Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Received by Sal Rachele
May 27, 2005

Greetings once again. We are the Founders. Let us recap and say a few words about the story so far. As many of you know, we have left a lot out and skipped some major periods and events. This is for the sake of brevity. If this channel is willing, we will include these missing pieces in an upcoming book. We have enough information to fill several books, and we feel it is vital that this material be disseminated as you approach the next Grand Cycle. We will have a special discourse on the implications of cosmic cycles in the near future.

We have not touched on the significance of the ancient Hebrew teachings, the Tree of Life (Kaballah), or other aspects of the higher teachings brought forth since the time of Atlantis by various enlightened members of the Pleiadean, Andromedan, Sirian, Orion, Arcturian, and other groups. We have also had very little to say about the Galactic Confederation, the Great White Brotherhood, the archangelic orders, and the universal orders, including the Order of Melchizedek. This channel has a strong Venusian connection, another ET faction that deserves mention in future segments.

One eighth density member of the Confederation, in fact its leading member in this sector of the galaxy, has a special story that we joyfully relate below.

At this time, we wish to illuminate your minds regarding the real story of Jesus Christ. It is important to note that the allegorical story line of one being sacrificed to heal the sins of the masses did not originate with the events 2000 years ago, but is a theme that has been repeated many times throughout history, long before the man you know as Jesus was carried to the cross. If you dig into the history of different cultures, you will find other such icons whose stories are very similar to that of Jesus. The idea that a savior died for your sins, and the playing out of that drama in a form similar to Jesus, is an attempt by the "dark lords" to get humanity to place the blame outside of themselves in order to keep their problems from being solved.

Let’s get this straight. Nobody can ever die for your sins, beloveds. That is for two reasons. (1) You have free will and are responsible for everything you do; and (2) There is no such thing as an unpardonable error or an error that causes you to be defective. You are as perfect as the day God created you, and you will always be perfect and innocent and holy. Lord Sananda, in his book set, "A Course In Miracles" made that very clear.

There are some factual aspects to the story as told in the New Testament of the Bible, but there are many distortions. Allow us to elaborate.

The soul known as Jesus was a direct fragment of the Sananda lineage. In other words, Sananda was the oversoul of Jesus. Sananda, having watched as humankind once again floundered in sorrow and ignorance, and having a desire to intervene in the affairs of man in a way that respected free will, incarnated in approximately 39 B.C., as the son of Joseph and Mary. This much is in general agreement with the biblical story. Jesus' birth date was approximately March 31st.

Lord Sananda, an eighth density celestial being, incarnated as Jeshua, or Joshua, depending on whose translation you use. Being from eighth density, he retained many of his spiritual abilities, despite the very dense environment he was born into. As a young child he was very psychic and foresaw many of the events that would later come to pass. Mary and Joseph were at odds with the political establishment to some degree, and they were NOT married when Mary became pregnant. The "virgin birth" story is made up. Certain ET factions have the capabilities of impregnating women without going through normal sexual means, but in this case Jeshua came in through normal means.

To avoid the social and political consequences of giving birth out of wedlock, and to remove themselves from the oppressive beliefs of the authorities, Mary and Joseph migrated toward Galilee, and eventually near the Dead Sea, where they briefly took refuge with the Essenes. Mary and Joseph left Jeshua in their care and returned to Galilee. Jeshua later joined the Essene Order. He spent three years building temples and housing for the Essenes, while attending their sacred teachings and learning the Essene way. Along the banks of the Dead Sea, Jeshua learned to have respect for Mother Earth and had a hand in helping bring the much-needed rain, scarce in that region. The Essenes were strict vegetarians and taught a respect for all life forms. They were regarded as strange and anti-social by the governments of the land, but were left largely alone, as they seemed to pose no threat, and always paid their taxes, even though they did not believe in such matters.

