Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Do not believe what you are told on TV and in the newspapers. It is not the truth. The truth is something you must search for. It is all there for those who seek it. You owe it to yourselves to protect and preserve humanity and the Earth. Each day, you see the evidence of what I have been telling you. There is no escaping it. It has to be faced.
- montague keen, sunday 6 december 2015

yes, different bowls, SAME CRAP

Carolyn The Pleiadien said:

Not just Fox but ALL telev1sion stations. Don't believe some are better than others they are all full of mind control subliminals and outright lies. I'm in Montreal Canada and our media is just as full of poop.... its everywhere.
Carolyn The Pleiadien said:

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