Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This is a chill out post!What are your favorite 3 songs ever(that special ones that make you feel really good)

This is for a chill out moment since everybody is stressed with all this late discussions.
And it is a good way to know all of you and each other a little bit more.
Since i love music and i can't pass a day without it, here it goes my 3 favourites:
Tears For Fears - Woman in Chains
AeroSmith - I don't wanna miss a thing
Depeche Mode - Enjoy the silence

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Everything - Lifehouse
All about you - Classified
Stone Walls - Lawrence Gowan
Kansas - Carry on my wayward son
Al Stewart- Songs out of clay
Sparks- Waterproof
Three Little Birds - Bob Marley
Children Of The Sun - Billy Thorpe
Slow Ride - Foghat
Two all time favourites:

The Cure - Lovesong
Bob Marley - Jamming

One current favourite:

Empire of the Sun - We are the People
Love song is a beautifull one.
I always get divided between the cure and depeche mode.

Simmy said:
Two all time favourites:

The Cure - Lovesong
Bob Marley - Jamming

One current favourite:

Empire of the Sun - We are the People
joni mitchell i never heard.but i'm going to search on the you tube.:)

cancapscorp said:
From the Beginning- Emerson Lake and Palmer tied with It's a Living thing Electric- Light Orchestra
Amber is the color of your energy - 311
Anima Rising- Joni Mitchell
lets see... this is a hard one :P

radiohead, lucky
radiohead, fake plastic trees
REM, everybody hurts

I also listen to more relax type music like new age and meditation but its hard to pick a favorite there i love them all.... By the ways is there any favorites in spanish music? heroes del silencio is a great band along with zoe and la ley... maybe im the only one :P

Hi all :-)...Good initiative my friend Ana

* Love Song -----------> Sara Bareilles

* Bottle it up -----------> Sara Bareilles

* Breaking free -----------> High School Musical
I'm sorry but i just cant pick 3 favorites lol but i can say that Lateralus by TooL must be my most favorite, but after that i couldnt really say which comes next, lately all i've really been listening to is TooL i love all their songs.. and Perfect Circle of course ;) i have TooL songs uploaded on my SoE page if any of you want to listen to some. (The most amazing band of all time imo) :)

Spiral Out.. Keep Going! Spiral Out!... (Lateralus)
i must say empire of the sun -- we are the people should become an anthem for the dawn of the new age. i love their look in the MTV. i wish i could dress like that, feathers and all, today without being looked at as a nutcase.

ive a lot of songs that are my favourites, but those that have a spiritual meaning to me are:-

Empire of the Sun - We are the people
Telepopmusik - Hollywood on my Toothpaste
Keane - Spiralling
Heroes del silencio?
you know them?wow...i love them.I hear it since i had 13 years old.

Alex Rodri said:
lets see... this is a hard one :P

radiohead, lucky
radiohead, fake plastic trees
REM, everybody hurts

I also listen to more relax type music like new age and meditation but its hard to pick a favorite there i love them all.... By the ways is there any favorites in spanish music? heroes del silencio is a great band along with zoe and la ley... maybe im the only one :P

Tool _Lateralus

Puscifer_Indigo Children

Radio Head_ Creep

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