Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Galactic Free Press Update: We Will Have More Historic Events This Year

The Galactic Free Press Update: We Will Have More Historic Events This Year

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~



Greetings Love Beings, It just keeps getting more exciting and more exciting for Those Awake and Aware. We have Much More to arrive to us in the coming days, weeks, and Months as Love Energy Sweeps across the Planet with the Energetic Assistance of Our Historic Mass Global Mediation From February 14th 2013, In Which The Prayers of Humanity for Peace, Equality and True Joy Was Heard and True Real Love Began Rising On this Planet. Also, On this date All Of Creation Assisted Humanity in the energetic Movement of the Light. From this Moment forward, We will Have More Historic Events Occur in The Continued Victory of The Light On Planet Earth=Heart.


The Light Is On the Move On Planet Earth=Heart and is Unstoppable and Contagious. With these Incoming Energies Coupled with an Upcoming Full Moon In Virgo which is Earth, We will be grounding Significant Amounts of Light Into The Planet! As The Love Energy continues building On this Planet this increasingly puts pressure on the denser energies. This is the energy where all egos exist no matter what they are dressed up Like. A Deep Cleansing Continues for those still in the ego unconsciousness, This Entire Planet is Shifting. Resistance is futile! The Activation for a Full Light On, On Planet Earth=Heart is Underway.


Quoted from Christine Meleriessee"Another week has arrived and we are probably at the most powerful surge of energies that are coming into the planet since 12-21-12.  There has been some talk from the Masters through our weekly calls that February would represent a pivotal point of understanding within each of us as we are being asked to go into the deeper levels of our core existence.  I know that many people just want it all to happen NOW and get it over with, but in actuality, we are not prepared for the event to occur on a massive scale across the globe.

We don’t really understand on a humanly level exactly what is happening within GAIA except that the changes are massive and creating either higher levels of bliss within individuals or massive thoughts of destructive energies.  This is the separation.  Many of us thought it would represent going to another planetary existence and allowing the ones that still needed to understand their role in society to deal with it all.  This is not true.

We are here on this planet within the concept of ONENESS to be created....

This week we are being hit with the Great Central Suns from the Solar through the Cosmic activating energies within the auric level of GAIA, and we are going to be deeply affected.  Per our call on Monday evening of the Clarion Temple of Oneness, Melchoir, who is the Galactic Logos, stated that all of the Great Central Suns were gathering their essences to infuse upon the planet to create an upsurge of frequencies to allow each living particle upon the Earth to move into a deeper essence of themselves.  This would come with great challenges if we allow them to interact in such a way.  They offered their assistance in creating a balance for us through accessing the Divine Way of Being via vibrational frequency.

If you have not already felt these energies occurring within your consciousness and physical body, they will be activated this week.  So how do we get through it with ease and grace?  Take advantage of Mercury Retrograde and allow the energies to create a higher essence of your intuitive self by activating timelines that are fully trying to come into balance.  You will be able to remove and accept the new particles of light as deemed appropriate through your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  In addition, we will be experiencing a Full Moon on February 25th which appears in Virgo representing a higher vision taking place while allowing the old essences to be transmuted as in the lower physical energies.  It is a time to fully allow our Wise-man/woman to appear in our consciousness which is a direct relation to the timelines being ignited at this time.....

Life is changing within the Earth and what is occurring within your societies is representative of that fact.  The more information we give to you about what is happening, the more you will be prepared to be the Torches of Light to stand tall and allow others to see how deeply they can acquire these elements for themselves.

As you allow the illusion to be broken within you, the assistance that you are giving to others cannot be measured in any shape or form.  This frequency of light from the Great Central Suns is designed to prepare you for your multi-dimensional reality as more timelines are being ignited every day.  It is imperative to continually understand what is happening within you in order to receive more essence.  There is so much more to arrive and this is only our beginning with each other....


This activation is occurring presently and has been since the 17th of this month.  It will continue until the 24th of the month in preparation for the Full Moon activities.  This will be your last activation in this month as the more you allow yourself to remember and release, the more you will be able to increase within yourself.

We walk with you in beauty and joy for the New World to arrive..." End of quote

It has Begun



Daily Sun: 22 Feb 13

Sunspot AR1678 poses a slight threat for X-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI

DECREASING CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot AR1678 is turning away from Earth, sharply decreasing the odds of a geoeffective eruption. Nevertheless, the sunspot still has a delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for significant flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class solar flares and a 10% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours


LAST NIGHT IN ICELAND: No solar activity, no problem. The gentle buffeting of the solar wind continues to be enough to spark auroras around the Arctic Circle. Here was the scene last night in Iceland:


Earth Report By Earth Ally Rain "There were 6.1 magnitude earthquakes in Argentina on Feb. 22 and in New Zealand on Feb 18. The total number of quakes we are experiencing has decreased but the number of high mag quakes has been disproportionately large.

