Well, so far in this workbook you’ve been on a journey of self-discovery – you’ve looked at different tools and techniques for helping you understand what makes you tick, and others that help you to define what you really want. As you’ve worked through these tools and techniques, I’m sure you will have found some more helpful than others and these are the tools/ techniques that you need to add to your arsenal of life planning tools. Not all analysis tools will suit everyone – but when you find one that works for you, stick with it!
But it’s now time to reflect back on all the ideas and thoughts you’ve pulled out of that head of yours and turn them into something meaningful. As well as the progressive workbook activities, you should have 4 other sheets of paper [in a prominent location]:
Key message list – these are the messages that keep you motivated and stop you falling into bad habits based on your new found knowledge of yourself
Big-Picture list – this is a statement of your end destination for your 5 most important life aspects
Mind Map – this is an attempt to de-jumble your mind into some logic, but sets the scene for what you really want
SWOT – your key strengths that will ultimately help you achieve your goal.
There should be some common threads running through these 4 sheets of paper making them look fairly consistent – after all, they are all based on you and your inner most thoughts. For example, if you’re a ‘Dove’, then you may have something like “risk avoidance” as a weakness and “compassion” as a strength. Similarly, your intelligence preferences should appear as either a strength or a weakness.
It’s a good idea though to look for any conflicting messages as this may indicate some confusion in your mind about what you really want or how you think, or perhaps you haven’t quite got the hang of one of the tools. In any case, take the time now to go back through your responses to all of the activities and be 100% certain you’re happy with the honesty and accuracy of your results – these will form the basis of the goal setting in the next chapter.
The last thing I want you to do before moving on to the next chapter and after reflecting on the outcomes from the previous chapters, is prioritise each of the goals/ wishes/ dreams you’ve identified. These can be prioritised as:
1. Priority 1: Must Do – these goals must be achieved if you are to consider yourself ‘successful’. These are your highest priority goals.
2. Priority 2: Should Do – these goals should be achieved (but it is not essential) to consider yourself ‘successful’.
3. Priority 3: Nice to Do – self explanatory
Use a different coloured pen to highlight each different Priority on your Mind Map and SWOT. In the next chapter, I’ll ask you to chose only 1 of these goals (easy and short-term ones) to proceed with at this stage. Why only 1? Goal setting is a skill, and like all skills, it takes time and practice to become proficient at it. So we’ll start with a single, easy goal for you to practice on. Once you’ve achieved this one (or made some progress towards it), you’ll feel motivated to try the process on some harder goals and confident in applying the process.
In the meantime, don’t throw out all the work you’ve done – just because you’re not actively pursuing a goal doesn’t make it any less important. We’ll just put these on the backburner until you’ve got some successful goal setting under your belt.
Chapter 4 review
Go back to the Chapter Outcomes at the start of this chapter. Have you achieved all of these outcomes?
More importantly though, you should now be at a stage where you know what you want to achieve in life – you may not know exactly how to get there, but that’s OK as that’s the subject of the next few chapters. You should know your personal strengths and weaknesses and which ones are important, you should understand how your natural personality traits will affect how you think and how you will succeed, and you will have an understanding of how it all goes together.
Many of the concepts we’ve discussed and tools we’ve used have a foundation from basic psychology – and rightly so, as we are dealing with issues that strike at the heart and soul of all of us. Make sure you remember the tools you found most effective in your journey to this point as these will be the most useful to you in future goal setting journeys.
And finally, continue to read your key message list and big-picture list on a daily basis, and review your mind map and SWOT summary periodically as well, to keep you on track during the rest of this process.