Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Urgent from SEKHMET & ASHTAR - Feb 22nd Teleconference Call. **


"Greetings! I, Sekhmet, stand before you with my army of Paschat Warriors to tell you of the urgency of this moment in your time. This is about Freedom! This is about retaining what little freedoms each individual inhabitant of Planet Earth has at this time, and about enlarging and expanding upon the freedoms which have been slowly and systematically taken from each and every one of you. Freedom is your birthright as a citizen of Planet Earth, as indeed it is the birthright of all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia. And it is to take a stand that we ask you to participate with us, stand tall with these brave ones in your State of Wisconsin in the United States of America, because they have the Courage and the Heart and the profound desire for Freedom - to stand out in the freezing cold, not just for an hour or two but for days on end, and they will continue. Stand with them!

"Stand with all of those in the countries of the Middle East who are being attacked by those of the dark who are trying so desperately to hang on. And you may give them a message from me. You may tell them that I and my army are on the march, and it is to end, with Freedom for all of the World and all of its inhabitants! Beloved Ones, this is the time when all of these things are coming to the Light, the news stories, the feelings and the empowerments which are coming in to each and every one of you. And so we have asked as a symbol that this song of Wisconsin** be placed upon the Ashtar website for you to listen to and for it to inspire you. Send it out! Send it out and if you have a website, post it. Send it to those who have websites and ask them to post it as a solidarity mission for the entire planet.

"Let us stand together as One! Let us not only keep the flame of Freedom burning bright, but let us power it up until everywhere, its flame, its Light burns as never ever seen or felt upon planet Earth since the very beginning, before the veil. Let us stand tall in Courage together! Let us put our Hearts and our Minds and our Spirits into this mission! And let us all be in solidarity with these brave ones in the snow, with these brave ones in the sands and the heat where the bullets are flying. We are One! We are Family All Together! And so it is! Namaste.


** The song On Wisconsin! plays here:

Given through Susan Leland, February 18, 2011. © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved.

Ashtar addressing the February 8, 2011 teleconference:

"Well good evening, Beloved Family! There is so much happening around the world. It is the feeling of the openings that are being created even now, as more and more people wake up, as more and more people are fascinated and overjoyed, and yes, some are in fear and some are puzzled and shaken over what this all means; all of these changes, all of these ongoing changes.

"It is as though a huge wind is blowing worldwide and it is a cleansing wind, and it is a wind bringing joy even though in the moment it might seem as though it is a confusing kind of a situation; it is Joy. It is Peace that is coming that is so much in the atmosphere that you could just about reach out and touch it. It is to bring into your own beings, into your own hearts, into all of your energy fields, this Peace, with an exhilaration because it is a mission accomplished!

"There must be a removal, a cleansing, if you will, of all of the dark energies, and certainly of those who would be in a position to re-impose the darkness upon the world, as there is going to be a bit of chaos when the announcements are made. And this is something that they hoped that they would be able to do, and they are starting to realize the futility of their arguments and they are starting to understand that the Light and the Love are in triumph below, on and above Planet Earth. This is ordained and this is the sacred destiny of Planet Earth, of all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia to join together to enjoy Freedom, which is the birth- right of all.

"And so it is that a great partnering is already happening. You have given us permission, you starseed brothers and sisters, you have given permission to all of those whom you call the Lighted Beings, the Ascended Masters, the Angels, and yes, the kingdom of the Elementals. And we are all coming together in a oneness that has not been in place, in beingness, upon Planet Earth for eons of time. Because it is the humans who must lead the way; it is the humans who have had the dominion over Planet Earth who have considered themselves to be the stewards of Planet Earth, whether they have been in respect and harmony with Mother Gaia or not. They have been in control.

"And so we want to make it very clear, Freedom involves all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia, not just the humans. But as we say, it’s the humans who must lead the way through this transitional time. It is the humans who are to wake up and understand what this Freedom really means. And it is the Freedom to connect with the totality within each individual’s own energy fields, and then to connect, indeed, to be in communion with, the entire planet and beyond.

