Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

SaLuSa 01-December-2008

Another year approaches its end seeming to have only just began, and time continues to speed up at an ever quickening pace. It is fortuitous that as you go through the final days of the control by the dark forces, that they pass so quickly. At the same time for those of you who sought change from the policies and agenda of the outgoing Government you have had your prayers answered, and when your new President can take complete control you shall see rapid changes take place.

Naturally not everyone can be satisfied with change, but if you desire what is for the greater good of the people you will witness America being pointed in a different direction. Nothing happens by chance and you get exactly what your energies draw to you. In this instance it has not required a majority of people to give of the Light, and a minority have achieved their goal through dedication and love. The opportunities for change were presented to you and taken, thus ensuring that your future is assured. We of the Galactic Federation know that those of the Light will eventually rise up into public recognition, and they will be seen for what they truly are as champions of the people. They will walk their talk and bring freedom to your country, as it throws off the chains of war and aggression that has caused so much death and destruction.

Although you cannot all be privy to what is happening that is shaping your future, be aware that there is much activity going on. Just make allowance for the amount of work that has to go into bringing about change. You will grasp what is happening before very long, as you see new policies coming out through the vision of your President Elect. He is the one who was meant to lead you forward at this time, taking on the most difficult tasks ever confronting a new President for many decades, and he is protected so as to fulfil them.

You approach a most exciting period when you will see for certain that a great leap forward is taking place. We could say that what you are about to experience will be like a fairy tale ending to a period of darkness, where the White Knight arrives just in time to slay the dragon. There is more truth in this statement than you could imagine. A long time ago you attracted outer forces of energy from the beyond, and they have ever since held you down as you went through the Dark Ages. It was never intended that you should be left forever struggling to reach the Light, and for the last century souls of Light have been increasingly coming to Earth. They have achieved their objective to awaken you to your true potential.

Now each and very one of you has an equal chance of moving into the Light, but for many it will only come with throwing off beliefs that are not based upon the Truth. Stand aside and consider what it is that holds you fast, and is preventing you from opening up and looking at the fuller picture. Do not fear change, and listen to what the teachers of the New Age are speaking. They have arrived on Earth for a specific purpose, and if you hear their words you will find that they resonate with Love and Light. Fear is not in their vocabulary unless to point out that is self destructive, as it is a powerful energy. Understand that fear is the weapon used by the dark forces to create chaos and keep your attention away from the Light. It is true that there are reasons to be aware of dangers to you, but you can walk in your Light of protection without allowing the fear to rule your thoughts. Think upon what is happening as necessary to allow the Light in, as the dark influences are removed. Live day to day; with your positive vision of what you see emerging from the darkness that will change the course of Humanity. Ascension is the path that has opened up for you all, and in the ultimate each will have the knowledge and understanding of what it means. It is the most wonderful and uplifting experience that you will ever have, and it takes nothing away from you but gives you all that you need for a happy and joyous life beyond Earth.

The higher vibrations are levels of existence where you are safe from the dark energies, as they cannot survive in them. It is your natural home where your own powers of creation provide all that you need. Whatever you leave behind when you rise up you will have absolutely no regrets, as nothing can compare with the beauty and perfection of the higher realms. Most importantly that applies to you as a Being Of Light, and your own Light body will carry none of the imperfections that you may have had whilst on Earth. Can you imagine a body that carries no ills or disease, and maintains its condition at all times simply through taking sustenance from the air. We are examples of what you can look forward to when you rise up, and you will never see us as aged as we always retain our youthful looks.

You really do not give up anything of true value when you ascend; rather you gain beyond anything you can imagine. In your subconsciousness you know this to be true, as you came from the higher dimensions to experience duality as part of your onward evolutionary spiral. If you could but see into the future, you would have no hesitation in relinquishing the hold the Earth has upon you. It has beauty and has given you many happy experiences, but how much more awaits you if you choose to ascend. If that feels right to you, then undoubtedly you are moving into the Light and your awareness is growing.

Our presence is twofold, and firstly we approach you as your brothers and sisters because we are one family of Light. Your future is bound with us and many of you are from one of the many civilisations that comprise the Galactic Federation. Secondly, we are your mentors and protectors and have the appointed task of restoring Mother Earth. It is necessary to remind you that your Earth is a living Being of a Light, and of a wonderful disposition where you are concerned. She knew what it meant to offer her body as your abode, and now it is time to make good the damage that she has endured. You are to ascend as one and will find you are suddenly in the Golden age. Ascension is a quick process triggered by the higher energies of the Photon Belt that you are now entering, and gets stronger the more you penetrate it.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust that you understand the full importance of these times. I leave you with the love and blessings of all of our members.

Than you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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