Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

WE HAVE SURVIVED !!!! pictures from the world on Dec 21,2012. :) :)

We survived! Deadline passes for 'end of the world' without raining fire or killer earthquakes - so we'll just let the Mayans get on with it

  • Ancient Mayan calendar known as the Long Count ends today
  • Across the globe believers are locking themselves in bomb shelters and preparing for the end
  • Doomsday prophets have descended on Bugarach in France - said to be the best place to dodge extinction
  • In Britain believers think the world will end - or change - at 11:11 GMT

  By Jill Reilly


Phew! You can let out your breath now - the earth is still safely on its sphere despite Doomsdayer predictions of an impending apocalypse to coincide with the end of the Mayan age.

The human race has successfully navigated the 11.11am deadline on 21.12.12 - at least it appears so with no reports of the globe being besieged by raining fire or killer earthquakes.

For centuries, the ending of the Mayan calendar, which occurs today, has been taken as a sign of an impending Armageddon.

But now there may be a few sheepish looks in a corner of south-east France, which was cited as the only safe spot, unless of course that UFO did turn up and they just haven't told us about it.

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Party time: Guatemalan Mayan natives take part in celebrations marking the end of the Mayan age at the Tikal archaeological site, Peten departament, 560 kms north of Guatemala City

Minutes to go: Crowds of Guatemalan Mayan natives took part in celebrations marking the end of the Mayan age at the Tikal archaeological site, Peten departament, 560 kms north of Guatemala City

Guatemalan Mayan natives take part in celebrations marking the end of the Mayan age at the Tikal archaeological site, Peten departament, 560 kms north of Guatemala City
A member of a folkloric group performs during celebrations marking the end of the Mayan age, December 20, 2012 at the Tikal archaeological site, Peten departament, 560 kms north of Guatemala City

Patience: Doomsdayers and prophecy believers have tied the prediction to the extraordinary date of 21.12.12 and are now waiting for 'the end'


Waiting game: Natives in Guatemala are pictured hosting celebrations marking the end of the Mayan age - foretold in bygone times as the signal for the end of the world - at the Tikal archaeological site


Martin Muller

At least one man is keeping his fingers crossed that the world will end today.

Martin Muller is set to make £50,000 after placing a £10 wager on the coming of Armageddon with betting firm Paddy Power.

Mr Muller made the bizarre bet at odds of 5,000-1  after hearing of the Mayan Prophecy that the world would be destroyed on December 21, 2012.

The 26-year-old has admitted that collecting his winnings could prove difficult if the end does come today, the Daily Star reports, but said he had nothing to lose.

‘I haven’t planned ahead based on winning £50,000,’ he said, ‘I’m not relying on it for Christmas presents – not that there would be a Christmas.’

Paddy Power is also offering a 1,000-1 on bet ‘with a maximum of £10’ that the sun will rise tomorrow, the Star reports.

With Australia one of the first countries to see the sun rise on what is supposed to be the end of days, Tourism Australia's Facebook page was bombarded with posts asking if anyone survived Down Under.

Yes, we're alive,' the organisation responded to worried users.

Technically, however, the world isn't set to end until 10.12pm Australian eastern daylight time tonight.

Scientists in Taiwan also had their  tongues firmly in cheek, setting up a two-story replica of a Mayan  pyramid and planting an electronic countdown timer on top, drawing  crowds at the National Museum of Natural Science.

'This is not the end of the world.  This is the beginning of the new world,' Star Johnsen-Moser, an American seer, said at a gathering of hundreds of spiritualists at a convention  centre in Mexico's Yucatan city of Merida, an hour and a half from the  Mayan ruins at Chichen Itza.

'It is most important that we hold a positive, beautiful reality for ourselves and our planet. ... Fear is out of place.

'As the appointed time came and went in several parts of the world, there was no sign of the apocalypse.

Indeed, the social network Imgur  posted photos of clocks turning midnight in the Asia-Pacific region with messages such as: 'The world has not ended. Sincerely, New Zealand.'

Five 'hippies' including one brandishing a Taser gun were turned back by French police as they tried to enter a mountain village tipped to avoid the end of the world today.

Bugarach, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, is said to contain a mystical UFO garage which will ferry people off planet earth as the Mayan Calendar runs out.

Doomsday followers are convinced here will be no December 22nd for anyone except for those who make it to the hamlet, which has a population of 189 people.