Worldwide, eight volcanoes are showing new activity and 14 are showing ongoing activity. Etna Volcano, Sicily, has been very active, exhibiting four violent eruptions in a short period of time.

Tropical Cyclone Haruna struck Madagascar on Feb. 21 with sustained winds of around 114 mph. Damage and incident reports have not been published yet.

Northern Australia is experiencing a drought while heavy rains in the south are expected to lead to more flooding.

Temperatures are plummeting in the UK as an arctic blast moves through, bringing snow.

The historic drought continues in the United States and is expected to worsen.

A tornado was sighted in Northern  California as a winter storm passed through the area on Feb 19. Severe storms also struck in Michigan and Arkansas at the beginning of the week and then Winter Storm Q slammed into the Midwest and Southern Plains with full force on Feb. 21, dropping more than a foot of snow in some locations.The National Weather Service has now confirmed 1 tornado touched down in Arkansas, 1 in Louisiana, and a total of 12 tornadoes struck in East Texas on Monday."


Nothing can stop us now for sure. There will Be Huge Amounts of Joy for those Who are Awake and IN the flow of the Oneness Energies and for those in any kind of ego including the most dangerous, the spiritual ego will not be able to move forward in this energy until they can release the mask which is the lie and illusion aka ego. Only Truth will be allowed to Shine On Planet Earth=Heart as the energies continue.This is going to be Energetically interesting for those in the denser energies or lower vibrations on the planet which quickly are getting squeezed.  Either Way whats happening is the Real Energy of Love which is Manifested In Physical Form On Planet Earth=Heart Trumps all the illusion. With The Droves of People on the Planet currently awakening these are The Signs of the Moments this Planet is In. AS this occurs more Light Comes On and In on the Planet. Wow, How Exciting. This Planet's Destiny is Peace, Truth, Real Reality, True Equality, and True Unconditional Love.


Quoted from James Gilliland "We are well into the energies of Galactic Plane, the alignment with Alcyon and Sirius. We are moving through the dark rift; which is filled with space debris. As we have said expect to see asteroid and meteor explosions and in some cases impacts. The Russian Asteroid was shattered into smaller pieces by off worlders. It was much larger than reported and if allowed to impact the Earth would have created immense damage. There has been a lot of batting practice and diversion by the spiritually and technologically advanced ETs. It is time to acknowledge this and give thanks along with setting the intention and asking for more divine interference. If we continue to do our part in redirecting this civilization towards universal law, ending the aggression, pain and suffering holding those accountable, the war and disease profiteers, the international banksters, and those in the unjustice system we will receive even more divine intervention. God helps those who help themselves. It is time to rise to the occasion and stand up for our God given rights. We are one Earth under God/Creator/Spirit. We all come from the same source and return to the same source despite culture or belief. It is time we began to operate as one family. The separation, elitist, unbridled greed and lust for power over others game is coming to a close. This is now being seen in the headlines. Focus on the world you want to live in, act on it, demand it." End of quote



 Signs in the Sky Quoted from Cobra "....All these events[ the asteriod and meteor events] are natural cosmic occurences and are part of the plan for the planetary liberation that is coming directly from the Source. The purpose of all these signs in the sky is to lift the consciousness of the human population beyond the third dimension in order to prepare it for the Event and the coming planetary changes...." End of quote



February 2013 Will go down in the History books as a Historic Month. It Indeed has already made its presence Known. Ghandi specifically came in when he did to share the Words Be the change You wish to See. This is Happening Right Now as The Moment has Arrived, as Millions are Awakening Across The Planet and activating Their Divine Missions and Contracts, The Real Love Energy is Changing everything. Being Love in Action Will Become the Normal On this Planet as everyone must move into the One Timeline which is The Present Moment of Now.


 Quoted from Zen Gardner "It’s amazing. It’s wonderful. And it’s so significant! I am experiencing and observing the most exponential increase in synchronistic events and communication I have ever witnessed. Writers, posters and internet information sharers are networking at such a consciously connected level it’s just fantastic!

I know for myself, I no sooner write or read or post something on a subject but bam, there’s related stories, videos, articles or personal comments coming into my own and the general information field like a flood! And it continues to increase.

Of Course It Does!

That’s how it works. Especially now as the awakening soars into critical mass like an event horizon. There’s a lot of encouragement to be derived for all of us here. We know we can’t trust the media, we have our hearts to guide us, and favorite sources we each have found and turn to....

We are each others’ amplifiers and the music is turning up!




Get On Board

It’s wonderful how the information and revelations of Truth are exploding! Hey, surf’s up, grab your board and get in! How? Follow your heart, follow the leads. Keep at it. If it’s on line you’ll notice things that catch your attention. Take time to look at them. ...

