Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hey guys I thought this would be fun to post.. I’ve been reading this book Discover your Psychic Type.. Really good information on intuition…so what intuitive type are you????? It’s possible to be more than one and in most cases we all probably are.

The Emotional Intuitive

Emotional intuitives travel the path of the heart. They are driven by the desire for transcendental love, connection, passion, and service to others. They are in tune with the soul’s quest for a purpose-driven life and for the perfect union, which may be the union of the soul with God, the soul mate, or the twin flame, who is another person or entity that is their soulful equivalent.
While other types of intuitives are also concerned with these spiritual states in varying degrees, the emotional intuitive is the most intensely attuned to this desire. Like all paths, the path of the heart can lead us to divine ecstasy or to human suffering. Emotional states infused with spiritual aspiations can lead to powerful inner experiences and a profound sense of the life mission.
Emotional intuitives bring to us the gift of love and a passion to express this love through hlping and healing others. They are courageous souls, even though they can be unusually vulnerable and sensitive. They can acutely feel another’s pain, and still they desire to heal and to go beyond their personal needs for the benefit others. Emotional intuitives are likely the most giving of all types.
Emotional intuitives can ignite within us the fire of desire, pushing us to unite, search out, and cling to the heart of the divine. Without their energy we might become complacent, self-serving, and not risk our private solitude for soulful union. Their energy is action-oriented; it brings to us healing and transformation. Emotions are temporary, changeable, and fleeting. Emotional intuitives teach us to live beyond our safety nets; they encourage us to risk it all in the quest for love.

Emotional Currents

Emotional intuitives have an innate sensitivity to the emotional states of others. This sensitivity can arouse strong feelings, causing emotional intitives to respond to others with devotion and care. But emotional intuitives may also be confused and surprised by their reactions, unable to understand why it is thry feel a certain way. They may also find that these feelings recede as quickly as they surface.
Because emotional intuitives receive psychic information through their emotions, they are most prone to experiencing, intense, unexplained feelings. Many emotional intuitives, for example, will feel a strong sense of sadness, anxiety, or fear prior to a tragic world event. They may wake up at night, stressed and worried, with no idea where their feelings have come from. They may feel uneasy or uncomfortable about an event, place, or situation, but have no concrete reason why. This is called emotional telepathy, the ability to have a sudden awareness of the pain, stress, trauma, or bliss that another might be experiencing.
Emotional intuitives may also have episodes of emotional clairvoyance, during which they experience and spontaneous image accompanied with intense feelings of dread or grief over a current or future traumatic or disturbing event. Many emotional intuitives learn over time to push such feelings away. They try to shut down to avoid the psychic waves of emotion to which they are susceptible. But emotional intuitives can also experience waves of warmth and bliss. They can ride on currents of love that carry them beyond the stresses of mundane life. These feelings can become intoxicating. The emotional intuitive may seek out the perfect love through a mate, friends, or a spiritual teacher in order to induce these deep feelings.
Through awareness and growth, emotional intuitives can begin to understand and work with their sometimes extreme and unpredictable emotional states, thereby learning to stay centered and focused instead of becoming emotionally weighed down. They can learn to interpret what they are receiving intuitively and then choose to respond with compassion, sending waves of love and caring back out to the suffering world which has called out to them.
The journey of the emotional intuitive is through the heart. It is a journey that leads them through the sometimes saturated and vivid experience of feelings into the maturity of heart-centeredness. Feelings and emotions are powerful when we allow feelings such as fear, anger, jealousy, anxiety, and worry to dominate our consciousness, we suffer. Emotional intuitives also take in the emotional energy of other people and of their environment. They are usually not aware that this is what they are doing. Their psychic sensitivities are so attuned to the emotional climate that they can feel overwhelmed just walking into a room full of people.
More than the other types, emotional intuitives need to learn to decpher and name the psychic inner feelings and impressions that constantly flow through them. Because they can feel so much so deeply, they need to become aware of their own emotional energy, as distinguished from the emotions they may be picking up from an outside source. They also need to learn not to define themselves by what they are feeling.
Most feelings are temporary; they come and they go. Despite any emotional state that we may be in, our spirit, our soul resides calmly within. Heart-centeredness is not a state devoid of emotion. It is the ability to penetrate into the center, into the spiritual core. Our heart is the doorway to the divine, where we can perceive with clarity and wisdom despite the emotional currents running through our day-to-day lives. It is feeling with the heart of God and the qualities of God: peace, unconditional love, wisdom, compassion, and bliss.


