Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

TIMELINE OF 3rd WORLD WAR (1999 - 2012) ...TIME EXPIRED ?.



Note: Do not believe anyone. Research – Cross-Check with the process of elimination – independently and out of outside control.
Publicizing of classified strategies may lead to their cancellation.


Departments of Geostrategic – Historical analysis

SUBJECT: Tendentiousness and Racial Reasons – Timeline of 3rd World War


Ιnsufficient space and time, force us to provide you only with “telegraphic findings of our research”, as follows:

1. The dynamics of World Wars (W.W.) remains the same for 13500 years and is indicated in offensive provocations by the leaderships of White Race (W.R.) against the Asiatic Yellow Races (Y.R.) – DRANG NACH OSTEN (note: Pressure – Provocative Push – to the East) – who by counterattacking are pushed continuously to the West against the territories dominance of the W.R.

2. Purpose of the above W.W. was and is the annihilation – genocide of the W.R. and of the Black Race, and the survival – total dominance of only the Yellow Race Y.R.

3. The W.R. leaderships of the Western Nations are pushed to the above mentioned provocations from Priesthoods and Western Masonic Lodges, regardless of differences between Religion or Lodge system. Those Priesthoods are commanded by Chinese Priesthoods through White-yellow Mongolian Priesthoods of Tibet, Bavarians, Hungarians, Turks, Finlandians, Saxon-Mongolians, Hebrew-Mongolians, part of Italians LAZIO, Tatars, Hazars, Khazars, Basques, Bulgarians, and White Priesthoods of racial traitors masons (artificial Hebrews).

4. All the Religions – Lodges’ systems, despite of their “differences”, from 9600 BC till today are commanded by Visible – Invisible Space Powers (V.I.S.P.) Sin Yahweh, with origin the Asterisms Bootes – Draco – Snake, acting - role-playing the “bad demons of Devil” – “Good angels of God”. Through Genetic Engineering they created the Y.R.

5. The above Piratical Criminal V.I.S.P., with local base a neighbor stellar body (Moon), entered our solar system about 11.500 B.C., and attacked against the pre-existing corresponding planetary V.I.S.P. Andromedians, who were friendly to the White Andromedian Pelasgian Terra Race. Decodification of Ancient Hellenic Texts reveals a coalition of the above invaders with the V.I.S.P. Cronians-Saturnians against the coalition of V.I.S.P. Uranides – Zeus. In the specialized press of USA are referred as the “Dragonian Empire”.

6. In order to avoid the total destruction of the external surface of Planet Earth due to the space war, the defensive V.I.S.P. Uranides – Zeus retreated tactically into the internal cavity of the planet (read: “Hollow Earth” theory) from North and South Pole openings, and to the four external planets of our Solar System.

7. With purpose the causation of the blame “Devil – Demons” to the V.I.S.P. Uranides – Zeus of the inner Earth, the V.I.S.P. Sin-Yahweh Bootides-Cronians installed themselves to underground cavities of the Earth’s external surface, and corrupted the planet, originally as allegedly Hellenic “Dodecatheon”, and later as “Demons” of the known idolatry and satanic religions, all of Bootes invention.

8. Decodification of ancient Hebrew texts and latest instructions of the Hebrewsaxons Lodges to their top members, reveals that in 2011-12, the philosinic-philohebrew V.I.S.P. Bootes – Snake – Draco – Cronians will receive a War Assault of arithmetical and technological superior Andromedian V.I.S.P. friendly to the coalition of V.I.S.P. Uranides – Zeus and to the Pelasgian W.R. with purpose the restoration of the Planet to Justice Conditions prior to 11.500 B.C.

9. With purpose to position the forthcoming philoPelasgian V.I.S.P. Andromedians in 2011-12 before the accomplished fact of a total annihilated W.R. and thus before a vain assault WITHOUT A POLITICAL OBJECTIVE, the philosinic – philohebrew V.I.S.P. already caused TWO WORLD WARS in the 20th Century (1914, 1940), they’ve attempted a cancelled 3rd World War in 1975, and are attempting again an ignition of the 3rd World War 1999-2012, as a FINAL “TIME-EXPIRED” W.W. of annihilation of all terra races except the Yellow Race.

