All texts and information you’ll find on goal setting adopt more-or-less the same process, with the main steps being:
Step 1: Get the ‘Big-Picture’ first
Step 2: Determine what you really want
Step 3: Set your Goals
Step 4: Prepare your Personal Action Plan
Step 5: Review your Action Plan and Goals
The fist 2 steps are the foundation or the ‘rock’ of your goal setting process. They set the direction for the rest of the steps, so it’s really important to put the time into doing them properly. They are probably also the most difficult steps in a way and require a bit of soul searching and reflective thinking on your part to get the right answers. And these answers are unique to you, which is why only you can do it.
The other 3 steps are more of a technical process – this is the easy bit because we show you exactly HOW to do it and give you the TOOLS to do it properly (as my dad always said, “…you need to use the right tools for the right job”.). The outputs from these steps are only as good and meaningful as the inputs from Steps 1 and 2. But combined with honest and genuine output from Steps 1 and 2, the 5 step process will arm you with a strategic plan for your future, with clear targets and an actionable direction to get there.
Goal setting is of course an on-going and dynamic process. Your priorities and therefore your goals will change from time to time (for example if you start a family) and when this happens, it’s important to sit down and go through the goal setting process again. Also as you grow older and mature, your motivators and drivers will change so on-going review is necessary to make sure your goals are still relevant to you. What you want when you’re 20 will not be the same as what you want when you are 40. But armed with these skills, it is a tool for life – no matter what stage you’re at or how old you are.
The above 5-step process forms the basis of this workbook, and you’ll be guided through each of these steps in the following chapters. Each step of the process is supported with tools, templates and examples so you’ll find it easy to understand and apply to your own situation. Before you know it, you’ll have your own set of personal and meaningful goals and an action plan that sets out how to achieve your own personal goals and achieve success.
Go back to the Chapter Outcomes at the start of this chapter. Have you achieved all of these outcomes? Remember the key message from this chapter:
…people who succeed have goals, and people who have goals succeed.
You may have added other key messages to this list from the activities on why you might fail at goal setting and the seven deadly sins. Keep this list somewhere prominent and read the messages regularly to reinforce them in your mind.