Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Pleiadian Light via Hannah Beaconsfield: A Reminder - Water!

The Pleiadian Light via Hannah Beaconsfield: A Reminder - Water!


From the earliest material that we have sent through various channels regarding the transformation of the Earth species, we have emphasized how important it is to drink water to assist and support the changes.

This recommendation is becoming more urgent now. There is a particular surge of energy that is depleting the water reserves of your bodies and creating stress, especially on your nervous systems. Attention to the amount of water you are taking in will help you handle this energy.

There is a recurrent motif in the patterns of life on Earth, as well as on other humanoid world civilizations. It is the link between water and birth. The water-world is the source that holds all necessary elements for all levels of consciousness to bring forth new life.

The birth of the ascended species on your world is occurring in the bodies of humans currently alive on Earth. This means that each individual is his or her own birth vessel. And water is a vital support for this process.

Previously, our emphasis on water has been for clearing toxins. The ascension changes require high hydration, not only for detoxification, but also as a conductor for electromagnetic energy. Without sufficient water all symptoms of ascension are much more intense and difficult to handle. In fact, if you compare a list of ascension symptoms with a list of dehydration symptoms you would find that they are very much aligned.

In light of the milestone you passed in December 2012, we wish to turn your attention to a new focus for the water imperative. In addition to the continuing need for detoxing hydration, we wish to present another element that will become increasingly important: water as a prime source of nourishment. Human bodies altered by ascension energies will require less dense nutritional elements to nourish their bodies.

There is a probable future reality in which human life is nourished and sustained by subtle energy nutrients such as light, air, color, sound, and water. The water element will act as a medium to make subtle energy sources available to human bodies. The more dense substances that you now ingest will become toxic rather than nourishing. You already see this happening in the increase in food sensitivities and allergies.

Water-carried subtle energy nourishment requires a clear, pure carrier. Most important, the water needs to carry life force energy. Much of the water available to you, at your present level of civilization, is devoid of life. The human body needs water with vital energy to support its many functions. All the functions of all life on Earth require pure, clear, life-filled water.

In addition to carrying subtle nutrients, pure, clear, living water has the potential to act as a means of communication. It may be programmed with purpose-energy that directs healing, manifesting, changing attitudes and emotions, encouraging growth (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) or almost anything you can imagine. You would be seeding the water with subtle energies that would support any manifestations you choose.

The level of contamination the Earth is experiencing due to over population and a careless abuse of Earth’s resources is another level of extreme need for purifying water. Since water nourishes every level of life on Earth, one of the first steps in cleansing the planet must be purifying the water. In the spirit of programming we just mentioned living water could act to seed large bodies of water that need cleansing. Some of your scientists are experimenting with this now.

There are many ways that the quality of water can be influenced. Its crystalline nature absorbs and communicates. There is a surge of material surfacing through creative and scientific people on Earth that is providing information about the nature of your water and the ways it can carry programming. As you search for information, as individuals, you will be guided to the most beneficial processes and programs for you. Remember: the time of gurus is winding down. It’s time to follow your own inner guidance.

We would like to recommend an area that could be explored. Many crop circle patterns are intended to be accommodated, on subconscious levels, as symbols that have effects and cause alterations in those who view them. This is the opposite of decoding the “messages” for the understanding of the intellect. As symbols they carry an energy effect (actually many levels of effects - for this the nature of symbols - they are multidimensional) and could be used to program water like many other influencing energies.

Crop circles, on the whole, convey many different types of data, but there are ones that are clearly geometric symbols. You could look for ones with which you feel a positive resonance. Their initial intent was to be accommodated visually, but some of you might feel inclined to experiment with these images and the programming of water. You could choose an image of a symbol, set a container of purified water on it over night, then drink it or use it in other way to test its effects.

We wish to emphasize, again, how important this life-giving liquid is for you, at this time. So many of you are judging discomforts, imbalances, upsets, pains, etc. as needing medication. We encourage you to give yourselves whatever comforts are available, but start with the basic source of life: pure, clear, living water.

©Hannah Beaconsfield 2013


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The only thing helping me from some unexplained pains all over the body is drinking lots of water
...I choose usually mineral water (love it)  :).


