The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
These are probably one of the best described and best known ebe's there is. It is said that the Greys do not posses pure genetics and that most of them were created as slaves for a master race. Meanwhile some say that some races of greys are not greys, but Lyrans who started out as tall blonde humans who got exposed to heavy radiation that mutated their DNA over time to the point that they ended up as hairless misshapen dwarves, and that they lost their digestive tracks and ingest nourishment through their skin. None of these seem clearly confirmed. But there are several types of Greys, in different colors shapes and sizes. As I understand, their elder race are Insectoids, often called Mantis leaders for their look resembles a gigantic praying mantis. But the different races of Greys posses different genetic mixtures: human/reptilian/insectilian. The name Greys was invented by humans, not them, they have variety of names depending on the groups or star system. In general, they are insectilian hybrids.
Type 1: Greys from Zeta Riticuli 2
Captured alien in Brazil.
Picture shows a Reticulan, worker type: 3-4 ft tall. There are 2 types of Reticulans, one is larger (commanders), other is smaller, both have large heads, long skinny spindly limbs, large black wraparound eyes, small nose, barely visible. They're skin is thick and leathery with a rough surface and pale greyish color.
These beings have been best known around the abduction phenomena, the first person describing the beings and where they were from came from the Barney and Betty hill abduction stories in the 40's. Height is 3-4ft, body is skinny with long spindly limbs, skin is thick and leather like, with a rough surface, completely hairless, and large black eyes, they almost always use dark eye lenses due to sensitivity to light, they are also used to see infrared light, etc. They appear emotionless, and are partly robotic, biological robots. They like many other Grey species have a very strong, distinctive smell like that of a garbage can. Their don't have digestive tracks, or that they're not working, they get their nourishment from fluids, absorbted through the skin. They do not have genitals and reproduce by cloning. Supposedly they have destroyed their genetics, largely because they have cloned so much to a point where it's started to effect the enzymes in their DNA chain causing them to weaken with each successive cloning. They made a deal with the US government in exchange for technology they were allowed to abduct people and take genetic samples in attempt to breed it into their DNA in order to save their race from dying. They operate mostly in the dark underground facilities, their best known bases are in New Mexico. Supposedly they have done these abductions in the past on other planets, and as I understand, what they're doing will not have any permanent effect on their race, they are destined for extinction.
Type 2: Greys from Bellatrix, (Gamma Orionis)
These small aliens have been the subject of tales of fairies, gnomes, elves, pixies, and other "little people." They come from the same genetic roots as the Zeta Reticuli, but little more is known about their race. They possess the technological ability to alter the fabric of space, giving them the ability to pass through solid matter and alter the relative size of objects. They are usually between 6 and 18 inches in height.
Orion Grey type 3 (Rigel star system)
This race of Greys stands between 7 and 8 feet tall (similar to the Nephilim) and they tend to have a more developed nose than other Grey species. When they are observed they appear to be in charge of groups of shorter robotic Greys. Some abductees have detected emotional responses (sympathy, loathing, disgust, etc.) coming from these tall beings. The Orion Greys have also been seen working alongside various reptilian species. As in all situations, the actions of individual members of a species cannot be taken to reflect the intent of all members of that species.
Orion grey type 4:
These types of Greys are known to be very hostile towards humans, they have been known to attack humans with lasers (the Dulce incident) and are able to take a human life without any remorse or regards for the individual. They appear in similar height as Orion Grey type 3. Accept they have longer necks, often wearing some sort of helmet/device on their head, small black eyes and a large pointy nose.
Grey type 5: Orange Greys.
These 5-6 ft tall with an orange skin tone, and are believed to genetically closer to the reptilian genetics akin and have been spotted in isolated parts of the world, not much else is known about these types or where they're from but they're believed to be connected with the grey and reptilian groups in our solar system.
Type 6: Hybrids
One of the main ET projects, now in the completion stage, is the hybrid program. The goal of this project is to produce a being combining the best physical and mental qualities of both races. The following description is of a hybrid female, approximately fifteen years old. Height is five feet, three inches; skin color is pale white/grey. the head is slightly larger and rounder than normal. Hair is dark, high above the forehead, and worn in a very long ponytail. The face is very fine-featured, and attractive. Like all the beings discussed in this paper, her method of communication is telepathic. This has allowed a deeper understanding of her intellectual and emotional make- up. They consider themselves human, not Grey, in almost all respects. They care about the Greys, as any child would a parent, but find them agonizingly boring. The desire for human contact is greater than all others. Their capacity for emotion is as great, if not greater than, humans. Any physical attribute more human than Grey is a great source of pride. their intellectual capacity is well above human standards. It is very likely they will exceed the capabilities of both races.
There are supposed to to be many other types of greys but there is currently not enough information to present at this time.
These beings who have been encountered are profiled as an insect based life forms. Most of the Greys are based on insectiod genetics but containing very little amounts due to multiple genetic breedings over many millions of years.
Insectilian type 1: Mantis elders
These are probably one of the most bizarre looking ebe's in the history of recorded encounters. Their name is given because their appearance resembles somewhat like a gigantic praying mantis. People are often terrified by their appearance but from most witness description they're supposed to have a benevolent motive. They're movements are twitchy and jerky, and resemble that of a bug or bee behavior. They have been seen onboard ships working along side with some of the Greys. But unlike the Greys, these beings do not attempt to do anything against your will, or scare you and feed off your emotions, and as far as I understand they are interested in study of other life forms. They do not have mouth or digestive tracks. Due to millions of years of evolution, they have eyes covering half of their heads and they are so evolved that their entire energy source is light absorbed through their eyes. They are highly religious and have ceremonies for pretty much everything they do.
Insectilian type 2: worker, priest, scientist, commander.
A picture displays the 2 types of the Mantis, with the worker class on the right.
These are a younger generation of the Mantis, they have somewhat a similar appearance, usually seen along with the Mantis elders. The worker class, are usually the ship's operative technicians.
Other insect based lifeforms:
This information is supposed to be recovered from one of the UFO crash sites, on the left is a worker, on the right is the commander, real or not?..
Their name is given because their appearance reminds that of a little fetus. They're only 2-3 ft in height. They are very quick in movements and run around like little children and work in a technical capacity. They have very high intelligence that would skyrocket off our scale. They are profiled as benevolent members of the federation and have been assisting and defending the solar system around the Grey scenario and the reptilian infiltration along side with the Andromedans, Arcturians, Pleiadians and other benevolent groups assisting us and defending the Sol system from a malevolent Et take over or destruction. It's not clear exactly where they come from other than being from an uncharted star cluster approximately 3700 light years from earth.
These are soul groups, known as the Petal. They are some of the oldest known beings in our universe, who have evolved through the different physical forms to the point where they have completed the evolutionary ladder as we know it, and thus exist in some of the highest dimensions. They are also known as the founders and have created many races through out the universe. These are also creators of our creators. They exist as high energy beings of pure spirit form, the highest dimension and everything around it's existence is not physical like ours but is more of a high energy form, or divine energy. It is told that some people on earth are from this soul group, Petal, who have made the conscious decision to leave eternity, and fall back into the concept of time, incarnate in the physical lower 4th density in this case. The Petal originate from the Great Central Sun, which is located in the center of our universe. It is this place that is also the oldest part of the universe, where the original big bang occurred, (birth of our universe).
In 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. trillion grillion gazillion megarillion years (unimaginably long time, let's put it there) everyone and everything in this universe will be transformed into pure spirit form as well. It's just natural evolution of universal energy. (quantum mechanics).
These are blonde haired fair skinned descendants of the Lyran fugitives who colonised the Pleiadian system for a possible habitable planets. Since most of the Pleiadian clusters are uninhabitable due to young age, they found habitable areas in the farthest outskirts of the Clusters in areas of Taygeta and Alcyone. The Pleiadians are believed to share kinship with humans of earth, and are a part of the ancient earth civilizations dating back over 70,000 years.
They made attempt to assist via contacting some governments, but were rebuffed, and so have taken a kind of a hands off approach. The best known contact person is Billy Meier. His first contact was made in 1942 at age 5. He presented his stories with variety of close up pictures of Pleiadian beamships. He also backed up his claims with a variety of physical evidence, which was tested. Over the last decade Meier made became selfishly motivated towards his contacts making profit of it, and false claiming that he was the only one to have been contacted, when in truth, thousands of people have made contacts. Eventually at some point, they decided to cut off all contact with Meier in 1995.
