Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Since the time Alex began his career as a fake, he's totally been able to drop his accent. Isn't this rather strange? He can, in the 2009 video, speak superb English and can even give off a southern accent. I'm not making fun of him, but just demonstrating a reality that just will not evaporate. Love and Light...Lea

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You're welcome, Clauss. I've known many people who can not accept the truth. Now that I come to think about it, I am 1/2 German descent...the other half is Italian. :>) As you can imagine, when my mom and dad would have an argument, it got 'very warm' in that house. :>)) My last name used to be Wolff, and my German Grandparents came to American just before 1900. My eldest sister is in the process of doing our family tree. I'll be sure to let you know if she comes up with anything really great. Light and many blessings...Lea
When you point out to another, you in matter of fact point out to yourself, cause ... WE ARE ONE
Stay always in gratitude of the Light
That will make you grow in Spiritual Sight
Hi Trudy..This is a great point. However, I am as real as I am, and just way too honest for my own good. This sometimes leads to problems. As always I do appreciate every point of view. I'm always in gratitude, and especially grateful for you. You make thinking mandatory. Love you for your honesty. Lea
well according to alex collier, he's not making any money off this, and even if he is lying bout being a real contactee his story doesnt seem to hurt anyone. he's just telling people to become more aware etc...

it seems like ur just out to smear this guy.

it's the peoples fault for making him an idol not his. he even encourages people to not do this.

he is not a bad guy.

the only bad i see here is that you trying to smear this guy.

there really is no point in doing so.

Quote from Moe
"Many thanks to Alex Collier for waking me up and helping me search for my own truth. It doesn't really matter whether you believe him or not. It is up to you to do your own research and learn the truth."

is this bad??? i think not.

youre just helping creating more duality, rather than promote people in finding their own truth, cuz when it comes down to it, it's their own truth that really matters to them not anyone else, no one can tell you your truth they can only help u find it.
Who is truth ? What is a lie ? Only the Great Creator of the Universe has this right to decide :)))
I have visited Rome, but that was many years ago. It was so beautiful. I will come to Germany when I can do so. When I do, I'll be sure you're the first to know. There's also a very long waiting list here for a new passport, over a year. They make people sort of crazy. :>). Light and hugs...Lea

Clauss Koch said:
That is amazing news Lea Anna. You must visit both your homelands one day as it is in your blood ;)

Lea Anna Cooper said:
You're welcome, Clauss. I've known many people who can not accept the truth. Now that I come to think about it, I am 1/2 German descent...the other half is Italian. :>) As you can imagine, when my mom and dad would have an argument, it got 'very warm' in that house. :>)) My last name used to be Wolff, and my German Grandparents came to American just before 1900. My eldest sister is in the process of doing our family tree. I'll be sure to let you know if she comes up with anything really great. Light and many blessings...Lea
Well, all I can say is that the universe we exist in, consist of positive and negative energy, and our 3D world is a hologram. So, only time will tell and we must wait for that revelation. Love and much light...Lea

Trudy said:
Who is truth ? What is a lie ? Only the Great Creator of the Universe has this right to decide :)))
Actually I received that video from Michael Horn, in CA. He's also a member here, but because he is a producer, his time is short so I told him I'd post it for him. Michael is trying to wake people up as well. It's not smearing but a search for the real and unreal. Alex Collier gets residual income from the all Exopolitics materials being sold. I would suggest, however, that people be their own decision makers. I just posted the material...and that was it. I feel bad for the guy because he's receiving negative messages from all over, which also tells me that there's other who've seen the difference and wonder why.

One place I go to find truth, is to listen to Alex Jones on Prison and Many say he's nothing but a fear monger, which if people are afraid it's only because they've been asleep so long. He's the one who woke me up. It was difficult for me in many cases, to follow the truth, and I never realized the complexities of the lies that have been spun against the people by government and the elite leaders. They have money and power in mind. So, maybe Alex has his own truth. But when others find no truth within that, or what is more important, evidence, then it makes people who are looking take some notice. I know one thing, that secret CIA compound in Australia is for the elite to hide in. About that, you'd have to listen to Jones, or to George Green's "The Big Picture" which can be found on Google videos and VEOH. It's just WAY too much for me to put in here. Love and blessings, Lea

Gabe said:
well according to alex collier, he's not making any money off this, and even if he is lying bout being a real contactee his story doesnt seem to hurt anyone. he's just telling people to become more aware etc...

it seems like ur just out to smear this guy.

it's the peoples fault for making him an idol not his. he even encourages people to not do this.

he is not a bad guy.

the only bad i see here is that you trying to smear this guy.

there really is no point in doing so.

Quote from Moe
"Many thanks to Alex Collier for waking me up and helping me search for my own truth. It doesn't really matter whether you believe him or not. It is up to you to do your own research and learn the truth."

is this bad??? i think not.

youre just helping creating more duality, rather than promote people in finding their own truth, cuz when it comes down to it, it's their own truth that really matters to them not anyone else, no one can tell you your truth they can only help u find it.
Thank you, Clauss. It is because we have walked around in the darkness of the past, that it is difficult to see the light. That tunnel is long and many times we feel trapped. Then, when all is illuminated, and we see what actually is, there is surprise and sometimes fear. However, we have nothing to fear because the darkness is coming to an end. It has to, for it's time is nearly up. Blessings and love, Lea

Clauss Koch said:
So if someone is lying to you and you feel it has awakened you then it is ok to lie and mislead others? Are we to remain with our eyes, ears, and mouth shut? If we but ask why we are being mislead and confront those that do it, then we have spread true love and light to everywhere instead of wallow in the darkness. If you want to stay in the dark and be lied to then go right ahead, but some of us prefer honesty and truth and must shine light on that darkness.