Emotional intuitives are, unfortunately, the most likely to make errors in interpreting psychic information. At the same time, they rarely make errors when interpreting the feelings and emotions of others. Instead, they make errors because all too often their interpretive abilities are overrun by their concern and their care for others. They strive to help, heal, nurture, and love the sick, the weary, and those who suffer. Learning how to interpret psychic information is not always easy; for an emotional intuitive, it can be more difficult than for the other types. This is because emotional intuitives respond to energy emotionally, and the challenge for emotion-based people is to learn to interpret energy objectively. They must learn to interpret through heart-centered clarity. They can become adept at shifting away from a powerless stance of absorbing emotional energy and into a clear awareness.(lol)

The Body of the Emotional Intuitive

Emotional intuitives can suffer from allergies, chronic tiredness, and adrenal exhaustion, plus PMS and ovary and uterine problems. They all too often pull from their own physical reserves the energy needed to emotionally heal others, and they often believe they are not doing enough if others are not promptly healed. They need to take time to become aware of their own emotions. They need time away, retreat and solitude: but seldom will they take this self-time.
Emotional intuitives and mental intuitives need one another. An emotional intuitive needs to see the big picture and be less affected by others, whereas the mental intuitive needs the love and sensitivity that emotional intuitves generate so easily. An emotional intuitive works through the emotions and passion of the heart, and a mental intuitive can halp them to understand the bigger picture.

The Mental Intuitive

For mental intuitives, the psychic spiritual journey is through the mind. This path leads them through the conscious, the unconscious, and then into the super consciousness--the awareness that leads to divine wisdom, knowing, and being one with the thoughts of God. Mental intuitives have an innate desire to understand. Wisdom calls out to them, sending them impressions, beckoning to them to seek truth above all else. Mental intuitives are constantly being prodded from the depths of knowledge and intelligence. Their challenge is to transform their thinking from ego to enlightenment, to become one with the mind of God. The mind is energy. It is soul. It is continuously reflecting the Divine Spirit through thought, belief, and wisdom.
Mental intuitives are thus attracted to knowledge and have thirst to know, to learn, to expand their minds. Many are attracted to philosophy, science, and the various spiritual and religious schools of thought and metaphysics. Because their desire is to know, they love to strudy and discuss theories of creation, evolution and existence on all levels. Their desire is to know humanity, to know God, to know what is. They are often systems-oriented, and can intuit logic, predict patterns, and perceive the whole. They also love to gather evidence and data to support their beliefs.
Mental intuitives are drawn to astrology, numerology, healing though advanced technology, writing, and inventing. They are naturally mentally telepathic, as they have the gift of being able to receive the thoughts and ideas of others. They are inquisitive and can inspire others to believe and work toward improving conditions and issues on local and global problems. Mental intuitives can also be prophets who foretell the future of cultural, medical, and scientific trends and developments, and are thus drawn to work in these fields. They may be the first to invent or use evolutionary scientific or healing instruments. They may be at the forefront of medical advances. Their minds can be fully tuned to the superconsciousneess, absorbing truth and possibility. They are creators of the hope promise that are advancing us into higher levels of wisdom.


