really it can be simple!

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Take three minutes every day to focus on quieting your mind, and finding the stillness between thoughts.

As thoughts do come up, just release them, and return to focusing on your breath. You can also listen to a guided meditation, like those found on this site, which will help you to lift your vibration and connect with the angelic realm.

Or, put movement and meditation together to raise your vibration with this walking meditation!

3. Practice Present Moment Awareness

Your point of power, and source of energy is always in the present moment.

When you’re worried about potential future realities, or re-living the past, you’re losing out on the energy available to you in the moment. Forgive others and release the past to unhook yourself from lower vibrational energies, and to open yourself up to experiencing the magic and beauty present now.

Relax into the present moment! Make the conscious choice to go with the flow, release stress and tension and remain flexible and adaptable as you “ride the wave of light” that is present on Earth.

This not only helps to to live with more grace, ease and joy… But it also raises your vibration and helps you to claim your power as a spiritual being in physical form too!

Learn more about breathing to increase your awareness here!

4. Spend Time In Nature

Raise Your VibrationNature is a natural mood elevator and a great way to increase your vibration.

You don’t have to take this to the extreme unless you want to, but do make a point to appreciate and commune with nature in some way on a daily basis.

When you make the time to walk in nature, work in the garden, meditate under a tree, relax at the beach, or gaze up at the stars, you’re rewarded with clarity of mind, a grounded state of being, and an increased vibration.

Time in nature will help you to remember the beauty of the natural world and to experience your oneness with all that is. For me, water is especially healing and uplifting as well.

Going for a swim, or even taking a shower and feeling any stress and tension being rinsed away is incredibly uplifting.

Also… Get some sunshine! The sun carries codes of consciousness and awakening which work wonders to raise your vibration. Go for a walk outside or even just sit next to the window if it’s too cold, and let the light of the sun reach you.

Learn more about nature as a vibration raising spiritual practice here.

5. Be Mindful About The Information You Ingest

Everything is energy, including information, and some of it vibrates with a far higher or lower frequency than others. Be mindful of the information you’re ingesting and surrounding yourself with.

Pay attention to the vibration of the material you’re reading, listening to and watching, and notice how it makes you feel during and after you experience it.

Information does impact your vibration, and so much of the information we’re bombarded with on a daily basis is negative, so be sure to counteract this with positive, inspirational, and uplifting material.

6. Eat Fruits, Vegetables, and Drink Water

Nurture your physical body! Hydrate, eat fresh healthy foods, avoid alcohol, and even consider a cleanse/ detox to assist your body in releasing lower densities and tuning into the higher levels of light.

Food and water are both essential forms of life force energy. When you choose to ingest fresh whole foods and plenty of water, you’re not only giving your body the nutrients it needs, but you’re effectively helping your body to flush out toxins which raises your vibration.

Drink plenty of water, eat healthy, and avoid frozen, processed, sweetened, and chemically altered foods to increase your vibration.

Vibrationally speaking, you are what you eat… Be aware of what you’re feeding your body, and choose healthy, high vibrational meals and snacks.

7. Take Action

Procrastination is a sure fire way to lower your vibration.

When you have things you’ve intended to do, but you keep putting them off, they pull at you, lowering your vibration until you get them done. Start taking small action steps now.

When you’re actively moving in the direction of your dreams it feels good. Set goals for yourself, focus in on your hearts desire and your soul’s intention and then start taking action today!

8. Claim Responsibility

Blaming others and looking outside of yourself for the reasons why you’re in a low vibration is a sure fire way to lower your vibration even more.

Regardless of whatever has or is happening to you, you are ultimately responsible for your vibration. Yes there are outside circumstances and people which may challenge you and cause pain, but it is your choice as to how you react.

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Take responsibility for yourself, and do what you need to in the moment to support yourself in raising your vibration. Set boundaries and claim your personal power to create blessings in your life.

Come up with strategies and habits which will refresh your energy, lift your vibration, and support you as you walk a path of love, consciously increasing your frequency.

With awareness, you can notice when you’re in a lower vibrational state and then release lower emotions, fear based energies and negativity in any form as it appears.

Tune into the emotion, love the part of you that is sad, angry, fearful… And then release over to the angels and into the light!

9. Keep Your Heart Open and Return to Love

Love in the present moment raises your vibration. Keep your heart open, and keep returning to love…

You can take this a step further by visualizing your heart filled with light and glowing like the sun.

Open your heart, expand your light, tune into your ascension column of light along your spine and allow love and light to flow into your body and into each and every cell.

From this place, you can then expand your consciousness further, raise your vibration, and align yourself with a powerful sense of clarity, peace, and love…

Not sure how to open your heart? Learn more about heart opening here.

Visualize love and light flowing within and all around you and listen to your inner guidance as to the exact steps for you to take to really let your light shine!

Bonus Practice ~ Work With Your Guides and Angels!

raise your vibration

Your guides and angels are powerful allies in increasing your vibration. Call in Divine white light to surround you and to lift your frequency.

Invite in your angels and ask for their assistance by simply thinking or saying: “Angels help me to raise my vibration now and to hold a new level of love and light in my daily life”.

Breathe, relax, and open your heart to connect with further insight and encouragement from your angels. Your angels will help you connect you with the infinite supply of energy and light available from the Divine, and will offer insight, healing and guidance for you as you walk the spiritual path of increasing your frequency.

Click here for a free angel message with Archangel Uriel which will help you in increase your vibration by infusing your aura with Divine Love.