One of your best tools to get into the stream of synchronicity is networking. Sharing. As we each pump into each other Truth and compassion, real knowledge and understanding as best we can, we contribute to this mass awakening and empowerment. It’s a fabulous dynamic and a thrill to be part of. It’s actually simply living a conscious life and it will follow naturally, but understanding the mechanics can really help keep our buns in gear and positively productive during this ridiculous shitstorm smacking humanity right now.

As we give, we get. Universe is amazing in this dynamic. We don’t give to get, it just happens, but it’s good to know it does because we always want to keep learning and growing and gaining in spiritual capabilities. It’s also very important to know that as you share and live a conscious life, Universe will take care of you.  I know I’m preaching to many of the choir here as so many of you know this and are driven like I am; sharing emails, passing on information to researchers you know, and other disseminators of information.  Sharing finds with those who specialize in a certain field can have a tremendous effect. If you find something that strikes you as important in a certain field, say chemtrails or EMF hazards for example, never assume that a seeming “specialist” must know this already.

You could be the prompter through which Universe is working.

Synchronicity is always happening.  As Carl Jung said, “Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.”...

We live in very exciting times. We’ve been given the tools for this time. We’ve always had them...

Humanity has them built in but our Overlords have done everything they can to hide them from us and deny their existence. It’s time we tapped in and let ‘em have it full throttle. As we do and others join in the signal amplifies and the awakening accelerates. It’s that simple.

But we have to take the nudges seriously.

Keep moving, keep loving, keep learning, keep transcending.

Join the buzz…this synchronicity rush is a blast!..." End of Quote


The Events have Been Exciting for those Who are Paying attention. By Observing these Events. You can clearly See How the Light is affecting all On the Planet in one way or the other. The light is flooding this Planet and for those in the oneness energies will experience increased Joy, Increased Synchronistic Events, Magical Experiences, and Real Miracles which Occur In the Present Moment of Now.


Decreed by Heaven~ We are Not kidding! Prepare..... To Read The Entire Update with the Video's You can Follow this Link:

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Hilarion: You are in the Process of a Massive Transformation of Your Entire Being

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana - February 24, 2013

Beloved Ones,
As you move through your daily lives, you are finding more evidence of subtle workings of the higher dimensions all around you, as situations that were very touchy and volatile seem to just melt away into peace and harmony. This is happening both individually and collectively to all upon the Planet and is most especially noticeable for each Lightworker as they are more sensitive to the new energies that are coming in.

Continue to allow the effects of these energies to flow through you without resistance and all will be well. Each of you is seeing that this is so and you are finding that speaking your truth with courage and determination brings more that is good into your life rather than the reverse as you and those around you adjust your perceptions.

These effects will continue as you purge from you thoughts that have been hidden and not looked at clearly before. Your human selves have stored away these thoughts throughout your lifetime and these thoughts have limited your ability to live to your highest potential.

Sometimes these thoughts have to be expressed quite forcefully in order to free you of their effects. After this occurs, ask the Violet Fire Angels to cleanse and transmute the words that were spoken out into the atmosphere and transform that energy into the pure white Light for the highest good of all. Ask also that what has been released from within your being is immediately replaced with the pure white Light.

It is incumbent upon each Soul upon the path of Ascension to daily monitor and become aware of their thoughts, as you are now eliminating the weeds to allow new growth to happen in your garden of life. Plant the seeds that will allow you to grow and flourish in the newly ploughed field of the new Golden age that has been awaiting your attention.

Each thought you sow into the collective field that is life enhancing will return to nourish you and will magnify the good that is waiting for you. Each positive intention you set will bring to you beneficial results that will surprise and delight you. It is time to become the alchemists who turn the lead of the past into the gold in your present.

As you become proficient in the control of your thought processes, you will become excited about the possibilities that each of you as co-creator with the Infinite One can bring to your world. It starts first in your own personal life where you learn to wield the powerful energy of your thoughts into pleasing manifested form.

This will delight and consume your days as you follow your heart and your dreams. The joy of each experience will grow exponentially stronger and as each of you learn to work your energy in a new way the lives of those around you will also be uplifted. The feelings of joy beget more of the same and it is this frequency which lifts you to the higher dimensions.

Continue to be the peace makers and ambassadors of the Light as you daily practice your new powers and abilities. Be not concerned when old hidden thoughts find their way to the surface for expression and voice. In the higher perspective, it is all good. Be gentle and kind with yourselves for you are in the process of a massive transformation of your entire being while being present in your physical body and this is something that has never been attempted before on any Planet.

We see that it is all good and that it is bearing fruit for each of you. Ask of us and you shall be given. The important thing to remember is that you must ask.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. Source:

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