Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Brad sent me an E-mail on March the 22nd in which he stated his intention to sign the ownership of SoE over to me.

Without hesitation this offer was accepted and a request made to Brad for him to post an explanation for the handover.

The actual handover took place on April the 1st. It is now the 7th of April.

Having checked the “left members list” today Brads name can be seen as having left the network on April the 4th.

I for one am grateful to Brad for;
- Starting this network
- Providing a place for personal growth, enrichment and awakening with like
minded members
- Handing the network over rather than deleting it

It appears that Brad has chosen not to explain his actions nor to take leave of the community.

To me personally the name alongside the “created this NING network” is just one of many names of members of this wonderful community which has created SoE.

The only change I have implemented is the removal of the donations request area. As far as I know SoE incurs no costs (for premium services) for its content hosting here at NING (officially I won’t know for two weeks) so there is no reason for donation requests.

The attachment contains the mail received from Brad, this way we all have access to the same information regarding the handover.

In oneness,

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Hi Tony...

I am quite sure premium service is a charged one.

Here is the link from NING website for Premium Hosting Costs

There are two categories - Premier Personal ($10 per month) and Premier Professional ($100 per month)

Hi Gnosis, to my knowledge SoE does not have any premium services. I do see them in the panel (owner panel) as options to click on. If I receive notification from NING (they say within two weeks of transfer) then I will make a new post, as for now I see no costs in being the "owner" of SoE.

Gnosis said:
Hi Tony...

I am quite sure premium service is a charged one.

Here is the link from NING website for Premium Hosting Costs

There are two categories - Premier Personal ($10 per month) and Premier Professional ($100 per month)

Great to know that Brad transfer you the ownership to you Tony, Thanks to him for created this site, thanks to you for accepting the role and thanks to all for coming here and make this site what is today.

love & light to all

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