The mental intuitive, like all the intuitive types, must work toward balance. When not in balance, mental intuitives can be viewed as geniuses, but slightly nutty, as they might not be able to communicate their ideas and thoughts to others. Mental intuitives can also become overwhelmed by their own thoughts.
When our beliefs are not challenged, when we trust our small self to lead the way, we can create limitations and negativity. It is essential for a mental intuitive to receive thoughts from a higher source. The mind is a reflective pool that can become imbued with divine ideas and enlightenment views. The mind can also become a cesspool of limited thoughts and restictions. A regular meditation practice can be the conduit for a mental intuitive to fulfill his or her potential. These people must also guard against relying excessively on their thought processes. An open mind is much more beneficial than one that is constantly in thinking mode. Being able to quiet the mind and receive divine illumination will bring the mental intuitive to the rich inner garden of inner peace and joy.
For many reasons, mental intuitives are the most prominent psychics and metaphysicians in our culture. Mental intuitives study paranormal phenomena, write books, advance the scientific approach, and argue for or against psychic validity. Working primarily through the sixth chakra, mental intuitives can be strong intellectuals and visionaries who can predict and intuit the future better than most of the types. They are in tune with the vibration of knowledge past, present, and future, along with the ageless wisdom of the higher realms. They may quickly receive insight into how to solve problems and issues that plague the planet. It is not unusual for a mental intuitive to have an instantaneous knowledge of the universal laws and the connections between science and spirituality.
Mental intuitives are often driven to manifest their own ideas and visions in the physical world. They can have wonderful visions of events, odd inventions, even advanced cultures and technologies. If these ideas are infused with the energy of unconditional love and harmony of the emotional intuitive, they can be of true benefit to the world.

The Body of the Mental Intuitive

Someone who reads energy thorugh the mind is likely to be prone to muscle tension and stress. They might also suffer with panic, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and sinus issues. The mind overloaded with energy may also inhibit decision-making and direct experience. The sixth chakra, located in the head, can become over stimulated and overworked.
Mental intuitives tend to be hard on themselves. They can place unrealistic expectations on what they can accomplish, often pushing themselves beyond what is reasonable. Physical exercise can help mental intuitives unwind and clear out their thoughts and reduce stress. They will often have a difficult time sitting in meditation. Their very active minds can find it hard to settle down in silence. They will therefore benefit from a more active meditation, such as yoga or quiet walking in nature.
When mental intuitives become out of balance, they can feel isolated and undervalued. They can contribute so much and at the same time they can feel so little self-appreciation. They need love---spiritual love, romantic love, the love of friends and family. This is their balance, to give and to receive through the heart, but that can sem so indulgent to mental intuitives. Why feel, they ask, when you can contribute in a real way? They also can get hooked into finding proof, and the need to believe something is true only if if makes sense to their minds.
Mental intuitives are on a path of transformation of consciousness, and their task is to open their minds to divine illumination and to fuse their individuality with the all-knowing of God and to become one with Divine Mind. Because their thought processes can be so well-developed, mental intuitives must discipline themselves to become open vessels receiving the finely tuned, soothing vibrations from the higher mind, instead of just recycling their own thoughts and biases. Their greatest gift, the mind, is their path to spiritual freedom and realization. Along the way, they may prod us, astound us, even provoke us to new levels of knowledge. Mental intuitives are always leading us to greater understanding and awareness of the world that we live in.

Physical Intuitive

The physical intuitive is attune to the vibration of the divine made physical. Physical intuitives are able to experience what is holy, good, and of truth through their connection with the natural world. Physical intuitives often become involved with earth-based religions and spirituality; they bring to us the vision of heaven on earth. Many physical intuitives hold a strong inner knowledge of the earth and her creatures as divine, and they are often devotied to healing the earth. They may be involved in rescuing animals and saving forests and the seas, preserving all of God’s creatures great and small. Physical intuitives see the divine in all of life and give us the gift to see and be in the presence of God. They are able to perceive the divine in a line of clouds and sun, a field of grass, of in the call of an owl in the dark night. They bring us to our senses. They say See, feel, wake up. God is here.” they are the earth’s special ones.
While a spiritual intuitive yearns for the beyond, the physical intuitive knows that there is no need to go anywhere else. Physical intuitives have a quest to tell us all know this is as they connect with Spirit through the tangible world. They use their senses to access intuitive information more than the other types, and their challenge is to become conscious of essence and pure Spirit. Because their vibration is usually attuned to the physical---which is a denser, heavier energy---their progress in spiritual evolution may be slow, and they can at times have little motivation to explore the higher realms. It is not that they reject the spiritual; they may simply lack the ability to always understand and perceive it as “real.” Pure Spirit with-out form may be a theory or concept.
Injury and degradation to the earth and her creatures motivate physical intuitives to work tirelessly. They may focus their efforts on a global level. When inspired, they have at their disposal the tremendous energetic resources of pure Spirit, which they can transform with little effort into the physical realm where they are capable of healing the body, the earth, and all of her creatures. Physical intuitives’ communion with the natural world is often direct and uncomplicated, but unfortunately they may not always be able to articulate what they are experiencing. Like the spiritual intuitive, the most profound contribution of the physical intuitive may be not be through words but through touch or other forms of nonverbal communication.
Physical intuitives are often highly kinesthetic, and they offer healing through direct energetic connections that bypass thought or emotion. Many physical intuitives become adept at hands-on healing, acupuncture, chiropractic, and traditional and herbal medicine. They may be natural shamans and communicate with the spiritual energies of plants, animals, and ancestors. They may also delve into the world of magic, paganism, and witchcraft. They understand the powers of the four elements---air, water, fire, and earth. They can be instinctive alchemists with the ability to perceive elemental energy moving freely through the Devic kingdom, understanding nature in all its complex forms. They have a natural ability to work in unison with, and draw power from, the natural world.

