Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Transformation of Self-limiting Thought Forms and Beliefs ~ A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

The Transformation of Self-limiting Thought Forms and Beliefs ~ A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon


The Transformation of Self-limiting

Thought Forms and Beliefs

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon


Due to the Solstice/Galactic Alignment that took place on Dec. 21st 2012, you are now experiencing an increased influx of catalytic evolutionary energies. This state of affairs is potentially elevating as well as disruptive due to the increased polarization of humanity.

We shall focus our comments on the elevating aspect of these new energies.

As a result of the increase in spiritual light that is entering your solar system, your higher dimensional aspects are, in many ways, now more accessible.

In truth, these dimensions have always been accessible to you for they are a part of your nature, but with the passing of the galactic alignment some of the veils have been and will continue to be, lifted.
Your experience of this will differ from others, based upon your ability to sense subtle energies. But the shift has occurred, and it will affect the course of human history at its roots.

How this will be played out in your collective timeline is yet to be seen. What we wish to address here are methods and approaches you can use to positively affect your timeline and your personal evolution through the transformation of self-limiting thought forms and beliefs.

Philosophical Considerations

From our perspective you have been encumbered by many of your religious and spiritual philosophies. While these considerations may seem abstract, in point of fact, these thought forms affect perception, and by their very nature they limit your experience in the worlds of matter.

Many, but not all of your religious and spiritual traditions, look askance at the world of matter. They say that heaven, paradise or some such version of perfected existence, lies outside of your experience as an embodied human being.

Indeed, some of them consider your physicality to be an error or a “sin,” and you are tainted by the mere fact that you have a body. While you may have distanced yourself intellectually from such beliefs, these thought forms move through the underworld of your culture. They affect how the bulk of humanity views itself.

If you consciously or unconsciously accept this thought form then you are bound by it, and there will be a tension between your transcendent aspects (i.e., your multidimensionality) and your embodied existence. This is an unfortunate situation from our perspective.

We view consciousness as one continuum, from the highest vibratory levels where non-duality is the reigning principal, down through the realms of light into the realms of matter. There are vibratory boundaries, for sure, but the worlds of matter are just as “sacred” as the highest realms of light and pure consciousness. 

When you attain this realization you will have access to all dimensions of your being, which will increase your spiritual courage, capacity for deep insight, and creativity, as well as your healing/self-healing abilities.

We wish to suggest a method for jumping into this reality—to experience it directly. Using this method on a regular basis will accelerate the transition from a limited sense of being into your larger multidimensional Self.

Some of you will be able to make this transition quickly. Others will require more time. How long it will take depends upon how infested you are with limiting thought forms.
The Method
This method uses the Central Channel of energy that runs from the crown at the top of your head, through the center of your body to your perineum, a point midway between your anus and your genitals. Some refer to this channel as the Pranic Tube, the Central Pillar or the Secret Channel.

In this method you first sense and imagine that this channel runs from your perineum upward, through the center of your body, to your crown at the top of your head.

Next, imagine that this channel extends to a point above your head. You can locate this point by temporarily raising your arms straight above you and then touching your fingertips together directly above your head. Where your fingers touch is the location. From the perspective of Egyptian Alchemy, this point is an energetic portal for your BA, your Celestial Soul. Your BA is an aspect of your being that is outside time and space as you experience them, and your BA is a source of immense spiritual insight and abilities. For us, this point is just one of several gateways to your multidimensionality.

Next, you then extend your Central Channel through your perineum into the Earth. Depending upon your personal energetics, this channel may move a few inches into the Earth or many miles. In some cases the Central Channel can extend to the center of the Earth itself. Through this extension of your Central Channel to the multidimensional gateway above your head and then down into the Earth, you symbolically join together the worlds of matter and the realms of light. Some refer to this as the union of Earth and Sky or the marriage of Heaven and the Earth.

The next step, in this method, is to play the Aethos Sound Meditation while holding an awareness of the entire channel, from the gateway above your head, through the center of your body and into the Earth.

We suggest that you work with the five-minute sound track first. Due to the high vibratory nature of the Aethos, you will set off in yourself a spiritual purification of your Central Channel when you hold your awareness in the manner we described above.