"This is what the veil has denied during all of these eons of time, or the lowering into the lower levels of the third dimension is another way of putting it. You see, the lower levels of 3D come with boxes and would-be controllers who have been here for a long, long time. And they’ve been running their programs, sometimes openly, sometimes behind the scenes, so much that nobody really knew what was happening. And this has been the case for the past two or three centuries on Planet Earth where you have these people who are dedicated to controlling the entire planet - dominion over the many, including all of Mother Gaia and all of her treasures of all of her kingdoms.

"Every animal, every insect, every crystal, every plant is a treasure of Mother Gaia; they are her children. And yet these controllers have done great damage to those kingdoms as well. They have kept the Elementals at a distance because the elementals had to retreat. You’ve heard of the mist coming over Avalon - well it has been that way for the Elementals everywhere on planet Earth. They have shown themselves to those who they felt the Love coming from, so that they knew that they would be safe and would come to no harm.

"The Masters and the Angels have shown themselves, most especially to the children, but to all of those who called forth their presence in some manner. When we say ‘shown’ it does not necessarily mean such that a human could see with human eyes, but nevertheless they have made their presence known in Hearts, in wisdom centers, and sometimes just with a tingle, a cooling breeze, or a sudden warming of the body, to know that Beings from the higher dimensions have come. When they are called forth, they will come!

"And so now you all know what is going on in this great world. And there are meetings of the rulers and their most high-level assistants in governments and countries all over the world. Some are in panic, some are very much in fear because as the truth of their deeds come out, as people gather and shout for their removal from their seats of power, they are scared. They are afraid of what punishment they might meet. And we are here to tell you to send them Love. If you want them to leave these seats of power peacefully, send them Love, send them Forgiveness, send them Ho’oponopono.

"They have been actors, programmed. And their programming is often such that they cannot stop. They are literally addicted to evil, or that which might be judged evil. And it is not that we, who come to your assistance, wish for them to be executed or punished in some way. We’re not talking about punishment, we’re talking about freeing Planet Earth from their grasp. We’re talking about raising the vibrations of Planet Earth such that everyone will understand that to open their Hearts, and to express Forgiveness and Gratitude is the way of the higher dimensions.

"It is the way of Peace for the entire planet. It is so that people can sleep at night instead of having nightmares over what these ones have already done. It is the way of preventing future occurrences on Planet Earth. It is a way of putting out the message: Now is the moment! Now is the moment for these ones to leave the stage of power, and whatever awaits them is of their choosing. Remember that. We have given them many, many opportunities and invitations to come to the light. We have met with the one, Mubarak. We have met with the leaders with the countries which seem to have the most repressive governments, oh yes, we have visited them.

"Saint Germain has a great flair for drama. He has ways of getting into their presence which are of higher dimensional nature, nevertheless, he has the ability to present himself to them in a way that they will recognize him, and he has ways of communicating with them that they cannot mistake. And others have gone to these ones and have encouraged them, not with threats of violence, not with threats even of arrest, but simply to tell them they have an opportunity to give up the doings that they have been engaged in, to stop mistreating the people. They have responsibilities to the people, NOT the other way around.

"And in some cases they are moving out of the way and in some cases they are lightening up. Now the eyes of the world are pretty much fastened upon Egypt, and you may have news of other meetings in other countries, and this is all a part of this great awakening, but think about Egypt. Think about Egypt and what Egypt represents; Egypt represents a lot of wisdom, there’s a lot of history/herstory in Egypt. Ancient wisdom schools have come out of Egypt, ancient wisdom schools which taught the true ways of the Light. Egypt has had her day of empowerment, and she has had her day of being conquered.

"All the world has roots in Egypt. And so it is that Egypt is greatly honored. Egypt has been a leader in a world you call the Middle East. Now you’ve had an opportunity to see another leader, and for those of you who missed the beautiful Queen Noor, beautiful in her words and her expressions from her Heart -remember, that she had an opportunity to be inspired by JFK himself. The Light of Freedom burns brightly in her Heart but she understands how to balance and, no, her country is not perfect and it is not the shining example of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude that it is destined to be, but it has started. And she is now coming forth to be a spokesperson for that part of the world and to council Peace. Without Peace that part of the world will undergo more sorrow.

