Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This era on Earth is unique, what is happening is unprecedented in the universe.

Part of Mathews 21st Nov. Channelings.
13. Now then, some “down-to-Earth” issues. First, the expressed concerns about the individuals Obama has met with or appointed. Not only must he ease out of toeing the line set by those who thrust him into the limelight—most of them are following through with their own pre-birth agreements—but he has no presidential authority yet to initiate dramatic changes, and actions within his current range of decision-making are not cast in stone. Replace your concerns about his safety with gratitude for the shield of protective Christed light surrounding him, and yes, the light in your prayers does indeed add to his well being. We encourage you to be patient while everything unfolds, knowing without any doubt whatsoever that the light is in control!

14. This applies to the global economic situation too. There is no way to sugarcoat the bleak news that this is worsening, nor would we want to do that; however, we do ask that you remember what was in a recent message about your agreement to experience this and your innate ability to handle it. No, your minds are too preoccupied with tasks of the moment to remember our reassurance—Mother, please locate and copy what I said about this.


(Excerpt of October 22, 2008 message)

15. We have been asked how people around the world will weather the effects of what finally is called what it is, an international economic crisis, and we can only say that this is like in any other situation on the planet: The universal law of attraction, or “like attracts like,” which is totally neutral and constantly in operation, will serve each individual in accordance with his or her perception of and reaction to personal situations. The energy sent forth by those who see themselves as tragic victims will zoom out and draw to itself the energy of thought forms in the “universal soup” that match the individual's thoughts and feelings, and the energy combination will manifest “tragic victim” circumstances for the person to deal with. Those who feel genuine gratitude for what they have will be provided with more to be grateful for, and the energy of sharing with an open heart has the same positive result.

But always the foundation of weathering any distressing situation is staying out of fear about it! The magnified energy of fear assures that the law of attraction will bring fear-filled circumstances to the fearful person. Knowing that out of the current turmoil will come abundance for all will keep your spirits high and your resolve strong if your outlook remains positive and you don't allow the negativity of fear to intrude. Not only does fear beget more of itself, but it is contagious—we urge you not to let that negativity enter your energy stream and radiate out to afflict those who are nearest and dearest to you!

Every one of Earth's humankind has had a lifetime, more likely many lifetimes, of struggling to get food enough to keep from starving to death. Within that cellular memory is the instinct that gives strength of spirit and determination to survive; in this case, it is making it through the temporary economic tumult and thriving in the abundance at the end of the tunnel.


16. Thank you, Mother. It is natural to wonder how long it will take to reach the end of the tunnel and what you will encounter during the transition from the totally corrupt system that is collapsing to an honorable system that will serve all peoples fairly. If we could give you a timetable, we would, but exactness in your time for completion of all details cannot be determined in this moment. The darkness that for millennia has produced dire situations for Earth and her resident life forms to contend with cannot be undone overnight—that is, not by the energy of third density thoughts. Few people know the phenomenal power of their thoughts or know that never before have changes the magnitude of world transformation and spiritual renewal come with the astounding speed and scope of the Golden Age plan. We urge you to look within and reach what your souls know: This is a time not for impatience or doubting— and especially not fear!—but for steadfastness in hope, optimism, gratitude and LOVE!

17. I believe it is well worth my repeating something else: Earth’s ascension is assured and on pace; it is up to each individual to decide to physically accompany her. If it is your wish to do so, the energy of fear or other negative attachment is not your ally because it blocks the light that bodies require to survive in the higher frequencies of Earth’s journey to her destination.

18. Absorbing light is as simple as living from your heart, the seat of your soul, and souls are made of light energy. You need not study spiritual or metaphysical material, perform rituals or find a guru or other mentor. You need not spend years looking for some elusive entry into the light—you ARE light! You need only to know this and live by it! It isn’t by chance that the Golden Rule was so named, or that despite all the dark manipulations of the Bible’s original content and intent, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” remained. The guidance of the Golden Rule, in all its simplicity, is part of the elaborate plan that already has manifested Earth’s Golden Age in the continuum.

