Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Temple of Magnetic Resonance
Elders Transmission thru Anrita Melchizedek
As we deepen into this Year of Wisdom and the pathway of Divine Love, the Trinity Lords come forward with their Shield of Light as a spinning disc to activate and open the Seals of Magnetic Resonance through the chakras and energy bodies, as we travel in soul consciousness into the Temple of Magnetic Resonance. Once activated, the magnetic resonance of these seals acts as Light waves of Crystalline Consciousness, as we transmit and receive as conduits of Divine Light through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, amplifying and increasing the field of magnetism for ourselves and all Life upon this sacred Earth. Additionally entrainment of lower frequency vibrations occurs as we transmute all misaligned energies and imbalances back to Love, harmony and the perfect frequency for our own unique energy and the collective consciousness of Mother Earth.
These Seven Seals can be further understood as pre-destined awakening codes within the Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint in the Creation of the I Am Avatar Body of Light. As each Seal is opened and activated through our chakras, energy bodies and Divine Body of Light, all aspects of our wounded Soul energy are aligned deeper into the embrace of the Divine Light of Mother/Father God. The first Seal is Divine Will and connects into the Physical Body. The second Seal is Omniscience and connects into the Emotional Body. The third Seal is Universal Love, and connects into the Mental Body. The fourth Seal is Epiphany and connects into the Causal Body. The fifth Seal is Forgiveness and connects into the Buddhic Body. The sixth Seal is Truth and connects into the Atmic Body. The seventh Seal is Divine Grace, and connects into the Monadic Body.
With the new geometric and numerological templatings being experienced through the Unity Grid of Divine Love and the creative impulsings of our hearts' dreaming in service to Mother Earth, we are deepening into the I AM Avatar consciousness while drawing upon the New Earth templates in complete trust and surrender to life. As we experience the I AM Avatar Consciousness, the collective Higher Light of all awakened souls upon this sacred Earth, we draw to us in magnetic resonance all that we are needing for the next level of our service work. Through our own gifts and the gifts of others we come together in community and like vibration as one Unified Cosmic Field of Divine Love, with a deepening sense of synchronicity, and a new flow of grace and ease.
So let us take a moment now to set our sacred space as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart, focusing for a moment on our breathing, expanding the lower abdomen as we breathe in, contracting the lower abdomen as we breathe out. And just bringing your awareness into the body, letting go of distractions, of things that have come, things that are going to come, simply bringing the knowing of the soul consciousness of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, into the body in conscious awareness with these deep rhythmic breaths.
Visualizing now a beautiful Diamond Flame, the Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, which activates through the heart chakra and now through each one of the chakras, and into the sub-atomic particles of the body; starting to spin the sub-atomic particles into a frequency alignment that connects us all at a soul level, through the Overlighting of Mother/Father God and all the Illumined Beings joining us now, as we deepen into the knowing of ourselves as Star seeds, as Way showers, as Light workers, as sacred transfiguring  Flames of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth and all her life.
And as we start to expand our own energy field in this beautiful Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness, creating now a diamond sphere of Light 54 feet in diameter around us, we have a sense of connecting to one another; those of us connecting at this Higher Light level, listening to this transmission, those of us listening to the recording, all soul brothers, soul sisters, soul family of the Light, as we are joined now by the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High ~ the Christed Extra-Terrestrials, the Archangels and their Divine Feminine counterparts, the Ray Masters and the Ascended Masters, the Trinity Lords of Light ~ Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, Lord Melchizedek; Melchior the Galactic Logos, Helios and Vesta the Solar Logoi, Sanat Kumara the Bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, Lord Buddha the Planetary Logos, and all other Beings of Light we personally acknowledge; as we merge now with our Beloved I Am Presence, the highest aspect of our soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God.
And taking a moment now to ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, visualizing this grounding cord of any color of your choosing coming from the sacral chakra, and taking it into the energy of the Earth.  Wrapping this cord around a big rose quartz cluster, as Mother Earth sends you her Love, back up your grounding cord and into your body and energy field. Good sweet ones.
