Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Think of where you were this time last year. Are you the same person?

I've been fairly quiet here for the past few weeks because I felt uncomfortable with some of the things going on. The negativity and Ego made me turn away. But the good in most here made me come back and give it another try. We are one, but not all on quite the same path, infact we are all on our individual paths that hopefully lead us to the same light. So some question - and so they should. Some accept as they believe that is their truth. We all do this in our own way.

As the title of this thread says "Think of where you were this time last year. Are you the same person?" We have gone through some huge changes in the way we think and live our lives. These changes cannot slot into everyday life without some cause and effect.

So how has this changed you and your daily dealings with people. Are you a better person? Do you treat people as you would wish to be treated yourself? Or do you blame the universe when things go wrong for you. I know I do sometimes, I also manipulate situations when I know I should not. The difference for me is that when I do these thing I almost immediately know they are wrong and try to remedy the wrong. Not perfect - but hey who is

So what I'm getting at is this and its pretty blunt, No one here is more advanced than anyone else. we all have something to bring to this party and we all need each other to do it.

I still carry the shadow of the person I was last year, she was not a bad person, but she needed a wake up call. There is no snooze on this alarm clock.

much, much love

Patrish xxxx

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HI Patrish: Everything has changed in my outer world and this will just make me feel even more grateful when the changes come in. As far as my inner life I can hear better now. I get brief messages from my guides such as, " cheer up Betty" and they wake me up in the morning. My body is more sensitive and I can feel energies moving through it, these feel very nice.
I used to wish that I would have people to talk with, that understood ascension. Now there is this website and tons of others and people are waking up. I am very grateful for this.
Thank you all for your responses. I think it must be difficult to see a loved one change their views on life, the universe and stuff. It may be easier for those who have had these beliefs for a very long time, because people know them as they are. But when you make what might be a dramtic change in the way you view everything the effect on those nearest and dearest can in itself be dramatic.

Let me give you a small example from my own life, I decided to stop watching TV as I felt in was the hypnotist in the corner of my room and a bad influence on how I spent my time. For the most part its fine because it only affects me, but when my family are here I know they want to switch it on - so we have learned to compromise, I will not watch total rubbish, a documentary is ok......

I am glad that there are communities like this where you can talk to like minded people without ridicule. There are many out there and its good to drop in and feel that you are catching up on a part of your extended/close family.

Less judgemental - it's what I'm striving to be at the moment, I think I come down hardest on myself (and impolite drivers)
Yes, its a huge learning curve.

I'm thinking of starting a thread about how you will see yourself in a years time! Perhaps I will revivie this discussion in Feb 2010 and see what we have achieved.

I think my path is practising unconditional love, letting go of ego, no judgement and going with the flow.

much much love to you all

Patrish xxx
well, im still me, but i did go through alot last year and i feel i really did change due to my experiences. The main thing for me was a hard time at first, but i see now was a great release from ego. I know everything happens for a reason, and obviously, i was questioning the reason back then but is clear now, all part of my spiritual evolution. I went to stone henge last year too for summer solstice, this was probably the greatest significance to my spiritual growth, and there was 101408 too of course aswell wich i belive was significant for many many.

Great question... I have changed a lot for the good, I have learned to be more aware of my words and actions with my family and friends I try no to judge and I do best I can to help people in anyway I can!

I think I used to do this things? less the words! its just that now I am more aware of everything around me specially my thoughts. Its either I am Ascending or getting old. LOL

I believe that 10-14-08 was the my tip of the iceberg that pushed me faster towards that place I have been trying to reach and still trying to get there. The more I read and research the more everything makes sense to me regardless whether the information fully resonates with me or not I take only what fits in my puzzle.

i feel blessed that i haven't had to give up anything or anyone in order to continue my path, actually everyone its been very understanding of me as i also am understanding of theirs...Its about letting go and allowing.
Thank you for this thread Patrish much Love & light to you
Peter my love..... Oh how I have given everyone the wrong impression of how I feel......

I have read back many times what I wrote and I did write it when I was frustrated and angry with my partner.....

hmmm, i seem to have created the wrong impression of my awakening....

As a child, I never felt as if I belonged here. I always felt confused about life and something was missing deeply within me... From a very young age I started to get interested in Ghosts, I could see them, not all but some and I lived in a haunted house.... I saw a UFO when I was about 8 or nine, but beofre that I was laready reading about things like this as my mum already had books in the house...
I always felt a strong, soul deep connection with NAtive AMerican TRibes, the Hopi, the MAyans etc...

I spent many years trawling off to the library in all weathers just so i had books to read about it all, UFO's, Ghosts, spituality etc.... you know what I'm saying....

This never stopped and I became very very spiritual at aged 20 and was deeply into meditation and crystals etc.....

I met my ex husband and he knew what I was like, called me a weird hippy but actually involved himslef with my pastimes and never ridiculed me for my beliefs... We actually set up a UFO research group in the Early 90's, we saw LOTS of weird things and researched UFO sightings in our local area... FOr a time life was good, then for whatever reason, (we both have blame for our marriage breaking up) we began to hate each other, it took another 6 yrs before I finally plucked up the courage to leave him ... We were in the RAF and very wrapped up in cotton wool and secluded from the outside world....

So late 2005 I left and moved my 3 kids and half of the furniture 80 miles away to live our lives away from a broken marriage... not long after I met Matt, My partner.... we were detined to meet and we were given a 2nd chance at love... He also had 3 kids but he lived in Derby, 90 miles north from where I was living!!! after 4 months I couldn't stay in the Cotswolds on my own, I wanted to be with him, so I moved AGAIN the kids, cats and house up north...

