Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

13. NOV 29th.

Hello! Me here!! Looking forward to today’s communication with you … as always. It’s interesting to see what each channelling will reveal as I have no idea when we start what will be involved. I like that. Yes … there are still questions I am asked to ask, but I prefer to see what it is YOU want to be known as opposed to what we think we want to know. So … my friends … over to you.

We enjoy the trusting that you know we shall be here to serve. Dearest brothers and sisters of earth … we chose to speak with you in these terms for we consider you to be part of our family. We allow all forms of life to join with us and invite all that is of Loving brotherhood to share in our delight as we become once again the united family that we once were. Imagine, as it is on your plane, when a long lost member returns from travelling ... What joy in the welcoming of that soul back into its fold? We ask you to think of this as we draw ever closer to you … to the days when we shall be reunited and our presence is understood in its Truth of who we are. There shall be no more questioning of our existence. There shall be only embracing ... Welcoming with open arms … as we allow hearts to dwell in their rightful place … HOME. For as you well know … HOME is not a place. It is deep within you. The longing you have expressed in your beings to return, is not necessarily the NEED to BE elsewhere. It is the LONGING to BE the Truth of the ONE. The LONGING to remember the feeling of a place within yourself that is of the purest LOVE and thought. The LONGING to be surrounded by this LOVE. The LONGING to be in it … in an existence where there is nothing else but that Love. When all hatred has dissolved. When only Love resides within the hearts and minds of those in your place of earth. Are you able to focus on that? For indeed, we say to you dearest ones, that this time CAN be brought about. We watch and observe the ways of how your earth has evolved. WE can accept that the change is coming about. For we can see the change in the energy forming. We can see the brightest Lights choosing to remain in your place of earth as hope turns into realities that were dreamt of long ago.

I am picking up on the word ‘condense’, but nothing to go with it … are you still with me?

We are here. We are always here. It is only vibrations that change and prevent us from being ‘on line’ with you. Let us speak to you of that. It is agreed that everything is what it is due to its frequency. The level of energy that it takes its form from. This vibration resides within a frequency of itself. When there is a change in this level, when an outside vibration merges with a particular form, the whole pattern is diverted from its once resident level. As the merging begins to settle then the new/higher level ‘changes’ the form of what it once was , although … it may ‘appear’ the same. So from the outside, one may assume that everything is as it was. And yet, from the energetic vibration of itself it has completely changed. Therefore all patterns of frequency have changed also. This is what is taking place on a vast scale upon planet earth. It has been taking place for a long time. Within each living atom the pattern has been changing. This is part of the plan. The experiment. It was formed in order for EVERYTHING to evolve … from the minutest form of nothing to the greatest form of everything. When your energy of yourself is not on planet earth, when it has moved passed what you know as your individual self, you are able to comprehend the EVERYTHING. The ALL KNOWING. For the vibration of that space has the capacity to KNOW the EVERYTHING for it IS the EVERYTHING. When it is of the lower frequencies, it cannot KNOW everything … when in that form, for that form is not able to connect with the EVERYTHING, due to the density it is residing in. It simply does not have the intensity to BE of that KNOWING. As you evolve as a planet … in THESE times … in THESE days that have been chosen, you have agreed to raise the vibration in order to assist the oneness that YOU ALL ARE. Not just a few who are in a position of understanding. Each one of you on this planet at this time has agreed to be here to play your part. Your role. There is not one who is here under another guise. This must be understood. And … if each role is not ‘played out’ then the plan will continue on unfolding as it goes on through your various scenes/ scenarios , until eventually the plot that was expressed to be portrayed is back on track. It is for some that they must be put on hold … so to speak … whilst others who may have strayed from the plot, realign themselves in order for the WHOLE to progress in the fashion designed. There have been many unforeseen loopholes as your world has proceeded onward. Yet, with each untanglement of what was not in the plan, there appears a new dawning of a scenario that although not planned, only adds to the quest … and allows it to be richer in its unfolding. Let us try to assist a little in this explanation. Can you imagine if there were certain souls on your journey that were suddenly not there. Think about this for a moment. Think of souls in your life who are of importance within your every day existence … then remove them … how would your life be?

Well, surely … it would be ok, because if they were removed, there would be others that would be there instead, for we cannot NOT have interaction with others on this planet. That just wouldn’t work. We couldn’t all live in one town and no one communicate with one another. It just couldn’t work.