10. 1st World War 1914 was caused with the assassination of the successor F.Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by the Hebrew-Bosnian Gabriel Princip, member of the Israeli community of Bosnia. The hebrewsaxons “Historians” falsely recorded that the above was Serbian-Bosnian under the command of the Serbian colonel Dragutin, chief of the Serbian Secret Intelligence Service. The lie was revealed because the Serbian prime minister Pasic, as an executive of the above agency, had written a warning to the austrian-hungarian palace for the planned assassination. The message was hidden from Ferndinand by Hungarians (huns-mongols), officers of the Empire. Bavarians (mongols) and Saxons of Germanic Saxony blackmailed the Pelasgian (white) Berlin (Franks - Fryges) and Keiser to participate in the 1st W.W.
conclusion: Hebrews-Saxons-Bavarians-Huns (all white-yellow=Mongolians) are the war criminals of 1st World War 1914 - 1918. (NEMESIS punishment: death – annihilation)

11. 2nd World War began when the 3rd Reich provoked-started border violations in the borders with Poland. Leader of the 3rd Reich: Hitler-Hisler, bastard son of Jewish Banker Rothschild of Frankfurt. Substitute of Hitler: Jewish-german Mueller. Teachers of Hitler: Karl Haushofer, Lincoln von Trebic, Hannussen, etc, (read book: Nazism Secret Society) all Bavarian-Hebrews (Mongols) having served as “Lama” teachers in Tibet. (Lincoln von Trebic was also initiated to the supreme dragonian hyperlodge HONG of Sin-Sina-China). Hitler’s rise was supported financially by the German-Jew bankers Loeb, Baum, Rothschild etc._ The Nazi “anti-lodges”: “Thule”, “Ahnenerbe”, “Golden Morgenrotte” etc had as their mother-lodge the israelosaxonic theosophical lodge “Golden Dawn”, still active back then, whence the name of the modern organization of the retarded neo-Nazis of Greece derives. Golden dawn and the commanding Masonic “O.T.O.” (ORDO TEMPLIS ORIENTIS) have their headquarters in London.
Conclusion: Jews, Saxons, Mongols are the war criminals during the 2nd W.W. 1940-45.
(NEMESIS punishment: death – annihilation)

12. The eternal distorters of every truth, the Hebrews, reversed reality and whilst they were the CRIMINALS ASSASSINS OF W.W.2 , they presented themselves falsely as victims of the NON-EXISTENT, unproven “holocaust”. The Historians Forisson and Roger Garaudy (leader of the French left in his book “myths of the Israeli external policy”) revealed that: A) there were never gas chambers. B) The blast furnaces started to function in 1945, the last year of the war and they burnt 60.000 and not 6.000.000 jews “Ashkenazi”, already dead by natural causes, like diseases and lack of food-pharmaceuticals-fuels in the isolated defeated Germany of 1945, in the “forced labour camps” and not in the “genocidal camps”. We reveal that the Ashkenazi Jewish branch is not Hebrew-Mongolic, but Pelasgian-white (Hellenes Askanians of Bithynia of Asia Minor, see Iliad b-863, o-793) in the area of Askania lake, south of Proussa. Askanios was the son of troy’s king, Aeneas. The Jews “Sephardim” of A’ category Hitler-Mueller-Eichmann etc, were using the pseudo Jews of “B’ category”, i.e. the Hellenogenes Ashkenazim-Askanians as slaves and as animals for slaughtering (goym, see the 2 testaments) in the fake holocaust. Purpose: advertisement and political exploitation of the fake Jewish holocaust, so that the nations to paralyze without resistance against the Jewish crimes of economy (see “crisis”), and of War (see Palestinians, Serbs, Iraqis etc and of the rest of the White Race) till the end of 3rd W.W. with the devious criminal invention: “whoever blames the Jews is Hitleric Anti-Semite Nazi like the Pelasgian Germans of 1940”. Today the Sephardim falsely name as “Ashkenazim” the mongoloid Khazar-Jews and Tatar-Jews of Eastern Europe. Residents of the country of Israel: 95% Hellenogenes Ashkenazim workers and plain professionals, 5% Sephardim company directors (“elite” Mongol Jews descendants of Abraham or Havra-Han). The popular-workers’ party of Israel has blamed the Sephardim rabbis-bankers-politicians of 1940 as theoretical and financial perpetrators of the mass transfers of Ashkenazim into the German forced labour camps. During the Asian trilateral counter-attack against the West, the Sephardim Jews of the N.S.C. (national security council) - USA, via the Chinese Jews of Shanghai and Beijing “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” (see study of the French Jean Boyer), plan to commit annihilation of the Hellenic Askanians of Israel (3.000.000) as the “final Jewish holocaust”, which shall give them the ethic alibi of “guiltyfying” and paralyzing of the Asian nations as “genocidal criminals” so that they accept submission to the “international Jewish hyper government of the reign of God”. But “Tiao-Kiou-Kiao” as today’s China’s leaders plan also the anihilation of the Jews Sephardim as well, because the former consider their half Chinese heritage as the dominant part of their white-yellow intermixing. The same way they plan total annihilation of Saxons - Mongols of Western Trilateral- Russians - Islamic Mongols partners of the Asiatic Trilateral.