As you continue to work with the meditation in this way you will bring to the surface of your awareness all types of thought forms that are “housed,” so to speak, within your chakra system and cellular memory.

The end point of clearing limiting beliefs and thought forms is the realization that you are the Living Mystery. You are the union of matter and light. And by your very nature, you are a Bridge Between the Worlds and thus have access to all the treasures of all the realms.
Think of this method as a type of spiritual house cleaning. As thought forms arise during this meditation, you determine if you wish to continue living in this belief or not. If not, you discard it like an old broken piece of furniture you no longer need or want. If you wish it, keep it. If not, let it go.

When you are comfortable with the 5-minute track, you can experiment with the 30-minute version if you wish, or you could work with a few five-minute tracks in a single meditation session. DO NOT, however, engage this meditation more than once a day unless you are prepared for a journey into your underworld.

We are not dangling this warning like some type of “cosmic carrot” to entice you. It is a call to spiritual sobriety as you disentangle yourself from culturally reinforced negative and limiting thought forms.

This simple meditation can bring you immense benefit by allowing you to clear yourself of beliefs and thought forms that have limited you in the past.
If you are committed to the transformation of your own limiting thought forms and beliefs, we suggest you revisit this meditation method often.

The Hathors                                                                                                           
February 20, 2013

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

After receiving this message, I asked my mentors to explain further their thoughts about the Solstice event of December 21, 2012.

They are of the opinion that with this particular galactic alignment there was indeed a burst of intense spiritual light and evolutionary energies from the galactic center. But as they have always said, this alignment did not signal the end of the planet. It did, however, usher in a new wave of catalytic and evolutionary energies.

I imagine there were quite a few people disappointed on the morning of December 22nd when nothing external particularly happened after all the hoopla and hype. But then human history is full of similar prophecies of doom that came to nothing. A quick Internet search of the phrase “ the history of prophecies of doom” will bring up a veritable plethora of historic doomsdays that came and went.

But if the Hathors are correct, while the physical planet did not end on the Solstice of 2012, it entered a new epoch.

The Hathors are of the distinct opinion that humanity was infused with an increase of spiritual light as a result of this last galactic alignment. How that infusion of light will affect each individual will vary from person to person.

Furthermore, the Hathors believe that this infusion of light is now working itself through our individual atomic structures—literally affecting the interactions of light and matter within us.

I asked them to clarify this because it seemed a bit vague. What did they mean by interactions between matter and light?

Their view of these interactions is based on the premise that matter and light are intimately related, and in some ways they are two sides of the same coin. This relationship between light and matter was expressed by Albert Einstein in his famous equation E=mc2. From this perspective our bodies, which are composed of matter, could theoretically transform into light under certain conditions—under extreme and unusual conditions I might add.

But what I found truly intriguing about their answer was their take on the nature of light itself. For them physical light and spiritual light are also intimately related. The range of vibration that we call “light” (meaning the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see with our eyes) is only a small portion of the entire energy spectrum.

According to the Hathors, spiritual light vibrates much faster than physical light (and faster than any category of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum as well). But due to their intimate relationship, spiritual light can step-down into physical light under certain conditions and vice versa.

When I asked them to clarify their use of the term spiritual light further, they said that this type of light is an expression of consciousness and is normally encountered only during profoundly altered states of awareness—as in certain types of Samadhi (yogic trance) or during mystical contemplation. This is because spiritual light cannot be perceived with the physical senses but only through the agency of the deepest levels of consciousness itself.

When the Hathors said, “powerful interactions between matter and light are occurring within us,“ they were referring to both physical and spiritual light.

As in all things human, how each of us deals with this increased interaction between light and matter will be highly individualized. Some of us seem to be moving upward in consciousness, some of us seem to be treading water, and some of us seem to be losing our minds. Adding to the odd mix of irrationality, a disturbing number of us seem to be going berserk.

As these oscillations of matter into light and light into matter increase, the Hathors are of the opinion that we will see both an acceleration of human irrationality and luminosity (meaning an increase in spiritual awareness). And the world will be caught between this “seesaw” of self-destruction and self-realization. For this, and many other reasons, they think it would be very helpful—if not mandatory—that we clear out old thought forms and beliefs.