It had swelled to around three times that amount today, with some 200 journalists joining mainly 'New Age types'.

But the 100 odd police who have set up road blocks said no-one else would be allowed up until after Christmas.

We're alive! Students in Taiwan jump together in front of a mock pyramid after the countdown time when many believe the Mayan people predicted the end of the world

We're alive! Students in Taiwan jump together in front of a mock pyramid after the countdown time when many believe the Mayan people predicted the end of the world

Jubilant: In Britain believers think the world will end - or change - at 11:11 GMT

Jubilant: In Britain believers think the world will end - or change - at 11:11 GMT

'We've stopped five hippies so far,  including one who was carrying a Taser,' said a local police spokesman,  adding: 'All agreed to turn back from trying to get to the village,  which is overcrowded enough as it is.

'There are a few more New Age types around - the kind you get at illegal raves - but they're not causing any problems.'

Nasa has tried to calm fears that  doomsday is due at some point today with the release of a video of a  senior scientist dispelling the various rumours of impending apocalypse.

There are fears that the end of the Mayan long count calendar, which some experts say comes today, signals the end of the world.


First past the post: With Australia one of the first countries to see the sun rise on what is supposed to be the end of days, Tourism Australia's Facebook page was bombarded with posts asking if anyone survived Down Under. 'Yes, we're alive,' the organisation responded to worried users

On stand by: Visitors and members of Naples amateur astronomy association 'Unione Astrofili Napoletani' stand by a telescope to dispute the world ending

On stand by: Visitors and members of Naples amateur astronomy association 'Unione Astrofili Napoletani' stand by a telescope to dispute the world ending

Big talk: Massimo della Valle, the director of the astronomical observatory of Capodimonte delivers a speech on the end of the world

Big talk: Massimo della Valle, the director of the astronomical observatory of Capodimonte delivers a speech on the end of the world

David Morrison, a senior scientist and astrobiologist at NASA's Ames Research Centre, appears in the short film to reiterate the agency's belief that the rumours are just a 'big hoax'.

It is the second video this month Nasa has released in an effort to calm  fears, after it was accused of tempting fate by releasing a film dubbed  Why The World Didn't End Yesterday - ten days early.

However, that Nasa has seen fit to ask one of its most esteemed and learned  scientists to answer the rumours shows the agency is taking seriously  the possibility of mass panic.

Dr Morrison says: 'Nasa has received thousands of emails and calls from  members of the public who are concerned, especially young people, so it  seems only right that Nasa scientists should help to dispel these  rumours.'

Salvation: Backpackers arrive in Bugarath, the small village in the foothills of the Pyrenees.Five 'hippies' including one brandishing a Taser gun were turned back by French police as they tried to enter the mountain village

Salvation: Backpackers arrive in Bugarath, the small village in the foothills of the Pyrenees.Five 'hippies' including one brandishing a Taser gun were turned back by French police as they tried to enter the mountain village

In Merida, the celebration of the  cosmic dawn opened inauspiciously, with a fumbling of the sacred fire  meant to honour the calendar's conclusion.

Gabriel Lemus, the white-haired  guardian of the flame, burned his finger on the kindling and later had  to scoop up a burning log that fell from the ceremonial brazier on to  the stage.

Still, he was convinced that it was a  good start, as he was joined by about 1,000 other shamans, seers,  stargazers, crystal enthusiasts, yogis, sufis and swamis.

'It is a cosmic dawn,' he declared.  'We will recover the ability to communicate telepathically and levitate  objects ... like our ancestors did.'

Celebrants later held their arms in the air in a salute to the morning sun.

Preparation: Mayan priests place flowers for a ceremony at Iximche archeological site in preparation for the Oxlajuj B'aktun in Tecpan

Preparation: Mayan priests place flowers for a ceremony at Iximche archeological site in preparation for the Oxlajuj B'aktun in Tecpan

'The galactic bridge has been  established,' intoned spiritual leader Alberto Arribalzaga. 'At this  moment, spirals of light are entering the centre of your head ...  generating powerful vortexes that cover the planet.'

Despite all the ritual and banter, few actually believed the world would end today - the summit was scheduled  to run until Sunday.

Instead, participants said they were here to  celebrate the birth of a new age.  

