Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

As I see this whole matrix being slowly uncovered to what these ancient bloodline are planning to do with us. I wonder what will happen next and where do we go from here. I've been too consumed lately by all of this and tried to share this with my family but it fell silently in the abyss. Is it that I came to the realization that there was more than what it seemed?  I'm thinking of a new way to approach this with my family but I know now it's futile to do so. I guess they are not ready to see the truth, before their eyes.  I've been trying to find others like me that are awakening but it's far too few and very discouraging.  I feel like I'm watching a bad movie uncovering before my eyes and I'm the only one sitting in the theater alone.  I would appreciate contact with anyone that has similar experience and I guess just share some ideas on this. So where do I fit in all of this and why am I here?  Any suggestion is greatly appreciated to all you lightworkers.



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Thanks Jim,

Wow....I just started to read on the chemtrails lately, I would appreciate more news on the subject. My big thing right now is they are openly bragging about (Eugenics) using vaccines and other methods to slowly kill us. Today or yesterday, Mr. Gates (aka Death Panel Eugenicist) was openly taking about this. if this doesn't wake up the sheep's sleeping out there then we are all doomed. Next there will be death squads ready to line us up and do it quickly. This really shows that many people are really dumb down and separated. At least during the Vietnam war there more people awake and more protest was going on. I think there was less gmo in our food and less fluoride in our bodies so people reacted instead of doing nothing. Here is a clip if you care to see yourself

Finally I'm happy you found this site and didn't hurt anybody when you were trying so desperately waking other people out there. Remember "Anger is the enemy of non-violence and pride is a monster that swallows it up".

I'm already having an alarming responses from a lot of you and I feel that I'm family here.

God bless you Jim...

JIM4HOPE said:
Hi Dan you are awaking to a scary place and every body else that you try to talk to about it is looking at you like your on drugs,I am glad that you have awaken I can understand how frustrating it is to see everything happening the one that pissed me off the most was trying to let people see evidence with there own eyes by looking up in the sky at this big long jet trail thats are called contrails which is basicly steam that disperses in under a minute I would tell them that what they are seeing now covers the whole sky and spreads out slowly for hours apon hours and I could not do anything that would communicate to people that were close to me take me serious and so it was a scary place for a while seeing all kinds of things that didnt add up but no one else was thinking for themselves they all seamed to be programmed to be ignorant to all things that was not right your not alone Dan I realy lost my temper over this a few times and realized that these temper burst just made me look and sound nuttier than ,when I found this site it was do to a hoax from 10 14 light ship arrival but because of this hoax that I was realy hopen for I found hundreds of other people talking about all the things that I was experiencing what a relief to because I was realy to the point where I was going to do some kind of physical damage to something or someone because I COULDNT GET ANYBODY TO SEE WHAT WAS HAPPENING AROUND THEM.I have used these kind and terrific people of this site as my inspiration for the truth quest and knowing I am not alone helps a lot to but I do owe my sanity to this site you can learn a lot here Dan welcome aboard.
Thanks PaTricia! You're a cool chick yourself!!

Yes, I know that when the time comes my family and friends are going to come to me for guidance. I'll be ready to help them! :)

paTricia T. said:
Awe Simmy...your so sweet. I will always be in your corner are such a cool chick!
Same goes to you Simmy with your family. When the time comes your family will need your guidance.
Thanks for the inspiration Patricia,

I'm actually in Korea at the moment I couldn't stand the material attitude of a lot of people in Calgary. It was time to leave for something different. Although when I left...there seemed to be a shift happening there. This will happen especially when there is a boom... only now that boom is a bust, and is waking some people up that lost everything they had. I hope Edmonton is wakening too...
You're right we are all on this journey together, and I feel I can share now especially on SOE.
I realize now my journey is to find others like me so I can grow and share my experiences. I also know that a lot of us will be needed when the time comes. You're right too there will be many who will need our guidance when these changes happen. Funny to see you're waking up some people on the humor side...I think that's a good approach . I think I will use that method...I like it! I'm the persistent type too, so I'm not going away before I wake a few souls out there. At least I know my purpose now. I think we should all create our own gathering here and meet every few years somewhere. Just an idea!

paTricia T. said:
Awe Simmy...your so sweet. I will always be in your corner are such a cool chick!
Yes, very wise reply Simpleman (Dan you will notice Simpleman isn't so simple :o)

Welcome aboard Calgary dude! I expect Upsy Daisy to be going for a horse ride soon. lmao Daisy is the Calgarian and I am the Edmontonian. So glad to see you here Dan...when hockey starts Daisy will need some back up.