The Hathors view thought forms and beliefs as separate categories. Thought forms are concepts regarding reality, and when a culture accepts a thought form as true, it becomes a consensus reality—whether or not the thought form is accurate or not.

When an individual incorporates a thought form into his or her personal view of reality, the thought form becomes a belief. 

The Method: Step-by-Step

1. Imagine and sense your Central Channel through the centerline of your body from your perineum up to your crown.

2. Extend the Central Channel to your BA point above your head. To locate this point, temporarily raise your arms directly over your head and touch your fingertips together. Where your fingertips touch is the general region of your BA point.

3. Next, extend your Central Channel into the Earth as far as it seems comfortable for you.

4. Place your awareness inside your Central Channel.

5. Play the Aethos Sound Meditation while focusing on the Central Channel.  Begin working with the five-minute version of the sound meditation at first, so as to become familiar with how this Method works for you.

6. At this point in the Method, you have two options.

Option 1:

The first option is to work on a specific thought form or limiting belief you know you are dealing with.  As you hold your awareness in the Central Channel, allow the energetic of the thought form/belief to present itself to you inside the channel. This energetic will present itself to you in the sensory modality or form that is natural for you. Thus, you might see it, or feel it in some way. You might also experience it in some other way(s). When the energetic emerges, keep your focus on it while the sound meditation is playing. When your mind wanders, bring it back.  Keep working with the energetic until you feel that there is a sense of openness or resolution in the region where the energetic of the thought form/belief was located.

It could easily take several sessions to work with particularly dense or deeply imbedded thought forms/beliefs.

Option 2:

The second option is to use the Aethos Sound Meditation to bring the energetics of a suppressed (or unconscious) thought form into your conscious awareness.

As you focus your attention inside the Central Channel, notice what arises. When you get a sense of an energetic in your Central Channel, focus on it with your full attention. This will eventually reveal to you the thought form that is connected to the energetic. When your mind wanders, bring it back to the energetic.

It is possible for more than one energetic to arise in your Central Channel. In this case, intuitively choose one energetic and work with it until you feel a sense of openness or resolution in the region where the energetic of the thought form/belief was located. You can then return and work with the other energetics that you noticed, in a later session, if you feel inclined to do so.

As with Option 1, it could easily take more than one session to work with dense or deeply imbedded thought forms/beliefs.

You will know that the thought form/belief has been transformed when you have a sense of resolution or openness. If you don’t sense this in the region where the energetic was located, continue to focus on the space where the energetic was, while still listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation until you get a clear sense of this openness or resolution.

If you don’t get this sense of completion, return to the Method again in another session for the purpose of further transforming this thought form/belief.

You will sense something new in yourself when you have fully transformed the thought form/belief. And you will most likely have anew mental, emotional, and/or spiritual resource that you did not have before.

You may have to work the Method several times if the thought form/belief is particularly dense (i.e., stubborn) or deeply imbedded.

Final Thoughts

I believe this Method has the power to reweave the tapestry of perceptual reality through the conscious transformation of self-limiting thought forms and beliefs.

This capacity to perceive the world in new ways is, I believe, one of our greatest (though often overlooked) potentials.

The power to change our perceptual reality is nothing less than the power to reimagine ourselves and the world.

Click here to listen to and/or download the Aethos Sound Meditation. Note: You will be taken to the Listening Agreement Page, and once you read and agree to the Listening Terms you will have free access to all the audio tracks. Scroll down the list until you find the Aethos Sound Meditation. Clicking on that link will give you free access to both the five-minute and thirty-minute versions.

If you are new to the Hathor Planetary postings, you might find their first mention of the Aethos of some interest. You can find it in the Hathor Archives under the title, The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness.       