As you deepen now into your purity and divinity and innocence, the Trinity lords of Light come forward ~ Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, and Lord Melchizedek, to activate the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light. The Trinity Lords' Shield of Light when fully activated is a spherical shield of Light 54 feet in diameter around your body and energy field, and with the symbol of a three dimensional twelve-pointed star and two infinity symbols embedded upon it. As the amplified frequency of the three-fold Flame of Power, Love and Wisdom, the Trinity Lords Shield of Light acts as a conduit of Light bringing in the crystalline Life Code Seed Atoms which are the highest expression of your divinity, bringing in the crystalline consciousness of all dimensions of Light, and assisting in the creation of your Adam Kadmon Body of Light, your I AM Avatar Body of Light and the original Divine Blue-print of your God Selves.
The Trinity Lords' Shield of Light, this beautiful 12-pointed star with two infinity symbols embedded upon the star now anchors and activates as a spinning disc of light through your Soul Star Chakra, approximately 15 centimeters above the crown chakra, anchoring now, the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the New Earth Templates being experienced in this Now.
And now, this Shield of Light activates within the crown chakra, now the third eye, now the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the sacral chakra, the base chakra and lastly now, the Earth Star chakra, approximately 15 centimeters below your feet. Good sweet ones.
Just take a moment now to experience the energetic imprinting of the Trinity Lords Shield of Light as the rejuvenation and regeneration of the body parts and organs, and the rewiring of the bio-circuitry and nadis, and the expansion of the chakras now occurs within the New Earth Templates of Light.
Good. And now sweet ones, the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light activates back up the chakras, taking you deep into the creation of the I Am Avatar Body of Light, re-booting, re-wiring and expanding your frequency through the three-fold Flame of Empowerment, Love and Wisdom, while deepening into the Fibonacci Ratios for each chakra, and into the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms of Cosmic Christ Consciousness. It now activates through the base chakra, and now, through the sacral chakra, through the solar plexus chakra, through the heart chakra, through the throat chakra, through the third eye, and now through the crown chakra and back into the soul star chakra. Wonderful sweet ones. 
And now you see a diamond sphere of Light 54 feet in diameter around you as you deepen into the merging with your beloved I AM Presence, and the creation of your I AM Avatar Body of Light. And within this sphere sweet ones, you see the Golden Fruit of Life, Metatron's Cube, and the Tree of Life ~ and as these geometries, Light Codes, templatings, numerologies, and New Earth frequencies activate now within your diamond sphere of Light, within the Unity Grid of Divine Love, you now state:
 "I activate the Trinity Lords Shield of Light ~ Activate ~ Activate ~ Activate." 
Wonderful sweet ones.  
You now experience the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light activate as this spherical Shield of Light around this diamond sphere, 54 feet in diameter around your body and energy field, bringing in this twelve pointed Star, with two infinity symbols embedded upon it, one vertical and one horizontal; balancing dimensional frequency through the merging of the karmic and Christed Timelines, balancing the planes of polarity sweet ones.
You are now ready to travel into the Temple of Magnetic Resonance, sweet ones, Overlighted by Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, and Lord Melchizedek, and their legions of Light. You now find yourselves travelling through the Unity Grid of Divine Love, entering now into the Temple of Magnetic Resonance. You are taken into a central pyramidal shaped Temple of Divine Love, and as you look around you now you see that you are surrounded by the Trinity Lords of Light and their Legions of Light, as well as your soul and star family of the Light, surrounded in the Love of Creation, as this magical transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
Wonderful, sweet ones.
Lord Melchizedek now comes forward standing to the front of you. And now you see Lord Michael standing to the right of you, and now, Lord Metatron to the left of you. Lord Melchizedek now activates your crown chakra with his Rod of Light. He now places his Rod of Light on the right shoulder, symbolizing your connection to Lord Michael, and now places his Rod of Light on your left shoulder, symbolizing your connection to Lord Metatron.
