Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I was hoping to hear some of your ideas or personal examples or affirmations.
Upon waking from sleep, what is one or a few of the first positive affirmations you greet yourself with?

I'm just starting out :)

Good site I found : (Thoughts Become Things)

With Love and Light! 

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Hi, thank you for the discussion. Well i repeated to myself that i am a divine being of light, it gave me so much power in a day, i could not sleep.
Of course, it depends also in the number of repetitions. they say the common OM is powerful, i tried this also is very powerful. 100 hundreds of times, then my 3rd chakra was vibrating i stopped.

Golden_Angel_K said:
Hi, thank you for the discussion. Well i repeated to myself that i am a divine being of light, it gave me so much power in a day, i could not sleep.

paTricia T. said:
"oh thank god the kids are still sleeping"
Your welcome Psiafrat,

love & light to all

Psiafrat said:
Thank you so very much for your response, Golden Angel K! I will try these both.
I hope others post their thoughts as well. :) & perhaps this thread will help many. :)

With Love and Light!
I like Oprah's "Gratitude", when I wake up, I say: "I'm grateful for waking up!" " grateful for my eyes that can see, my ears that still hear pretty good". Even though my body is in great pain (fibromyalgia), I'm grateful that I can still walk, and talk, and type!"

Others are: "grateful that I have running water, and a bathroom indoors"....grateful there is some food in the fridge...grateful that my dog isn't barking...grateful for the world is still here" get the picture.
So often, we tend to focus on the negative (I used to be very negative, before I tried the gratitude meditations). They help to bring out the positives in our lives.

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