Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

So, that’s all there is to it! I hope you’ve found this workbook useful in your goal-setting journey. In this workbook we have covered:

What exactly ‘goal setting’ is and why it’s important to you

Why the goal setting process often fails and why you may not have succeeded at setting or achieving goals in the past

How your behaviour profile, natural intelligence and motivational needs will affect your goal setting
Life Aspects and the ones that are most important to you Keeping an eye on the ‘Big-Picture’

Action Plans that achieve your SMARTER Goals and integrate with your day-to-day activities Why you need to monitor and review your goals and progress and how

How to turn ‘failure’ into valuable lessons for the future

The goal-setting process used in this Workbook is shown in Figure 7 (for those visual/ spatial people!).

More importantly, you should now have a fully developed SMARTER Goal and supporting Action Plan that is:

Specific and well-defined, giving you a clear direction towards what you want.

Measurable, either by standard units of measurements or a ranking type system. Action-orientated, with a set of clear step-by-step actions.

Reasoned, relevant and meaningful to you. Realistic.
Time-bound, with step-by-step actions having a set timeframe or deadline. Ethical, exciting and enjoyable.


This workbook has introduced you to a number of different tools from the JaiperJAM TOOLBOX – some of these you’ll think are pretty good, and others may not have helped you so much. The important thing is to pick out the tools and techniques that work for you, including ones you find from other websites, and add these to your goal-setting arsenal.

Some final tips before you go:

Practice makes perfect – goal setting is a skill, so don’t worry if it takes a couple of goals to get the hang of it

If at first you don’t succeed, try again! (but learn from your mistakes)

Know yourself. Keep goal setting personal and meaningful to you – the ‘Why” is more important than the ‘What’
Put it in writing and don’t forget the action plans.

Don’t lose sight of the ‘Big-Picture’, but don’t be afraid to shift the goal posts if you have to.

Enjoy the journey too!

So, be prepared to reap the benefits of your efforts as you take control of your life with goal setting success!

“People who have goals succeed, and people who succeed have goals”.

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