Lord Melchizedek now says:
"We welcome you as an adept of Light, in co-creation with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Light, serving the lower worlds and Mother Earth.
Know that you will experience further initiations of Light as you move beyond the veils of Illusion into a deeper sense of Oneness with all Life, on the Path of Earth Service. These initiations may also at times be experienced as perceived challenges as you deepen into the knowing that there is only Love. Know that you will always be divinely supported through all your initiations of Light, and we welcome and we bless you, as brothers and sisters of the Light.
These Seven Seals of Magnetic Resonance that we will open and activate through the physical bodies and energy bodies in the creation of your I Am Avatar Blueprint will provide you with the energy matrices to overcome any perceived obstacles you may face as you walk the path of Divine Love. For you are all ready to experience your Highest Potential, and the remembrance and knowing will activate for each one of you in your own unique way as you trust and surrender to the Divine, as you trust and surrender to Life".
And now, sweet ones, the Trinity Lords Shield of Light, in the form of a spinning disc now activates through the base chakra, as you experience the opening and activation of the first seal, Divine Will, as it connects into the Physical Body.
This seal, once activated, brings to you greater levels of empowerment, and the will-to-good. Simultaneously it clears at a cellular level, as well as releasing any addictions you might have, that prevent you from the full manifestation of your Highest Potential as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
You now state:
"I request the Trinity Lords Shield of Light as the infusion of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms to open and activate the Seal of Divine Will through my base chakra and physical body, as I deepen into empowerment, and alignment with the Will of God, as a Melchizedek Initiate of Light. 
I have the courage and strength to change all that I need to in this Now as I walk the path of Divine Love, in empowerment, justice, integrity and truth.
I further request that the Seal of Divine Will connect into my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and assist in the creation of my I Am Avatar Body of Light, my perfect Divine Human Body of Light."
Good sweet ones. You just get a sense of this Seal of Divine Will being opened and activated now.
Good. The Trinity Lords' Shield of Light now anchors through the sacral chakra as you experience the opening and activation of the second seal of Omniscience, and a deeper connection into the Emotional Body; into your feelings, and the emotional body matrix in this Now.
The Seal of Omniscience sweet ones, brings through a deeper sense of illumination and wisdom taking you out of judgment of self and others. Additionally, it brings to you the ability to look through your Master Eyes at all of Life around you, to be calm and gentle and loving, in the balancing of polarities and all that you may experience.
You now state:
"I request the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light as the infusion of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms, to open and activate the Seal of Omniscience through my sacral chakra and emotional body, as I release judgement of self and others, looking through my Master Eyes at all of Life around me, and recognizing the Divinity of all Life. 
With the activation of the Seal of Omniscience I elevate my mind into the mind of God, and with this, experience the ability to connect into the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light, amplifying my unique Extra Sensory Perception gifts and drawing to me all those I will connect with along the Pathway of Divine Love.
I further request that the Seal of Omniscience connects into my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and assist in the creation of my I Am Avatar Body of Light, my perfect Divine Human Body of Light."
Good sweet ones. You now get a sense of this Seal of Omniscience being opened and activated now.
Good. And now, sweet ones, the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light now activates through the solar plexus chakra, as you experience the opening and activation of the third seal, Universal Love as it connects into the Mental Body.
In the Knowing that there is only Love, sweet ones, you embrace the wounded soul aspects and release the lower mind frequencies of doubt, fear and uncertainty by simply loving all that arises. 
You now state: "I request the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light as the infusion of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms to open and activate the Seal of Universal Love through my solar plexus chakra and Mental Body, and to infuse my mind and Mental Body with the Crystalline Consciousness of Divine Love, by loving all that arises, and embracing every sub-personality aspect of myself within my Christed Heart.
 I further request that the Seal of Universal Love connect into my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and assist in the creation of my I Am Avatar Body of Light, my perfect Divine Human Body of Light."