AA Uriel: Everything Supports Your Journey /channeling/ Channeler: Jennifer Hoffman


Hang onto your hats this week, as we have the Uranus Pluto square today and the May 25 final eclipse of the three that began on April 25. Whatever was brought to light or you became aware of as a source of discomfort in late April can now be completed for closure in an important ending cycle of your healing journey.

As you will read in this week's channeled message 'when the veil is lifted, all that was hidden behind it is revealed.' While there is a veil between the spiritual and material worlds, there is also a veil that hides many things in the illusions we know as our reality.

This truth can be scary and we can become quite emotional about what we are shown as the truth. It is simply part of the process of self empowerment, awareness, integration and alignment that is a step on humanity's ascension journey.

We knew we would arrive at this place at some point on the journey, we are now here. There is no time or place for regrets or anger, it is time to move on, move up and create space for the new energy.

You can read more in this week's article, which is the Archangel Uriel channeled message, below. Try to not get distracted by the things that are being revealed on the world stage. Our collective intention for truth has revealed many layers of truth, including much of what has been kept secret.

They must be revealed before a new truth can be created. We are all going to get a big dose of truth in the coming weeks. I wrote, in the 2013 predictions,that this would happen in May and the month isn't over yet. I believe that we are in the period the bible describes as the 'end of days' and it doesn't have to be the fire and brimstone prophecies of the past.

We have the ability to create any reality we desire, so it is important for us to stay focused on our most powerful, joyful, peaceful and fulfilling intentions. We can be "filled full" of anything we want, so why not make it the best and most wonderful things we can think of?

You can read the 2013 predictions here if you have not read them yet and learn more about the potential of this year and why this period is feeling so overwhelming at times.

Archangel Uriel: Everything Supports Your Journey Everything on your life path supports your journey from pain to joy, from fear to love, from powerlessness to empowerment, and from limitation to limitlessness.

There are no challenges in any aspect of your reality that do not support your evolution. Every trial and sorrow has embedded within it the spark of your divine truth, which you can see and know when you seek the highest outcome.

That is why the brightest path is often the most challenging one because it represents your soul’s call to healing. It is not the path of highest vibration, greatest clarity, or the one that is the most joyful and peaceful for you.

Very often it is the one that is the most challenging and that you find least desirable. Your soul lights this path so you will follow it and in doing so, create healing and transformation. This is your journey into ascension and evolution.

The more you resist this bright path, the brighter it becomes. Your soul agreement is grounded in healing and you are the healer, as well as the healing. It all happens through you and while you have the ability to experience the pain, you also have the ability to take the journey through the pain to create joy.

If you allow the pain to become the journey, you have lost sight of your soul’s healing commitment. The commitment you have with Source is to move from healing to evolution, from density to light, and from fear to love.

Everything in your reality supports this journey. This is ascension and it is your mission. You are warriors of the light and for the light, and many of you are now completing this very long journey, whose beginning you do not remember as it began with your first incarnation.

The veil between dimensions, frequencies and vibrations has been lifted but it is one of several veils that are now clearing. When the veil is lifted, all that was hidden behind it is revealed and this includes the veils in your own lives.

Your power and true light were hidden from you so you could fully experience the density of that which you came to heal. And this is what has become your brightest path so you can apply your power to its resolution.

The time you have long awaited is now here, move forward to bring the light of truth, peace, and love to the places you know need them the most, beginning with you and your healing journey. You heal the world by healing yourself. If you resist the pain, you are resisting the expansion of your own light. You created this path for yourselves so you could bring light to the world.

Resist the temptation to judge, as it limits your ability to understand the true nature of your experiences. Everything exists to support your transformation, evolution and ascension. The most difficult challenges can inspire you to take the greatest action and while fear can create powerful inertia, you use fear as a vehicle to move you from that which you fear the most into joy.

How much easier could your journey be if you recognized that fear and its emotions indicated the presence of powerful healing opportunities? Have the courage to step bravely into the most brightly lit path, the one you fear the most.

Empower and encourage yourself with the light, guidance and support that will help you transmute the fear into a greater expression and expansion of your light. Be willing to go within and find the spark of divine light that is within everything and your boldness and courage will be rewarded with the guidance you need to take the next step, and each one after that.

