Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

~ The energies Of September - Jennifer Hoffman ~

Heave a sigh of relief? August is over, phew, and now we started to move. But where? Have you noticed that once you start to clean energy, change your perspective? I know that in me so, and certainly since this period began in June. Are you less concerned about a number of aspects in your life, more willing to let go and excited about the potential in surrender, patience and willingness to receive is, and yourself as powerful, capable and worthy to see? Use this affirmation: "I am willing and ready to receive", while we in the last 4 months of the year move.




We are completely in the Uranus-Pluto square cycle, a total of 7 aspects, to say the least, in every respect "our world upside down" will continue. It is now important to your intention to remain, leave everything in the world seems to happen not distract you from your path. It's all good and we are going through to the end.

This week is about "The Energies of September." It eengemakkelijkere month than the last time but one in which we are what we have learned since June, will have to start using them. The keyword for this month is 'satisfied' and its meaning may be different than you think. Read the article to find out why.

One of the participants in the upcoming Earth Keeper Crystal Adventure, from 21 to 23 September 2012, comes from Finland! It will be in Hot Springs, Arkansas, held, the site of the Atlantic Earth Keeper Crystals. You can click here for more information and to register. We will be workshops, meditations and crystal digging, we do vortex work, including the conclusion of a major vortex in that area, crystal blessings ... and much more.

The Energies of September

The journey of 2012 will be one that we will remember in many ways. For everyone will be an awakening in their greater potential, but in a way that is not always as nice, pleasant or positive will be remembered. Ascension is a promise and we are its fulfillment. How do we fulfill the path which we now have to decide. And while we say goodbye to three months emotionally and spiritually dredging, we transfer to four months with decisions about what we do with what we have learned, and then these decisions put forward in the form of intentions we have in our lives can implement.

There are two major events in September, a Uranus-Pluto on September 19, the second of a series that will end in March 2015. And a powerful Full Moon in Aries on September 29, emphasizes that this square.We can keep searching for answers or start with this we have found and changes in our lives begin to make. The world around us is a question looking for answers and we have the answer. When we begin to see that we are in an action or reaction mode with the globe, we can its changes one step ahead, so that our energy reflects instead of us the backlog of what we as an endless stream of chaos control, strangeness see and fear, to overtake.

What we resist change, is where we can look deeper into the reason why finding. Our resistance is a wealth of information, because therein lie our fears, which we hold on to something because we are afraid of losing it or where we feel powerless to have the opportunity for transformation. If things do not work ', that is because we should not do, or we subconsciously sabotage our growth and transformation? It's a slippery slope argument (fallacy) if we learn to stand in our power and our mastery steps.

One thing I did at the Pluto / Uranus square cycle remarked, is that one of the planets in the squares always retrograde, except the last, which both stop immediately. This ensures an attraction-repulsion effect, while our inner world dregt Pluto and Uranus compels us to take action. Then we see the results of our actions, so we can choose what we want to retain or release, which supports us or sucks. In September we again start to move forward and always make sure that we are our greatest asset and our needs are. Ask yourself, "Is this what I want to create?", It is a good way to stay tuned with your intention? ". 

The keyword for September fulfillment. This is not necessary for you in joy, peace, love and abundance are, though we tend to think that we met when we were the highlight of a wonderful, life-enhancing experience achieved. We are satisfied if we just 'filled full', so we are filled with joy, abundance, anxiety, confusion, doubt, fear, pain or joy can be filled. Where are you satisfied? Do you like it, how long have you already "filled" and it is time to replace it with something else? 
Pay attention to this month that with which you feel fulfilled. It may be a situation where you have enough or something you want more of. The energies around us are going so fast that the event quickly follows the thought. It is the embodiment of the spirit over matter - it's all energy, so what is in your mind, matter is in your reality. Create what is really important to you. And what the extraterrestrial visitation is concerned, I have predicted for September, I think we will see some ET visitors at our upcoming Earth Keeper Crystal Adventure in Arkansas, on 21 to 23 September. We will certainly open our eyes.

Another great month and remember every day to make powerful intentions, so you can use this energy to "fulfilled" to be intentional with everything your heart desires for your life.

Many blessings,

Jennifer Hoffman

Source: The Golden Age

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