19. Let us return to thought forms for a minute. Earth has reached energy levels where the higher frequencies are accelerating everything, and whatever is in your thoughts is manifesting more quickly than previously—be careful what you think! Not only is it important to focus only on what you want in your life and your world, but also to refrain from thoughts of retribution, revenge, or punishing others. Those carry the heavy negative energy attachments that account for generation after generation of violence, brutality and oppression as one side retaliates for what the other side’s ancestors did to the first side’s ancestors, thus incurring karma upon karma for all those souls to deal with. While we understand the desire to hold accountable President Bush and others operating within the Illuminati for their actions that amount to crimes against humanity itself, we encourage you to let the judicial system do what it will and be content with that.

20. When the Golden Age plan was formulated, Bush and those other strong souls willingly agreed to fill their roles as long as necessary, then join the light forces. Those roles were essential to the part of the plan that covered third density karmic completion and subsequent reconciliation of darkness and light within balance, wherein all is light. However, although they instinctively knew the time was at hand for them to merge into the light, their enjoyment of power and reluctance to relinquish it weakened their soul resolve and allowed darkness to leap into their psyches, destroy their conscience and dominate their decisions and actions. As a result, many millions of souls have requested and been granted amended contracts because their physical lifetimes were much more difficult than chosen or were cut short; the amended contracts provide the growth opportunities in spirit worlds that planetary circumstances denied those souls, and they are moving apace in their evolution.

21. Whatever “punishment” you may feel “fits the crime” committed by Bush and all the other like-minded individuals, we tell you that they have imposed upon themselves unimaginably harsher consequences than any of your legal systems could ever conceive. By universal law, at physical death those souls will be drawn to areas where the energy is commensurate with their lifetime energy registration, and in the mandatory review of the past lifetime, they will experience every emotion and pain they ever caused others to endure. That is a hell you cannot comprehend, but if you could, the inseparability of every soul with every other and with God would evoke the same compassion for them that we feel, and it is why time and again we have urged you to send them light.

22. You would be in awe if you could know persons at soul level, the roles they agreed to play and if they fulfilled those missions, in this momentous closing act of third density. But at this point in consciousness-raising, most of you can know others only through their obvious attitudes and actions; therefore, another aspect of the Golden Age plan is, “Judge not that ye be not judged.” Just as the transformation underway in the United States applies to all nations on Earth, both biblical quotations in my message are a part of all pure religious teachings.

23. Let your thoughts be of peace, love, honor, abundance, fairness, goodness—all the beautiful, harmonious facets of life you want for yourself and your world—and know that we are among the myriad light beings who lovingly are by your side in every moment.



Suzanne Ward

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obama will use the current situation to introduce a one world currency, this is the mark of the beast.
you are all being duped, open your eyes......
I can only imagine the strength, will & LOVE it took for Archangel Lucifer to be the bearer of dark energy for us to have a full experience of duality in the 3rd dimension. But that time is ended now and it is the Golden Age upon us, and more and more people are waking up to it. So in the letting go of our judgment and superstition we allow ourselves to be drawn into the love and the light and we no longer require a belief that there is good and evil, right or wrong, because our experiences are in the now of what is, and that is love. If you are not experiencing love, you are not in the present moment and still struggling in duality experience. The darkness is in the light. Darkness no more. This is what we’ve created in this experience. This is the beauty of Being.

did it for love it was done for loveLove of brother and sisterfor the onefor all

Upon writing this reply I came under a strong (hardly describes it) vibration of love. I called for Ascended Masters, Jesus & St. Germain… and Archangel Lucifer. It is that one little line that was impressed upon me and so I wrote it. I had a vision of indescribable beauty in the presence of Archangel Lucifer, bringer of light. And that was my vision… light, and in that light I looked upon the faces of all three. I wish I were a painter, their beauty was sublime radiating love. Think I’m going to go meditate now.


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