Body Scanning
Physical intuitives can practice daily body scans to help them discover when they are absorbing the energy of their environment. Sharon can learn to sit quietly and scan her body from the top of her head down to her feet. As she does this, she can become aware of any place in her body that feels sore, tense, or tight. She can ask questions of the tension, such as “Is this my stress or someone else’s?” “If stress or tension had a voice, what would it be saying to me?” “Can I release this stress to the light?” and “What do I need to do with this energy to heal and shift it into unconditional love?”
Answers to these questions will provide insight and provoke deeper awareness of how the body is responding to the environment. The body of a physical intuitive has a high degree of intelligence. Dialogue with the body can bring surprising intuitive information.
Physical intuitives often have the ability to hold an object and read its energy. Personal items that wear or hold, such as rings, watches, or even car keys absorb our energy, and a physical intuitive is often able to put this energetic vibration into words. As Sharon began to become more aware of how she was intuitively responding to others, she discovered that she had this ability. She had never felt intuitive or gifted, yet she can hold an object or look at a photograph of a stranger and give surprisingly accurate information about the object or stranger.

The Body of the Physical Intuitive

Physical intuitives can soak up energy like a sponge. Because of this, they may have problems with weight gain. As the energy field absorbs what is in the environment, the subconscious translates this heaviness into physical weight. In addition, the aura will eventually become overburdened with the added energetic stress that surrounds it. A physical intuitive is most likely to bring environmental energy into the body, whereas a mental intuitive will channel it into the mind and a spiritual intuitive will lift energy into higher awareness.
Emotional intuitives will feel and connect through the heart, but physical intuitives soak up psychic information in their bodies. As a result, they have difficulty knowing when and what they are picking u from outside of themselves. Because their intuitive energy is centered in the third chakra, or solar plexus, they are more likely to absorb the energy into the stomach and lower organs and my suffer from chronic skeletal and muscular illnesses. Chronic fatigue, arthritis, and fibromyalgia also plague many physical intuitves who have over time absorbed the energy in their surroundings. Physical intuitives tend to respond well to herbal medicine, homeopathy, chiropractic work, massage therapy, and any other therapy that assists them in integrating subtle and invisible energies.
As physical intuitves develop and grow spiritually, they can learn to absorb divine love and light instead of the energy of their surroundings. The body can actually become a conduit of the divine. Physical intuitives can spiritualize the body with more ease than any other type. Their journey is to harmonize heaven on earth, and so their bodies can be the channels through which spirit becomes flesh.
Within the physical intuitive is a vision of the perfect earth. This is not a whimsical, storybook revelation; it is the essence of our perfection. It is the secret that we have searched for throughout the ages. Physical intuitives hold the y key that will bring forth perfect health, agelessness, and eternal life. These are buried deep within every physical intuitive, and their task is to call forth their power, to insist that we listen, hear, and respond to the earth with sacred care. Physical intuitives knew though sands of years ago when they saw the beauty of the planet that this is the home of the divine. It is time once again for the physical intuitive to wake us, to guide us to this truth.

