The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Are those people in the US Senate are they INSANE!!!
Please read the article fully :)
It's written in the usual journalistic entrapment style, which places a sensational title above an opinion piece with contradictory facts hidden near the end where most readers will likely never even spot it.
Senate has not approved sex with animals for the military.
Senate is moving to abolish code 125 of the USCMJ, a specialist code of law for military forces. As is well known by now, the 'Don't ask don't tell policy' is no longer in effect, allowing homosexuals currently in the armed forces to openly express their own sexuality without fear of being dismissed. However, code 125 still made it possible to dismiss these men and women under suspicion of 'sodomy' which is defined under code 125 as 'unnatural carnal relations'. In the context, 'sodomy' under code 125 is /not/ the same as the dictionary definition of 'sodomy'. In their foresight, someone nearly 200 years ago included a provision banning bestiality in the same paragraph of that clause.
As it is impossible to remove parts of a code of justice and not others, procedure requires that the Senate repeals the /entirety/ of code 125, to remove the loophole around discrimination against homosexuals in the armed forces. There is no implicit, explicit, implied or otherwise achieved condolence on behalf of the Senate for any member of the armed forces to engage in bestiality.
But as you might imagine, the title 'Senate moves to close loophole for 'Don't ask don't tell'' wouldn't grab as much attention.
US Senate are, bunch of crap !
...puppets of those,who are even more sick than them.
Thank you ullan for implying that I did not read my own article!!!
But I still see no resemblance between humans of the same sex or sex with animals. It says what it says, and it is completely insane and in disrespect towards the animals and the humans. It is high time for the total collapse of the US govm!!!
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