Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Lifestream Where There are No Limitations By Shanta Gabriel ... And ... Cayce & the Mysticism of Jesus By John Van Auken

The Lifestream Where There are No Limitations By Shanta Gabriel

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

For this week's issue, the message from Archangel Gabriel reminds us that our dedication to the Higher Power working in our lives shifts us into a stream of Divine Consciousness where we become powerful co-creators.

The Gabriel Message Card for this week


When you dedicate your life to God you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations.


Shanta GabrielI love the idea of a Lifestream of Pure Consciousness.

I find hat word Lifestream extremely inspiring. To me, it means that there is a mighty River of All Creation that flows through us at all times.

All we have to do to co-create a new reality for our lives is to align ourselves with this energy of Pure Consciousness and step foot in this Lifestream. The hardest part is to trust and just allow ourselves to relax and receive from this loving presence of divine energy in whom we live, move and have our being.

Whenever I face transitional times, which is very frequently nowadays, I find it helpful to rededicate my life to God. I do this sometimes with great formality, and sometimes it is a part of my intentions for co-creation. I know that my life flows much more gracefully when I make a loving commitment to allow the Divine Power to inspire my actions. Again and again, I turn my daily life over to God and ask to be guided throughout all that is transpiring in my world.

After my spiritual practice, when my vibrational frequencies are uplifted, I can then pray for the world and feel a resonance in my heart that tells me that I have indeed stepped into the infinite flow of the Lifestream where there are no limitations.

Divine Presence:

I offer all that I am and all that I do to the power of Divinity working in and through me. I ask that any sense of burden in all aspects of my life be uplifted and carried on the Wings of Pure Love by the Angels guiding me. May I be in harmony with the Divine Flow of Infinite Wisdom and trust that all my needs are being taken care of, now and always.

May all beings awaken to the depth of love and wisdom within their hearts. May all the waters of the world be purified, allowed to run free and find sacred balance. May the trees be honored and respected for the life that they offer us.

May all the world leaders find wisdom and love in their hearts and take care of their responsibilities to serve the people in Divine and perfect ways. May all the animals be blessed, cared for, and respected for all that they give to the world. May all humanity live in balance with the Earth.

May we all be blessed to live with Grace and Ease in the flow of Divine Creation! And so it is.
April 9, 2017
The Gabriel Messages #8
When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of
Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations.

Dear One,

When you dedicate your life to God, an expansion occurs. When your energy fields expand, the limitations of the physical world begin to drop away. You feel lighter, uplifted, more joyful. Your heart resonates at a deeper level of truth. You begin to operate at a higher level of awareness. This new awareness brings you a more enlightened perspective on your life.

It is a wondrous feeling to be in a place of enlightened perspective. All of a sudden you look at your world with new eyes. Your attitude is one of love and compassion, and you become more forgiving of situations that normally would have upset you. This is the grace available to you from the Divine Source. It is always available to you and exists as a stream of heightened energy frequency, or Pure Consciousness.

How do you reach this heightened state of awareness? Through prayer and communion with your Higher Self, by connecting to the loving Source of all that is, and by breaking free of the bonds which limit your thoughts and conscious awareness of life.

So many people contain their thoughts in limiting boxes. Because things appear to be a certain way, they believe it to be truth. The Angels are here to show you another way of looking at life, one in which there always exists a greater level of truth, and where love and harmony are the qualities you can manifest. When you breathe deeply and visualize your energy-field expanding, you are allowing this greater level of truth to become apparent to you. It becomes even easier if you ask your guardian Angel to show it to you. Asking is a form of prayer, and there is opportunity available to see the "larger picture" if you want to. Prayers are always answered.

When you pray, you open the door for a greater level of energy to work in your life. This is the pure potential energy that becomes available to you as you turn your life over to God. We call it a Lifestream because this is the energy in which you live, move and have your being. It is the essence of you, because you are a part of All That Is. When you remember this truth, and give yourself time to commune with the Higher Power within you, limitations drop away.