13. On 1975 the Hebrew-Saxons of USA-NATO attempted 3rd W.W. advertised (!!!) by the Jehovah Witnesses as “God’s Reign 1975”, having as an “excuse” the Arab Israeli war “Yom - Kippur” 1973. The whole scheme was cancelled by the Hellenic military government of 1967-1973, with multiple rejections of passage of USA-NATO forces through air-land-sea of Greece and Cyprus towards the Middle East, where the creation of the “pan-Christian War Front for Israel’s protection” was planned to take place (a modern crusade). Result: cancellation of the general participation of Russia- Islam - China for …protection of Arabic lands and genocidal counter-attack against the West, with its first victims Israel and Greece. The members of that Greek government, instead of being globally recognized as “planetary saviours from a total nuclear destruction”, were convicted into life bonds and still today they are rotting slowly inside the Greek prisons. The ignorant ungrateful “liberals” neo-Greeks “Democrats”, while they owe their lives to the military heroes of 1967-73, they “thanked” them with imprisonment, defamation, lies, humiliation, life-long seizing of freedom, according to the desires of Jews and masons pimps-politicians of Greece (with some exceptions). Had the military government of G. Papadopoulos not demolished the political whorehouse in April 1967, the whorehouse would have been demolished on May 1967 by the Jew-American “Movement of the Generals” under the Bavarian - Israeli (Mongol) Essermann, commander of a military unit in Komotene, so that the “Armageddon” plan of the Zionists for the 1975 W.W.3 would be accomplished. Had that happened, there would be no ungrateful “liberals” today because they would have been transformed into nuclear dust since 1988. “Nobody is more ungrateful than the one who has been helped”.

14. From 1999 - 2012, the Chinese (of HONG and TIAO-KIOU-KIAO) via the Jews and Saxons attempt the ignition of the 3RD W.W. into two phases:

Phase A’ 1999-2005) After the homogenization of “ORIENT COMPACT” of Kurds of Turkey after the arrest of Otsalan, and “West Compact” with ejection of Muslims off the Balkans and Europe (Kosovo-Bosnia-Eastern Thrace, France Algerians etc), a general victorious assault is planned of the Western Axis “USA-EUROPE-JAPAN (plus India and Buddhist nations)” against the Asian axis “RUSSIA-ISLAM-CHINA”.

Phase B’ 2005-2012) Counter-attack of the Asian trilateral axis and genocidal of the westerners as “war criminals 1999-2005” via nuclear-chemical-biological war. The Jewish weapon industry monopoly plans a sudden stop of supply to the West and immediate start of supply to the East. Already, USA has given China the whole technology of aiming-direction of intercontinental ballistic missiles ICBM. Already, Israel has given China all the plans and technology of the craft “LAVI-IAI” of top secret U.S. technology. “LAVI” shall not be constructed by Israel-Europe-USA!!! Israel already, with a 1994 agreement, supplied technical help to China and Pakistan (!!!) for the upgrade-replacement of electronic parts of navigation-targeting in the Chinese-made Mig-21 aircrafts of Russia-Islam-China.