Living With A High Vibration Is A Choice You Make In The Present Moment

Living with a High Vibration

Remember that increasing your vibration is an ongoing process, and there is always room for improvement. There will be times where you really feel like you’re getting somewhere, and then you slip back a few steps in response to an outside trigger or challenge.

Don’t worry when this happens, be patient with yourself, treat yourself with love and care, and refocus on the simple things you can do now to raise your frequency now.

Listen to your intuition, follow your heart, laugh, play, take good care of yourself and do what is right for you to respond to life with love.

Keep moving in the direction of an increased vibration and remember to enjoy the journey.

There is a huge opportunity for growth available to you in this lifetime, which happens one moment at a time.

This list of vibration raising activities is a good place to start, but is by no means an all encompassing list, what other activities do you use to increase your vibration?

With many blessings of light and love,

Melanie Beckler



Implementing the Galactic Schematics for Higher Evolution Existence By Lisa Transcendence Brown

As the GUARDIANS OF NEW EARTH start to assemble (more), much continues to go on "behind the scenes". Human aspects cannot yet fully see this, for they are "cut off" from access, due to their own separation/vibrations still. Other words for "behind the scenes" are "other dimensions", physical and non-physical ones. For us, they are the same. We do not function separately from these anymore. 

This is not new, it's been happening all along. Those with holographic multi-dimensional access not only work in/from these other dimensions consciously, but they work in this physical one too. 

There are many mis-perceptions, which are increasingly at an all-time high, this will continue for those without conscious connectivity. Let it be. Keep sharing to awaken, keep showing the way, keep anchoring these higher light frequencies and encodements in your own physical body structures. Yes, it is immense. We've crossed the threshold of HEAVEN ON EARTH and the amount of galactic higher light frequencies increase continually and substantially in order for us all to physically accomplish this.

The physical formation of higher dimensional realities and planes of existence only occurs as each individually holds these new encodements here. We've moved beyond the vibrations of these floating around outside of each, now all must integrate in the physical body structure for all to continue physical existence here. 

We concern ourselves not of what humans are not ready for... we anchor anchor anchor massive high frequency realities for all of us here. We focus not on what is collapsing/dissolving, we focus on what we are creating and bringing forth vibrationally AT ALL TIMES NOW. 

The schematics for our new civilizations have activated these last many years and within each ready to uphold this part of their own soul purposes/galactic missions here. As Guardians, WE HOLD the information within us, that unifies all of HUMANITY here and anchors our highest dimensional realities in this physical one. WE SHARE that which is necessary to awaken all to higher existence evolution here. WE are patient, knowing that each experiences exactly what they need/require to in order to fully wake up, that which each agreed to before incarnating/walking in here, for all are now experiencing their pre-programmed realities continually, as they always have been. The only way to change this is to become conscious and intentionally activate desired programs instead of keeping experiencing unconscious programmed ones. 

Yes, each has a choice, free-will, in how to experience all now. Not all will utilize this though, as where unconsciousness is chosen, then this technically is each's free-will, to experience the atrocities, the abrupt awakenings, the devastation to bring all fully conscious now. Those awakened Embodiers are not experiencing such realities now. They already did, as each does in their own reality as it's meant to occur. 

Not all are ready yet, to let go of the ways of the old, the separation energies still held within. This is okay, as those timelines play out on their own for each still caught up in this still. The higher dimensional planes of existence do not require participation in lower dimensional ones, for timelines to occur as they are meant to be. Those embracing their soul's everything can go on and become a part of a whole new existence not "thought" possible. As each is ready...... The higher we go, the more freedom, happiness and amazingness is available for all fully committed to this. 

Those here to anchor and hold Heaven on Earth in the physical now, are busy doing what is necessary to make this happen for all who came here to experience this too. 

Humans that cannot see, assume, create presumptions, stories and get caught up in lower timelines that keep them "stuck there". Technically no one is 'stuck', they are just burning off old energy programs until they become fully conscious in order to shift to a different timeline now. Do not tie your energy up in the old or you'll experience those timelines too. Focus all of your energy and all that you have/are on anchoring the NEW from inside of you and in your own physical too. Support that which is what you DO DESIRE to experience here. Everything is visible and seen by those who are fully conscious, aware and holding the higher vibrations from within. 

The only way each becomes a part of our new existence is by way of intentional participation, full support and embodiment... choosing the dimension desired and doing that dimension from inside so that this can materialize in physical form.

As Guardians, the answers are already here. Everything is simple and already done. We are DOing in this vibration what is necessary to make it a physical reality here. Galactic access is granted as all embody all aspects here. Pure existences are required for human's cannot live in these frequencies here. Each can transcend human'ness/separation fully. It's not only necessary, it's required to RETURN to the forgotten and to live/exist fully beyond the veils and in a physical existence of love, purity, peace, bliss and magic.... The amnesia goes as all ascend/descend/unify to also become Guardians here. 

PHYSICAL Heaven is ALL AS Guardians, walking on a physical plane of existence, beyond the lower density realities that all descended into for their own human experience here. Our current realities are no longer of struggle, resistance, fight or lack (they are the opposite)... yet to emerge into this existence, one must release all that was from the physical body vessel, dissolve all that was, transcend all that was and merge all that was... back into the frequencies of PURITY now. ♥

We respect each's choices for physical realities. We all choose the dimensional timelines we experience now. Human or Quantum. WE live Quantum, as a way of existence in every moment now. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼




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