Energy Medical Team- Lord Melchizedek
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 17/08/09
Greetings to all, I am Lord Melchizedek; I step forward to you now with the Universal Christ Consciousness beaming from my heart and soul to all on the Earth. My divine children and aspects of the Creator's soul, I honour you now. I honour the changes and transformations that you are experiencing on the Earth and the strong faith that you place in us, your guiding lights. Faith is needed as movement occurs on the Earth, the movement of negative energy being released and positive energy being anchored. This is a wonderful time of growth to experience now on the Earth because in such a short period of time you can learn, access and achieve so much, especially when focused on cleansing and ascension. In order to ensure that you complete the challenges of change and detachment that come forth to you now, you must learn to trust your own energy and intuition, to allow the will of the Creator to carry you forth and to learn that everything doesn't always flow in the way that you expect it to. When you allow yourself to be centred, balanced, focused and flexible you will gain the most out of this current surge of growth that is occurring and bringing forth transformation. Please be aware that you have the support and love of my soul and all loving ascended masters and angels on the inner planes of the Creator's universe, you are always surrounded in love.
Now, allow me to progress forward to the purpose of my communication with you today. I have come forth with special wisdom and insights that I wish to make you aware of. I understand that Lady Nada communicated her wisdom and guidance in last week's message, she is very aware of how the changes of energy on the Earth are affecting people's health. This is because as the energy of the Earth is changing and transforming your physical body is also experiencing this, it is like your flesh, bones, blood and entire physical manifestation is converting from a lower energy vibration into a higher vibration.
This conversion can results in illness because your body is releasing old negative energy in order to make space for positive new energy to anchor. Your physical body is converting into a higher vibration of light so that it may support the growth of your soul and aid you in achieving a new level of ascended master consciousness and mastery. In truth everything is changing to allow a new age of love to manifest onto the Earth for every soul to experience, but this process is gradual and when the new age of love completes its cycle of anchoring then humanity may not even notice any change. For those more aware of energies around and within them, they may notice that the entire planet and its humanity has risen in energy vibration and love quotient, becoming brighter in the light they emanate and more open to the energy of the Creator. Remember that the Creator's energy and actions are simple and often subtle.
As the energies of transformation are influencing and effecting the physical bodies and health of humanity, I wish to bring forth an energy that can be invoked to heal, soothe and increase the wellbeing of all on the Earth. Upon the universal level we have a special group of ascended masters known as the Universal Energy Medical Team. We as light beings on the inner planes call upon the Universal Energy Medical Team to aid any difficulty with integration, growth or the stresses of anchoring higher vibrations of light. The Universal Energy Medical Team are also available to assist those on the Earth, their work is magnificent as they work with your energy vibration in order to heal you of any pain, hurt or discomfort. Everything on the Earth is composed of layers of energy, the Medical Team work with the layers of energy within you to align you to the Creator, enhance your balance and perfect your wellbeing and health. You can call upon the Universal Energy Medical Team to assist you with all types of illness, including servere or life threatening illnesses, injuries, sickness, colds and flu, mental and emotional illnesses, damage to limbs or soreness, skin complaints and problems with your nervous system.
They will even assist with headaches, lack of energy, child birth, allergies, spiritual stress and discomfort, in truth anything that concerns your physical body. They are like the doctors of the spiritual world and can assist with any physical treatment that a person may be experiencing. A simple invocation in your own words to the Universal Energy Medical Team can align you to their energy and allow them to divinely intervene and heal you in the most appropriate way for you. Some times because of the will of your soul and the Creator and the need for you to experience certain circumstances, the Energy Medical Team may not be able to completely heal you. In these situations you can ask them to soothe any pain or discomfort.
Below is an example of an invocation that you may use to invoke the Universal Energy Medical Team to your side to aid healing.
Overseen by my guides and soul, I invoke the Universal Energy Medical Team to channel their healing energy deep into my being now so that any negative energy may be transformed into positive energy. (Now explain to the Universal Energy Medical Team your condition and where you feel pain or need healing.) Thank you in advance for your assistance, I am open and receptive to your healing vibrations anchoring into my energy and physical body. Let it be.
Then it is important to lie down and relax in peace and stillness, you should feel their energy build around you. You may feel a shivering or tingling sensation on your skin, coldness or warmness or you may even drift into a sleep. Know that you are safe at all times as the Universal Energy Medical Team hold the energy of the Christ consciousness within them and will share this with you. You can repeat this as often as you feel is needed of until you feel an improvement, depending on your complaint you may need to work with the team for several sessions in order to gain complete healing. Remember that whether you are in severe pain or have a minor complaint, the Universal Energy Medical Team will always be open to assisting you.
It is essential to understand that you can work with the Universal Energy Medical Team to assist in boosting your immune system and ensuring you hold the correct balance of vitamins and minerals within your physical body to ensure your health. The Universal Energy Medical Team has a beam of light which holds all minerals and vitamins essential for a physical body. If you ask for a vitamin and mineral boost and balance they will evaluate the mineral and vitamins that you need and will allow them to channel as a beam of light into your being. This is a wonderful tool to boost your general health and ensure that you always have plenty of energy, remaining healthy and strong as you go about your life on the Earth.
Below is an invocation that you may use each day to call upon the Universal Energy Medical Team to boost your immune system and vitamin and mineral balance.
Overseen by my guides and soul, I invoke the Universal Energy Medical Team to channel their healing energy deep into my being. I wish to receive an immune system boost assisting me to exist in radiant health. I also ask that you evaluate my physical body to understand which, if any, minerals or vitamins I am deficient in, or need to boost or balance. Please then align me to your Vitamin and Mineral Boosting and Balancing Light System. I am open and receptive to your divine influence in my physical health and any guidance that you wish to share with me is appreciated. Please assist me in maintaining a high and radiant level of health and wellbeing. Thank you for your divine intervention. Let it be.
This invocation can be integrated into your daily routine to assist you in remaining healthy and strong. Alternatively you can call on the Universal Energy Medical Team in your own words to assist you.
The Universal Energy Medical Team are so focused on healing they are akin to the spiritual medical doctors of the inner planes and will work with your energy to improve your health. The Universal Energy Medical Team are not the only healing team that you can call upon, there are Energy Medical Teams on the Planetary, Solar and Galactic Levels of the Creator's universe. You may find that you are more attracted to working with one of the other levels of Energy Medical Teams, it is important to ask which team level is appropriate for you to invoke, as on different occasions you may be drawn to different levels. The Planetary Energy Medical Team hold a lower vibration of light in comparison to the Universal Team but the Planetary Team are accustomed to working with physical energies. The Solar and Galactic Teams hold a slightly higher vibration but to experience a deep and high vibrational healing then you can invoke the Universal Team. It is essential that you invoke the correct team for you as a too high vibration will only make you feel uncomfortable whereas a too low vibration will not have such a powerful effect. I have made you aware of the additional healing teams as not every person will feel comfortable with the universal energies, so you have many options open to you.
I hope that you will allow yourself to experience the energy of the Universal Energy Medical Team; they are truly magnificent, while also taking advantage of their Vitamin and Mineral Boosting and Balancing Light System. The Universal Energy Medical Team is waiting to be of assistance.
With divine blessings and much love,
I am Lord Melchizedek, Universal Logos
Best wishes and blessings, Natalie
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