15. The above, combined with the text “Masmia Jeshua”, 49A, of the archirabbi ABRAVANEL, give a “panoramic” view of the scenery: “The arrival of messiah (2012) will take place after a big war where the 2/3 of humanity (i.e. 4 billions) will be annihilated”. The book “ZOHAR”, vol. b, 43A, of the Hebrew bible “Talmud”, agrees by writing: “The extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice(!!!)” – ULTIMATE JEWISH DOCTRINE: Financial collapse and corruption-degeneration of nations by Jews and artificial Jews (masons) in prime minister – minister – nation leaders’ keys - positions. Condemnation of the nations as “corrupted and incapable of governing themselves” by the Jewish Media and Religions. (“Jehovah Witnesses”, “Pentecostals”, “Adventists” etc) Fake Jewish holocausts of guiltyfying and paralyzing of nations so that they resist not against the Jewish war crimes. Global Zionistic dictatorship of “God’s reign”.
FINAL Conclusion: Jews – Saxons - Mongols WAR CRIMINALS attempt 3rd W.W. beginning in Iraq -Kurdistan (ORIENT COMPACT) and continuing in Serbia (WEST COMPACT).
NEMESIS Fine for the Jews - Saxons and the rest of the white-yellow Mongolians: death – annihilation._

16. During the first phase of W.W.3, the philoSinic – philoHebrew Dragonian V.I.S.P. plan to appear on the external surface of the planet as “STELLAR” and Undercthonians role-playing the “Andromedians Hellenes”, “Demons of Antichrist”, acting in favour of the “Western Antichrist 666”, guided by the Hebrew-Saxon “Glücksburger” and by the “Messiah of all Religions”, the Hebrew-Pakistani Rahmand Ahmand or “Maitreya”, aiming to corrupt and degenerate (prostitution-homosexuality-drugs etc) the western civilization (white Pelasgian - Andromedian people) in order to blame afterwards as “corrupting Demons of the Devil” the INDEED arriving Andromedians Space-faring Hellenes from Hyperion. Greece is planned to typically lead the attack of the West-666 in order to be annihilated by priority during the counter-attack of Russia-Islam-China.

17. During the second phase, the same Draconian V.I.S.P. will reverse roles and now act as the “good Semitic angels of Christ” acting in favour of the Asian counter-attack as “Christian-888” in order to guide the Asian troops to the annihilation of the western Pelasgians. The Orthodox church of the Balkans also participates in this crime by distributing 666 ID Bar-Code cards (the cards are typed by the national bank of Greece, which belongs 100% to the Greek Orthodox Church).

18. All the readers of the present text is top-extremely emergency to notify as many human that are not mentally decapitated as they can, because the traitors politicians of the west and of Greece, as male whores, are not going to do it. Forward the present site to as many connections as possible._ The only way to neutralize the advanced war technology of our enemy, is the quickest possible spreading of men and war material into mountainous areas and the quickest mutation of the official military units into non-organized guerrilla groups. Execute above orders or be annihilated, as is the natural end result for idiots._

G.H.REES Athens – 1999 3rd WORLD WAR

The Sephardim Jews are the biggest war criminals of history: On 1220 BC they genocided the first-born children of the Egyptians (2.000.000), on 1180 BC they genocided 8.000.000 Hellenes of Palestine (Hananeans – Hetteans – Amoreans – Ferezeans – Hebeans – Iebusians – Ammon - Philistines) [see the books “Exodus” – “Levitic” – “Numbers” – “Deuteronomion” – “Jesus of Navi” – “Old Testament”]._

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UO/A/A/A/S Ultimatum ( G.H.REES - Group of Helenic RE -EStablishment) :

'' Don't be alerted by 2012 sinoZionist motivated catastrophologies and Armageddonologies. 2012 and the following years will be an awakening and evolutionary leap for Gaia and humanity not a planetary destruction!'' ~ G.H.REES
:):):) You wanna connect some important dots ?
.....although Discernment highly advised. Love
Simmilar views we have been hearing lately from that lady : Colleen Thomas.

'' Colleen Thomas began to have conscious contact with mother Earth, Mars, the Sun and Prime Creator two weeks ago. Since then she has evolved conscious contact with the whole Host of Heaven in cloaked ships above our heads and has vital news and warning for humans living on Earth. While the situation is under control, the bad guys are out numbered, humans are still in danger if they get on any ships for any reason until Colleen calls for the all clear. The announced GFL October landings are an attempt to take human hostages as the Draconians, Reptilians and Anunnaki make a final desperate ploy to stave off Archangel Micheal's Holy Army. Do not believe anything from Asthar Command or GFL channelers.''
I will put All points of The View here, if they but make some sense to me !
..I really truly want to know the real Truth, ...regardless that I may not even like to hear some things,or it may contradict some of my views. I will be always open ,to that ultimate truth ! .