Just having a sense of the flow and energy of these beautiful Seals of Magnetic Resonance, as the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light now anchors through the heart chakra and as you experience the opening and activation of the fourth seal, the Seal of Epiphany as it connects into the Causal Body. This seal, once opened and activated, sweet ones, reveals to you the teachings of the Higher Mind and Service in Love. In remembrance, passion and joy you deepen into the next level of your leadership roles as these Way showers in this Golden Age of Light, merging the Christed Timelines of your Highest Potential into this Now, as you now state:
"I request the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light as the infusion of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms, to open and activate the Seal of Epiphany through my heart chakra and Causal Body, my Higher Mind Body of Light.
 As I receive these Crystalline codes of Christ Consciousness, I experience a deeper intuitive knowing and revelation in wisdom, insight and illumination that I am already an Initiate of Light, a magnificent Master Being, immeasurable in my magnificence and Light and incomparable to others in Who I Am, and what I bring to the collective, and yet, within the One Unified Field of Divine Love, I Am One with All Life, I am One with Mother/Father God.
This deeper merging and integration of all aspects of my Higher Light, Soul family and multidimensional selves appears to me in Illuminating Wisdom and Knowing, as I share in these collective memories of Divine Love, Unity Consciousness and Service in Love as a Melchizedek Initiate of Light.
As I move beyond the veils of illusion, and release all aspects of the victim and persecutor consciousness, I see how each experience in this lifetime has been to experience the next level of my Soul's forward evolution in a reunion of hearts. All that I have chosen has brought me to this Now moment, and deeper into the experience of myself as a Melchizedek Initiate of Light, as I am taken now into a greater experience of joy and passion, freedom, sovereignty and light-heartedness. 
I further request that the Seal of Epiphany connect into my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and assist in the creation of my I Am Avatar Body of Light, my perfect Divine Human Body of Light."
Good sweet ones. You just get a sense of this Seal of Epiphany being opened and activated now.
Good. And now, sweet ones, the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light activates through the throat chakra, as you experience the opening and activation of the fifth seal, Forgiveness as it connects into the Buddhic Body.
As this seal opens and activates, you are given the opportunity to release every remnant of misaligned energy that has created the reflection and play of the Law of Attraction along the karmic timelines; forgiving, loving and letting go of blame as you come into inner peace and a deeper sense of your Divinity.
You now state:
"I request the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light as the infusion of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms, to open and activate the Seal of Forgiveness through my throat chakra and Buddhic Body.
I am ready to truly forgive and let go of blame, no matter the circumstance, no matter the situation, and no matter my perception of events.
As I say to myself: "I Love you, please forgive me", I focus for a moment on myself.
And now, as I continue to say: "I Love you, please forgive me" I bring to mind all those that I have created pre-birth agreements with, along the karmic timelines to know myself as Love.
My loving Christed Heart is full of forgiveness for myself and others, and I surrender to this, whilst embracing the full range of emotions within my Christed Heart.
 I am able to express my magnificent Self.
 I deepen into peace and harmony within my personal Life as I look through my Master Eyes, knowing all is perfect within the seemingly imperfection.
All is Well. All is Well.
I further request that the Seal of Forgiveness connect into my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and assist in the creation of my I Am Avatar Body of Light, my perfect Divine Human Body of Light."
Good sweet ones. You just get a sense of this Seal of Forgiveness being opened and activated now.
Good. The Trinity Lords' Shield of Light now anchors through the third eye chakra as you experience the opening and activation of the sixth seal, the Seal of Truth, as it connects into the Atmic Body.
As the Trinity Lords open and activate this seal with their Shield of Light and related energetic templating, the essence of Divine Equality and Spiritual Truth that ignites within you takes you deeper into Unity Consciousness, into the knowing that you are all One. You no longer need the dance of polarity but have merged all aspects of yourselves deeper into the energy of Divine Love, detachment, observation and justice; no longer experiencing perceived separation or lesser-than and better-than consciousness.
You now state:
"I request the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light as the infusion of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms to open and activate the Seal of Truth through my heart chakra and Atmic Body.
As I receive these Crystalline Codes of Christ Consciousness, universal truths are revealed to me that were hidden, as I experience the flow of balance within the universe.
I am an empty vessel filled with God's Divine Love, and in detachment, observation, Divine Love and Justice, I walk the path of Divine Love.
I experience the fifth dimensional templatings in a new flow and grace through my Christed Heart and my ability to remain neutral and within my loving heart at all times, knowing that Justice will always prevail. Truth will always be revealed. Love is All There Is. And so it is! 
I further request that the Seal of Truth connect into my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and assist in the creation of my I Am Avatar Body of Light, my perfect Divine Human Body of Light."
Good sweet ones. You just get a sense of this Seal of Truth being opened and activated now.
Wonderful sweet ones. The Trinity Lords' Shield of Light now anchors through the crown chakra as you experience the opening and activation of the seventh seal, the Seal of Divine Grace, as it connects into the Monadic Body. As this seal opens and activates, you experience a grace and ease and harmony within the body and energy field in the flow of Divine Love and the symphony of perfectly orchestrated events that takes you into the next level of your Soul's forward evolution, effortlessly and deeply inspired by the collective consciousness of all Life upon this sacred Earth.
 "I request the Trinity Lords' Shield of Light as the infusion of the Crystalline Life-Code Seed Atoms to open and activate the Seal of Divine Grace through my crown chakra and Monadic Body.
As I receive these Crystalline Codes of Christ Consciousness, I release all past experiences that have created a sense of stress upon my physical body or energy bodies.
As I deepen into the Diamond Flame of Melchizedek Consciousness and these beautiful seals of Magnetic Resonance, as I flow with a new grace, I flow into my heart's dreaming, my joy, and my passion. Divine synchronicities flow for me within a renewed focus of inspiration in all that I do.
I am able to connect into the Collective Consciousness of the I Am Avatar race, and I draw to me in magnetization and manifestation co-creations of Heaven on Earth, fully supported on every level of my Beingness.
The Seal of Divine Grace further takes me deeper into trusting and surrendering to Life, trusting and surrendering to God. Each experience I have now as I walk the Path of Divine Love will be with greater levels of Love, with gentleness, with grace and ease, with harmony and joy and abundance as I connect to this Union of Hearts through the Unity Grid of Divine Love.
I further request that the Seal of Divine Grace connect into my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint and assist in the creation of my I Am Avatar Body of Light, my perfect Divine Human Body of Light."
Good sweet ones. You just get a sense of this Seal of Divine Grace being opened and activated now.
Wonderful sweet ones.
And now you thank the Trinity Lords of Light, and all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High that have joined you in this Temple of Magnetic Resonance, as you come back now into your sacred space, grounding once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, while keeping this connection open to all these Illumined Beings of Light from on High. How you experience the flow of your life, sweet ones, is now with deepening synchronicity and greater levels of magnetism, manifestation and materialization as you walk the path of Divine Love, trusting and surrendering to life, trusting and surrendering to the Divine.
So we ask you to sit with these Seals for a bit ~ have a sense of what Seals you may personally be working with, or integrating or activating at this time, sweet ones, as you deepen into your service work, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of divine love, and Melchizedek Initiates of Light.
In your own time you come back fully present, grounded and centered and firmly in your body, opening your eyes, and looking through your Master Eyes at all of life around you, as you place your hands, energetically or physically, upon the heart chakra, and say to yourself "I Love you," giving your full name now "I Love you, I love you."
Wonderful, sweet ones, we thank you for your service work, as we bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.
Image: Chakra-Meditation-Art
Music: Emerald Heart Solfeggio frequencies
Trancribed by Zulma
Edited by Eadie Miller
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