Right now, take the time to dedicate your life to God. Imagine this Lifestream of Pure Consciousness flowing around and through you in rivers of love and light. Be willing to have your limiting beliefs drop away so that miracles can occur for you in your physical world. Sometimes it might appear as though only a miracle can make the difference in your situation. Allow this to occur as the natural result of remembering the Divine Spirit that is really in charge of your life.

The Angels are available to assist you, as close as a prayer. Open yourself to a new way of seeing your world where love, joy and harmony abound. All this is possible when you remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of
Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
April 9, 2017

Beyond Limitation Meditation
by Shanta Gabriel

In this gentle meditation, Shanta leads you into more expansive visions of life that allow for Creative Solutions and Benevolent Outcomes on all levels. As the Divine Feminine energies are grounded in your human form, you can let go gracefully of old paradigms that no longer work for you.

Within this meditation you can experience the new Feminine Creativity that flows through you within the natural manifestation currents. This will allow you to bring your dreams into fruition without limitation.
You are guided to look through the eyes of your heart, perceiving in new, more expansive ways to let go of limiting beliefs. The beautiful Alignment with the Divine Feminine that is activated in this meditation opens new doors to receiving within your energy system. From this place you become a clear channel of radiant Love to bless your life as well as the world. 

Video: "Sacred Ascension Templates Anchoring Current Ascension Shifts and Activations"