...............and I love You All,so very much ...and I send to You All ,Hugs & Kisses :):):) Love.
Besimi, do you think the GFL is part of a great deception by earths rulers ?
It's a hard question. I don't know the answer.
"2012 and the following years will be an awakening and evolutionary leap for Gaia and humanity" and so it is!
very funny, so bring this war on. Wanna see it hahahahahahaha, believe me guys, there won't happen ANYTHING lilke a 3 worldwar, not in any time soon. And if it still happens: i guess we have deserved it or am I wrong? :-)
Peace to all you friends
I try to find a website of this Colleen Thomas, but nop nothing, what was she a dancer or an attorney ???

patrick said:
Besimi, do you think the GFL is part of a great deception by earths rulers ?
It's a hard question. I don't know the answer.

Sweet love Patrick :):):)
I definitely think that GFL is as real as it can get,and Not a great deception by Earth rulers. But they can be impersonated by other dark forces,and is very hard for us to distinguish between them.
Earth rulers,have lost their way,and are going towards their demise,anyway. They ,can't even lie good anymore, ..stuck with their old tactics ( terrorists,Bin Laden and things like that) - obvious lies to most people now on.
---- But ,what I really think I been looking for that Big Big Picture of this Region of Galaxy,for so long time ,comparing,pounding,sensing , ...trying to imagine myself inside everyone humanoid's skin (so to speak)
---- I think there is going On a Big Compromise ,between forces of darkness and those of light ,to reach an acceptable agreement ,that would somehow work better for all. for the destruction,they both have overwhelming power weapons,and wouldn't be a wise thing to chose ( cause they already had destroyed ,that nearby planet Malduk ( today's Rocky Ring,between Mars & Jupiter) ,in similar arrogance).
***Also what is important to understand that : Elements ( Entities) of the Dark & Light,have been switching,their places over the long periods of time (from Lite to Dark & Dark to Light) , so You can't just go by ,what those very Old Testaments say,and formulate an opinion based just on that ***.
...see ,with these New Higher Cosmic Energies sweeping this Region of Galaxy ,is being obvious that the old ways,can't hold on for very long,any more. Many dark civilizations ,who are very aware of this reality,are turning to Light also. But some remnants of the Old,like here in our world,blinded by their greeds, power use and ignorance/fanatism ..think they will continue on.
--------------------------- but this post, contain for certain some smaller truths ,that will be very helpful to help You understand
easier the picture of Today's World, and why controllers menaged to Rule succesfully to these days.

*** very important is,understanding of The Jewish/Hebrew Question,among others ,cause there is Not such a thing that,All the Jews are bad. ..but certain sections,over-shedowed the truth,by their manipulations and crimes commited.
..............There is a strong hand of Reptilian Ruling Race,that provoked,instigated and genocited humans also,both openly and using ''hidden'' way, through their genetically engineered human hybrids. ...So The Mess,is still out of our grasp in it's entirety ***
............................................ Discernment,still Highly advised :):):)
:):):) A Moto,that I would use : *If You don't understand,what's really is going on out there,at least keep hugging eachother and stay close togather, ...don't give up eachother *.
.............................................So Much Love,to All. Namaste.
Wow Wow Besimi, this is outstanding ... you realy blow me away with your words ... but it didn't feel like a hurricane , No No :))) see it more as the most delicious breez of beautiful Love ...
In deep Gratitude for You Divine Besimi, Namasté inspiring friend XX
Have I ever loved You more ,Lovely Trudy ? :):):)
..You remember that old song: '' Oh I love You ,more today than yesterday ...'' ahaha :):):). Love.

Trudy said:
Wow Wow Besimi, this is outstanding ... you realy blow me away with your words ... but it didn't feel like a hurricane , No No :))) see it more as the most delicious breez of beautiful Love ...
In deep Gratitude for You Divine Besimi, Namasté inspiring friend XX
This discussion is so interesting Besimi, I'm still trying to formulate a response.

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