Information not directly related to this message

Tom’s 2013 Calendar has just been posted on the website. Tom will be in Istanbul, Vienna, Toulouse and Munich in the spring of this year. He is in New York on May 25th for a one-day workshop and in the Seattle, Washington area for two three-day workshops in October. Click here to view his schedule, or you can go to the Calendar section at

Transmissions of Light, a new recording of Hathor catalytic sounds is now available as a CD or mp3. These are “live” toning sessions from a Hathor Intensive in 2011 that consist of pure Hathorian tones, which focus on the endocrine glands and the interface between body and mind.  There is no speaking on this CD, just toning. You can hear audio samples from this CD by clicking on the link above or by going to the Store at

©2013  Tom Kenyon  All Rights Reserved                           
You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While you are free to share this message with others, the audio files in the Listening section of the website (including the Aethos Sound Meditation) are for your personal use only and may not be shared or posted on any Internet or social media site.

 Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Kenyon All rights reserved

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Yeshua: What Happens To Our Body At The Fourth And Fifth Dimension

Yeshua: What Happens To Our Body At The Fourth And Fifth Dimension

February 26, 2013

Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on February 17, 2013

Greetings beloveds. This is Yeshua and I am so deeply happy to be with you. I acknowledge Lord Melchizedek and Sananda, who are both present with us today and who are overlighting and communicating through me, as well. 

I have so much compassion, gratitude, appreciation for all of you and what you are going through. I realize it is not easy much of the time. I know this from my experience on Earth. Earth is not an easy place in the third dimension.

You are starting to rise above the third-dimensional energies. This is not an easy process. In some ways it is a kind of a death process—not in any heavy, negative, mournful, sad way; but in a very real way. When people are in the process of dying—especially if it is a more natural, easeful death it is easier to see this process—you see people releasing, you might say, the shackles, the bonds that they have to the third dimension. They are preparing themselves for leaving this dimension and generally going into a fourth-dimensional space. It is not an easy process. It is why it generally takes a period of time for people to die. Sometimes people die quickly, in accidents and those kinds of things. Generally this is shocking to the being because they have to go through so much so quickly. In general, it is preferable for a person to have a longer space of time to adjust to the change that they go through when they die and release the third dimension, including their physical body.

But this process is greater than just the physical body. It includes all the aspects of the third dimension that you are tied into—aspects of thinking, aspects of feeling, aspects of energy, all sorts of things. In some ways you are going through that process now, to whatever extent you have not already gone through it.

Many spiritual beings have noticed the connection between dying and spiritual growth. They have noticed that there is something about the death process that seems to support people in their spiritual growth. They even have techniques of embracing a certain way of relating to living that’s connected to relating to dying, which seems to support people in their spiritual growth. Spiritual growth and relating to the death process are very connected. These are very similar things. And you are going through that now in this process of ascension.

Everyone is at slightly different stages. Everyone has different arenas that they are working with. Whatever still holds you, binds you to the third dimension is what you are working with, and you are feeling the challenge of releasing that. You might experience things such as being more emotional than you’re used to; having your energy feel heavy or difficult; having circumstances show up in your life that you may need to complete your work with in some way or other; having thoughts, patterns in your thinking show up that you still struggle with. They are all opportunities to complete this work and release your ties that limit you in a third-dimensional way.

There is an aspect to this that requires your conscious participation, requires you to make certain changes, to change certain behaviors. And there is an aspect of this that is going on that mostly just requires your support, your opening to it, your not interfering with it—but you don’t necessarily need to be directing it, understanding it, consciously involved with it in a way that you might think of as “working on your stuff.” (He laughs.) But you may need to support the process in ways such as resting more; staying balanced physically, emotionally, and mentally; not getting concerned about the process and doing things that help you to release concern, such as talking to other people about it. Support yourself to stay in the light in the midst of your experiences. This is where doing your spiritual practices, which support you, are very important, whatever those are for you—meditation, study, connecting with spiritual sources, connecting with spiritual gatherings, whatever things support you to stay in your highest vibration and light. All of these things are things you can do to support this process while it moves forward on its own. It will make it easier, possibly quicker, and it will make it so that you feel more comfortable and balanced and confident in going through this.