These are benevolent Pleiadian groups from Taygeta, they are 6000 years ahead of us, with advanced space travel that allows them to travel the 420 light years to earth in a matter of hours. There are supposed to be several other Pleiadian groups most from Alcyone. Although the Alcyonans have not been all trustworthy, for they have hidden agendas and cannot be trusted. They have supposedly played a role in infiltration of organizations and belief systems on earth, as well as being responsible for trading technology with the Nazis. The Pleiadian group called the Giza intelligence and the Vril society would fall into this category.
These are another group of human type ebe's of the benevolent highly evolved spiritual nature. They're supposed to be derived from Sirian explorers who discovered and colonized habitable planets in the Procyon system (Alpha Canis Minoris) in the constellation Canis Major, only 11.4 light years from earth. They're average height is 5 feet, usually slightly tanned with dark hair, large head, suggesting that their brains are more evolved than ours, small ears and nose, and very large almond shaped eyes. They have been asociated with earth's most ancient history, including a war with Draconian reptilians for territorial control more than 300,000 years ago. The war went on in and around earth's orbit that took an end when the reptilians lost. In order to justify their attempt, the Draconians exploded a gravity bomb on earth resulting in mass devastation of the planet, causing global climate change, which eventually killed off the remaining survivors of the dinosaurs.
These are a sub race of Draconians who's home planet reside in the Rigelian system. They like Draconans are extremely warlike and aggressive towards other races, and are connected with the Draconan agendas of earth and in the galaxy. Some species of Greys also live among them, subservient to the reptilian type.
Yet another sub Draconan race with an Iguana like appearance who's home planet resides in a star system called Capella.
Sirian B's: These are reptilian hybrids who are working alongside with the Greys and reptilians on earth. They are also believed to be responsible for the infamous men in black activity, as well as working along side with the secret/shadow government. In history they have also been working along side with the Annunaki via using slaves to mine natural resources and draining the planet of it's many resources, some suggest they are in competition with the Draconians for control over earth.
Sirian A's:
These are human types who are descendants of the Lyrans, and of the advanced benevolent nature. They have not been associated with earth other than exploration or observation in ancient history. They are concerned around the Grey scenario and all the secret government activities that is going on here, and would like to be a help for earth humans. They are often tanned to dark skinned color, with a natural dark eyeliner much like the ancient egyptians, 7-8 feet in height, some Sirian races have hair, some are naturally bold. This star system, like Sirius B, are inhabited by various other races.
Vargihna ebe's:
Based on Brazilian government and witness files of an allegedly crashed UFO near Varghina city, Brazil, resulting in two of the UFO occupants to wander around the city, witnessed by more that 100 people, both creatures died in a hospital shortly after the capture, due to failing immune system.
"Central American ufologists believe that a UFO may have crashed in a remote part of Varghina, Brazil on the 20th July 1996. Three girls were coming down a path in an area known as Jardim Andere, close to the city center when one of the girls recoiled in terror. She had seen a creature with slippery, brownish skin and what appeared to be three small horns protruding from its head. The eyes were described as huge and red, and the creature was seen to be squatting down with its long arms dangling between its legs. The creature was observed for a few minutes until it made a sudden movement which prompted the girls to run away in terror. Earlier on the same day, a UFO was reported by two farm hands who also lived locally".
They're a peaceful race of Human type with oriental appearance. Could be descendants of the Lyrans and also believed to share kinship with earth humans.
Other alien races:
Mammalian humanoid. Humans aren't the only mammalian species existing through out the cosmos. Not much is known about these beings, but they're supposed to be registered part of the 57 recorded visitors. They are not cat people, their appearance only reminds that of a cat, they most likely evolved from a mammalian species that never existed on earth, or could be a result of genetic engineering by other race. Some of these beings might be workers/subservient to the Sirians from Sirius B.
(PETA terrestrial) Picture displaying inter dimensional traveler, being from another time-space on earth.
Sketch from a witness description.
Sasquatch-like being. Only witnessed onboard UFO's, could be UFO pilots, or technicians..
The Para-Terrestrial come from several different parallel universes from the Multiuniverse. When they accelerate or decelerate the frequency of vibration of their atomic structure they are able to exist at our 3rd dimension. This information was recovered from IACT/26, OBR-32 - AC 204 (BANTY), as well as other crash sites.
The Mook. Feline or mammalian creature, only 1.3 meters in size. This information was recovered from a ufo crash site: IACT/26, OBR-32 - AC 204 (BANTY)
We can't tell much about these beings, because we don't have enough Data about it yet.
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