On a spiritual side...Dan, some of us have recently had powerful awakenings while some of us have been been doing this for years....honestly there is no difference between them. We are all on this journey together discovering new truths, discovering old lies, evolving, revolving, laughing , crying, one minute confused and the next understanding it all. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer need to wake people up...just plant the seeds like Simpleman said. Instead open your radar for those that are awaken. You will be surprised when you find them. (Having said that...I still love to get into peoples faces and challenge them woman use to run from me, now she asks questions. )

Also, the gatherings are beginning to take place. I think it is The Great Gathering .org or something. Just keep the faith in your self and know that you are have awoken to a very interesting time indeed. One thing I have come to realize about those that continue to loved ones....when the shit hits the fan they will awaken and will need you to be prepared to lead them.
Same goes to you Simmy with your family. When the time comes your family will need your guidance. Lets let them have a good sleep for now, cause they'll need their energy for later. hee hee.
ug...I'm writing too much again....loved all the other insights by the way!
Thanks Simmy,

It's comforting to see their are other like me....and I know I'm not alone. I have few friends that awaken to this but far too many are too busy with their daily chores and always use the excuse I'm busy. Funny how people can be busy unimportant things and seems not to care about the most important ones. I tried to approach my mother with this...surely thinking that she's really an open minded person and a good soul if she would see it, but my guess was wrong. I told her about some things were going to start happening like the economic crash and we should prepare or watch this very closely. When these things start to happen only then maybe she will start to believe me. I'm not going to give up with her....I can only give her my love and try a little bit at a time like Simpleman says: one seed at a time.

As far as coming together on SOE it would be lovely and I think it can be done. I would be ready to donate for this cause and meet many like us. This would be a huge awakening to many of us here. Like me I think they will start to listen to you when certain thing start happening but I hope this is not a holocaust or something bad.

Thanks again!

Simmy said:
Hi Dan, it's kind of a lonely journey this journey of ours...
My immediate family thinks I'm a bit delusional; the rest of the family and friends listen to what I have to say, but it hits a brick wall most of the time...
Wouldn't be great if we could have all our SoE friends in one location and meet up face to face to discuss and share our experiences? I would love that!! Unfortunately we're scattered all over our beautiful planet. So it is great that we all found this little corner of the web where we can learn and share and help each other on this journey to awakening.
Baaahahahhahaha... booooo oilers.. Dan can help me cheer all the way from Korea im sure. Its in your blood Dan.. say it with me... GO FLAMES GO! ..... hehe.. Ok with that said.. Dan I hear friends still love me but all take me with a grain of salt because they think im the still loveable me but just a little loopy now.. ahaha.. My family is mostly starting to awaken .. this is due to my mother constantly spreading the message for the past 20 You'd think that her doing that would have prepared me for the "brick wall " or the deer in head lights version of the look ppl give me when i start to talk about this stuff. But i have also come to the same conclusion in that right now..its not with in their comfort zone to believe or want to wake up.. but you know that when the time comes .what ever form it comes in it dissclosure..or mass landings..or what ever..accention..etc.. You'll be the one they turn to..saying.. wasn't dan going on about something like this before?? So on that note.. a close friend of mine JUST last weekend started her journey of ours..and i am sooo pumped..because one of my "main stream friends" Gets it.. i mean ..Truly gets it...yayayay!!! So..keep on keepin on Dan..

GO FLAMES GO... were going to light this OILER patch on FIRE!!! woooooooo ..hehe.. ( pfffftt PT & T

paTricia T. said:
Awe Simmy...your so sweet. I will always be in your corner are such a cool chick!
Yes, very wise reply Simpleman (Dan you will notice Simpleman isn't so simple :o)

Welcome aboard Calgary dude! I expect Upsy Daisy to be going for a horse ride soon. lmao Daisy is the Calgarian and I am the Edmontonian. So glad to see you here Dan...when hockey starts Daisy will need some back up.

