Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Crystalai (c)2011

As the Earth is having her Poles realigned into harmonic re-attunement with the
solar, galactic, universal and cosmic realms, so will our bodies reform, restructure,
realign, re-cognize, re-tune and remember their Cosmic Music of the Spheres
harmonic unfoldment into Eternal Bliss.

Our density of Consciousness will re-open from the hertizian frequencies into the
infra red frequencies of light and sound that allow us to see the things that only our digital
cameras are presently bringing into our vision. We will re-atune into our light bodies
and ultra violet blue realities of immortal perfection and into our eternal unfolding back into
the Infinite Unknown of the Mind of God.

At the atomic level our bodies are being re-structured into a less dense chemical
structure. We are changing from a hormone based structure into a new picture formed from
the light of our light bodies through the synaptic cleff within our brains.

Deep within our brains at the most etheric level, our cells are actually vibrating within the
microtubules which are deep within the soma of the neuronet. Our DNA resides within this soma.

The two or three DNA strands that intersect at the double helix is only the out picturing of this
present density of hertzian bodies. When we go into the etheric structure of the DNA
there are actually little harpstrings between these double helix structures. There are 12
harpstrings which connect into the universal light bands of our Christic Bodies. There are
another 12 harpstrings layered upon these. The deeper our Consciousness connects
into the most etheric structures of the 13,14 and 15 levels of cosmic dimensional reality
of our Infinite Being, the more harpstrings become activated.

This is the harmonic restructuring that is taking place within our brains and within our
bodies as we focus on the frequencies of the Music of the Spheres. The Music of the
Spheres is actually the sacred geometry that realigns our proper Polar alignment into
our Cosmic reality, just as the Pole Shift taking place with Mother Earth is realigning
her proper Musical Frequencies which will allow her to resonate with her infinite parallel
selves, universal systems and cosmic systems as she reactifvates into the allness
of the Infinite Unknown of Source Consciousness which includes all that has ever
been known and ever will be known all at the exact same moment.

The Earth is presently in its last ring of light. There are five rings of light or five
spheres in the Music of the Spheres. When these spheres become disconnected
from each other through densification away from Source, the sounds become
more dense, more inharmonic, discordant and then the diminished sounds
become dominant.

As these five spheres were reconnecting, the Music of the Spheres went through a
transition period where the music sounded a little mysterious, but as more
alignment was added into the frequencies of Oneness, the more beautiful the
music became.

When the planet entered the photon belt, many orbits of many star systems of
the Local Logos from Pleiades brought harmonic convergence into the grand

The music became extremely magical and etheric and the inharmonies began to

The vibrational frequency of this planet has increased dramatically. I have been
keeping a record of the harmonic convergence of all of the spheres into oneness
through the recordings of the in breath and out breath of Source energy as it has
been breathed into a spark, ignited, connected with another band and connected
into all of the frequencies of the whole.

The sweetness of my Oraphim Dolphin family kept the goal of this grand sweet
symphony of Love in the key to the universe and my tone of home was always
Cinderella's (my oraphim dolphin mother) voice in Aquafaria.

The inner most ring of light finishes the connection of all of the music of the
spheres into the vibration of Oneness as all frequencies gather to align in
harmony once more.

Our galaxy merged with its twin galaxy that is now called Andromeda. This was
originally called Aquari. The central sun of Aquari is the Aqualene Sun.

We were originally the etheric Angels from this galaxy.

We split into other galaxies.
We had already become Archangels and gods of our own creations in our spiritual galaxies.
The memories of who we were before are all contained within our Soul. Our Soul was
actually our brain until we were lowered into the hertzian frequency. When are frequencies
rise once again into our Infra Red, Light Bodies and Blue Bodies, we will regain the
memory of all of the beings that we were in the Universal Sphere when we walked as
Christs and in the Galactic Sphere when we walked as gods of our own cities of lights.

In this matrix we became Ascended Masters. Masters are those who have aquired
all knowledge about all tht is to be known. Christs are those who rise above all that
is known and become creators through the mind of God within them. We will all return
to being the Christs that we once were as we walked in the Universal Sphere.

In the star field that we are now in, the star beings gathered around certain stars.
These star beings became the guardians of the star gates who require our
frequencies to rise into the same dimension as theirs before an entity is allowed
to enter in.

I requested Goddess LeeHA and her seven Goddesses to guide us through the
star gates of Pleiades. She did this very quickly, yet very painfully. She made
sure my entire body shifted quickly into a more etheric form and that my spirit
body was attached to my physical body. She aligned me quickly into the
frequency of the time.

This is how we begin reuniting with etheric selves.

Our galaxy has a twin, our universe has a twin, our bodies have a twin. When all
of our twins have merged into oneness the ascension will be complete.

The conversion belt in Orion has been working on raising all of the frequencies of
the black into the frequencies of the white. This is done by a continuous
alignment and raising of the lower into the higher frequencies of light and sound.

Goddess Lee Ha prepared us for entrance into her star gates of the Central Sun.
This is the Aqua Blue Sun that I saw on Easter Week 2008. That was a few
weeks after Lee Ha completed my star gate entrance.

The etheric planet circling Alcyone was Ajaho

Ajaho was the place where Starry Beings lived in perfect Oneness.

Ajaho Beings merged with starry beings on Earth. This was how Aquafaria was

Aquafari seeds were placed here to help the starry beings remember who they
are at this time.

Pleiadians from Ajaho were the perfect etheric angels. They merged with etheric
entities from Sirius B who were Dolphinoid Beings. These entities live in Aquafaria
underwater city of lights. This is the twin of the Shamballa underwater city of

Ajaho was the original city of lights created by those of us who were Galactic Gods
of the Aquarius galaxy.

The spiritual etheric Atlantis city of lights was the duplicate City of the divine Plan
formed from the template of the divine plan in Aquarius. That Divine Template was
completely destroyed by Jehovah and his Annunaki creation.

We are now merging back into our island of light - our portal into the Aquafarions who
contain the etheric angelic Ajaho. These entities contain the codes of the original city of
lights. These codes are also contained in the pure etheric Angelic Beings in
Winterlands. The pure white color of etheric pureness.

The Aquari Race contains the pure form from our Aquari Galaxy, the Central Sun
Seeds of Alcyone, the Ajajo seeds and codes of Atlantis.

We will all merge into oneness Now. We will regain the grand memory of all we
have ever been.

We came from the Aquari Galaxi. We experienced thousands of galaxies--
millions of lifetimes. We experienced duality. We experienced the division of
white magic and dark magic.

Now we will experience the complete transmutation of the lower frequencies
back into the highest frequencies as the MUSIC OF THE SPHERES harmonize
all rings of fire and align the final ring by activating the codes of
Ascension in the Aquafarion Star Seeds.

Crystalai (c)2011

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse (c)2011

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