Cayce & the Mysticism of Jesus By John Van Auken
Excerpted From 'Living in the Light' Copyright © 2017 by John Van Auken
Jesus Christ's Hebrew epithet is Emmanuel, which means "God among us." And as Jesus Christ told us, he lived each day among us while retaining an awareness of our heavenly Father. I say "our heavenly Father" because Jesus stated that his heavenly Father was also our heavenly Father: "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God." (John 20:17, my italics)
He said these wonderful words to Mary Magdalene after our Father had resurrected Jesus from his death by Roman crucifixion. Remember his last words before dying, "'Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!' Having said this, he breathed his last." (Luke 23:45) Strangely, these words were also spoken nearly 1,000 years before Jesus' incarnation! They are recorded in a psalm: "Into your hand I commend my spirit. You redeem me, Lord God of truth." (Psalm 31:5)
And this leads us to our topic in this newsletter.
Let's look into Jesus' spirit and Cayce's fascinating teaching that Jesus' spirit has always been among us! Always! Even the ancient Egyptians taught that we are "rays" of the Great Ray (RA, which was pronounced ray) and that the Great Ray, just like the Sun, has never left us lost and alone. And you may not be aware of this but the ancient Egyptians have a legend of a sacred woman who immaculately conceived in her womb the savior of the world! She was Isis and her savior son was Horus. Isis conceived the savior with the help of Heaven."
Note for our sad times: The ISIS we hear about is Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, I.S.I.S. It has absolutely nothing to do with the amazing goddess of ancient Egypt. Our current administration calls them ISIL, meaning the Islamic State of Iraq. Keep in mind that when Jesus was incarnate he had to deal with Roman terror and Herod's murdering countless baby boys in an effort to kill baby Jesus. So our times have evil but so did his time.
Now back to our story of Jesus through the ages of soul growth in this world: Jesus declared his existence beyond this one incarnation saying, "Before Abraham was, I am" (John 8:56-58).
Consider this Cayce reading which indicates that the
spirit in Jesus was also the spirit with us in the past:
"(Q) Please list the names of the incarnations of the Christ and Jesus, indicating where the development of the man Jesus began. ......
Now back to our story of Jesus...
through the ages of soul growth in this world: Jesus declared his existence beyond this one incarnation saying, "Before Abraham was, I am" (John 8:56-58).
Consider this Cayce reading which indicates that the
spirit in Jesus was also the spirit with us in the past:
"(Q) Please list the names of the incarnations of the Christ and Jesus, indicating where the development of the man Jesus began.
"(A) First, in the beginning, of course; and then as Enoch and Melchizedek in the perfection. Then in the earth as Joseph, Joshua, Jeshua, Jesus." (5749-14)
Of course this assumes that we were in the past too, and Cayce's readings confirm that we were. Your spirit and mine have been alive from the beginning:
"The entity was in the beginning when the Sons [Daughters too] of God came together to announce to Matter a way being opened for the souls of God's creation..."(2156-2).
"In the beginning ... when the morning stars sang together, and the whispering winds brought the news of the coming of man's indwelling ... and man became the living soul the entity came into being with this multitude" (294-8 this was Edgar Cayce).
"For in the beginning, God said, 'Let there be light.' You are one of those sparks of light with all the ability of Creation, with all the knowledge of God" (EC 5367-1).
It is like Jesus said to Nicodemus: "No one has ascended up to heaven but he/she that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." (John 3:13 KJV)
A Mystical, Magical View
We have descended from heaven for this incarnate lifetime and we will return to heaven after we finish here. And we have done this many times in the past. But we will not always do this, for Cayce told some that this was their last incarnation, clearly indicating that this cycle does not go on forever, and that there are other realms and dimensions for us to experience and enjoy. Let's look at some examples of Jesus' spirit being with us in the past. One example of Jesus' spirit being with us in ancient times is the priest of the Most High God and King of Peace, Melchizedek. 
Here is the Bible's record of him: "And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine [just like Jesus at the Last Supper]; he was priest of God Most High. And he [Melchizedek] blessed him [Abraham] and said, 'Blessed be Abram by God Most High, maker of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!' And Abram gave him [Melchizedek] a tenth of everything that is a tithe of all, for a 'tithe' means a tenth." (Genesis 14:18-20, RSV)
Notice that Melchizedek was king of Salem. "Salem" comes from a Hebrew word meaning peace. That would make Melchizedek the "King of Peace" (and Jesus was the "Prince of Peace"). The Hebrew name Melchizedek itself means "King of Righteousness" (a name that is also found in the Essenes' Dead Sea Scrolls as he who fights against the Lords of Darkness, often called "the Righteous One").
The same individual is mentioned in Psalm 110:5 (RSV): "The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, 'You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.'" This next verse is Paul's in Hebrews 5:8-10: "Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.
About this we have much to say which is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing." Even Paul admits that some of these teachings are hard to explain, and the Psalms agree: "I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old, which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us." (Psalm 78:2-3)
I would like to journey back to the Tomb Garden where Mary Magdalene did not recognize the resurrected Jesus, because there is much to learn from that event and the other lack of recognition that occurred with the disciples on the road to Emmaus. And though it is hard to explain, we have the help of Cayce's readings.
