Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

~The Christ (Sananda~Jesus) ~ First Contact has Been Engaged~ ...First Contact TO BE enforced by the Summer Solstice (21st June 2011)....


~The Christ (Sananda~Jesus) ~ First Contact has Been Engaged~

Greetings Beloveds, It is I, The Christ. I have come to you this day to share with you some very good news. After much discussion and planning, it has been decreed that First Contact WILL indeed be enfourced by the Summer Solstice (21st June 2011).

As you well know, disclosure has NOT yet come forth and therefore it is LIKELY now that First Contact will indeed be a ‘fourced operation’, meaning that our ships will simply De-Clocke without warning upon those who are not prepared for such an event. It is VITAL that this is approached sensitively and delicately to avoid causing hysteria and an uproar of panic amoung the people. This, we are prepared for, dear ones, for every eventuality.

There will be a short period of the day that will appear to ‘disappear’, this is down to the fact that our ships are out of your linear time and space quantum, therefore have to ‘jump’ in time, so to speak, to PHYSICALLY manifest for all to see.

This phenomina is regarded a neccessary part of the de-clocking process and will not affect the course of your time too greatly, you just may find that your time may have gone very fast or slow. We, in fact, slow the process of time, however this too gives the affect that time has disappeared or stopped completely. In actuality, time is in non existance. In the higher realms time has never existed, it is only for human physical experience that time itself was created by the dark cabal to enfource their slavery and plans for control over human incarnated souls. Being time bound takes away so much of your power, dear ones, being told you NEED to follow this timeline, you NEED to follow these rules, you NEED to earn this amount of money. They have coersed you into giving away your power by installing fear. They’ve bribed you into believing you are not ONE with one another, with the creator, with the EARTH, with the animals and indeed with your Star Brothers and Sisters from other galaxies.

I speak to you with Love and with Compassion and with the Hope that YOU will understand that WE understand your fear, your resistance and your pre-caution about such an event as First Contact. We bring you the re-assurance that you ARE safe to Trust the Galactic Federation and are enfolded in our hearts of Love that are guiding you out of the darkness of these times gone by and into the New Age of BE-ING. Simply BE-ING means … just Let GO. Do not fear tomorrow, for every moment is NOW, do not fear the past, IT IS DONE. Today is ALL you need to focus on for it is all you have.

Dear Ones, with this knowledge, We hope that you can sieze each moment to make the changes, the desicions and the actions your heart is so desiring for you to make. ‘Do not put off until tomorrow, which you can do today’. ‘BE the change you want to see in the world’. Until the next time beloveds.

I AM The Christ.

~The Christ (Sananda~Jesus) ~ First Contact has Been Engaged~ | Gal....

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I sure hope so.  Unfortunately i believe this is the only thing that will make most of the population think differently and listen to what we all have to say.

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