"And so it is that we are endeavoring to bring that part of the world, what you call the Middle East, totally, totally into the realms of higher dimensional lifestyle, and in order to do that the people must be freed from the bondage of despotic rulers and old religious customs based upon power and control. And this is happening, and it is happening because there are leaders in the country of Egypt and in others in the Middle East, and many of the leaders are of the younger generation – Indigos – and the young children of the Crystal. And they know in their Hearts that we are all brothers and sisters, that we are all One. And they reach out to each other and they cast off the bonds imposed upon them by their different religions. And they understand that Freedom, true Freedom, is the Freedom of Spirit!

"And so they gather together in record numbers and they show the world the difference between riots in the streets, lynch mobs and violence everywhere by showing the world an example of self-restraint rather than having any kinds of restrictions imposed upon them. Now, we are discussing the majority, we are in full understanding that there are some who have been arrested, some who have been thrown into prisons and mistreated in the most heinous of ways, and some who have been killed. That is to remind the world of what has been the normal lifestyle in that country under the rule of a tyrant, a dictator who cared more about amassing treasures for himself, his family and his closest friends than he did about serving and being responsible to his people. And by the way, he’s on his way (out).

"You can rest assured that Obama is in touch with him as well through various ambassadors and through himself, and he has told this Mubarak that he must move on, while at the same time laying foundations, with the help of some assistance of some such as Queen Noor, for an orderly transition. Obama would like nothing better than to have Mubarak gone tomorrow, and maybe he will be, maybe he will be. No dates, as usual.* But the foundation for orderly transition must be made and there are leaders already in place there who are fully able, capable and willing to see to it that fair representation of all of the people is the way that this transition will take place.

"It is not intended by these wonderfully courageous people that any particular religion, any repressive measures be taken, or that any particular religion be in charge. They are calling for democracy and they have the full support of Obama and those who are true beings of Light closest to him and within the governments around the world, and there are a lot more of those than you might think, Beloved Ones, because transitions have been taking place already in a number of places. There have been resignations, in some cases there have been arrests, and there are a lot more of those that you’ll be hearing about, so fasten your seatbelts and get ready!

"Freedom is marching forward, exponentially. So when you sit in front of your television set and you watch this exciting news, beam your Love and your Joy to these ones. Connect with them as we shall be doing in our Exercise when we get to that in this wondrous gathering. It is Peace on Earth that we are here to facilitate. Peace on Earth must be in place in order for Ascension to take place, and you all know that, that’s not news. But this news, this outcry for Peace, this is group news and it is grand indeed! It makes it that much easier for us to go about our business behind the scenes.

"What is our business? We are working on cleaning up the atmosphere, the Earth and the waters, even now. We are somewhat incognito, as Mother Sekhmet says, in our endeavors. But on the other hand, because so many people are welcoming us, you must have all by now seen that wondrous video of the Lightship that we sent to Jerusalem. Think about it, think about what Jerusalem represents. It is the coming together of several of the world’s biggest religions, population wise. Think about what that meant over the Dome of the Rock, a place that has sacredness to all three of these religions. Think about it.

"And it is a place that is venerated as holy and sacred, and what better message could we send than a Lightship to assure you that we are here and that we are with you, and that we bring with us facilitation for that which you are calling for: the Peace that passes all understanding, the Freedom to worship in any way that you choose, if you choose to do religion. Religion is a great comfort to many, and the dogmas shall be removed soon enough.

"And what will be left will be the spiritual connection so that everyone will know their own birthright is to feel their own divinity and their own sacredness, and then to come together in a Golden Age where everyone’s divinity, everyone’s sacredness, is recognized! Where everyone reaches out and says, 'I see myself in you, my brother, my sister. I offer you my hand in friendship, I offer you my Heart in Love because I know that you and I are One.'