A Mexican Indian seer who calls himself Ac Tah, and who has travelled around Mexico erecting small pyramids he calls 'neurological circuits', said he held high hopes for today.

'We are preparing ourselves to receive a huge magnetic field straight from the centre of the galaxy,' he said.

Briton Terry Kvasnik, 32, a stuntman from Manchester, said his motto for the day was 'be in love, don't be in fear'. As to which ceremony he would attend today, he said: 'I'm going to be in the happiest place I can.'

Ritual: Peruvian shamans perform a ritual at a beach to prevent the end of the world, in Lima

Ritual: Peruvian shamans perform a ritual at a beach to prevent the end of the world, in Lima

Ward off: Shamans performed several rituals to calm believers and ward off the end of the world predictions

Ward off: Shamans performed several rituals to calm believers and ward off the end of the world predictions

Effort: A Peruvian shaman performs a ritual at the edge of the sea

Effort: A Peruvian shaman performs a ritual at the edge of the sea to stop the 'end of the world'

At dozens of booths set up in the  convention hall, visitors could have their auras photographed with 'Chi' light, get a shamanic cleansing or buy sandals, herbs and wholegrain  baked goods. Cleansing usually involves having copal incense waved  around one's body.

Visitors could also learn the art of  'healing drumming' with a Mexican Otomi Indian master, Dabadi  Thaayroyadi, who said his slender hand-held drums were made with prayers embedded inside. The drums emit 'an intelligent energy' that can heal  emotional, physical and social ailments, he says.

During the opening ceremony,  participants chanted mantras to the blazing Yucatan sun, which quickly  burned the fair-skinned crowd.

Violeta Simarro, a secretary from  Perpignan, France, taking shelter under an awning, noted that the new  age would not necessarily be easy.

'It will be a little difficult at  first, because the world will need a complete 'nettoyage' (cleansing),  because there are so many bad things,' she said.

But not all seers endorsed the  celebration. Mexico's self-styled 'brujo mayor' or chief soothsayer,  Antonio Vazquez Alba, warned followers to stay away from gatherings  today.

Speaking out: A Turkish Muslim speaks to a crowd about doomsday in Sirince

Speaking out: A Turkish Muslim speaks to a crowd about doomsday in Sirince

Opportunity: Staff of the bar Carnegie's, pose as they hold a flyer for the 'end of the world' party, in Hong Kong

Opportunity: Staff of the bar Carnegie's, pose as they hold a flyer for the 'end of the world' party, in Hong Kong

Party like no tomorrow: A Cold War bunker in Moscow designed to protect Soviet leaders in case of nuclear attacks will host the ultimate doomsday party

Party like no tomorrow: A Cold War bunker in Moscow designed to protect Soviet leaders in case of nuclear attacks will host the ultimate doomsday party

'We have to beware of mass psychosis' that could lead to stampedes or 'mass suicides, of the kind we've seen before', he said.

'If you get 1,000 people in one spot  and somebody yells 'Fire!', watch out. The best thing is to stay at  home, at work, in school, and at some point do a relaxation exercise.'

Others saw the gathering as a model for the coming age.

Participants from asian, North  American, South American and European shamanistic traditions mingled  amiably with the Mexican hosts.

'This is the beginning of a change in  priorities and perceptions. We are all one,' said Esther Romo, a Mexico  City businesswoman who works in art promotion and galleries. 'No limits, no boundaries, no nationalities, just fusion.'

Gabriel Romero, a Los-Angeles based  practitioner of crystal skull channelling, was so sure it was not the  end of the world that he planned a welcome ceremony for the new age at  dawn on Saturday, when he will erect a stele, a stone monument used by  the Mayans to commemorate important dates or events.

The Maya, who invented an amazingly  accurate calendar almost 2,000 years ago, measured time in 394-year  periods known as baktuns.

Some anthropologists believe the 13th  baktun ends on December 21. Still, archaeologists have uncovered Mayan  glyphs that refer to dates far, far in the future, long beyond December  21.

Yucatan governor Rolando Zapata, whose state is home to Mexico's largest Mayan population and has benefited  from a boom in tourism, said he too felt the good vibes.

'We believe that the beginning of a  new baktun means the beginning of a new era, and we're receiving it with great optimism,' he said.

Thousands of tourists and  spiritualists are expected for today's once-in-5,125-years event. 'All  the flights to the city are completely full,' Mr Zapata said

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