Dear friends, here are some good authors to sustain us on these times.
I have to point out that I have this list in romanian, so I had to translate the titles, maybe they are a bit different from the originals.
Most important is to check on the authors, this is not a complete list of each one's works.
Please, contribute with your preferates and important ones.
thank you
love, mariell
Neale Donald Walsh
- Conversations with God (1-3)
- Friendship with God
- Communion with God
- Grace moments
- Those that bring the light
- Questions and answers on Conversations with God
- Conv. with God for teenagers and parents
- The New revelations
- The Tomorow God
Paul Ferrini
- Christic Mind reflections - four parts: Unconditional Love, The Silence of the Hearth, The Miracle of Love, The Return to the Garden
- Words of wisdom for every day
- The Laws of Love
- The Power of Love
- How to create a spiritul relationship
- Enlightenment for everyone
Debbie Ford
- The dark side of the light seekers
- Proper questions
- The secret of the shadow
John J. Falone
- The Genius frequency - instructions on how to acces the cosmic mind
- ET 101 - cosmic manual with instructions on the planetary evolution
Suzanne Ward
- Matei, tell me about Heaven
- Revelations for a new era
- Iluminations for a new era
- The voices of universe
- The era of light
- To live with light
- In resonance
- Gods' food
- The law of love
- Biofields and extasy
- The divine radiance
- The harmonious healing
- Prana
Ken Keyes and Penny Keyes
Recepies for happiness
Russ Michael
- The soulmate is calling for you
Tom Kenyon and Virginia Essene
- The Hathor teaching
- Messages from a ascended civilisation
Deepak Chopra
- The healing of the soul from fear and suffering
- The way towards love
- Get younger and live more
Ram Dass
- Words for the soul
Shirley MacLaine
- Camino
Lee Carroll and Jan Tber
- Indigo children
James F. Twyman
- The love emisars
- The light emisars
- The inner peace
Bruce Davis
- The spring of healing is love
- The simple peace of the soul
- Monastery with no walls
Marianne Williamson
- Magical love
- The daily grace
Doreen Virtue
- Indigo children
- Cristal children
- Healing with angels
- Treatment with angels
Sri Vasudeva
- You are the light
- The inner divinity
Sotirios Crotos
- The Jesus Christ's disciple
Antony de Mello
- The consciousness
- The Creator seria
- The Ascending seria
Gregg krech
- Naikan
Stuart Wilde
- The force
Carlos Warter
- Return to the sacred
Gregg Braden
- Isaia effect
- God's code
- The awakening to the zero point
- Stepping between worlds
- The divine matrix
Augusto Cury
- Wise parents, brilliant teachers
Michael dawson
- Healing the cause
- Forgiveness
Brian Weiss
- Many bodies, the same soul
- Many lives, many masters
Evelyn Fuqua
- From Sirius to Earth
Brian Tracy
- The succes in life
Beata Bishop
- The time for healing
Jami Lin
- Aromatherapy and feng shui
Dianne Lancaster
- The indigo children - from anger to love
Lisette Larkins
- Talking to alliens
Dr. Max Gerson
- An efficient therapy for cancer and other rough deseases
Drunvalo Melchizedek
- The sacred space of heart
Joan Borysenco
- Guilt is a teacher, love is a healer
Carmen Harra
- Decoding the destiny
- Signs, secrets and symbols
Kostas Danaos
- The mague of Iava
Robert Rabbin
- Put your soul in the things you are doing
- The wite book
James Twymann, Gregg Braden, Doreen Virtue
- Inner peace
Steve Rother
- Welcome home. New planet Earth
Erik Pearl
- The recconnection
Daphne Rose Kingma
- Love yourself
Kenneth Wapnick
- A introduction to the Course in Miracles
Gloria Wendroff
- Letters from the sky
Maureen Moss
- Bliss
Aurelia Louise Jones
- Telos (1-3)
Elena Cocis, Erik Brglund
- The temple of change
John Perkins
- The forms' change
Dawn Baumann Brunke
- The voices of animals