Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Independent Investigations Group (IIG) at the Center for Inquiry-Los Angeles offers a $50,000 prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.

The IIG works with the applicant in designing the test protocol, and defining the conditions under which a test will take place.
IIG representatives will then administer the actual test.
In most cases, the applicant will be asked to perform an informal demonstration of the claimed ability or phenomenon, which if successful will be followed by the formal test.
The IIG conducts all demonstrations and tests at our site in Hollywood, California, except in special circumstances.

Interested? Contact us for more information or to arrange for testing!

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Sorry but I do not agree dear Simone ...
No, we all know what real paranormal gifts are and that is not a card recommended.
That makes you ridiculous if you go when you know you have no real paranormal ability's is your own fault.
And b.t.w the Randi award you're talking about is not this. First you must proove that you have truely paranormal ability's to the Independent Investigations Group. And afterwards when you are real, maybe then you can go for the million bucks from mister Randi.
i can bend spoons! do i get money?
Reb said:
i can bend spoons! do i get money?

*?* I do not know dear Reb, my son can also bend spoons, but whether that is enough for that 50,000 ... :)
I believe that we are thinking differently about this Simone...
cognitive neuroscience mindfulness meditation is a skill you can learn.
No this has nothing to do with real paranormal gifts .
i would love to try some work with pyramid power. They covered it on Mythbusters. They cut an apple in half and one half was inside the pyramid, the other was not. after 2 weeks there was a clear difference in the decay. the pyramid apple was far less decayed.
In the end they said it was busted, and that test was annulled as they said that the blade on the bench saw (yes a bench saw to cut an apple in half) wasn't sterilized and that could have caused the difference in decay, but i didn't feel convinced and have wanted to conduct this test my self ever since!

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