So you would agree that it is through the communication with other life forms that one can live one’s life? It is the interaction with other souls that allows the everyday occurrences to happen.

Well, I am trying to think of a day when everyone was carrying on with what they were doing but ‘trapped’ within their own space … no connection with another … nope .. It just wouldn’t be possible. We have to interact with each other for a billion trillion reasons.

Our point being then, that you are all in this together. It was the agreement that you all made. There HAS to be the connection … your world could not work without it. And it is through this connection that your world evolves … because of HOW YOU INTERACT WITH ONE ANOTHER. YOU CHOOSE HOW YOUR WORLD WILL BE. BY YOUR INTERACTION WITH EACH ONE. THAT IS HOW THE PLAN WORKS. So … going back to the ‘energetic vibration’ … the merging of a higher vibration with a lower one is what allows the lower one to eventually raise itself ‘up’ a level. It cannot work the other way. What we mean by this is that a lower vibration level cannot merge with a higher one and pull it down in to that plane of frequency.

Bit confused there. In that … say for instance … a vegetable that was once fresh … odd choice I know to explain … and then it began to rot, would that not be a higher frequency going down to a lower frequency? Or … a High energy soul that had an attachment of a low frequency soul and the negativity of that lower energy brought down the higher frequency. How does that tie in?

We understand your questioning. At all times a Higher frequency will override a lower one. It cannot be otherwise.

Continue on, because I m sure many could find arguments to disagree. I am no rocket scientist clearly … yet I would ask you to clarify that a bit more … if you would be so kind?

Dear friend, we shall be happy to do so. In your mind’s eye we show you an orange. That orange is there because of its frequency. That frequency allows it to be what it is. Orange in colour… therefore there is a frequency that the colour orange holds. The texture of the fruit holds another frequency and the liquid within holds yet another. The pith also, and on we could go. Now … the frequencies of EACH of those components that make up the orange allow that orange to materialize as it presents itself. If the pith and perhaps the peel were removed the frequency would change, because it no longer contained the whole of what was needed to BE that orange. However …

Excuse me why I wipe the dribble from my chin

Depending on what is left and its vibration, THAT will decipher what frequency that orange in its appearance without the pith and peel shall be in…

And …

However … if the orange was surrounded by many others that HAD the pith and peel then it would be plain to see what the TRUE vibration of THE ORANGE as AN ORANGE … IS! Be it that pith and peel be either lower or higher frequency … that is not the point ..

If we could kindly get to the point that would be MOST helpful …

What something’s vibration is determines what it is as we have stated …

Yes …

Therefore a higher vibration cannot become a lower one because of its very vibration. It cannot change into something it is not.

But you said a lower can change into a higher, so that would be changing into something it is not.

It would be evolving into a higher frequency. This is what your planet is about … evolving..
Not dissolving..

Are you sure??? Please!!

Therefore, a vibration can evolve into something Higher , but not dissolve into something other than what it has become.

SOOOO tempted to delete all this. Because sugar can dissolve …

We would say which might speed things along

That would be good chaps

It depends on the frequency to start with as to whether or not it can be of that no more.

You perhaps could have said that four pages ago.

Yet we chose to do it this way for more explanatory purposes. You know as a great teller of the sentence Blossom our friend of Light frequencies that, ALL IS AS SHOULD BE.

Indeed . And with all respect for today … is? That all.

We feel the energy is stating that.

Glory be. It’s been a bit frustrating here and there, and yet to the reader who is not involved (as opposed to evolved or dissolved ) one just simply reads it off the page. I have to be REALLY HONEST HERE and say that for the first time ever I deleted some of this , when the whole orange thing was going on … because I completely lost the plot … or they did .. Or we did … never done that before, but I couldn’t seem to resolve the situation. And so resumed again from the sentence about dribbling. Which of course I wasn’t actually dribbling … well … only a little bit! What an epic! Going to read it back now and see if I can stop my mind revolving, as I am evolving, unless of course I am dissolving ,because I am involving the resolving of solving this absolving. If you’re still about , would you care to add to that?

We feel that is sufficient in itself.

Phew! Golden Rays!

*Big wrangling with myself about what benefit this may have to anyone reading? Already though … a few emails on ‘when is the next channelling’. It has taken me three hours to do this today … seems to me a waste if I don’t put it up. So here it is. I wonder what each individual will get from it. Something … I hope.

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