August 7, 2009
Mary Magdalene and Goddess of Liberty
Beloved Lightworkers,
We are coming forth on this day to speak with you about the great opportunities that are presenting themselves through all of the Celestial Events that have been taking place in recent days. This is the time of the anchoring of the Divine Feminine into the Earth plane. This is the time that each of you bring balance within yourselves, bring harmony within yourselves, and as you do this within yourselves, you do this also, for Mother Earth and all upon Her.
Beloved Ones, we ask you to continue holding your Light, holding your Vision for the World that you desire. It is your Light and your intentions and your visions that are bringing forth more Light into this World and as more Light is anchored into this World, your Brothers and Sisters begin to Awaken and as they begin to Awaken, more Light is created upon this World and this will continue each day, every day.
We wish to speak with you about the Freedom Flame. This is coming forth now with all these energies and this is an opportunity for each of you to integrate with your great Souls and as this occurs, great balance is restored to the Earth and all upon Her. Life as you know it is changing tremendously. Life will take a decided turn for the better for each of you. The task is by no means over, Beloved Ones, the work continues and will, for many years to come, but your sense of struggle, your sense of lack, are leaving now and in its place will come feelings of joy and love, peace and harmony, of harmonious flow to your everyday lives, including the flow of abundance into all facets of your life and your Being.
New creative ideas will flow into each of you and that you will then wish to share with the World, with your Brothers and Sisters as they become Seekers of the Light. Create, Beloved Ones, create the World that you all envision. Stay within your centers, in your equilibrium, and open yourselves up to all the great possibilities that exist for each of you now. Always walk the Path of Balance, peace and harmony. Choose Peace, Beloved Ones, choose Love, choose Harmony. Each of you will be presented with choices in this way in the days ahead and so we say this to you, to prepare you, for it is in your everyday lives and the choices that you make that will set you on the Higher Path.
The old paradigm is quickly shifting away and the new paradigm is anchored firmly and the new paradigm, which is the Golden Age of Humanity upon the Earth is growing ever brighter. The New Dawn appears, the World of untold possibilities, the World of Magic and wonder, the World of creativity and joy and passion, the passion of doing what you love. Go within, Dear Ones, discover what it is that you truly feel passionate about, strong about. The Divine Feminine energy is a powerful energy, the Divine Feminine energy is an activating energy. It clears all that has been in a state of stagnation, in a state of lethargy and brings within its place, clearing and healing and moving on, moving forward. The Divine Feminine energy acts. The Divine Feminine energy is a restorative energy, it is helping to restore for each of you the knowledge of who and what you really are. It is restoring to you Divine Remembrance. It is restoring to you your own personal power and Unity with your greater Self.
Walk these days lightly upon the Earth, express your joy and gratitude as often as you can during your busy days, for it is joy and gratitude that will bring you events and happenings that will cause you to feel these emotions continuously. Free yourselves, Beloved Ones, of the Maya and illusion, open yourselves up to all your limitless possibilities. Stay true to yourselves, know yourselves, Dear Ones. Know that we of the Higher Realms are ever with you, we of the Higher Realms are just a thought away. We are with you always, Beloved Ones.
Mary Magdalene and Goddess of Liberty
©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff