Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Since the time Alex began his career as a fake, he's totally been able to drop his accent. Isn't this rather strange? He can, in the 2009 video, speak superb English and can even give off a southern accent. I'm not making fun of him, but just demonstrating a reality that just will not evaporate. Love and Light...Lea

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Clauss, you hit the nail on the head. With Creation we must gather knowledge and wisdom making ourselves one with consciousness, for this is how the universe and everything in it was created. Great analogy! Thanks...and it brought these things to mind for me. I'm just so sounds like you've read the Talmud of Jmmanuel. If you haven't, might I suggest that? It's translated from the original Aramaic to German and has that on the left, and on the right is the English from German. I think you'd really love it because it isn't at all about how the religions interpreted the writings and teaching, or religion. I found it absolutely fascinating because Jmmanuel actually taught about God, and Creation, who is above him and the elements of becoming one with pure consciousness. It holds the real truth about Jmmanuel and how he was given the name of Jesus, falsely and how he predicted to his followers that they would do that. Blessings and enlightenment..Lea

Gabe said:
good and bad, truth and lies, things arent this black and white, your so used to seeing things this black and white because of pre conditioning, there are always shades of gray

Clauss Koch said:
That is the easiest thing for people to say so they do not do anything and allow such travesties to continue. God, Source, Creator, whatever you may choose to call it has give us autonomy and consciousness so we can assess what is truth and what is false. When you think of the greatest evils that plagues humanity, what is it? It is the lies of other humans.

Trudy said:
Who is truth ? What is a lie ? Only the Great Creator of the Universe has this right to decide :)))
i don't care what voice he chooses to speak in, its the information i pay attention to. Also, accents do change over years depending where you live or where you move to and who you interact with. So i see nothing really coming out of these letters/posts regarding him except a bunch of people trying to be negative towards him.
You're very welcome. You can also find it on line at, Michael Horn's site, or it is also available on the .com bookstores. Just thought I'd pass that along, in case you'd like to save the trip. However, be certain to purchase the 'new edition' with the German in it. Michael was certain to have this new one published properly. It looks like the picture in here. Blessings...Lea

Clauss Koch said:
Thank you Lea Anna. I will look for that book this weekend when I go to the local book shops. I am very interested in concepts like this so thank you for this lovely recommendation!

Lea Anna Cooper said:
Clauss, you hit the nail on the head. With Creation we must gather knowledge and wisdom making ourselves one with consciousness, for this is how the universe and everything in it was created. Great analogy! Thanks...and it brought these things to mind for me. I'm just so sounds like you've read the Talmud of Jmmanuel. If you haven't, might I suggest that? It's translated from the original Aramaic to German and has that on the left, and on the right is the English from German. I think you'd really love it because it isn't at all about how the religions interpreted the writings and teaching, or religion. I found it absolutely fascinating because Jmmanuel actually taught about God, and Creation, who is above him and the elements of becoming one with pure consciousness. It holds the real truth about Jmmanuel and how he was given the name of Jesus, falsely and how he predicted to his followers that they would do that. Blessings and enlightenment..Lea

Gabe said:
good and bad, truth and lies, things arent this black and white, your so used to seeing things this black and white because of pre conditioning, there are always shades of gray

Clauss Koch said:
That is the easiest thing for people to say so they do not do anything and allow such travesties to continue. God, Source, Creator, whatever you may choose to call it has give us autonomy and consciousness so we can assess what is truth and what is false. When you think of the greatest evils that plagues humanity, what is it? It is the lies of other humans.

Trudy said:
Who is truth ? What is a lie ? Only the Great Creator of the Universe has this right to decide :)))
And for every negative there is a positive. That is part of the reality of life. It is for each person to learn their own discernment, and that is what most of this is about. When you see the iChing you see black and white. Not everything is our lives is going to be positive. You only need to satisfy your own curiosity, but slamming me for posting a reality isn't going to make the questions go away. Love and blessings, Lea

Greg said:
i don't care what voice he chooses to speak in, its the information i pay attention to. Also, accents do change over years depending where you live or where you move to and who you interact with. So i see nothing really coming out of these letters/posts regarding him except a bunch of people trying to be negative towards him.
One of the big problems with what we can call "New Age thought" is that it creates new, often very silly rules and then tries to apply them to real life. "Lies don't matter" is a great example. The misconception "Don't judge" is another. The original teaching, which can be found in the Talmud Jmmanuel as I recall, is Don't judge falsely...lest ye be falsely judged." That's a BIG difference.