Gabe said:
well according to alex collier, he's not making any money off this, and even if he is lying bout being a real contactee his story doesnt seem to hurt anyone. he's just telling people to become more aware etc...

it seems like ur just out to smear this guy.

it's the peoples fault for making him an idol not his. he even encourages people to not do this.

he is not a bad guy.

the only bad i see here is that you trying to smear this guy.

there really is no point in doing so.

Quote from Moe
"Many thanks to Alex Collier for waking me up and helping me search for my own truth. It doesn't really matter whether you believe him or not. It is up to you to do your own research and learn the truth."

is this bad??? i think not.

youre just helping creating more duality, rather than promote people in finding their own truth, cuz when it comes down to it, it's their own truth that really matters to them not anyone else, no one can tell you your truth they can only help u find it.
lmao are you joking?? did u not understand what i said??? between 2 truths there are always lies, what im saying is agree with what agrees with your life experience cause stories are just stories dont conform to what people are saying listen and take but take from it what agrees to your life experience, LIES ARE IN EVERY STORY, if its 99.9% truth there's still .01% lies, so take from it what you can and so far ALEX is innocent until proven guilty, that's our justice system, dont be making claims to something that has no conclusion yet.

this time, READ and understand, dont be shut out by ur preconceived thoughts

Clauss Koch said:
So if someone is lying to you and you feel it has awakened you then it is ok to lie and mislead others? Are we to remain with our eyes, ears, and mouth shut? If we but ask why we are being mislead and confront those that do it, then we have spread true love and light to everywhere instead of wallow in the darkness. If you want to stay in the dark and be lied to then go right ahead, but some of us prefer honesty and truth and must shine light on that darkness.

Gabe said:
well according to alex collier, he's not making any money off this, and even if he is lying bout being a real contactee his story doesnt seem to hurt anyone. he's just telling people to become more aware etc...

it seems like ur just out to smear this guy.

it's the peoples fault for making him an idol not his. he even encourages people to not do this.

he is not a bad guy.

the only bad i see here is that you trying to smear this guy.

there really is no point in doing so.

Quote from Moe
"Many thanks to Alex Collier for waking me up and helping me search for my own truth. It doesn't really matter whether you believe him or not. It is up to you to do your own research and learn the truth."

is this bad??? i think not.

youre just helping creating more duality, rather than promote people in finding their own truth, cuz when it comes down to it, it's their own truth that really matters to them not anyone else, no one can tell you your truth they can only help u find it.
good and bad, truth and lies, things arent this black and white, your so used to seeing things this black and white because of pre conditioning, there are always shades of gray

Clauss Koch said:
That is the easiest thing for people to say so they do not do anything and allow such travesties to continue. God, Source, Creator, whatever you may choose to call it has give us autonomy and consciousness so we can assess what is truth and what is false. When you think of the greatest evils that plagues humanity, what is it? It is the lies of other humans.

Trudy said:
Who is truth ? What is a lie ? Only the Great Creator of the Universe has this right to decide :)))
blah blah blah, all that matters is seeking the truth and if "lies"(no one knows yet) inspires that then who's to say its a bad thing?

seeking the truth and constantly seeking it is the only thing that matters to ones self.

just make sure, while in the process of doing so u see all sides evenly even if it bashes what you think is truth.

there is no point in smearing anyone.

Lea Anna Cooper said:
Actually I received that video from Michael Horn, in CA. He's also a member here, but because he is a producer, his time is short so I told him I'd post it for him. Michael is trying to wake people up as well. It's not smearing but a search for the real and unreal. Alex Collier gets residual income from the all Exopolitics materials being sold. I would suggest, however, that people be their own decision makers. I just posted the material...and that was it. I feel bad for the guy because he's receiving negative messages from all over, which also tells me that there's other who've seen the difference and wonder why.

One place I go to find truth, is to listen to Alex Jones on Prison and Many say he's nothing but a fear monger, which if people are afraid it's only because they've been asleep so long. He's the one who woke me up. It was difficult for me in many cases, to follow the truth, and I never realized the complexities of the lies that have been spun against the people by government and the elite leaders. They have money and power in mind. So, maybe Alex has his own truth. But when others find no truth within that, or what is more important, evidence, then it makes people who are looking take some notice. I know one thing, that secret CIA compound in Australia is for the elite to hide in. About that, you'd have to listen to Jones, or to George Green's "The Big Picture" which can be found on Google videos and VEOH. It's just WAY too much for me to put in here. Love and blessings, Lea

Gabe said:
well according to alex collier, he's not making any money off this, and even if he is lying bout being a real contactee his story doesnt seem to hurt anyone. he's just telling people to become more aware etc...

it seems like ur just out to smear this guy.

it's the peoples fault for making him an idol not his. he even encourages people to not do this.

he is not a bad guy.

the only bad i see here is that you trying to smear this guy.

there really is no point in doing so.

Quote from Moe
"Many thanks to Alex Collier for waking me up and helping me search for my own truth. It doesn't really matter whether you believe him or not. It is up to you to do your own research and learn the truth."

is this bad??? i think not.

youre just helping creating more duality, rather than promote people in finding their own truth, cuz when it comes down to it, it's their own truth that really matters to them not anyone else, no one can tell you your truth they can only help u find it.

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