Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

My family sent me this info and they think I am into occultism. They are trying to save me from the Devil. Please look at this and let me know what you think. I am so sad that my family has left me.

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They are very closed minded and live in fear of God. They think that believing that nothing is separate is blasphemy. My sisters brother in law is a Catholic Priest. I lost my son in a car accident and discovered spirituality. They consulted him about my beliefs and he said that evil has ahold of me and it's because of untreated grief. I had never felt closer to God and I now have lost my family because I refuse to conform. I was just starting to feel happy again and now I feel I have made no progress at all. I feel like I need to grieve the loss of my family.
Leslie, next time, ask them have the ever heard of the gam callled GOSSIP. Where some information is given to one person and then handed down threw other people and when it gets to the last person the information is different than the origional. Well the Bible is a translation of a translation of a translation. Man learns from errors so errors are inevitable and God will not be correcting mens mistakes either. Before the books of the bible were put togeather into one book, there were many individual books. A council was formed to decide which books were to be put in the holy bible and which were to be left out. Well here we go. Why not all of them. Is there something to hide. Yes because knowlege is power. And thats why the truth has been kept from us. The bible has great wisdom it it. But taking it literitaly is foolish. If the prophits were recieving divine thoughts from God, then it has to be translated into a spoken language. God speakes to us in our mind. Its up to the prophit to decide if those thought were Divine or his own. The he has to express it in a way for people to understand. So using metafors are a good way to explain things. Do you see where im going with this?
(Constantine formed a council that was in control of what books were to be put in the bible and editid some that didnt fit to their likeing. People can do their own reasearch. The truth is out there. The just have to stop turning a blind eye and start looking.)
Emperor Constantine
Tradition tells us that he was converted to Christianity suddenly, and by a miracle. One evening during the contest with Maxentius, he saw a radiant cross appearing in the heavens, with the inscription, "By this thou shalt conquer."
(that sound like to go cause pain and suffering. What god is he praying to? Not mine. My God knows only love.)
After 300 years of pacifism, this was the first intra-Christian persecution. More significantly, in 325 he summoned the Council of Nicaea
First Council of Nicaea
(This reminds me of the united stateds congress in their attempt to edit and change the constitution)

Did Constantine decide what books belonged in the Bible?
(I say yes. This man was a king. A man with absolute power. Absolute power corrupts absloutly.)
Simone found the link and posted it farther down the page. Thank you for accepting me for who I am.

kamala said:
I still cannot figure out the address...sorry...i click and it goes to a list, not a page...

Yes, this can happen in a family - what you describe - and happens in degrees in most relationships....but living in your truth is more important that living 'for' their lies. While the sense of being apart from your family is not are actually 'set free' by their refusal to love you as you are. It is 'their' loss if you stand firm in your experiences and they do not understand. Being alone is sometimes less lonely than being around those that do not honor you and what you are becoming. Yes, you can mourn the 'loss' of your family, and then, well, you will just have to be yourself and honor yourself...which of course will be considered 'selfish', but they cannot see in their own mirror for now. After all, your loss of a child trumps anything they 'think' they know. You are probably being guided by a higher light...and possibly even by your son, or his angels he is sending your who you are know that is the only truth you really have anyway. Finally, while it is sometimes difficult, always being the 'love' you are even as others are mean or the way to go....right now i am thinking Jesus lived in constant ridicule of his go to his work to be comforted. People are just hypocrites...."have eyes" but do not see...etc....anyway, you can find love and support in many love and you will find it.
So, if I am a light worker and I am to awaken people, how do I do this with out losing the friendship? My own family won't listen. I feel like I should just keep my mouth shut.:(

paTricia T. said:
When you get to thinking about it, in the end, it is the book publisher and the editor that have the real power. In the early days there was a lot of piracy going on. The bankers may have all the money, but those that create books and literature control the belief system of the world. Therefore, the pen is more powerful than the sword. So think of those that actually wrote the bibles..and those that manifested it into print. In the beginning most people could not read. Usually there was, if lucky, one person in the home that could read it out loud. That person too had much power. You could say what you want and the others would not know any differently.

Perhaps you could classify me as part of the Occult. I am a Mystic. But I also listened to Jesus and practice walking on water. I'm only successful in the winter. :o)
Be in Your NOW and you will get through this. You are now free to live your JOURNEY. Much Love to you Sister. xo

Simone, YOU are such an Inspiration

This is where I get a lot of my GOOD information.
I believe the bible was manipulated as a text based on fear driven policies that the church and churches used as a way to control the people with if you wanted to explore other beliefs as to what it all means you would be seen as going against the word of god and would surely be sentenced to the pits of hell.Hell was the place you would go if you didnt follow the word of the bible.What told me there was definately something wrong here was there were so many religions all claiming to be the answer to everlasting life all sincere and dcdicated to what there scriptures said .When dinosaurs are not mentioned its like they all think that subject is not meant for us to know .Anything that rewrites the bible or questions a flaw is outside the faith and teachings and is unexceptable.A person must also see there is something wrong with this as more people have killed other people over religion than anyother reason .It all boils down to control it was used as a text to do that.I believe there are some truths along with a lot of added words along with a lot of words that have been removed because its the way those in power always have done write or rewrite the words as needed to remain in power .

You are not alone leslie. My family too as well as the rest of the world think I am a nut job. Just hang in there and keep trying. It's something I struggle with every day as well. Very soon people are going to be baffled with what is going on and then It's up to us to get the truth out because there are going to be so many others telling lies to keep control.
I tried and got shut out. That's not ok, but I've survived alot and I can survive this. I hope it starts getting more attention so I don't have to be the messenger. They shoot the messenger. No one wants to open their eye's! And they have been filled with so much fear and mind control, they don't see what's right in front of them.

ian said:
You are not alone leslie. My family too as well as the rest of the world think I am a nut job. Just hang in there and keep trying. It's something I struggle with every day as well. Very soon people are going to be baffled with what is going on and then It's up to us to get the truth out because there are going to be so many others telling lies to keep control.
Halelujah! Sp?I wish for peace. Soon.

JIM4HOPE said:
I believe the bible was manipulated as a text based on fear driven policies that the church and churches used as a way to control the people with if you wanted to explore other beliefs as to what it all means you would be seen as going against the word of god and would surely be sentenced to the pits of hell.Hell was the place you would go if you didnt follow the word of the bible.What told me there was definately something wrong here was there were so many religions all claiming to be the answer to everlasting life all sincere and dcdicated to what there scriptures said .When dinosaurs are not mentioned its like they all think that subject is not meant for us to know .Anything that rewrites the bible or questions a flaw is outside the faith and teachings and is unexceptable.A person must also see there is something wrong with this as more people have killed other people over religion than anyother reason .It all boils down to control it was used as a text to do that.I believe there are some truths along with a lot of added words along with a lot of words that have been removed because its the way those in power always have done write or rewrite the words as needed to remain in power .

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