All four Gospels record the burial of Jesus in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. The 
Gospel of John records the following details:
"Now in the place where He was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid. So there they laid Jesus, because of the Jews' Preparation Day, for the tomb was nearby. (John 19:41-42)
A few days later, early in the morning while it was still dark, at least five women set out with spices to visit the tomb in which Jesus had been buried (Luke 24:1, 8). When they arrived, they discovered that the massive stone had been rolled away from the opening of the tomb and that the body was gone.
After informing the disciples, Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb where she would become the first witness of the resurrected Savior. Upon first meeting Jesus she thought he was the gardener and said to him, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away" (John 20:15). She did not recognize him, thinking he was the gardener.
Similarly, there was an episode of two disciples on the road to the village of Emmaus on the day of the Resurrection. (Luke 24:13-35) Had Jesus' appearance changed enough through the resurrection to be slightly different? The passage tells us "
their eyes were kept from recognizing him" until he explained how the Old Testament prophecies concerned the Messiah. Mary Magdalene didn't recognize Jesus immediately outside the tomb until he called her by name and her eyes were full of tears (John 20:14-16). Perhaps in this instance she too had been supernaturally prevented from recognizing him, just as the disciples on the road to Emmaus. 
Remember how he also told her not to touch him: "Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren and say to them, 'I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God.'" (John 20:17)
Edgar Cayce's readings really dig deep into Jesus' resurrected body, explaining it in great detail - though in mystical, magical terms. Here's Cayce's reading on Jesus' resurrected body with a little insight into how our soul bodies are. I have always been interested in the difference between my physical body and my soul body - hope you are interested too.
"There is no mystery to the transmutation of the body of the Christ. For having attained in the physical consciousness the
at-onement with the Father-Mother-God, the completeness was such that with the disintegration of the body - as indicated in the manner in which the shroud, the robe, the napkin lay - there was then the taking of the body-physical form. This was the manner. It was not a transmutation, as of changing from one to another."
This is a curious detail from Cayce, so let's reread the biblical record: "Peter went forth and that other disciple [John] and came to the sepulcher. So they ran both together; and the other disciple outran Peter, and came first to the sepulcher. And he stooping down and looking in saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in. Then came Simon Peter following him went into the sepulcher, where the linen clothes lie, and the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes but wrapped together in a place by itself." (John 20:3-7)
 Now we may recall that when Lazarus was resurrected he came out of his tomb bound hand and foot in the grave clothes with his face also bound with the napkin. (John 11:44) 
Can we assume that Jesus' body "disintegrated" (using Cayce's word), leaving the shroud, robe, and linens lying where the old body had lain, but when he regenerated the atoms and cells of body the essence of the napkin was still around its head, so Jesus took it off, folded and placed it away from the grave clothes?
We learn a little more as Cayce continues describing how Jesus appeared in the Upper Room:
"Just as indicated in the manner in which the body-physical entered the Upper Room with the doors closed, not by being a part of the wood through which the body passed but by forming from the ether waves that were within the room, because of a meeting prepared by faith. For as had been given, 'Tarry you in Jerusalem - in the upper chamber - until YOU be endued with power from on high.'" (Luke 24:49)
"As indicated in the spoken word to Mary in the garden, 'Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to my Father.' The body (flesh) that formed, that seen by the normal or carnal eye of Mary was such that it could not be handled until there had been the conscious union with the sources of all power, of all force.
"But afterward - when there had been the first, second, third, fourth and even the sixth meeting - He THEN said: 'Put forth thy hand and touch the nail prints in my hands, in my feet. Thrust thy hand into my side and BELIEVE.' This indicated the transformation.
"For as indicated when the soul departs from a body (this is not being spoken of the Christ, you see), it has all of the form of the body from which it has passed - yet it is not visible to the carnal mind unless that mind has been, and is, attuned to the infinite. Then it appears, in the infinite, as that which may be handled, with all the attributes of the physical being; with the appetites, until these have been accorded to a unit of activity with universal consciousness.
"As it was with the Christ-body: 'Children, have you anything here to eat?' This indicated to the disciples that this was not transmutation but a regeneration, recreation of the atoms and cells of body that might, through desire, masticate material things - fish and honey (in the honeycomb) were given.
"As also indicated later, when He stood by the sea and the disciples who saw Him from the distance could not discern him - but when He spoke, the voice made the impression upon the mind of the beloved disciple such that he spoke, 'It is the Lord!'   The body had prepared fire upon the earth - fire, water, the elements that make for creation. For as the spirit is the beginning, water combined of elements is the mother of creation."
"Not transmutation of flesh but creation, in the pattern indicated."
