The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Catherine Lamb and Elaine McLellan, Guest Writers Waking Times
Good ideas abound, presented by caring individuals with skills and knowledge to share; organic gardens, survival skills, the promise of new industry and medicine from hemp and cannabis, etc. It truly does offer hope.
Solutions swirl around us like a storm yet we remain paralyzed and puzzled in the middle of societal chaos. Economically, environmentally, politically; it’s all a mess.
We all know something essential is missing from the picture.
Let’s be realistic. It may not be possible for you to get off the grid, grow your own garden, amass emergency survival items, or find gainful employment any time soon.
But there is something that you CAN do immediately, to bring about the solution to what plagues our world.
The “powers that be” are determined to keep you and me sick, dumbed-down, and in a state of perpetual stress, chaos and in-fighting.
What if you and I stopped dancing to their music and began to see our interactions with others (friends, family and total strangers) in a new light?
Think what a difference it would make in our society if we really knew and understood how to treat each other; how to authentically love one another in every situation (we’re not talking religion or laws, “random acts of kindness” nor just being nice).
If you think it can’t be done, you’ve been fed the biggest lie. You’ve swallowed the blue pill…go back to sleep.
Taking a stance like this does require getting off the grid, so to speak. There really is a way to disconnect from the hate mongers who run most everything. You can build our own “power grid” and use your own innate senses to arrive at liberty, happiness and well-being for yourself, the people you love, and those you come in contact with.
Unplug From the Lie
You have, no doubt, learned that “love” is just romance or something for family and God. This is a convenient place to keep love stashed so we can’t really learn how to apply basic universal principles to our own actions and to the details of our lives.
(It would be dangerous if people everywhere caught on to the fact that love is not simply a subjective experience, but is profoundly, objectively real! )
It’s not just by chance that you find bullies in your neighborhood school, corruption in every corner of your community politics, and shoplifters at your local mall.
This is to be expected, right? Remember, government thrives on crime.
According to “their” way of thinking, we human beings are incapable of being anything other than mean-hearted morons who need government to tell us how to act and make laws telling us it is wrong to do these things…if you get caught.
The “powers that be” depend on you and me being at odds with one another. Keeping a state of division, mistrust and apprehension alive in the USA is as important as maintaining perpetual war around the globe. Divide and conquer!
The good news is that you are free to choose how to act when it comes to the way you treat others. There is a helpful, easy to learn blueprint that will enable you to begin the process of identifying and shedding the actions that violate love (and which cause misery in your own relationships and this world), thus becoming a significant and vitally important part of the solution.
If you think this is about touchy-feely stuff, hold on!
Over 30 years of scientific research dedicated to the philosophy and study of Love discloses the way to build Love into our society from the ground up, one person at a time.
Did you know that love is a system that works the same for everyone across all cultures? Have you ever been told that Love is mathematical, possesses symmetry and has an invariant allowing for no possible coercion?
Consider the scientific theory that the system of Love defines a unique logical foundation for all of the human and social sciences, psychology, sociology, economics, and politics, all of which, unless they can find a fundamental principle of symmetry and efficiency of their own, must eventually bow to the symmetry and inherent efficiency of love.
This crucial information blasts open the door to the solution you and I are longing for, “the logical foundation by which the construction of a new age may begin.”
Rudeness, taunting, teasing, lying, cheating, coercion of any kind, etc. all cause a measurable and visible, negative and destructive response in our human system. It works the same way for the person doing the violating or the one receiving it.
Violating Love is malignant and fatal. Over a period of time, it will kill and destroy any individual, system, group, relationship or business, in which, and to which, the violations occur. This is science, not myth. (The government mechanism of the welfare state does not derive from or deliver Love, which is why it has led to decay and destruction on a national scale.)
On the other hand, the action elements of Love deliver beneficial, life enhancing rewards to the giver and the receiver. Over a period of time they will cause you or any individual, system, group, relationship or business to flourish, grow and become all it can be.
In fact, “feel good” hormones are released in your brain when you act with the “Intent to Please.” (More about the “Intent to Please” in our video, below.)
Now it becomes clear why the Golden Rule works to the benefit of everyone. We are hard-wired to love one another and we are rewarded for doing so, even at the cellular level. To top that off, you and I have a built in (innate) sense that tells us when we have been the recipient of Love as well as when we have been on the receiving end of a violation of Love. Clever. Who could have thought of that?
The principles of liberty, non-aggression, and non-violent communication work to the benefit of you, the individual, and to society because they sit squarely upon the underlying foundation of Love!
Love is cause-able and do-able. You can learn how to cause and maintain it in your life. All of the possible expressions of Love can be placed in ten easy to remember categories. You can start implementing these in your life right away with the next person you encounter.
The solution starts with you.
Loving one another doesn’t cost a penny and is free to all. It makes everything work better and it works the same for all people across all cultures. It’s the one thing that will change everything.
The choice is simple. You and I, and countless millions, can Love and feel good, or hate and be miserable and, in the process, continue to destroy ourselves.
These are facts and facts are stubborn things!
Try Love on for size. Notice the difference. If not, why not?
For more info visit our website
This article is an entry in the Activist Post Writing Contest – Solutions. 1st place receives a $250 cash prize & $250 gift certificate to Offgrid Outpost. 2nd place receives a $250 gift certificate to Offgrid Outpost. Click here to enter!
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
Instead of just the word alone,"Love!"I would like to add or connect another word to it from the articule posted above with the word or words,"Unconditional Love!"
unconditional love to dark forces is saying that you are o.k. with sacrifices and injustice.
well, not in my name.
tough lough would be appropriate.
You've got that right CHRISTINA.. but see it this way.. there are ppl and there are pencils with both a wooden head.. and both can write !!!
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