On a spiritual side...Dan, some of us have recently had powerful awakenings while some of us have been been doing this for years....honestly there is no difference between them. We are all on this journey together discovering new truths, discovering old lies, evolving, revolving, laughing , crying, one minute confused and the next understanding it all. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer need to wake people up...just plant the seeds like Simpleman said. Instead open your radar for those that are awaken. You will be surprised when you find them. (Having said that...I still love to get into peoples faces and challenge them woman use to run from me, now she asks questions. )

Also, the gatherings are beginning to take place. I think it is The Great Gathering .org or something. Just keep the faith in your self and know that you are have awoken to a very interesting time indeed. One thing I have come to realize about those that continue to loved ones....when the shit hits the fan they will awaken and will need you to be prepared to lead them.
Same goes to you Simmy with your family. When the time comes your family will need your guidance. Lets let them have a good sleep for now, cause they'll need their energy for later. hee hee.
ug...I'm writing too much again....loved all the other insights by the way!
Dan my aproach as of lately to waking up people to these dark cabal and their deception is we have the people who cant be ignored for these are experts in buildings and designs they are archetecs and engineers providing evidence to the world that we were all lied to about 9/11 and the truth points at our own governments involvement in this horrific crimes that has effected everyone around the world to the illusion that there are terrorist who want to kill everyone who isnt a muslim I made a half a dozen cds and would present it to anyone who would evaluate it for me and after all these other attempts to wake people up I have finally had sucess out of the 6 cds 3 of the 6 contacted me and asked me to pass on any new information on this subject to them .I have said before that I feel this is truly the key that we need to open a lot of eyes up to these evil minded dark ones it has finally made it to mainstream media also just of lately because this I feel was not in the dark ones plans at all most everything that happens IS BY THERE DESIGN but this 9/11 event was not supose to come back to bite them the people were just supose to except what the media shoved down there throats over and over agin until they thought everybody turned a big lie into there false reality .I have truly made a few people wake up out of there trance and know they know what these control freaks are capable they know are in the stage where there realy scared from seeing it all around them befor they would laugh when I pointed out the chemtrails not no more they have been making videoes and they bring them over and show me what there eyes refused to take in and think before .So never give up have awaken people on the homefront just by reading the back of a tube of tooth paste where it says if you swallow any of it call the poison control hot line immediately that opens there eyes up also . I hope you can see this as I can that you are on the winning side humanity has been asleep for a long time and we are going to remove these dark ones once and for all and taste real freedom for the first time and once we do this I feel our galactic families will alow us to join with them its our responsibility to to remove these dark forces around us in a non violent way I pray .
Hello, Dan, I ditto your comments...because I've been there-done-that too. The usual response is: "Well, I've got enough worries--rather than worrying about something that MAY happen". "hey, who said I was worried?" I reply. I'm just informing you to have open conversation about it".
Perhaps the question should be"what am I planning to do with my-self?" rather than focusing on what the PTB have "in store" for us. I'm remembering: "the best-laid plans...of mice and men" (often do not come to fruition) - that depends on how well they've managed to get us into fear and how we react and how we proceed to act in the world. Show by your words and actions that you have "it all together". I don't try to get others to "see" the truth with words - I live it so they can see how I overcome the obstacles in my life, including my "character-defaults" which is always a work in progress.
The same for the "dark-elite" - they have the same work to do on themselves--(only way, way more of it !!! LOL). Their struggle is just beginning - ours (the people) are almost there in overcoming.
I do believe there is a Spiritual (and Emotional) Solution to every problem.
Keep Growing in Love
Hi Deborah,

That is the problem, they have us all occupied and worried about our bills, our children, taxes, passing new laws and then useless media reports of nothingness. Another problem that I see.... is so many new parents nurturing their children and not even caring about what others has to say about something that's going to affect their future in a big way. I think one of the big problem is that we are too consumed about our little nest eggs instead of making sure our world is going to be safe by spreading love and peace. All you hear is "I'm going" and "my baby", "work related" and basic dumb down topics. You're right I can live by examples which I'm doing at the moment, but I think as Lightworkers we will share some of the burden of truth to awaken some people up.
Dan, you may find this interesting to help answer your question.