You have great help in this process. There are many beings who are actively directing tremendous energies of blessing, light, help to you, to all beings of the Earth, and to the Earth herself, to make this shift and this transformation. So it is easier than it has ever been. And there are a great many people who are going through this, like never before. It is a wondrous time and the process will start to feel more and more joyful and easeful to you over time. You are still in the somewhat early phases, so your experience is more one of difficulty or purification or challenge at this point. That will not always be the case. But it is the characteristic at this time. Just as in the death process, those who have gone a bit further into it report exquisite experiences of merging with light, with light-beings, with other beings that they know, of being in incredible, blissful, beatific spaces. And this, too, will be something that will more and more be your reality. But the early phases of the dying process are the phases of release and letting go. And this is the more challenging part.

When I and other beings come to you, it is to help you in any way that we can, through our blessing, through our clarification, through our guidance. That is my motive in coming to you right now, as always, and as so many beings are moved to do.

There are amazing signs right now all around you. I encourage you to be aware of them and to trust them. Things are changing. It is a reflection of your change, your change at the level of consciousness. You are becoming conscious of the fact that you can change anything. As more and more people become conscious of that, you are going to see so many things change. You are going to stop being controlled by a power structure that you feel you have no influence over and that determines the course of your life. This controlling power structure has been possible because you have been bound by third-dimensional consciousness, where you felt powerless, you believed in authority, and gave all the power to those authorities.

You are waking up, somewhat like Dorothy in your story “The Wizard of Oz,” to see that you have always had the power within you. You must simply recognize that and claim it, and in so doing you will stop giving that power away. It is so simple but so hard to see from the third-dimensional perspective. But there are those, like myself, who are committed to help you to make this transition. And it is underway.


You are going to see amazing changes in your world, which will be a reflection of the changes within yourself. Believe in these changes. Do not doubt them. Believe in what they signal. Your world is changing immensely. In a very short time you will have the kind of world that you have dreamed of and have thought, “If only…” but felt powerless to create. You will find your power.

But that is a few steps ahead, even though it has begun and is underway. But the full manifestation of it is a few steps ahead. The primary thing for you is to do your inner work, because that is what will allow this outer manifestation to shift.

This inner work is different from what most of you have focused on in the past. It is why my beloved Mary Magdalene is coming forth to help people. She brings a different voice, the voice of the Feminine, which is so important now, and which so many need help strengthening. The Feminine will help you immensely for what you specifically need to make this transition. Look for those who can help you with this Feminine transition within yourselves. That will be an enormous support for most people. And I am not only speaking to the women. This is for the men as well. We men will manifest the Feminine in a different form, but we need it as much as we need water to drink.

I feel complete in my speaking my thoughts at this time. I would like to hear what you are wanting help with. Please ask me your questions that I may help.

Question: Can you explain the fourth dimension? Does the body die when there is a transition to the fourth dimension?

Yeshua: In the fourth dimension you have a much lighter body. You are familiar with this body. You visit it when you go into your dreams. When you die, you also will move into the fourth dimension. You release your physical body at the earth level, but you maintain a fourth dimensional body.

Question: So in essence it is a death of the third-dimensional body.

Yeshua: Yes, or in some ways like a birthday or a graduation into your lighter body. In the ascension process, you do not need to die to do this. You are transforming your physical body into a fourth-dimensional body. That’s what’s different.

You also can choose to die and move into the fourth dimension. You all have done this before, in-between lives. But you can choose to come back in a fourth-dimensional incarnation. That is another option.

Question: When people people ascend, do they let go of their third-dimensional bodies, which means death in this dimension? Can one be in the fourth dimension and still be in a third-dimensional body?

Yeshua: You can visit the fourth dimension, and that is what you do when you dream. You are visiting the fourth dimension. Or you can ascend, where you go into the fourth dimension and don’t come back into the third dimension, unless you choose to visit the third dimension from the fourth dimension.


It won’t feel the same as dying. It will feel somewhat like going to sleep, and then you wake up and you are in the fourth dimension. But you will recognize it in a different way, because this is your home now, as opposed to feeling that you’re visiting. And you will have that awareness when it becomes your home. You will know.

Question: Does everyone who dies go into the fourth dimension?

Yeshua: They go into a fourth-dimensional space that is a between-life space, yes.

Question: And then what’s the fifth dimension?

Yeshua: The fifth dimension is the beginning of becoming a pure light being. You’re still individuated but you are not so much in a recognizable bodily form as at the physically based third dimension. So there is this graduated process, you might say, of becoming increasingly lighter and lighter.