"Just as when there are those various realms about the solar system in which each entity may find itself when absent from the body, it takes on in those other realms not an earthly form but a pattern conforming to the same dimensional elements of that individual planet or space." (2533-8)
Ah ha! Our soul body takes on "form" in a pattern conforming to the dimensions we visit. In eleven of Cayce's readings he states that Jesus Christ is an example for all souls, no matter what their religion or culture. 
Here's one example in which Cayce uses the old word "ensample" for example:
 "Jesus became the ensample of the flesh manifest in the world and the will one with the Father, he became the first to manifest same in the material world. Thus, from man's viewpoint, becoming the only, the first, the begotten of the Father, and the ensample to the world, whether Jew, Gentile, or of any other religious forces. In this we find the true advocate with the Father in that He, as man, manifest in the flesh the ability of the flesh to make fleshly desires one with the will of the spirit. For God is spirit, and they who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth [John 4:24], just as Jesus manifested in the flesh and able to partake of the divine. And in that Jesus lived as man, and died as man, and in that became the ensample to all who WOULD approach the Throne of God." (900-17)
If we accept Cayce's view that Jesus is an example for us, then our journey is to gain an awareness of our Father within us, as he had. The goal is to reach a level of consciousness that allows us to be aware of the heavenly Father while living among those in this world. Imagine being as aware of God as we are of ourselves and others. This is the awareness we seek. But it is a difficult goal to realize, as
Cayce states: 
"Remember there is no shortcut to a consciousness of the Godforce. It is part of your own consciousness, but it cannot be realized by the simple desire to do so. Too often there is the tendency to want it and expect it without applying spiritual truth through the medium of mental processes. This is the only way to reach the gate. There are no shortcuts in metaphysics. Life is learned within self. You don't profess it, you learn it" (8092-1).   
 Well that's clear!
"Each soul enters the earth to meet its own self, in its own shortcomings. Yet there is an advocate with Creative Forces, with God, in Jesus the Christ, who has set the example of every nature - and He has set the example of freedom of speech, freedom of activity; yet bound within that which is ever constructive. He has not given freedom that is  licentious, or freedom that is self-indulgent, or freedom that does not consider the needs, the desires, the positions of others. But in the example as is set in Him each soul may find that stimulation for activities in material associations with others to see not the sordid things of an experience, not grudges, fault-findings, but rather those that are set as He has given: 'In patience you become aware of your souls.'
"Hence He meets with those who give of themselves for a material service in that in which they themselves may find the greater heights of beauty.... He meets them in those very influences as has been given by Him, as to whom He gave the keys [Peter?]: longsuffering, self-abasement, humbleness, and patience." (1352-4)
Whoa, not exactly what any of us got into this for: longsuffering, self-abasement, humbleness, and patience! Hard things to endure, especially with our egos wanting to be satisfied, glorified, and exalted. Cayce's readings even encourage us to have our own personal crucifixion!
"Crucify desire in self that you may be awakened to the real abilities of helpfulness that lie within your grasp." (2475-1)         Well I suppose our better egos (Superego as Freud called it, our conscience, our better self) are happy to subdue our lower urges in order to grasp our "real abilities" as Cayce calls them. In this context longsuffering, self-abasement, humbleness, and patience are qualities our lower, selfish self feels when it yields its desires to our higher purposes. Can we all get into this type of crucifixion?
Let's continue with the reading:
"These be those things in which or against which there is no law [of karma], but they are the fruits of the spirit. Then live them day by day in your associations with not only your companions and your friends, but with your foes and with those who even speak despitefully of you, for they spoke thus of Him."
The "Fruits of the Spirit" are Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Patience, Faith, Meekness, Humility, Kindness, Gentleness, Peace, Joy, Goodness, Temperance, and Long-suffering.
Now back to the reading:
"Then, if you will keep those things that have been committed unto you, the love of the Father as is shown in the Son, and apply same in those fields in which your mind, your activity may find a more beautiful expression - but these for service to Him, for the praise, for the glory, for the honor of Him - then you will find the greater source of happiness, the greater field of expression, the greater means of building that in the experience which will bring to YOU peace, harmony, freedom in Him, and glory in your service to your fellow men and to your Maker, through Him!" (1352-4)
As Jesus explained to Philip, "He who has seen me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does His works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me." (John 14:8-11)
 There was simply no way that Jesus could show the Father separate from himself. We and God are one. Again, we are not all of God's being but we are a portion of God. As Jesus asked, "Why do you get angry with me because I say that I am the son of God? Do not the scriptures say that you are gods?" 
Psalm 82 states: "God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment. 'You are gods, sons [and daughters] of the Most High, all of you.'"(82: 2, 7-8)
Like Jesus we are human and divine
, and need a little quality time with our divine selves. 
End ..
Written By John Van Auken
Copyrights Reserved 
Video: "Expanding Your Consciousness While Manifestation Your Soul's Desires - By Steven Hutchinson" -

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