Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Bartosz Kurzeja's Gifts (5)

At 11:36am on May 20, 2012, Siril0 gave Bartosz Kurzeja a gift
At 2:06am on May 30, 2010, Wei-lien gave Bartosz Kurzeja a gift
At 1:47pm on May 21, 2010, Golden_Angel_K gave Bartosz Kurzeja a gift
Hey!, Happy birthday my friend Bartosz, blessings your way, enjoy your day!
At 2:23am on March 18, 2010, Sandy Rudzinski gave Bartosz Kurzeja a gift
Thank you for the Ning Mediation on March 20, 2010. Namaste Sandy
At 6:05am on March 16, 2010, CHRISTINA gave Bartosz Kurzeja a gift
Infinite Love is All There Is :-)

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