Watch all episodes!
Yes....I have seen this about a year 1/2 ago and it's a great doc on human conciseness and how most of us are living denial and how we can change. Although, I think Wayne Dyer teachings are very good, I'm a little skeptic on what he's become now....he's almost beginning to be like a Dr. Phil or an Oprah. But nevertheless the messages are great, and inspiring for a lot of people and are way better than T.V. shows. I have an idea....why can't we have this as a regular reality show. Oppss! not a good idea that would wake up too many of us and "Big Brother" can't have that. I think it's time for all the Eckart Tolle's and the Wayne Dyer's of the world who made it rich, to go on national T.V. and hit the masses that would have a great gift for humanity. If they can go on Oprah and praise preach, then why wouldn't they broadcast regularly on T.V. It's called giving back a little of what you got.

Tony said:
Dan, you may find this interesting to help answer your question.

Watch all episodes!
At the mention of Dr. Wayne Dyer, I suggest reading: "Your Sacred Self". I think it's a great idea if he becomes "like Dr. Phil/Oprah" - because his ideas SAVED me from myself and the negativity/fear surrounding me in this world.
I've heard people lately trashing Dr. Phil, and don't know what that's about--except to say that the "psychology-sector " of "approved Federal guidelines" doesn't want all these "getting- healthier- people around". They have all kinds of "treatments, and advice that are just wrong and even detrimental". I implicitly trust Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Dan, you said: "I think it's time for all the Eckart Tolle's and the Wayne Dyer's of the world who made it rich, to go on national T.V. and hit the masses that would have a great gift for humanity." I AGREE we need more of them and their ideas, not less. We need to try to grab ANY FORM of positive input. We need to be stable, happy & free !! (against the NWO proponents).

Deborah...I don't want to open a can of worms here and I just want to make a little clearer on what my message was about.
It's good that Dr. Wayne Dyer saved you and many and I have read some of his books and watched some of his video, they are excellent, I'm not saying they are not. I also really like him and I hope he continues on his journey and helps many more people attain a higher level of consciousness. We also need more people like him. My point is with a lot of self proclaimed "New Age Guru's and Healer's" out there that seems to be springing up lately... especially by simply appearing on Oprah's show that; we should be a little careful of this. Again don't get me wrong ....Oprah did a lot of good in this world but recently it appears she's backing up people like Gates and Barry Soetoro. The first one seems to be promoting reducing world population, and the other is appearing to be speeding the agenda of Mr. Bush for some reason (Change What?). Also when Obama won the election and they way the people adorned him.. is very concerning. Hitler won his election the same way and preached (Change) in the exact manner. Oprah praised him as if he was the lord coming to save us but after one year in office... I tend to differ what she's thinking now.

Then, if you are what you proclaim to be, and what you are, then I think you should set good example to other people. Dr. Phil is not exactly leading by example with the latest tabloids recently showing his infidelity and getting a divorce. Remember, this is the same guy who preaches what you should do or not, by doing the same thing he talked against. Again, this may or may not be true and he's not a bad person but a lot of power and money has a tendency to do strange things to people. Wayne Dyer is really good and I'm not saying not, but he's seems to be going down the same path as Dr. Phil. I hope he doesn't. Deborah you're right too that we need more of them and their ideas, not less but at the same time we need to be careful on who they are, and what they represent also.

All I'm saying is do your own research and follow the rabbit hole. If the hole has light, then the rabbit should be nice, white and fluffy. If the hole is turning dark and the rabbit has big teeth and angry, then the hole is not the good choice. I think we should all question everything before make our own decisions this is why we are all different and that is good. Some people are against this light and we have to keep it bright so we can light all the dark holes out there.

Keep shining!

Deborah Voysey said:
At the mention of Dr. Wayne Dyer, I suggest reading: "Your Sacred Self". I think it's a great idea if he becomes "like Dr. Phil/Oprah" - because his ideas SAVED me from myself and the negativity/fear surrounding me in this world.
I've heard people lately trashing Dr. Phil, and don't know what that's about--except to say that the "psychology-sector " of "approved Federal guidelines" doesn't want all these "getting- healthier- people around". They have all kinds of "treatments, and advice that are just wrong and even detrimental". I implicitly trust Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Dan, you said: "I think it's time for all the Eckart Tolle's and the Wayne Dyer's of the world who made it rich, to go on national T.V. and hit the masses that would have a great gift for humanity." I AGREE we need more of them and their ideas, not less. We need to try to grab ANY FORM of positive input. We need to be stable, happy & free !! (against the NWO proponents).

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