At the fourth dimension, the lightness is more of an energetic lightness. It has the quality of dreaminess, which makes it very emotional. It also is very much connected to your mind. That’s called the astral aspect. It is very much like your dreams and the way people in appear in dreams. They have bodies. You see people. Yet they can do things that make them not seem physical—the way they come and go, instantaneously travel wherever they choose, things manifest instantly. You know this from your dreams. So that is a help to you to have that reference.

The fifth dimension is what many people imagine when they think of heaven. It is a place of great light, love, compassion, forgiveness.

At the fourth dimension, you are starting to realize your full ability to manifest. Whatever it is that you put your awareness on manifests. This can be things. This can be emotions. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to be strong in your emotional development at the fourth dimension. If you are a person who tends to fall into the lower frequency emotions—such as fear, anger, sorrow—you will manifest this. You will manifest the things that you are fearful of. You will manifest the things you are angry about. You will manifest the things you are sorrowful about. This is what happens in your dreams. This is what you call nightmares.

Part of the mastery at the fourth dimension is mastering being able to stay at the higher frequencies. This will be evidenced by your emotions. When you’re in the higher frequencies, you experience the higher frequency emotions. These carry more light. These are the ones that you tend to enjoy more, such as joy, bliss, peace, tranquility, inspiration, all of those kinds of things.

This is also very related to your thinking. It requires more discipline of your thinking, because whatever you think will manifest. You have some stories in your mythology, or your fairy tales, or even your jokes, where people are granted wishes and the first thing they think about is what manifests. Sometimes this is something very wonderful. Sometimes people think about the things that they don’t want to manifest and suddenly they’re dealing with that reality. This is an aspect of the fourth dimension that’s coming through.


So your thinking must be disciplined, it must be strong, to support what it is that you’re calling in. However, it is much easier to do that at the fourth dimension than at the third dimension. Your mind has a great deal more freedom, just as your body has a great deal more freedom. You are not locked into things that you are familiar with and used to at the third dimension. An example of this is that your thinking in terms of right and wrong, good and bad, will not be binding you at the fourth dimension. Your thinking in terms of competition, of me-versus-them, will not be binding you at the fourth dimension. Thinking in terms of things like judgment, which is really based in right and wrong—judging things as right or wrong, good or bad, appropriate-inappropriate, all the ways that you do that—you will be greatly released from this at the fourth dimension. All this will release you to a purity of mind that is much more supportive and much more easeful mentally at the fourth dimension.

Your work that you do now is part of what is going to determine where in the fourth dimension you gravitate towards, what your frequency will be. Your emotional work and your mental work will very much determine whether you will gravitate towards the lower frequencies or the higher frequencies. Those who tend to gravitate towards the lower frequencies don’t tend to stay at the fourth dimension, because it is too unpleasant. They return back, most often to the third dimension, where they have more stability and can work with greater stability to raise their frequency. There is help at the third dimension because of that stability, even though you’re in a polarized realm of the difficult along with the supportive.

The fourth dimension is generally understood, and rightly so, as a transitional dimension. You are preparing yourself for the fifth dimension. It is a kind of continuum. When you go to the fifth dimension, you are able to hold a high enough frequency that you can stay in the frequencies of unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, stay in the light continuously. That is what is required for the fifth dimension. That allows you to start to do the higher work at the fifth dimension, gradually releasing your need for embodiment. Then you become a full light being that doesn’t require the same kind of body that is necessary at the third and fourth dimension.

The primary thing for you to understand at this point is your present work, your present stage, and what will assist you with that. But it can be helpful and reassuring to know where you are moving toward. For that, primarily the fourth dimension is sufficient for your understanding at this time. It is very difficult for you to understand the higher dimensions in any depth or detail because it is so different from where you are now. In many ways, it is not necessary and could even be a distraction to focus on that. It is most helpful to maintain your focus at your current level and what is necessary for you for moving forward into your next step.