Always ask to be shown the highest outcome, the most wonderful solution and the greatest peace, joy and love in every situation. Seek healing and wholeness, to be brought back to your divine center of unlimited joy, peace and love, expect to be guided and supported in each step of this journey and you will be.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to Source:

Kuthumi: Heart Emotions ~ The Higher Path /channeling/ Channeler: Lynette Leckie-Clark


Lynette Leckie-Clark

Sunday, 19 May, 2013 (posted 22 May, 2013)

My friends it is time to look at your heart emotions. I have spoken a great deal on the need to release the belief that you require material possessions and a level of status on your path of awakening to soul.

What I speak of now many will find most difficult. Some will deny, only to discover at a future time that true freedom involves the full understanding of your heart emotions. Even those on a path of enlightenment still seek control over flow. The control can be subtle or strong.

One can control what they will seek to learn, to understand and more importantly, how much control they are prepared to release. This will of course determine the level of flow in any area. What is flow? The flow I speak of is a letting go through understanding, a release of fear, a new confidence. Therefore your energy will flow with an ease and create a feeling of peace within.

There are many areas in your life where you will have managed to achieve that level of flow. Flow will be greater in some areas than others. Still you must continue your path toward enlightenment. Breaking down the ‘walls’ you have so patiently built to house what you think is the real you.

The Real You

Who is the real you? Do you know? Of course you may say, “ Oh yes, I have a home and children. I go to work there, I like this and that.” Indeed. Very admirable, but I asked about the real you. The inner you. That part of you that is protected so deeply on a sub-conscious level. Many will protect this most vulnerable part of their being without truly realizing. This deep protection is part previous experience and part of
your sub-conscious at work.

You are able to get up and go to work, play with your children, cook your food – many activities on a daily basis without giving this part of you a second thought. That is until an experience begins to hammer and poke holes in your carefully built facade. I ask you to be open and honest with yourself now. The part I am speaking of is your inner heart emotion. That very deep part of you that you feel is so vulnerable.

You can tell yourself to love another. Be compassionate to another. Help where you can in life. This is the way of the soul also. Yet I tell you, this is the outer path of the soul. It is where you can still have control over your inner emotions. You still feel protected. But your inner emotions are the ones that reveal the real you! How you truly feel. More importantly how you are prepared to truly love another. So let me ask you also, how are you going with your partner? The one you love and are personally close to. How much do you give of yourself? How much do you reveal of your inner thoughts and feelings of your experiences?

Can You Fly?

This is a deep level you will agree. It is also a level few are prepared to look at in order to create the deepest flows of energy and love. It may take time to understand the inner you. That matters not. What does matter is that you begin with a willing intent to understand yourself fully. From this a new and happier you will emerge. This is an inner journey where you will indeed finally reach your true treasure, your own inner gold.

It is this inner soul path that will bring you confidence in yourself, in your ability to share and to truly love one another on an intimate level. Your human structure requires touch. Loving touch. You thrive on this. However as you journey through your linear years each time this emotion is threatened or damaged it is stored away in your sub-conscious. Your sub-conscious mind also remembers and begins creating walls of new behavior patterns to protect this most vulnerable part of you. And so each hurt builds on the previous and the protection becomes stronger.

Break Out Through Communication

So you now begin to understand what I am saying to you. Many of you will relate to this. I cannot do this work for you. Nor can your angels or spirit guides. We can stand by and support you, try to guide you lovingly along this inner soul path, but it is you who must do the work to gain the understanding and the greater freedom available.

It is time to love yourself. You can only truly achieve this by understanding and healing your heart emotions. You achieve this through communication. Honest communication with yourself and your loved one. Begin, step by step. I ask you to keep going forward with this inner journey.

You know some years ago I gave a meditation to this channel to help many open the door to their heart – even for just a peek. I said then that many would find this very difficult to do. I gave that meditation the title of The Emerald Heart Meditation. Much teaching and knowledge has been given since then to help many on their spiritual path by myself and other Light beings. Now it is time to go deeper on a human emotional level. Higher on a soul level. So I ask you, “are you ready to begin?”

More importantly perhaps, do you have the correct intent to begin?

May the Light be with you.


Copyright © 2011 Rev, Lynette Leckie-Clark - All rights reserved. You are welcome to share with a friend but Not for sale in any form.

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