The Spiritual Intuitive

Spiritual intuitives draw their strength and power from the intangible world. Drawing upon their tremendous supernatural resources, they give us the gift of transcendence, the ability to rise above the mundane. They offer us a glimpse into the cosmos. They know better than others that this world is temporary, and they wait and yearn for what lies beyond. Spiritual intuitives live in the world of cause and effect with the memory of perfection. They can soar with the angels and converse with the divine. They call us into our highest spiritual knowing.
The journey of spiritual intuitives is that of enlightened freedom. They are learning to live in the midst of duality with the awareness of oneness and non-being, unattached and uncumbered. Their home is beyond the skies; they are here in the physical world as visitors.
More than any other type of intuitive, spiritual intuitives are able to live in the present. They have a natural tendency for spontaneity and can quickly immerse themselves in the experience of bliss, ecstasy, and pleasure. They often do not have planned agenda, goal, or destination, but are here to experience what is. Not the what is of the world, but the what is of eternal truth.
Unfortunately, spiritual intuitives can have difficulty managing daily life. Because they are attuned to no time and live primarily in the present, they can have trouble with the more routine aspects of life such as paying bills, showing up on time, and keeping track of paperwork. Where a mental intuitive finds meaning and mystery in patterns and trends, the spiritual intuitive may rebel, feeling restricted and limited by the probable. Spiritual intuitives want freedom and openness. They want to be able to shift, to change like chameleons. They are not attached to form of any kind. To the spiritual intuitive, what you see is temporary and not what you will get. Reality is without form.

Psychic Gifts

Spiritual intuitives often have rich dream lives. In their dreams they might travel to distant locations, communicate with those who have departed the physical world, or visit mystical realms. Because their spirit frequently rises into the etheric currents, they are likely to have precognitive dreams and visions, which they might not always be able to understand. They are also likely to enjoy astral travel, which is the ability to send the consciousness and soul-body outside of the physical body to distant places.
Especially when they were young, many spiritual intuitives have had encounters with spiritual beings such as loved ones who have past over--ghosts or spirit entities and guides. Spiritual intuitives are often able to see and communicate with the spiritual realms in a natural, matter-of-the-fact way.
Spiritual intuitives are likely to be attracted to energy work such as Reiki and healing touch. They also enjoy toning, chanting, and deep trance work. Because they work well with others, you will often find spiritual intuitives in groups. They take naturally to community, tend not to be ego-centered, and they often seek out spiritual teachers and leaders. Unless they find this community and a sense of belonging in the world, they can become lonely and lost.
Spiritual intuitives do not naturally bond with the physical. They need to seek out an identity and a purpose to give meaning to their lives. This means spiritual intuitives can have difficult time using their intuition gifts in the world of the here and now. Many spiritual intuitives will tell me that they do not know why they are here on earth. Some have told me that they feel as if there has been a cosmic mistake; they feel they belong in the beyond, peacefully soaring the cosmic currents.

The Body of the Spiritual Intuitive

Because spiritual intuitives access intuition more outside the physical body than the other types, they can experience elevated states of ecstasy and bliss, only to plunge into deep despair and indifference. They can also suffer from headaches, dizziness, and lack of physical vitality, and if they do not establish a meaningful connection with the physical world, they can become depresses or apathetic. Because they intuit through their higher chakras, their seventh and higher chakras are highly developed. Their challenge is to pace themselves and live in the world of matter.
Some spiritual intuitives suffer from attention deficit disorder (ADD); their consciousness may quickly flit from one thing to another. They may be like butterflies, only needing to lightly touch and observe ideas, objects, people, and thoughts in order to absorb their energy. They then drift away, freely moving wherever the breeze may take them.
Spiritual intuitives may also experience thyroid and other glandular issues. Part of the funtion of the thyroid gland is to regulate how energy is used by the body. The pituitary and pineal glands accept spiritual energy, the adrenal glands generate fuel for the physical body, and the thyroid receives energy from both of these glands and works to regulate and nourish the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual systems. The spiritual intuitive may not, however, always know how to use the rich storehouse of available spiritual and psychic energy, and this failure can manifest in glandular and endocrine system imbalances.
When energy has no path for expression, it can become static and overcharged. Spiritual intuitives can thus benefit from the physical intuitives natural ability to ground and use energy through the body. Massage therapy, healing touch, and yoga can help the spiritual intuitive come into balance. Career counseling, dream analysis, and breath work may also be helpful.

Works cited by Sherrie Dillard

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