Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

 We are the Hathors. We speak as One. We welcome this opportunity to share encouragement to en-hearten your journey, dear ones - your journey Home and beyond! Yes, you are returning to your true state of connectedness and creatorship. You are returning to the remembrance of your nature as Love. And love does not only flow towards the heart of the creator, but also flows out again. As you bring air into your center and send it forth, enriched by your own self, so does the Creator breathe in the light and love of your sharing and then blessing you, sends you forth to gather more experience.
Adventures is what it is all about. Some take adventures into frequencies that are less than love… and this is exactly what you yourselves have done. But you do not do so to revel in fear; you do so to carry the love you are into the denser vibration, because it is your nature to be love. Disguised as anything else at all, it is still love in motion, love in intention, love in essence. All is [love]. It is just play-acting if it seems not to be.
What of cruelty, maliciousness?
Very rare [in intention]. Most violence is an expression of inner pain at the belief in separation. At any moment you each are a breath away from being the love you are. Choose to come from love, or come from fear. But until you understand your ability to choose, most of you feel controlled by circumstances, helpless and fearful. This is the power of choice. If you once choose love - it is extremely liberating. You are freed from the domination of fear, and therefore not compelled by your fear to act in unloving ways to anyone else. It is so simple, is not?

All is based in love or separation from that love. The choice to separate from love is extremely rare. Some choose to know even this, usually for the purpose of understanding a deep dark space of possibility. You do so enjoy your contrasts, your sweet and sour, your hot and cold…it is part of the physical playground to hold experiences of polarity. But it is all play ultimately.
No harm really exists. You see so clearly this when you put down a thriller - oh, it is just a story, or when you wake from a bad dream -oh, it is just a nightmare. But it is harder for you to accept that your“reality” is really a grand creation of polarity, an absorbing game of light and shadow, which has developed into an amazingly complex and interesting compulsion for you. That is why you have returned again and again, life after life.

You always say - I can do it this time, I can remember my love, I can live within polarity and remember to choose love and solve the maze. For it is a maze, and many get temporarily lost and feel they are hopelessly so. But that is never truly the case.

Once you decide you have had enough, you can quickly locate an exit - be it a means of ending the physical life, or a means of choosing love, and then consistently and deliberately heading for Home. You always have the power to choose. And when you are quite finished, you will no doubt find a new game to play. You are such grand creators, our dear Earth friends!

We will stop now, we have given a long enough discourse today, We hope you have enjoyed this expansive view which we so gladly share in the spirit of blessing each and all of you reading this. In GREAT LOVE. The Hathors.
 2012 in Hathors, spiritual guidance | Tags: choose love, our nature is love, we are creators | Leave a comment

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