[End of Part 1]

AA Michael ~ Keys to Participating in the New Reality /channeling/ Channeler: Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 28 February, 2013 (posted 1 March, 2013) Learn to listen more deeply. Stillness and light are very compatible. In your quieter moments, as turn your attention to listening, you attract more light. The more you listen, the more facile you become with hearing your own innate wisdom SOUND throughout your being.

This will appear to you as clarity and insight, as vision and knowing. The perspectives of your Soul, and your Higher Self are vast and more love-filled generally then your human based perspectives. The more you spend time listening to yourself in an aligned, relaxed way, the more these higher perspectives can inform your sense of purpose, mission, path, choices and decisions.

It is important for you to realize you have many different ways of making decisions. And that decisions are different than choices, and both are different then preferences. A choice is the act of choosing among options and you may choose differently at another time.

Decisions eliminate all other options, commit your energy and behavior to what you've decided where preferences are things you like more then others. You make choices based on your preferences. Decisions too can be based on preferences, but they also tend to be based on your values or beliefs.

In all of this you are expressing yourself and in each of these kinds of creative acts you summon energetic support from beyond this sphere. Invite higher frequency energy into your life. The alignment you create by being in accord with the higher frequency aspects of your being, summons an expansive and nourishing energy into your life and fuels your creation with the momentum of the Cosmos.

When you create from these higher perspectives, your preferences are inclined toward choices and decisions that are in harmony with Divine Will, or the Unified Field. These harmonics, in turn amplify your creative acts. All of life is extended by these kinds of collaborative, resonant focus. To take fullest advantage of your Higher Self and then through your Higher Self, your Soul's Presence in this life, you must give permission and draw these energetics more and more into your field of being.

You have grown and are growing in your capacity to carry light and this will continue as your focus in form unfolds. Allow yourself to fuel this process with the conscious companionship and elevation provided by inviting and giving permission for your Higher Self to join you.

You may do this simply by calling upon your Higher Self. Just turning your attention in this way, draws you into a communion of light with your Higher Self and then you can continue to summon your Higher Self asking it to come closer, to come deep into your energy and your body, to merge with you, to flow into all your cells, to entrain your energy field with its energy and light.

The more you do this the more you prepare to merge with your Soul Presence. Your connection with your Soul Presence is made possible through your Higher Self. There is a frequency hierarchy within your continuum of being. Beginning to work with this consciously is of great benefit to your life. You notice when you do this that you feel more peaceful, more whole, more confident, more clear, and your life becomes more available to grace.

Re-orient to the true source of personal power. The ability to listen to yourself and hear your inner wisdom and know it's guidance is the source of self-confidence and real personal power. The power of life is love. Power comes from love -- from being connected to your own self and from allowing yourself to open to the love available in every moment and every kind of life experience there is.

Many of you have issues with ideas of power. Realize that things you think are "bad" or "evil" are mirrors of where you are still entangled in the illusion of duality; the idea that one thing is better then another and the construct of duality.

To be empowered feels more comfortable to you then the idea of being powerful. Ask yourself why. These words are not actually different. They simply have different associations from your prior experiences and the beliefs and paradigms of the old reality. Release the idea of protection. I wish now to speak about something very important to me, the idea of protection.

Many of you associate my presence with protection. This is something I would like to revise so that I may more clearly participate with you in your life. My intent is to support you and to be available to you as together we move toward the fullest expression of the divine plan. This guides all my activities and all my focus. It is, the standard for my focus and my attention.

To increasingly access the power of love in your life, each of you will learn to shift from ideas of protection to ideas of the truth of energetic standards. Standards are the true way that you create what you typically think of as protection. The problem with the idea of protection is that it takes you out of alignment and also feeds fear.

To access the fullness of love from within this beautiful life on Earth, you must be in alignment with yourself and be open. This means you will gradually find ways to "let your guard down." In human life many of you develop resistance to love because the focus instead, is on shielding yourself from potential pain in relationships because of fear.

This idea of protection is a construct within the illusion that prevents you from knowing the fullness of love! It does not serve you. It also does not keep these things from happening--as many of you have noticed. Understand protection is essentially an extension of your energy based on fear. Of course it is wise not to drive your car into a tree. {Smile.}

Caring for your body by working the the nature of life and making good decisions to perpetuate your life is simply wise. But caring for yourself is not the same thing as being protective. Being protective in essence is being "on the defensive" and being on the defensive means "steeling yourself" or even being aggressive. Being protective, or wanting protection take you out of alignment.

