Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Week Ahead: The Worldshift Came From Within

a message from Rev. Angela Peregoff
Monday, 26 December, 2011

"There is a formula that goes like this: "Peace of Mind" comes when persons or a society are "centered." Centered-ness comes from certainty. Certainty comes from only one place: the recognition of patterns. So when a person or society has recognized a pattern as great as all of Creation, there is great certainty and centeredness and there is great Peace of Mind." - Ian Xel Lungold

Congratulations you have completed the initial stage for manifesting your unique role in the New world of 2012. This year 2011 was about belonging and unity consciousness. The invisible realms were sending support throughout the year for personal sovereignty. You have been pushed in every conceivable way from the inner, outer and in-between energetic influences to participate on terra firma in new ways with your sense of a "new Self". Each and every experience you designed was to help you hone that internal-to-external communication (of body organs, of emotions and thoughts, of beliefs, etc.) and to also enhance the feeling of belonging, and support for each person.

You have integrated the ability to become more and more aligned to your true Inner Essence attaining true direction. You have determined that you must express Unity and live from a heart that is in harmony with Life. You are embodied (congruent with your Inner Spiritual Light) and as a result, your life experiences are more peaceful, fulfilling and easy. Over the year many souls around the globe had a change of values, a change of focus and attention, a change of ideals and priorities as we were forced to face ourselves and each other.

As you have felt, there has been a great influx of external energies to support the internal process of release and reconnection. Many spiritual studies teach that it is the interaction of these two forces - the internal and external, and your chosen responses that allow you to evolve here in 5D. Last year was coded for you to reconnect with you, all of you, in order to be transparent without resistance to the Soul. This was necessary because before you begin building the New world, you must be clear about who you are and who you want to be, so that what you build reflects all of you and your truth. You must have direct knowledge of the force that is shifting, molding, pushing and directing you into new patterns of expression or you will dismiss the communications as mental delusions set to confuse you. In this next year you will begin to make every choice from a point of conscious awareness.

This week you will close the final chapter of 2011. The Capricorn new moon that we just experienced (Dec. 24th ) allows each of us to end the year on a high note. The energy from this moon gifts being able to manifest your greatest potential by feeling and knowing what your heart desires and is creating. And with the stellar information that got anchored over the last few weeks you have lots of celestial support that is now resonating throughout your chakra system giving you more Soul dynamics. Stars transmit spiritual intelligence (the Language of Light) and the Divine Light structures sprinkled last week contained details for the next year from multiple star systems that influence your progress here on Earth.

If all this year-end charged psychic energy gets the best of you physically or emotionally I suggest stepping out of your usual routine and indulging in some pampered self care. Create an activity that soothes and calms your senses and body. With so much Light entering your system it can have your nervous system and adrenals working overtime producing anxiousness, stress and dehydration. Be certain to stay hydrated - mineral water is especially beneficial for cellular hydration. Natural Calm™ is a wonderful supplement for soothing an overcharged nervous system. The guides are also suggesting B-12 as a support for stress.

Don't forget, one of the contemporary hallmarks of this shift has been symbolized by Pluto in the age of Capricorn. This visitation occurs approximately every 248 years. Pluto has not been in Capricorn since November 1762 - December 1778, the period that saw the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution, the confiscation of church lands in Russia and the murder of Czar Ivan IV, the abolition of the Inquisition in France, the first circumnavigation of the Earth, and the beginning of a worldwide industrial revolution fostered by burgeoning free trade, civil liberties, and technological developments. Pluto entered Capricorn on January 25, 2008 and remains the 10th sign until 2024.The consequence of brother Pluto making his way in the big "C" is that we on Earth experience a harsher reality, but also an opportunity to dissolve karma and learn to act responsibly and hold others accountable for their actions. His influence can make it feel like you are always being thrown a series of curves, sliders, knucklers and change-ups (to use baseball pitching terms) to see if you can handle the stress. So when it feels as if the entire universe is conspiring against you it isn't, it is all in perfect order and happening to all of us.

During hard times, it is necessary that the individual grow and be obedient to universal law. The trade-off is that we develop the sharpness of tapping into laser-like awareness and spiritual will-power that allows more of a divine hand to enter the material world. From the looks of our current world status I can foresee that we are online for learning what a heart experience it is to step up and care for our brothers and sisters in need. We may see that the opportunity to serve others just as the angelic and cosmic forces serve us is the greatest human potential, and that the satisfaction and reward of a job well done can only be gained through patience.

The solar system of which the Earth is a part is pulsing its way towards a Light of a different order my friends, changing everything and inspiring an evolutional leap that is natural within the great scheme of time in which universes are measured. I don't think I have to remind you that on the other side of the veil - in the unseen, just a breath away from "here" in time and space - there is a waiting line, several moon beams long, of souls who can't wait for the chance to get here and experience the physicality of Soul! They long for the opportunity to do just what you and I are doing because when we are not in body, Soul is only a conceptual idea. It is a mental and spiritual component but it cannot know itself in form. For every heart beating "here," there is a God legend in the making and you have no idea how long you had to wait to get back on the thrill ride of your Eternal Life.

I'll end this last note of 2011 by saying that it is an absolute pleasure to pen my insights and daily prayers for The Morning Blessings. I look forward to what 2012 will bring for all of us. Thank you for subscribing and adding your own particular energy, vibration, and purpose to these daily spiritual messages as you carry their message forward into your world. Your infusion of higher vibrational energy (via consciousness) is what brings it ALL directly here. You are the ones that are creating the new paradigm. You embody It, become It, and live It! You are the mile marker that is showing other the new direction to go in.

Enjoy the remainder of your Holidays. I wish you and your loved ones the

Blessings of Awakening completely to who you are,

Rev. Angela


As the Divine Love of God flows through each soul's heart center this holy season we consecrated by the Power of Light. Each, and
all, feel one with the Divine Heart and Mind of God. Sacred siblings
through which the Light of God pours Its presence. A global
community embodying the Divine Intent.

Because miracles take place every day I call upon the angelic kingdom
to shower all living hearts with trust and "open receptivity." In an act
of pure grace, we ask that you stabilize the aura of every person on
Earth in order that we feel ourselves as Unity. Enfold us with an
invincible forcefield of God's protection that all may safely join as One
heartbeat, One breath, One voice, and One consciousness of pure
Divine Love. The time is perfect for even the most resistant to clearly
remember that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent.
And I volunteer to assist in this endeavor by perceiving and acknowledging
the Divinity blazing in the heart of every person I meet. In all I do and in
all I say I bear witness to the uncontainable, limitless power of Divine Love.
My personal practice becomes the deliberate act of sharing Infinite Love
and Givingness in every moment of this Life.

The Heavens rejoice as this New Hope is realized on Earth. My heart fills
with peace and contentment as I hear the glorious praises of Love, Joy,
Happiness, Prosperity, Fulfillment, Enlightenment, Eternal Peace, Harmony,
Balance, and Spiritual Wisdom echo across the globe. It is done. And so it is.

From Spiritual Library:

© 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.

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