When Jeshua turned about 16, he and a group of fellow Essenes traveled East to India, where he met several Indian gurus and saints. He studied for about two years with a guru, who taught him a great deal about the mysteries of life. When he returned (and during a dangerous visit to see his parents in Galilee), he met and fell in love with Mary Magdalene, who was a dancer and entertainer, and only very briefly prostituted herself when times were tough. Mary M and Jeshua were deeply in love with each other and had a child. Because they were not married, they too became social outlaws. Some of Jeshua's Essene friends allowed Mary M to stay at the temples with Jeshua, against the rules of the elders. Jeshua, Mary M and their young son traveled to India a second time, where the child was blessed by the gurus. Word got out that Mary M had an illegitimate child, although nobody seemed to know the father (outside of the Essenes). Fearing for the child's life, Mary M and Jeshua left the child temporarily in the care of an Indian saint, and returned to Galilee. It was a few years later before they could return to India, and although they missed their son terribly, they knew he was all right.

Mary M and Jeshua paid another visit to their son a few years later, but he remained in the care of the Indian saints when they returned. The political climate was too unstable to risk bringing the child back with them to Galilee. Despite the short time they spent with their son, their influence helped him greatly as he grew up in India. Their son became a wise sage and his teachings added significantly to the climate of India.

Jeshua received several visions from spirit and his soul family and was told to teach higher spiritual principles to anyone who would listen sincerely. He began teaching earnestly in his late twenties, and gathered quite a following. At one point he had about fifty disciples. He and Mary M kept their relationship and child a complete secret, not even discussing this with the closest disciples. Being highly clairvoyant, Jeshua saw that the authorities would eventually kill him, but he was told by his own God Self to stay his course and teach as many people as possible the ways of spirit.

Jeshua's teachings were highly distorted in the Bible, but a few truths managed to get through. He taught that we are all created in the image and likeness of our Creator, and that we all have the abilities he demonstrated. He taught us to love one another and to forgive our enemies. He did NOT teach that the way to God was through him alone. Several of his disciples learned how to use their spiritual gifts of healing and clairvoyance, and there are ample stories in the Bible of John going on to perform similar healings. The story of Jeshua's involvement in the Melchizedek priesthood is also in the Bible, in Hebrews Chapter 7. Once Jeshua reached a certain level of awareness, his cosmic family in the celestial realms began communicating with him and reminding him of his position within the Melchizedek priesthood.

When Jeshua was brought to the cross, he immediately left his body consciously, instead of suffering for three days as is taught erroneously. During his life he continually "forgave them for they knew not what they did". After leaving his body, he holographically projected himself back into human form to appear to his disciples and Mary M on numerous occasions. The body left the tomb because grave robbers stole it. He had no need to resurrect it, as he was already able to materialize a new body once he returned to eighth density.

Lord Sananda has fragmented his soul several more times throughout history. At the present time, there are eight fragments of Sananda on the Earth. Some of these souls believe they are Jesus, and to a certain extent they are correct. All great souls are capable of fragmenting themselves dozens of times in order to do service work on lower density planets. Usually oversouls fragment into 12 souls at a time, but this is not set in stone. Many fragments remain in the higher densities to guide the fragments in the lower worlds. The term “fragment” does not mean incomplete or partial. Each of these fragments is a complete and sovereign being. This channel uses the cell dividing analogy to explain this in his writings.

The "Second Coming of Christ" refers to the return to Christ consciousness, or the celestial consciousness of higher densities. This was correctly interpreted by your Paramahansa Yogananda and many other yogis and saints. As most of you know, traditional Christianity has very little to do with the teachings of Jeshua, and a whole lot to do with sin and guilt. Fortunately, many souls are expanding their awareness beyond these primitive beliefs. We the Founders are grateful to see so many truly doing the "greater works" that Jeshua taught.

During this brief look at the work of Jeshua, we only touched briefly on Mary M and the divine feminine, and spoke hardly a word about Mother Mary. There are numerous channeled articles on these beings and we do not wish to duplicate the information.

We hope we have set the record straight on the lifetime of the one you call Jesus. We are the Founders.

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