This does not empower you, or your joy! Decide to learn to open so you may discover the abundance of love on Earth. This may seem obvious, but often when you are not feeling love it does not occur to you to open up more fully. In fact, you tend to constrict your energy which pinches you off even more! In order to feel the love that is available in each and every moment, you have to open yourself perceptually and energetically to the fuller spectrum of energy you are capable of assimilating.

There is an abundance of love everywhere in your world, but many of you do not feel this, or not consistently as you would like to experience love. There is electromagnetic energy available from the Earth, there is energy in the food you eat and the air you breathe.

There is energy in sunlight, and there is Cosmic Energy available directly through your crown chakra and through all your chakras. The more open you are, the more relaxed you are, the more you are able to access the full spectrum of energy available to be assimilated.

All of this energy is love! Much of your focus along this path of awakening has been working with the healing frequencies transmitted to Earth, summoned by your collective desire to awaken. You have used these energies brilliantly, learning to ride the cycles of upliftment and to more and more confidently take place in your own healing with presence, patience and love.

Now in the New Reality you are gradually becoming aware of the more subtle energies present and as you do, these energies actually are drawing you into higher frequency expression. They are energetically triggering you as an invitation to soften your "guard" so that you may open more fully to all that is presenting in your world.

To notice these energies and to allow yourself to stay open may take practice. Many of you are very sensitive and as such have developed strong methods of keeping energy away from you that you felt (or shall I say "feared") might impeded your joy.

Of course, you are wise to want to feel joyful, it is simply that pinching off yourself energetically also tends to result in amplified fear and resistance, less availability to feel love, which then creates more fear, and also impedes the full spectrum of love-energy available to you … you can see how this can become a downward trending energy cycle.

Replace ideas of protection: learn to set standards to your liking. Many of you are noticing the differences in life. You are feeling more at home. You are noticing your own awareness of unity is more prevalent. You are drawn toward experiences of love and upliftment.

Your lives have changed. You have left much behind and this has been hard, but you are gradually learning that you can come indeed out and play! That is part of orienting to the new energies -- realizing that it may indeed be YOUR time.

To discover that it is indeed your time, you have to soften up these guards you have created so you can let more love in. It's important for you to know that you can do this safely and still have standards to create your experience.

Standards are established by the way you relate to yourself. This bears repeating {Smile!} Standards are established by the way you relate to yourself. The way you relate to yourself sets the standards for how you are willing to have any others relate to you.

All experiences mirror your standards, so use the experiences in your life to discover your standards and then revise them if needed. Once you begin to use standards to create your experiences, along with decisions and choices, you can then entirely release the guard(s)!

Then the abundance of life can be more fully received and if you make room to perceive and notice, experienced. Keys to participating in the New Reality. These are the very subtle ways of mastery that will give you the greatest benefit at this time.

These are the milestones to understand and master, the Keys if you will to participation in the New Reality. The New Reality is an inner game. You intuitively know this, but now you must apply yourself to learn to live fully this way, as a sovereign expression, an extension into physical form, of your own Divine Being.

Learn to listen to yourself. Invite higher frequency versions of your energy to elevate your perspective. Use choice and decisions to create based on your preferences. Use standards as guidelines for what you are willing to experience. Use the mirror of reality to see your standards, and as a feedback loop as you revise them to your liking.

Let yourself be a beginner. It's simple and clear to live this way. But it's very different then how many of you lived for most of your lives. Which means these are new habits, new ways of being that must be patiently, devotedly created to become natural and for you to confidently utilize them as your process, your way of being. Love yourself enough to be a beginner.

To relate to the New Reality as truly new! To innocently and joyfully, learn the ways of the New Reality, with no shame that you do not already know them, and with appreciation for the fundamental design of your world, so that the ability to see clearly and make changes is so beautifully made possible.

You have summoned a new version of Earth into being. Now you must meet that with a new version of YOU. I am with you always.

I AM Archangel Michael

© 2009-2012, Meredith Murphy.

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