Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Update from Ashtar !
Posted on January 10, 2011 by soulinsightawakenings
I spent some time recently receiving energetic transmissions from Ashtar and those who work with him.

I had this little ‘tickling feeling’ that there was something to convey, so here it is (I haven’t had time to edit it for clarity, but felt the need to publish it immediately. Thanks for your patience!):

Wonderful. I Am Ashtar speaking, of the Galactic Command. There are Four transmissions, or pieces of information, which I would like to convey.

The first is that the hard part is over, and that the easy part is coming. For those who are lightworkers, let go of your old ways, which worked in the past, and seek new tools for healing sickness and lighting the path. Your guides are already waiting, holding out these new tools for you. They bring much more insight as you use them, and are more insightful in effect. Use them with presence, as they will awaken new things inside of your soul.

We have made a connection we have been waiting for, for a long time. We have been working with the consciousness of the earth for more than a thousand years to make this part happen. It is hard to describe in “physical terms” for you, in a dialectic that will make sense to you…

Imagine your physical body – hold it in your mind – really feel those electrons buzzing around. Notice how you feel in every part of yourself… This is how you are present – your present self. Feel it a moment more. Remind your physical being, “I Am my present self, and no other.” You see, your mind gets tangled up in different patterns of logic and thought and this will remind you that you are here. I am offering this as a meditation to get us started on the path of explanation of what has happened.

Now that I see you are in your body and fully “here,” we can go on with the explanation in a little more detail. Let’s imagine you have your hand out in front of you. Keep your eyes closed but imagine this, okay? When you glance at your hand, in fact your brain sends a signal that you are looking at your hand, at a part of yourself, and there is the recognition, “I.” You see your hand as “me.”

Now, there are many atoms and physical components to your physical form. There are many surrounding your physical form. Normally you just look at your own physical self and say within, “me.” I would like to introduce the idea that there is more than just “me” in your body, but surrounding you, too. When you look at a piece of furniture, a bit of you, a part of your mind, says to itself, “I” when it looks at those parts of reality. Every part of you says, “me” or “I” when it is perceived, if you are looking at it, or sensing it, or I say it wouldn’t enter your perception in the least. It would simply vanish. There is no “I,” and it doesn’t exist – in your reality it doesn’t.

These little interconnections between your physical brain and your world create a vast network that crisscrosses throughout all of the Unviverse, all of creation as we say sometimes, of which you’ve ever experienced as a soul. There is a part of you that says, “Ah, that is me,” whenever you see something familiar.

When this happens on a mass scale, when enough people consider the Light of reality – of Source of their being – to be themselves, we have a new world at present. A newer, and a newer one, as we create more recognitions of “me.” Get what I am saying? The more you see, observe, then the more you can embrace what is already “you,” waiting to be recognized into reality.

So, this has happened for the earth people. We heard enough, “Ah, me”‘s in conciousness, that has begun a work of making many things that you have caused in your dreams, “real,” that is, in your physical reality. Enough human beings have opened to allow this creative power in. It’s what we’ve been talking about for a very long time and we see it catching in effect, like the sun finally bursting over the horizon.

We want you to use this well. Be gentle with your creations. Use it to create the New World you’ve been seeking your whole lives, that is, since all of recorded history…

The third part relates to bio-technology. You have all been searching for the clues and cures that the earth can provide you with her nutrients, chemicals and mixtures which you even create yourself based on her understanding of the life on her body. She has lent you this knowledge, given to you the keys and codes to unlock the mysterious patterns you notice on earth, of the plant life, human beings, and how life grows and happens. So you have been using this to create new patterns of life through bioengineering. You can use this for good, or not… Now, what we see, in our ship’s monitors and systems, is that you have collectively made a choice to “stop” this misuse of biotechnology and to use it only for good. What this means, of course, is careful use of resources and knowledge, and not haphazard or profit-motivated uses. You will see things changing in the next 4 or 5 years toward more responsible use of biotechnology.

And the final fourth thing I want to share with you is that you are not “children” anymore, in your forms – you have begun to grow into adults, collectively. What we see normally when we look at you is little kids, punching and scratching each other in rage, oftentimes, though in truth, technically you are blowing each other up with bombs. We have regarded you as such for some time. And now there is a consciousness inside of you that recognizes your own sovreignty, as adult spiritual beings, under the Creator of your souls. So shift your focus, my beloveds.

We’ll step back a little, dear ones. Keep yourself alert but don’t go in fear. That is the standard of the old energies. The new energies are in Trust. Trust bares great fruit. It will unfold shortly, as you grow in your newness.

We will see you later, dear ones. Good bye!

[I see a vision of Ashtar eating an apple]



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