As someone who knew Ralph Amagran, now pretending to be "Alex Collier, UFO contactee", before the affected accent and the phony contactee story I can tell you that this is indeed a very cynical hoax being conducted by a pathological liar. Now while some peace and love bliss bunnies may have had all of their capacity for discernment, and all solid, age-old values removed by any number of means (too many drugs, religion, etc.) the rest of us still hold fast to these things and quaint little ideas like presenting extraordinary evidence for one's extraordinary claims.

In the case of this huckster, he has zero evidence of any kind. Doesn't that tell you something? Well it damn well should.

I'm not troubled by people promoting peace, love, self-responsibility, etc. I am troubled by doing it under false, delusional pretenses. It seems like there's nothing too outrageous, nothing too stupid, nonsensical and ridiculous...if you just throw in the word "extraterrestrials", or "extraterrestrials told me such and such".

For those who are so uncritical, unthinking and so willing to drink any Kool-Aid that any con artist pours in your cup, I can only hope that you're not parents of young children and indoctrinating them in such foolish, and actually extremely dangerous, "non-judgmental" garbage.

There are things, and people, in this world that pose various kinds of dangers, which shouldn't be underestimated. When they are exposed, one good thing that can occur is that it flushes out the weak-minded who will rush to offer their righteous defenses in the name of non-judgment, or even worse as expressed above as "lies don't matter".

In the case of this shameless fraud, if your own due diligence - let alone the innate thinking and discernment skills that hopefully you as adults have developed - doesn't help you to see through this psychopath then you are certainly, at the very least, a danger to yourself.
If you have a so-called truth and put that out out as truth ... that there are people with a feeling of unconditional love and that this hysteria about Alex Collier is not appreciate ...

But okay I understand the problem, especially if you get your truth from a book such as the Talmud .. with all due respect but that book is written by those who proclaim themselves as the elect people of the earth ( the choosen one )... Ridiculous ...

Great nonsense, who will say ... just as Jesus could be an essentially Palestinian, who will say, but books like the Bible or the Talmud, which were not written by people with unconditional love (yes, for themselves)

What dialect of Alex Collier is concerned, as this man is no truth in your eyes, you will always find something which is not pleases you with this man, perhaps the next time his eyebrows are different and it is not Alex Collier ... _lol_

Namaste sweet souls of SoE
Another person - who I did not know when he posted this information - had things to say about Ralph Amagran based also on his own experience:

Trudy said:
If you have a so-called truth and put that out out as truth ... that there are people with a feeling of unconditional love and that this hysteria about Alex Collier is not appreciate ...

But okay I understand the problem, especially if you get your truth from a book such as the Talmud .. with all due respect but that book is written by those who proclaim themselves as the elect people of the earth ( the choosen one )... Ridiculous ...

Great nonsense, who will say ... just as Jesus could be an essentially Palestinian, who will say, but books like the Bible or the Talmud, which were not written by people with unconditional love (yes, for themselves)

What dialect of Alex Collier is concerned, as this man is no truth in your eyes, you will always find something which is not pleases you with this man, perhaps the next time his eyebrows are different and it is not Alex Collier ... _lol_

Namaste sweet souls of SoE
this is retah-ded

there is no point in smearing anyone, thanks much
Those who smear the TRUTH are the ones you should direct your advice to.
P.S. This first article should wrap it up about "Collier" and the other phonies who - still - promote him. If you're gullible enough after reading it to still want to support this hoax, well, have a nice day.

The second article is a different kind of wake up call, for those who actually know that they have real bodies, live on a real planet and get that they are in a real lot of trouble, along with the rest of us:
Updated 2009 July 15:
An Open Letter from Dr. Michael Salla regarding Alex Collier

To all, below is a statement by Alex Collier concerning recent criticisms against him by Michael Horn. Horn's main criticisms are that Alex did not confide his childhood contact experience to Horn and others in the mid-to-late 1980s; changed his name prior to going public with his claims in the early 1990s; and has not provided hard evidence to support his claims. Alex satisfactorily responds to the first two criticisms and explains why he went silent in 2002 due to threats against family and friends. Such threats pertain to the release of hard evidence in favor of his claims. As a former human rights investigator and researcher, professional standards and ethics always need to be applied to witnesses of events whose retelling involves significant personal risk. Since Alex was then and still is a father with young children, I immediately accepted and respected his concerns. In my five year investigation of Alex's claims, I have found no evidence of fraud, and been privy to additional evidence in support of his claims that has not been made public.