Life was blissfull, we both had VW CAmpervans and we spent every weekend away exploring the UK and exploring each other....

We are different, everyone is.... Matt is a good soul but hilariously funny and very naughty, he is the biggest kid I know and a magnet for kids!! they ADORE him, ALL kids... he likes to playa nd have fun...

I am much more serious............ and deeply spirituaI.......... I do play but know when to stop.. HEy I'm a Capricorn Dog!! What do you expect...frivolity!! only once in a blue moon...

After licking my wounds from a cheating ex of 14 yrs (which happened to MAtt too), I began to flower and grow again and trust my instincts in Spirituality and "weird Stuff" UFO's etc....

This, however was 2 yrs AFTER MAtt and I had been living together... needless to say it came as a bolt out of the Blue to him, Actually it was my belief, and many others, in Oct 14th that really kicked me into gear again........and re started my interest/research.... I was happy, I could spend my time doing stuff I hadn't done for yrs because my life was down the pan as it were...

At LAST!!! after yrs of being away from the scene, if you want, something blasted me back into it.... an AWAKENING!!

This is what Oct 14th all about i now realise.

WEll, it was a rather LARGE shock to Matt............ he's very much a seeing is believeing man...and a bit of an anarchist/aging punk. Straight down the line but also a member of Green Peace etc....

So all this WEird sh!T that I started going on about UFO's coming to EArth/Dimensions/pole shifts etc.... well it didn't go down well and all my family thought I had gone bats!!

I knew I hadn't because I was doing the research not them.... I trusted my inner intuition and realised that something incredible was/is and is going to happening to us all, but along the way and in the process of waking up i read info that was misinformation about Nibiru and Earth Catastrophes and also told them, my family.... it was NOT received well!!!

After a few months, I became to understand that this wasn't going to happen at all and yes there will be Earth changes, it has to happen but that what was actually going to happen was sooooooo incredible that even I had trouble believing it at first.... however after my first statements that was all Matt remembered about my so called "awakening" and he was scared and angry with me and the fact that I could believe in this all....

New Scientific evidence has since come out .... and I have shared this with him and now he does think something is happening but really he just is not interested like I am.... but because I love him and my kids, I want them to know... maybe that is where I am going wrong....
I have laid off telling them everyhting, I think very soon all will become obvious but its hard not to share with your family...

It's not all as bad as Peter understood and I'm so sorry for it coming across as that and making him feel sick. I still get the piss taken out of me by MAtt and yes it hurts because this is real whether you want to stick your head in the sand or not... it's NOT going to go away and no, life will not go back to the way it was before I "wokeup".... how can it... I know too much now...

So yes, we are going through a rocky period but we still love each other and we will still go camping as much as we can but now I am more in tune with the Earth and the Energies and much much more aware of how we NEED to control our thoughts and direct them to love and not fear..... For him seeing will be believeing, we are all different and some are supposed to wake up before others....

My knowledge will be needed soon and when the time comes and it can no longer be hidden I will sit them all down and tell them what I know, until then I will put up with the ridicule because I know it comes from a misunderstood and quite possiblly scared place in his/their defence mechanisms... I am NOT about to up stick my kids and split up a loving HUGE family who I adore and would give my life for in order to save my pride because I am right and they are not wrong just not informed.... we have prescious little time left and we need to prepare our bodies and minds and open our HEARTS...

When the time comes all will be well and I will be there for them and as many others who need me and the knowledge I hold in my soul and heart and head...

I am happier now than I was the other night, I had terrible PMT!!

I hope this clears up a few things.... I'm going nowhere, I am not happy with Brad, i truely think he has mental problems , I have been here since this all started on SofE but there are many, many others here who haven't and I have developed good friendships here and at other sites.....

We are ALL in this together people, yes they are trying times but they have to be in order to sweep away the old ways of thinking and feeling..... We have got lots of work to do within ourselves, we have forgotten Sooooooo much and all this is, is us remembering and re learning what we have forgot....

Don't worry about me and for gods sake don't leave because of something that I was venting at a stressfull time...

Torz xxx

Hi Torz

Thanks for your post, there are a lot of uneasy things going on here at the moment - who knows how it will all pan out.
I hope this forum will survive because of the good people like you. I too have family that think I've lost the plot - its funny really because I know what the plot is!

I gave it another shot and I'm thankful for all your replies. Now might be a good time to exchange e-mail addresses with those that you wish to remain close to, as If much more of the crazy stuff goes on here I think our saviours(you and me) might walk away.

There are many forums that support the beliefs most of us have, for example Project Avalon, also David Icke and David Wilcock, its worth having a look at them.

Project Avalon came from Project Camalot - lots of whistle blowers dislosure and project avalon gives positive discussion on the move to 4th dimension and the practicalities of the changes we are in

David Icke is more conspiracy, but there are some gems in there

David Wilcock has wonderful site, very spiritual and very upbeat

I'm not saying that we should abandon SOE, I just think it would be a shame if it all went pear shaped

I hope Brad is OK and remembers why he started this community in the first place. The 14th October 2008

They did not turn up and we were all needing something to replace the feeling of loss. We were awakened but not sure which path to follow.

I don't think the clinton/channeling one was very good.

I hope we all make it - whatever "it" is

much love

Patrish xxx

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