Saviors Of Earth

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want to research people mentioned in the book of hebrews ( regarding a dream)

Hello everyone, I had a dream a few years ago which has me curious about people mentioned in the book of Hebrews from the bible, and I am not sure how to go about or where to research this, I was hoping someone may be able to point me in the right dirrection or if you have any info you wanted to share, first i will post the dream to show you why I am wanting to research...

In this dream I am asleep in my bed, (which I actually was) and all of a sudden my bedroom took on a light, like a golden glow, then this angel appears from behind the head board of my bed, It was like I became aware of their presence even though i was asleep this Angel or being spoke to me and said

"Sit up" .(spoke to my mind).. so in my dream I did.. Then this being reached around from behind me and placed a big open book on my lap , Then this being touched the words of the book , then touched my left temple, Then I was instantly filled up with the verses from Hebrews, about how
people were tortured and killed and sawed in half for their faith in God , how they wandered around in caves... but in Gods eyes they were revered great because of their faith...

then the dream was over.... the next day i was rejunvinated and felt like i could take on the world, like a jolt of power mentally emotionally and every other way possible ..
as prior to this dream i was really torn and in alot of pain.. ( family issue at the time), and i felt so fed up , in fact before going to sleep the night of having that visitation dream ... I said I can't do this anymore.. and i just resigned to let it go ..i mentally let the issue between my family members go

So I've always been curious as to these people mentioned in the Book of Hebrews , are they the "Wander" ers, I've been reading about ? where did they come from?

thx everyone......

ok just found this link and It resonates with me big time

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i cant thank you enough for that link.
although im not well versed in the bible, i hope you find your answer. :)

namaste and low fat french fries
Perhaps there are other sources on this group of people too , other than the bible

Reb said:
i cant thank you enough for that link.
although im not well versed in the bible, i hope you find your answer. :)

namaste and low fat french fries

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