I find it ironic that Alex who has not sought to profit from his contact experiences, permits the free distribution of his information and has not encouraged a cult around himself, is attacked by someone who profits from the Meier material, bullies others into surrendering copyright ownership of Meier's photos, and actively promotes a cult movement around Meier as a modern profit; sorry, reincarnated prophet, Enoch/Henoch, Isaiah, Jesus/Jmannuel, Muhammed, etc. I find Horn's internet antics and unscrupulous attacks against Alex Collier and others as transparently directed towards promoting the Meier case. He is after all Meier's U.S. publicist.

It is important that people like Alex are protected so they can safely share their material, rather than be hounded for not releasing information to the public that they sincerely believe would endanger family and friends. I stand by my earlier statements that Alex Collier is very credible and a man of great integrity whose friendship I value. For those interested in learning more about Alex Collier's experiences concerning a race of human looking extraterrestrials from the Andromeda constellation, I have created a page here with links, witness statements, video testimonies, and the results so far of my own ongoing investigation into Alex's remarkable claims.
Truth in Artwork - These old paintings do not show falsely.

This painting depicts a light beam from a UFO that is shining down on the head of Mary.

You are so amazing. I love the way you express yourself. The Talmud was taken from the writings of Judas Ischariot, who was the only one of the followers that knew about reading and writing at that time. Jmmanuel asked him to keep that record, and when Judas lost it, Jmmanuel told him it had been stolen by his friend, Juda Ihariot and he had to begin again. That is written from Aramaic to German to English. End of translations. The Christian Bible, which I had become custom to reading all my life as a devout Roman Catholic, has been rewritten 4,000 times.

The Scrolls for the Talmud were found in the cave, encased in resin and mostly aged through time. But what could be used and translated was put into the Talmud. And no, the Christian Bible teaches falsely, because they made Judas the scapegoat. It was Juda Ihariot, the son of a Pharisee that betrayed Jmmanuel, and that's the name he was born to carry. The Talmud tells the predictions of Jmmanuel of how the followers, M,M,L, & J would turn around what he'd taught them. Even the Christian Bible states many times in the teachings how 'they just didn't get it.' If you could read it, you'd understand.

If you look at it through the glasses of times past, and that government has been proven to lie to us, what do you believe the Holy See has done? Rome pushed population when they knew truly about what would Jmmanuel had said, "to put gold into their coffers." There is much to know that we have not learned yet.

In my heart, I know the Talmud is correct in Jmmanuel's teachings. This is one thing that they Mayan people have stated, as well as the Hopi and other indigenous tribes. Our problems in this life have been that we have moved from our hearts to our heads...and what is needed for any transformation is to move back into our hearts. We must ask ourselves then, 'how do I believe? With my head or with my heart?" This does not mean to judge falsely, but it means we may judge by using knowledge and wisdom. These two great forces required by Creation, helps us to discern lie from truth. The teachings of Jmmanuel boil down to this; truth, knowledge and wisdom being infused with consciousness...Creation. Love and enlightenment, Lea

Trudy said:
If you have a so-called truth and put that out out as truth ... that there are people with a feeling of unconditional love and that this hysteria about Alex Collier is not appreciate ...
But okay I understand the problem, especially if you get your truth from a book such as the Talmud .. with all due respect but that book is written by those who proclaim themselves as the elect people of the earth ( the choosen one )... Ridiculous ...
Great nonsense, who will say ... just as Jesus could be an essentially Palestinian, who will say, but books like the Bible or the Talmud, which were not written by people with unconditional love (yes, for themselves)

What dialect of Alex Collier is concerned, as this man is no truth in your eyes, you will always find something which is not pleases you with this man, perhaps the next time his eyebrows are different and it is not Alex Collier ... _lol_

Namaste sweet souls of SoE

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