"Now that, Beloved Ones, is true Freedom. And that is where Planet Earth is heading, and that is what is going on in the Hearts of all of these ones. Yes, they may talk about wanting more dollars, more bread to eat, more shelter; well, those are birthrights as well. And they come from everyone recognizing the sacredness in everyone else. You will not stand idle while your brother goes hungry, you will offer to share your food with your brother. You will not sit in front of your cozy fireplace while your sister is outside without shelter, you will bring her in to share your comfort with you. That is Freedom - Freedom to give, Freedom to receive!

"And there are many places on Planet Earth, as you know, where it has been: 'Oh, you are of a lower caste, you are of a slave class, you are not as well educated, you are not looked upon with as much favor by the church, you are poor,' and so on, and so on. And that has kept the separations going and it’s time for them to end. So the Freedom for all people to have all that they need for comfort and more, much more is coming to all! It awaits only that wonderful announcement of NESARA.

"And NESARA will be announced, as those still insisting on running the dark programs leave the stage. And this is happening, Beloved Ones, it is happening now. We are so excited for you because we see your future and we see what is coming to you and we see the great Joy, and we hear your songs of joyous Freedom at last. And we say, Be in Joy and Feel the Freedom!!!

'Your brothers and sisters in the square in Egypt, and indeed those all over the world who are starting to come out of their shelters and gather to call for Freedom, to cry out, and yes, to let their Courage be their guidance so that they don’t waver, so that they stand tall. Honor them, as we shall honor them in our Exercise** tonight. And remember, we are standing with them, as with you. And those who have fallen, because of bullets or whatever, know that they have not done so in vain or in any kind of a sacrifice, but rather, so that the world could plainly see how great is the need to come together in Love and Peace so as to secure the Freedoms for all, whether it be overt, as in no more hoarding and stealing from the people by the government, and no more arresting and torturing and so on; or whether it’s behind the scenes such as the bankers have done in the U.S. of A. and other countries.

"Freedom for all is anchored by these brave ones in that square and by the ones who have come before them, whether they have seemed to be overwhelmed and beaten back so that they did not achieve their goal at that time, or not; and by all of us, Beloved Ones, standing with them in this great hour. None of this has been in vain, none of it has been for nothing, because it is all coming Now! And those who are in that square have been other places at other times and they know what Freedom is and they know how sacred and divine it is and how worthwhile it is for them, as do you, as do we.

"And so, Beloved Ones, there is so much happening, stay tuned. Find the tellers of Truth and pay attention, and beam your Love anytime that you think about what is going on because it is your Freedom that these ones are courageously crying for as much as their own! Thank you for being with us and we in the Ashtar Command say to you: 'Forward we go together into the Light of the Golden Age - And so it is!' Salut!"

* Mubarak resigned as president of Egypt on Friday, February 11, 2011

**Our Exercise of Peace followed, led by St Germain. We connected with Egypt and the rest of the world in support of Freedom.

The song Oh, Freedom! was sung by Joan Baez before St.Germain:

Transcription by Brian Coe.

We invite you to join us in co-creation of our next Ashtar Teleconference on Tuesday, February 22nd. The call begins with sign-ons at 6:15 PST and the program starts promptly at 6:30 with 5 minutes of late-breaking news from Tara & Rama*, followed by Ashtar and the Masters.*

Please register here by NOON PST on February 8th: or click on 'Conference Calls' here:

All information about the call, including the pin number, will be sent to you after you register. If, after registering, you do miss the call, you can still "join in" by emailing Fran at to send you the audio recording link and playback number which enable you to listen either by phone or computer.

We remind you that Jim Gow has kindly put together REVISED step-by-step instructions for downloading and using Skype voice-over-internet to join our teleconferences. If you have a high-speed internet line and follow his clear instructions, you will experience a clear connection and free long-distance:

Namaste, Susan, Fran and Elise

Given through Susan Leland, February 8, 2011. © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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Thank you Besimi. It does irritate me a little though the way these channelers, and cat headed Egyptian little gods, continue to lionise (pardon the pun) Obama. The U.S president has just vetoed a UN resolution condemning illegal zionist settlements in Palestine. He is an enemy of the people, don't these fools get that ?

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